Mars Needs Blood


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"Alright young man, we will talk again after your scheduled interview with the one called Aegea. You might find it really interesting."

The young doctor left Farnsworth's office mumbling.

Emma turned on her newscreen to get the last information reports and looked out the window at the desert.

"... and in other news yet another private plane has been shot down over The Caliphate's borders this morning. This is the third one since the Great and Bountiful Caliphate closed his borders and cut down all communications with the rest of the world the day before the Arrival. In political news, anticipated elections will be conducted next month all over the territory of the Union..."

After the tragic death of Chairman President, two days after the Arrival, the party had turned to her as a potential successor. Even though she had been reluctant at the time, the last month spent on the base had her change her mind. She was ready to make the call to accept the job. The many afternoons spent talking with Aegea had helped her building a vision.

The science brought in by the Amazons had made interstellar travel not decades but months away. The one called Aglaonike had, in just a few weeks, proposed not one but six coherent alternatives to the Einstein paradigm. In theory, human kind had now twelve ways of faster than light travel and the first tests were being conducted in this base in this right moment.

Medical research had also leaped forward in time. Immortality didn't seem such an absurd dream with the public release of the vaccine against cancer the week before. And it wasn't all, computers using cloned human brain cells as processors, fungi that were able to consume plastic and reject oxygen, safer and cleaner ways of exploiting the atom and the Amazons had been here for only a little more than a month. This was the beginning of the golden age of mankind and she would be proud to lead the way.

She turned on her communicator. Her personal assistant's pale face replaced the news anchor on the newscreen on her desk. She looked really tired and pale.

"Get me Arturo Carmazzi, organize a dinner with my daughter for tomorrow night and take a few days off. You've worked too much recently and you look really worn out, some of that Mexican sun might suit you well."

"Yes madam, Will do. I have a final interview to conduct with subject 8 this afternoon and I'll be off base as soon as the sun sets madam, thanks for the opportunity to take a few days off."

" Subject 8? Oh, you mean Areto. They have names you know. It would be much better if everybody started using them, they're sentient you know."

"Yes sis... I mean madam," The screen turned grey.

A few instants later she was talking to Arturo Carmazzi, the Sub secretary general of the Progress Earth Party, accepting the offer to run for office in the next elections. After the call she started monitoring the interviews conducted in the base. Nothing special, as usual.

On Emma's newscreen, Areto's fangs were deeply buried into her personal assistant's pussy. She switched to another interview room. The Amazons and the crew were enjoying themselves as usual, lustfully bringing new sisters into the Nation and getting ready to take over the planet. Farnsworth completely oblivious to the situation called her daughter and arranged for the dinner she had planned. She now understood how important family was, above all female family members.


DECEMBER 14th 2048, Reception Hall, ISS, Earth orbit

The airlock opened and the recycled air of MARS ONE rushed into the International Space Station. Gemma Martinez was shocked by the foul stench coming from the spacecraft. Her camera had been filming for the last ten minutes, capturing the faces of the different country representative.

The UESPA chairman president looked exactly as his poster pictures: sweet and carrying but also a bit dumb. The Transiberrian Confederation had sent a beautiful young woman; her royal Mongolian traits were reinforced by subtle make up. According to the press release she was the heir to the throne, considering her father's age it shouldn't be long before she ruled over one of the biggest countries in the world. The Azania ambassador was your average African high ranking civil servant, so old fashioned, so XXth century.

The rest of the delegations were composed of a miscellaneous crowd coming in all shapes and sizes. The main absent was the Great and Bountiful Caliphate, but considering their attitude towards the Martians since FC, it wasn't really surprising. A society ruled by women, how could they not have been disturbed?

Gemma pointed her camera toward the hatch from where the crew was starting to come out. First the captain then the officers and finally the crew, they all turned around and saluted as the corpse of sergeant Lihua Hien was carried away by four crewmembers. Gemma couldn't stop herself from noticing the pallor of the all those beautiful women.

