Melting the Ice Ch. 03


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Hayden flushed but laughed at Jared's teasing wink. "Her name is Natalie. I wish you'd been able to come sooner, you could have met her."

"Where is she?"

"She went home for Christmas. Her family lives in Buffalo."

"When will she be back? We don't leave until the 1st."

"I don't think she comes back until the week after. Her classes don't start again until then."

Jared nodded in silence and smiled at his brother. Hayden gave him a playful shove.

"Stop looking at me like you know what I'm thinking."

"Hey, we're twins," Jared said with an innocent shrug. "Aren't we always on the same wavelength?"

"Maybe. What am I thinking now?"

Jared narrowed his eyes at Hayden as he considered. "You're thinking about how much you love this Natalie and how you want to get her to marry you."

While Hayden gaped at his brother, Jared laughed and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Hayden. I won't tell anyone."

"I never said-"

"You didn't have to. I can see it in your face as you talk about her." Jared gave him a knowing wink. "I've never seen you so excited over a woman before."

"That's because I've never had Natalie before," Hayden replied in a quiet tone, his thoughts turning inward. He still missed Natalie. Having his brother with him now would make things easier but it was far too long until he'd see her again.


Christmas Day approached quickly. Natalie found her days filled with family visits, outings with her friends and some last minute shopping. Through every one of those activities, her thoughts constantly drifted to Hayden.

She watched his games when she could, having to fight her father or siblings for control of the TV every time. They talked on the phone every day but she felt his absence like a missing limb. Even on Christmas Eve as her entire extended family gathered at her parents house, she didn't join in the festivities.

Her father sat beside her on the couch at one point and silently handed her a mug of hot chocolate.

"Thanks, Dad."

"How come you're not having any fun?"

"What do you mean?"

He gave her an arch look and she smiled. "I know my daughter. You've been quiet and mopey ever since your goalie left you here."

Natalie flushed and hid her discomfort by taking a sip of her drink. "I'm not mopey."

"You can say it all you want, sweetheart, but I know the truth. Why don't you go back to New York early? Spend some time with Hayden before your classes start?"

"How am I supposed to get back there? I'm going back with Lindsay and the Taylor brothers after the New Year." She'd arranged the carpool over a month ago.

"Why don't you and Jamie drive the van down the day after Christmas? He can spend a night there and then drive back in the morning."

"Uh, good idea, Dad, but I don't want Jamie hanging around if I'm driving back to be with Hayden."

Her dad frowned at her and Natalie had to laugh knowing she'd made him uncomfortable with the reference to his 'little girl' being with a man.

Henry cleared his throat and gave her a narrow look. "Well. Fine. Drive down together and send him on his way with a fresh thermos of coffee."

"You're serious?"

"Of course I am. I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't." He turned his face and smiled. "I want my little girl to be happy. Even if you are happy with a bloody Ranger."

Natalie laughed and leaned over to hug her father. "Thanks, Dad. I'll go ask Jamie if he'd be up for it."

Two days later, she was driving her parents' van with her brother Jamie in the passenger seat. She had a difficult time keeping herself from flooring the gas pedal. It wouldn't help to get pulled over for speeding. So she stuck to the speed limit - mostly - and they arrived in New York in the middle of the afternoon.

She drove straight to Hayden's apartment building. She didn't know for sure if he'd be home but since his brother was visiting, she figured they might not be going anywhere today.

"Do you want me to wait to make sure he's home first?" Jamie asked as she parked and got out.

"No, it's all right. If he's not home, I'll just grab a cab back to NYU." Natalie pulled her bag out of the van and hugged her brother. "Thanks for doing this, Jamie."

"Whatever." He wriggled out of her grasp, not at an age yet where he was comfortable showing affection for his older sister. "Just remember that I did this the next time I need something."

Natalie laughed and waved him off as he got in the van. Then she squared her shoulders and walked into Hayden's building. Someone was just coming out so she didn't even have to buzz up to his apartment. She giggled to herself as she crossed the lobby to the elevators.

