Memoirs of Kitty Siam Ch. 43


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The stonework was easy compared to the rewiring I had to do. I had the schematics for the alter's electronics but did not have a proper wiring diagram for the console that we appropriated from the shuttle. It took a lot of work with outdated hand scanners and ancient soldering equipment to make the proper connections. In lieu of proper electrical sealing tape I ended up using tree sap to seal the connections that I had made to keep out the elements.

Once I had all the connections made I took another two days to retrace my wires and double check my work. When I was satisfied that the whole thing would not blow up in my face I ushered everyone off the plateau that contained the alter and with nearly half the village watching I flipped the breaker inside the back of the alter wall that put power back to the obelisk and the control center built into the newly constructed alter.

Once the system was powered up there were no sparking panels or explosions, and it seems that everything was in working order. I took my place at the keyboard and tried to execute a few basic commands but soon found the flaw in my wiring of the keyboard. I did my best to make sure that all the letters and numerals were wired to reflect the symbols that the Annunaki used for their language when these temples were created long ago but perhaps I mixed up a few color codes as some of the symbols for letters were coming up as numbers. I was glad to see that the stone symbols on the back wall that the monks used to activate the systems were all aligned properly and worked well. It was just the command keyboard that I had to rewire, and after a few hours I had all of that sorted out and was ready to give the system its first test.

I volunteered myself as the test subject and one of the monks was even eager to volunteer to use the scanner on me, but Attu would not hear of it. He said that I was too valuable to the temple and village should something go horribly wrong. Attu asked if anyone would volunteer to be scanned and several hands went up. Attu selected a young woman that had her hand wrapped with cloth. It seemed that she cut herself while removing a fishhook and had a cut in her hand that could have used a few stitches and some antibiotics.

I thanked her for volunteering and as Attu assisted her to the alter I gave the system one last diagnostic run before I was ready. As was the tradition when someone was being healed, they would lay the patient down on the alter while the onlookers chanted a healing prayer. Once my test subject was ready I activated the scanning beam by using the stone push symbols that the monks would normally use on the wall behind the alter and just as expected the blue beam lanced out of the obelisk and conducted a full scan of the patient. Now normally the monk would not look at the console, he would just use the push stones to activate the next sequence in the healing process which would cause the teal colored beam to begin the medical treatment.

I knew that the push stones would work so I went through the healing process with the keyboard and the display panel to make sure that everything was in order. The display showed the cut on her hand in green the green area, and showed a slight urinary tract infection in the yellow area. I made a quick check of the power readings and found that full power was available from the reactor under the temple. I also took note that the same type of artificially induced quantum singularity reactor that powered the Central Command facility on Angkor was supplying power to the temple and the facility below. I took a moment to reflect on the need for such a powerful reactor on an out of the way world like this that held no major military, or governmental, installations.

My musings on the power situation were put aside and I turned back to my patient on the alter. The teal healing beam worked as expected and my patient was healed and cured in a matter of minutes. After the first test was done I had a few more villagers step up with other minor aches, pains, and viral infections but nothing really life threatening. All were healed quickly by the temple's medical system. Once word got out that the healing had begun at the temple a long line began to form and that is when I decided that I needed a bath and turned the operation of the temple over to the monks.

I stuck around long enough to make sure everything worked well for them before making my way back to the village. As I was leaving Attu said that he would have the stone cover placed over the electronics on the back wall behind the alter and that he would ensure that the temple was ready for evening prayers. I thanked him for all his help, but suggested that he should have the monks lead the evening prayers as I needed a bit of rest. He understood and wished me well as I padded my way down the temple's steps and headed off in the direction of the village.

Attu and I never spoke of the night of passion that we shared together and I was sort of glad that we kept that our secret. I seriously wanted to have him inside me again but I knew that I wanted to get him and the rest of our villagers back to their homes and their loved ones, so silently we knew that our relationship had to be of the business sort. I smiled as I thought of our night together and wondered if there were any other studly young men that would want to have a night of passion with a sexy genetically enhanced Annunaki princess.

The time passed quickly for us on Anora Prime and soon a month had passed since we landed here. The men found a river near by and through many weeks of hard work they dug a small channel to supply water to the village. The other major project was the rehabilitation of the houses throughout the village. Proper thatch roofs were installed on each of the structures that we called home. In addition, doors and shutters were constructed so now that when the daily rains came we did not get a good soaking.