As the remains passed by her, the journalist was amazed by the grace and strength of the crewmembers carrying the coffin. One would have thought that after five years in space they would have looked weaker and older but the fact was quite the opposite. Gemma turned to face the hatch feeling the gaze of one of crewmembers on her back. For a moment she felt a foreign presence in her mind, a powerful yet friendly voice telling to stay calm and not to worry.

She dispatched the strange feeling to concentrate on the first alien that was exiting the spacecraft. The assembly quieted down as eleven more figures emerged. Captain Fry turned towards the delegations as the last Amazon sat foot in the ISS.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please let me introduce you to Aegea, Ruler of the Amazon Nation, Sovereign monarch of Mars and its two Satellites Fright and Terror."

One of the Aliens stepped forward and shook the Chairman President's hand. She was taller than the others, more beautiful as well.

"This is it," Gemma thought, "the Arrival, First Contact."

She zoomed in on the face of the queen. Even if she looked human, the Amazon was clearly not from this planet. The tiny ears pointing out her dark hair, the terrifying fangs, the sharpness of her traits, Gemma was strangely attracted to her.

And apparently she wasn't the only one, The Transiberrian representative was unable to repress a small grunt as her hand touched Aegea's. Thanks to her cybernetically enhanced hearing Gemma was able to get every word said across the room.

"It is my pleasure to meet you ... an honor really ... I'm looking forward to have a personal interview with your highness..." The Amazon's voice was strong and warm.

She addressed each head of delegation in their mother tongue. As far as Gemma could understand, the queen dominion of the different languages was nearly perfect; with a hint of unidentifiable accent. She couldn't have learned it just two year, could she? Maybe the rumors about the Amazons' telepathy were true after all. After saluting the last head of delegation, Aegea turned to the crowd and started speaking.

"People of Earth, this day is an historical day. Although you may not realize it, our destinies were bound to cross, this moment had to happen and it will change our both races for the eons to come. In the name of the Amazon Nation I say: May we prosper together as sisters," she paused, "and brothers".

An hour and a half later the journalists were kindly asked to go back to their shuttles so they could be transferred back to Earth. Upon leaving, Gemma was approached by the crewmember that had glanced at her earlier. If her memory served her well it was Doctor Anastasia Gryslov, a brilliant Biologist from St Petersburg University. As the astronaut's hand gently grabbed her arm, Gemma was filled with warmth.

"Please stay," The doctor said.

Unable to talk, Gemma was fascinated by the beautiful Slavic features of the biologist.

"I'm sorry doctor but the reception is strictly for the representatives, no journalist are allowed."

Doctor Gryslov turned to the marine that had interrupted her. She looked displeased.

"Oh, I'm sure we can make a little exception for Miss Martinez, can't we?"

"Well yes, I guess we can," he answered before moving on with the rest of the journalists.

"Come with me darling, I'm sure you'd like some time with our kind visitors."

Gemma was overwhelmed with joy as the astronaut introduced her to the rest of the crew and brought her to Aegea. The interview was short and Gemma couldn't really focus on what the Amazon was saying, too distracted by the powerful and seductive aura emanating from her interlocutor. Nonetheless she knew that the material she had been able to collect was going to be worth millions of EuroDollars. Each time an official tried to approach them, Gryslov or another crewmember dispatched him or her just like the biologist had dispatched the marine. Even though she hadn't drank anything, Gemma felt plastered.

After a while Gryslov offered her to take her on a tour of the spacecraft. Once again the journalist followed. The techs were already working on the front parts of the spaceship but Anastasia took her deeper into to belly of the beast.

They finally stopped in front of a door with a sign saying: "Hypofarm, high oxygen environment, avoid fire and wear mask in case of prolonged exposure."

"Now I think you should turn off your recording devices, you won't need them in there."

Without protesting Gemma complied.

Anastasia opened the door, took the journalist's hand and pulled her inside a gigantic room. Trees and plants of all sorts were reaching for the ceiling under the artificial light. It was absolutely magnificent; Anastasia dragged her under the trees.

"This is the heart of our Ship and this is where I was reborn."