He's going to be so surprised, she thought. She felt a little apprehensive about bursting in on Hayden and his family but he had told her before she left that he'd wished she'd be around to meet his brother.

She got off the elevators on Hayden's floor and kept herself from running down the hall to his door. Just as she was rounding the corner, she heard voices and looked up to see a beautiful blonde woman walking out of Hayden's apartment. The woman stopped and turned back to the open doorway with a laugh and Natalie saw Hayden walk out. He said something to the woman, who laughed again and reached out to hug his arm. He grinned down at her as she said something in reply.

Natalie froze there at the end of the hall, wondering if she was hallucinating. Her stomach gave an awful lurch as she watched Hayden hug the blonde woman close to his side. He said something else to her, making her laugh again and Natalie felt her breath catch in her throat.

Natalie made a move to turn and go but she misjudged the space and banged her bag into the wall. Cringing, she jerked back and walked around the corner, glancing up once to see Hayden and the woman staring at her.

"Natalie?" Hayden's voice called out to her but Natalie didn't stop.

She kept walking away, hurrying back to the elevators as she tried to catch her breath. She felt like she'd been sucker punched and blinked back tears as she punched the 'down' button.

"Natalie!" Hayden called out again and she heard footsteps pounding down the hall.

"Come on, you stupid machine," she muttered, punching the button again.

Hayden rounded the corner before she got anywhere and she looked over at him. He hurried right up to her with a broad grin and pulled her into his arms. "Natalie! What are you doing here?"

'What are you doing here?' Not, 'I've missed you' or 'I'm so happy to see you.' Natalie held herself stiffly in his arms and swallowed convulsively.

Hayden pulled back as he laid a palm to her cheek. He peered down at her but she couldn't meet his curious gaze.

"What's wrong?"

She could only shake her head.

"Natalie, please. Did something happen? Is that why you're back so early?"

His concern tugged at her heart and she looked up into his face. "No. Everyone's fine."

He looked relieved to hear her speaking to him and smiled as he touched her cheek again. "Then what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?"

Natalie let her eyes slide past his face to a spot over his shoulder, picturing in her mind's eye the woman he'd been embracing moments ago. Hayden followed her glance before looking back at her.

"Oh, Natalie, no. She's my brother's wife, Mia."

Natalie stared at him, uncomprehending.

"My brother, Jared, and his wife are staying with me, remember?" His voice was gentle, not accusing or reprimanding and Natalie felt heat creep up her cheeks.

"Oh God," she moaned and covered her face with her hands.

Hayden chuckled and pulled her close, dropping a kiss on top of her head.

"I'm so stupid." She lifted her face to look at Hayden. "I'm sorry. I just saw you hugging her and I thought..." She let her sentence trail off and gave him a sheepish smile. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry." Hayden cupped her face in both hands and kissed her sweetly on the mouth. "I'm just so happy to see you. Why are you here?"

"I missed you," she replied.

Hayden's grin dazzled her and she felt her breath catch. "I missed you, too."

He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her again. It was less sweet, more sensual, and as Natalie pressed herself into him, she felt his body responding to her.

Someone cleared their throat and Natalie jerked away, embarrassed to be caught making out. Hayden winked at her before turning around.

"Is this Natalie?" Jared asked with a grin identical to Hayden's.

For a moment, Natalie was taken aback by the sight of Hayden's twin but she smiled shyly. Hayden pulled her close to his side and nodded at his brother.

"Jared, meet Natalie," Hayden introduced them. "Natalie, this is my brother, Jared, and his wife, Mia."

"It's so nice to meet you both," Natalie said.

"Us too," Mia replied. "Hayden has been talking about you all week."

Natalie looked up as Hayden gave a nervous laugh.

"Were you going out?" Natalie asked, taking in their winter coats.

"Yes, but we don't have to now," Hayden said and gave her shoulders a squeeze. "I'd rather find out how your Christmas was."