While the houses were being rebuilt a few of the women had stumbled upon a series of caves that turned out to be a network of lava tubes that ran under a long dormant volcano. Even though the rammed earth huts were sturdy enough, the caves were close enough to the village to make for a good shelter when the heavier weather set in. For that purpose we had the caves stocked with food, water, blankets and such to sustain us for a few days in case of a hurricane or some other natural disaster.

The temple had a weather control system like the shrine in the Pa'u village had but for some unknown reason it was not functioning properly, neither was the shield that would cover the village. I could get the shield to deploy but it was only able to cover the area over the temple and as hard as I tried I could not get the protection to extend to the ground. The shield would only function as an umbrella instead of a protective bubble, and in the event of a ground assault an attacker could just walk under the umbrella. As I worked on the shield system I came to the conclusion that the hardware was designed to only protect against and assault from the air, not the ground. Once I thought I had found a way to expand the shield umbrella but I was denied when the programming that was hard coded into the system demanded a second person of command rank authenticate via the DNA reader.

I continued to work on the temple and its associated electronics, but every new circuit that I created, or old circuit that I by passed did nothing to allow me access to what was hidden under the temple. Over there years that I had spent putting Annunaki portals and facilities back online I had learned a lot about how things worked and how their engineers thought. I had been able to by pass many of their security systems but this one proved to be the most difficult and resisted my best attempts to hack my way in.

Many of the villagers by now had given up hope of returning to Angkor and because of this I made breaking into the facility below my top priority. My day consisted of a brisk morning run in panther form, though my running was not for my health. My morning runs were for the sole purpose of finding Neko the brown puma that I had met in my dreams. I could cover more ground in feline form than I could as a human female. At a full out run I could make it to the spot where I thought that I had met Neko before and back before the villagers had finished breakfast and their morning prayers.

As we moved into the middle of our second month here the villagers kept to their daily duties of gathering food, tending to the crops that they had planted, and fishing. There was a lake near by that held plenty of fish and the men had become expert at catching them and bringing them back for the women to clean and cook. The villagers were too busy with daily life to complain, though the way that their minds were wired by the Annunaki it was not in their nature to complain. There lives were about acceptance and conformity, and while I was tempted to over ride their DNA locks to make them free thinkers, in the back of my mind I knew that this would not work out well should they decide to rise up and start a revolution. I did not need to have to fight the villagers at the same time I was fighting with Annunaki designed security systems in an attempt to get them all back home.

One night during the beginning of our third month here I had grown restless and was unable to sleep. One of the things that I enjoyed so much on Galora was watching the moons rise and set, but Agora had no moon, so the best I could do was to recline on the steps of the temple and watch the stars above. There were no city lights to pollute the view and there were many nights that I fell asleep on the stone steps of the temple after finding hours of peace gazing at the light from the stars above. On this particular night I was making my way toward the temple and I ran into Raku. He also was unable to sleep but he made the excuse that he was just checking on the men who drew guard duty for the night. We never had any problems with wild animals or marauders but after our abduction Raku thought it best to have a few men walking the streets to raise the alarm in case of trouble.

As I walked toward the temple Raku offered to walk with me. He was concerned about my many nights of being alone at the temple, and even through I assured him that I could take care of myself he insisted on walking with me. As we walked and talked I ceased my objections and allowed him to escort me to the temple. After all, who was I to refuse a request from such a handsome man? Raku had been true to Sosha the entire time that we had been on Anora together, though many of the young ladies here tried to convince him that they would be a suitable replacement for her, he never waivered and resisted their charms. With Attu being here, it would be a bit odd for me to get involved with someone especially Raku, though we did have many instances when we were alone to make something happen.

As we left the village I linked my arm with Raku's as if he were a gentleman of old Earth escorting his Lady out on the town for a fabulous evening. We talked, laughed and giggled and when we got to the steps of the temple I have him a big hug and thanked him for being so supportive of me these past three months. He asked me what my plans were for the night at the temple and I let him know that I needed to relax a bit and gaze at the stars in the moonless night sky. When he asked me if I would mind his company I smiled and welcomed him to take a seat next to me on the steps, which he did.

I stretched out on the steps and he followed my lead but what caught me off guard was when he slipped his arm under my shoulders and pulled me toward him bringing my head to rest on his massive bare chest. I adjusted my position and got comfy and as I snuggled against him his arm bent and came to rest across my tummy just below my ribs. I was wearing a short dark blue cargo shorts and a white tank top with no bra on under. I thought that I would not need such things to look at the stars in the dark by myself. I was thankful that Raku did not have my feline night vision or he would have noticed my small nipples standing at attention under the soft fabric of my tank top.