They walked for a while before reaching the opposite wall. Something bothered Gemma, it was as if tens of eyes were observing them but as she looked around she couldn't see anyone else. They sat down on a bench to chat. The uneasiness faded away as Gemma told this perfect stranger intimate detail of her past. While they were talking the fake daylight started to deem.

"How convenient, the end of a day cycle. Now my dear Gemma, let me show you something."

Anastasia's traits started to change. Her ears elongated, her skin became even chalkier and her canines grew into fangs. Now completely under the scientist's spell Gemma closed in and kissed those magnificent lips. In the false night of this strange forest, the two women became sisters.

Gemma Martinez boarded the shuttle back to Earth changed. She would go back to her former life, report about what she had seen, become rich and famous. But as one of the sisters, she would prepare the rise to power of her Queen Aegea and the reestablishment of the Amazon Nation. The shuttle landed in Madrid. The hot evening breeze electrified her cold skin. She was really eager to have a long and sweaty conversation with her head editor; she might even go meet her tonight, directly from the airport.


JUNE 29TH 2046, MARS ONE spacecraft, orbiting Mars

Lieutenant Kim-Ly Nguyen was terrified. For the last two days she had been running away and hiding from the creatures that had gotten on board. What she was about to do was foolish but it was the only way to end this.

She had been working in the hypofarm with Doctor Anastasia Gryslov when the Amazons had attacked. Luckily for her, she hadn't been scheduled to work at that time and therefore the Amazons had been completely unaware of her presence until she had left the place.

She had been able to join forces with a couple of doctors and the captain's second, Sergeant Hien. Hien had been the first to fall. At an intersection the humans had been spotted by a group of the monsters and Hien had drawn them away from the rest. Cornered in an airlock she had preferred the awful death by decompression rather than sundering to the assailants. Doctor Stone, Doctor Chardenne and herself had witnessed her agony remotely. The image of the poor Chinese girl screaming silently in the void of space would pop up in her mind each time she closed her eyes.

At that moment the intentions and abilities of the attackers hadn't been clear to them and that's how Doctor Stone had fallen to the comm. officer. After being chased by unidentified pursuers the little group had managed to hole up in the comm. room with the intention of sending a SOS back to Earth. There they had realized that the comm. transmissions had been jammed. Lieutenant Simonin, had then showed up at the door begging them to let her enter.

They had. The monster the French comm. expert had become played with them for a while, tricking them into a false sense of safety. She had pretended that the jamming wasn't intentional but due to unpredicted solar flares but that the comms. would be back online any minute.

Waiting for this to happen they had settled down and Doctor Amanda Stone had started to cry. The Panamanian physicist had been a pain in the ass the whole trip from Earth, obnoxious and whimsical, your typical manipulative little princess and that had infuriated Kim-Ly on many occasions. The idea behind the women only crew was that their temper would be less prone to aggression and paranoia over the five years trip, but until tonight Lieutenant Nguyen had had a really difficult time controlling her anger towards Doctor Stone.

Tonight nonetheless, after the traumatic experiences they had gone through, Kim-Ly had felt empathy for the doctor. Pretending to comfort her, Simonin had taken her in her arms caressing her hair. As the caresses became more sexual, Amanda had tried to get loose of the comm. officer and that's when the French girl had changed into one of the monsters that had been chasing them. Doctor Chardenne and her had fled the comm. room as Stone was being drained of her blood by her captor.

After running around for a while, they had hidden in one of the many labs. This Lab had a huge bay with a magnificent view of Mars. Doctor Chardenne had convinced her to stay there as she had remembered that the creatures had a nocturnal cycle and that the sun was about to rise over Mars Horizon. But as the first rays of light had started to shine, somebody had maneuvered the ship to stay in Mars's shadow. Chardenne had cried in despair as well. The exhaustion had had the best of them and they had fallen asleep in each other's arms.

They had been woken up by strange noises coming from the corridor. Horrified at first, they had realized the noises weren't coming toward them and they had decided to take a look down the corridor to see what it was. Kim-Ly had known for a while now, just like the rest of the crew actually, about the relationship between Major Stefani Mappus and Major Sophie Pelletier and it hadn't bothered her at all.