Natalie smiled back at him, warm and comfortable against his side. "Me too."

"Well, I think we'll go out," Jared said and moved past them to the elevators. "You guys have to catch up."

"You don't have to leave on my account!" Natalie exclaimed, embarrassed to be interrupting their family visit.

"It's all right," Mia assured her with a friendly smile. "Why don't we all meet for dinner later?"

"Sounds great," Hayden said before Natalie could respond. "Have a good time."

Then he was pulling her away from the elevators and away from his brother and sister-in-law. Natalie bit her lip as Hayden led the way back into the apartment and closed the door behind them. Natalie had just set her bag on the floor and was taking her coat off when Hayden pinned her to the door, sliding his lips over hers in a hungry kiss.

Natalie clutched his shoulders and kissed him back, parting her lips and eagerly stroking his tongue with hers. God, how she'd missed this, his taste and touch and the heavy weight of his body against hers.

Before she knew it was happening, Hayden had lifted her from her feet and was carrying her away from the door.

"Where are we going?" she asked with a breathless laugh.

Hayden gripped her firmly and didn't answer. A minute later, Natalie was dropped backwards onto his bed and he was tugging her clothes off. Her embarrassment over her mistake faded swiftly and she surrendered to his hungry embrace.

They were naked together in minutes and Natalie was all but begging for him to take her. At last, he slid his swollen length inside of her and they sighed into each other's mouths at the sensation.

"God, I've missed you." Hayden's words were a whisper across her lips.

Natalie shuddered as he pulled back and thrust in. They weren't going slow. After being apart for over a week, they were desperate for each other. Natalie lifted her hips to meet his frantic thrusting and wrapped her arms and legs around him. He sank into her again and again, taking her lips in devouring, demanding kisses.

Then Natalie came with a suddenness that shocked her. She arched beneath him, wrenching her lips from his. Hayden touched her face, a gentle stroke of his fingers over her forehead and down her cheek. She met his gaze as she shuddered through her climax and he smiled so sweetly at her that she whimpered.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered and brushed his lips over her face, kissing her eyes, her nose and her lips.

He'd stopped moving and as the sensations of her orgasm began to fade, Natalie shifted impatiently beneath him. He chuckled, the sound sending a delicious vibration through her entire body and Natalie gasped.

Slowly, he started to pump his hips again and he kept his eyes on hers as he moved. Their bodies slid erotically together, rubbing at every possible spot from thighs to chest. Natalie clung to him, overheating as he drew her to the brink again. This time, as she fell over the edge, he was right there with her, groaning and shuddering over her.

For several long minutes after, they lay silently together, touching along the full length of their naked bodies. At last, Hayden rolled off of her and pulled her over his chest. She smiled down at him and rubbed her fingertips over his stubbly chin.

"I've missed that," she whispered.

He arched an eyebrow at her and tickled her waist. "Only that?"

"No, not only that. I've missed everything."

"Like what?" Hayden prompted as his tickling fingers smoothed into a sensual caress.


Hayden cocked his head at her with a curious look and Natalie flushed under his gaze. "I missed you, Hayden. I didn't like not being in the same city as you."

"It was the same for me," he replied and wrapped both his arms around her waist.

"I know you've gone on your road trips before but this felt different. I didn't like it."

He nodded as he lifted a hand to run his fingers through her hair.

Natalie sighed and dropped her head to rest on his chest. "What are we going to do?"

"I guess we'll always have to be together."

She laughed. "That's not possible. You travel all the time and I have school."

"Not forever."

Natalie lifted her head to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"You won't be in school forever. I'll always have to travel, yes, but as long as I know you're here to come home to, I'll be OK."

"You want me to never leave New York again?" she asked with a laugh.

"Not never. Don't you want to stay in New York once you graduate?"

They'd never covered this topic before. She had another year of classes before she was done with her degree and she'd always supposed she'd just go where the work is. Now that she had Hayden, she realized she didn't want to leave New York, not as long as this was his home.