The parody of love that was taking place in the corridor was revolting, the two officers of the UEPAS Air Force biting each other, licking each other's wounds and violently raping their intimacy was too much for Kim-Ly to deal with. She crawled back in the lab and puked. The noise stopped suddenly. Kim-ly got to her feet and ran in the corridor in the opposite direction.

"Don't run Lieutenant Nguyen, stay for a while, we don't mean you any harm."

She outran them or maybe they had just stayed back to take care of Doctor Chardenne, the fact was that she wasn't with her anymore when she stopped running. Since then it was a blur, she had managed to avoid two other groups of Amazons and turned crewmembers but she knew she couldn't go on forever. She was a little under 250 million kilometers away from home with no hope of hiding for two years trip back if the amazons ever decided to go to Earth. This led her to the only available exit she had.

When she walked in the bridge, the captain greeted her with a smile full of fangs.

"Fuck! Lieutenant Nguyen, you had us worried. You are the only bitch we haven't been able to capture, except for poor Sergeant Hien of course," Her smile grew as she said that "If that slut had known how it feels to be one of the sisters, she wouldn't have ran away, I can guarantee you that. Now come closer so I can fuck your brains out and suck your soul from your asshole."

Kim-ly screamed as the captain's hands fell on her.


AUGUST 2nd 2051, Damascus, Great and Bountiful Caliphate, Earth

Asma had left her last literature class at the President Naser University early that evening; she didn't want to be late to her sister's welcome home party. Nadia had been away studying in London when the authorities had closed the borders more than two years ago, and she had been stranded there since then. In the past few months with the tensions growing at the borders and in fear of a new world war that could have only ended badly for the Caliphate, the ruling cast had decided to loosen the blockade and had allowed some emissaries in.

Last Friday after prayer the Imam had announced that the religious authorities had declared the stranded citizens no longer apostates and that they would soon be returning to their families. Asma had felt so relieved, with the isolation policy implemented by the Caliph, she had feared that she might never see her beloved older sibling again. Her father who had fought in the war and was a great supporter of the government didn't seem too happy but her mother had him change his mind over the last few days and he had agreed to host this party at their home with all her and her sister's childhood friends.

When she arrived after being stuck in traffic for far too long, the party had already started. She entered the house and gladly took off her chador. It was really a burden to wear those things in the summer. After refreshing herself she walked in the living room where everybody was sitting around a beautiful pale woman she didn't recognize at first. But even though she looked more confident she was unmistakably her older sister. Nadia was telling a story about some amazing concert she had attended in a big stadium in London and everybody was drinking her words. She paused and lifted her eyes meeting those of her younger sister.

"Asma! My dear little sister it's been so long."

She jumped to her feet and ran. Two years had passed but Nadia seemed as young as Asma remembered, she even looked younger than herself. The tears of the siblings mixed on each other's cheeks as they laughed of happiness. Soon the younger one joined the group of girls listening to Nadia's European exploits.

When the parents had gone to bed, the girls had lit a few candles, turned off the electricity and Fatima, their neighbor and childhood friend had opened a bottle of whisky. The stories had changed. Apparently, Nadia had enjoyed the pleasures of the European nightlife in ways that their father would have never tolerated, many questions were asked and some silences said more than a thousand words. As the night grew older and the curfew time closer the girls who lived far away started to leave and by one there were just the three childhood friends: Nadia, Asma and Fatima.

The topic changed again, the long gone sister started to speak about the visitors, the Amazons as they were called. After the blockade, the authorities had told the Caliphate citizens that the Aliens story had actually been a publicity stunt made by the UEPAS to justify the expensive trip to Mars. But nobody had believed the state sanctioned lie and there were as many theories about it as there were Muslims in the Caliphate. It had become over the last two years the favorite topic from Dakar to Islamabad.

But Nadia had the facts and the facts were much more amazing that any story either Asma or Fatima had heard. The unification of all the nations of Earth under the rule of Chairman President Farnsworth, the beginning of the colonization of other solar systems, the group of women who had started to follow the Amazons ways, the scientific progress, everything sounded like a fairy tale for the two Caliphate girls.