"So... wait, what are you saying?" she asked, unable to keep the tremor from her voice.

Hayden smiled and dragged his fingers across her cheek to her lips. She shivered as he stroked his fingers over her bottom lip.

"I want you to live here," he whispered. "With me."

Natalie's heart skipped several beats as she stared at him. "You mean it?"

He nodded. "Of course. I want to be with you."

"But what about the summer?"

"What about it?"

"Won't you go back to Sweden?"

"For a couple weeks," he replied with a shrug. "I usually spend the whole summer there but if I have you here, why would I leave?"

"Won't you miss your family?"

"They can come here. Or we can both go to Sweden, then you could meet everyone!"

Natalie laughed. The thought was daunting but she surprised herself again by being eager to meet his entire family.

"So will you?"

Natalie met his gaze with hers and smiled. She drew herself up and kissed him, keeping her eyes on his. "You've given this some thought."

He nodded, his expression solemn. "I told you, I want to be with you."

"Do you love me?" The question was out before she could stop it.

"Oh Natalie," he whispered and cupped the back of her head. "I love you so much."


"Yes!" He chuckled and kissed her. "Do I have to convince you?"

Natalie shook her head, tears pricking her eyes. She felt his love as palpably as she felt his arms around her body. "I love you, too."

"Good." He drew her face down to his and kissed her.

Natalie sank into his embrace, feeling it in every part of her body, right down to the soles of her feet. Their bodies warmed together and they dissolved into wild passion in minutes. Natalie laughed and cried and came in his arms, drinking in his whispered words of love and affection as he convinced her again and again and again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Thanks for sharing ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This has been a great story. I sure wish it went on. Quite a few of your stories feel as if they have not been finished at the end. Please continue those stories especially this one.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
Great romance!

A great and magnificent romance.

It may seem a bit silly that being me a man, I have found that a wedding engagement was missing in this story, but hey, that might be for a future sequel, right?

I know that the author has returned to write on this site, so I hope that in the not too distant future, we can find another of his published works here.

5 * for you.

My condolences to the families of the victims of the Fort Lauderdale shooting.

I apologize for my English (yet), is not my native language.

photolvrphotolvralmost 10 years ago

Your stories are wonderful! I love the "ice" stories! More hockey? Please, please, please. May I suggest an All Star game, the Olympics, or an off season hockey camp.....opponents and wives could meet and be friends. Thank you so much!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Please add a few more chapters or write more :D please i love your work!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Write more please

romantic_surrealityromantic_surrealityabout 12 years ago

14. On Thin Ice Ch.1 (ZP and Meg):

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Amazing from beginning to end!

This story blew me away from start to finish. I stayed up all night reading it. I love how you captured the essence of Romance. The whole story was perfect. I felt as though I was in a dream and found myself smiling when something good happened and anxious to find out the resolution to a conflict in the story. I want to let you know that you are truly talented. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
!!!!great, wow, amazing ... :)

Another great story. Maybe better than the other one about hayden and annie. Should def be published. You are an amazing wrighter. Keep up the good stories. Oh yeah i second the other anonymous comment about a story about lucas..... that would be good and interesting ..... Hopefull more stories in the future

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I love your endings as always. Though I do have one request--please write a story about Lucas as well. I found him so interesting from this story, I am hoping to see him more in the future. Great work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

LOVED the story! I'm not even a hockey fan and it is one of my favorites. And I just had to read the others in the series as well. You are an excellent writer and I hope to read more of your stories in the future!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
one of my favs

i have read all the stories in this series, this one is by far my fav! loved every second!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Great pick

I must admit, the Rangers do have a gorgeous goalie. Great job writing as usual.

anamikaraksanamikaraksabout 14 years ago
Miss you already!

This was wonderful and exactly what I have come to expect from you! Sigh. Will miss you but best of luck in your new endeavors. Still hoping to see something from you every now and then.

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 14 years ago

I love a happy ending. And I love when all the characters from other stories make an appearance. Thanks for writing.

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