For a while after he pulled me to him I thought that he was about to make a move on me at any minute as we lay together looking up at the stars. A few times I moved a little and he would move with me, but mostly we were silent until the first shooting star crossed through our field of view. We had both seen the thin trail of fire from the meteor together and as it exited our field of view I asked Raku what he had wished for. I was stunned when he replied that it was a secret and that if he told me his wish would never come true.

I giggled softly and explained to him that we had a similar custom where I came from so when he tried to convince me to give up my secret wish I too refused to tell. That is when he threatened to tickle it out of me. I really did not believe that wishes made on burning hunks of space rock flashing across the night sky would come true, but it seemed like keeping a secret was the fun thing to do at the moment. Well that was until he carried out his threat and started to tickle me. The more he tickled, the more I squirmed against him and after a few minutes of that I was ready to confess my secret. I was also ready to pounce on him and declare myself the Alpha female by taking him away from Sosha. I was so close to running my hand across his abs and slipping it into his sarong but I decided against being so forward. First, he belonged to another woman and I had vowed to reunite all of our villagers with their loved ones. Second, I was a Priestess and he was the Alpha and we had to keep our relationship professional at all times. A third thought popped into my mind that told me we were alone and that there was no one around to see us if I did have my way with this Alpha male.

He stopped tickling me when I began to explain my wish to him. I pointed out the many points of light in the sky and began to teach him about the stars above and the physics of the universe. Of course I gave him the simple condensed version that an elementary school student would understand. I explained that each small point of light was a star and around most of the stars were planets such as Angkor where we were abducted. Now I knew that he could not understand the concept of space travel but I was surprised when he began to ask questions. I went back to my description of each star being a country and the black of space being the sea and he began to understand.

A few hours had passed and our snuggling continued and had progressed to the point where his hand was massaging my back, shoulders and ribs, and several times his hand wandered down to brush over the top of my firm round little butt. I was enjoying myself as well. Since he was exploring me, I began exploring him and as my hand massaged his chest and abs, and from time to time I would trace my fingers around and over his nipples. I smiled to myself when each touch of his nipples brought a sigh of pleasure from his lips.

I think we both knew where this snuggling was heading, but we still had a long night a head of us and had plenty of time to get where we were going slowly. I was enjoying the slow build up and the exploration that was going on between us. As Raku's hand rubbed down my ribs I could feel him growing bolder as his fingers brushed against the side of my right breast. When his hand moved in that direction again I twisted a little to let him touch even more of my firm honey colored orb.

I could feel myself getting more turned on as this little teenage game of exploration continued. Finally I grew impatient and took our little game to the next level. I no longer cared about him being Alpha or his girlfriend back on Angkor; I knew that I was going to have him inside me tonight. My experimenting with his body told me that his nipples were as sensitive as mine were and I planned to use this to my advantage. I turned to him a bit more to bring my lips in contact with his chest, then slowly left a line of small soft wet kisses across the left side of his chest. I was oh so careful to avoid his sensitive nipples, and as I passed by the right nipple he tried to wiggle in a way that would put the brown little nub under my lips. I was so adept at what I was doing that it was easy to avoid giving him what he wanted until I was sure that he had been teased enough by my lips.

Raku tried to roll me over onto my back and take control but his efforts only got a whispered warning from me telling him that tonight I was the Alpha. He laughed and even though I knew that he could easily have taken control of me he relaxed and allowed me to continue. As he settled onto his back I moved my lips to his right nipple as I slipped my right leg across his upper thighs. I whispered, "I have you now!" as I sucked his nipple between my lips.

Raku let out a sigh of pleasure and moved his huge hand to the back of my head to hold me in position. I flicked my tongue out over the tip of his nipple as I held it prisoner with my lips. Raku was getting into the spirit of things as I felt him slip his hand under my tank top. I adjusted my position a little to let his hand travel up toward my breasts, then did my best to place my right breast against his hand. Now it was my turn to purr softly from his touch as his fingers softly pinched and rolled the brown little point.

As my lips and tongue caressed his nipple I began to think of my next move but my plans for defiling the Alpha were interrupted when he appeared to be taking control. My lips were pulled away from his chest as he sat up sharply and pulled me up with him. I was not sure where he was going with this but I was ready to play along with just about any idea that he had. He used the hand on the back of my head to twist it so that I could gaze off in the direction he was pointing with his finger.

I opened my eyes fully and looked up in the night sky and found myself looking at a bright blue glowing ring just above the horizon. The ring grew in intensity, shimmered for a few seconds then winked out. Raku asked me if we should make a wish on that as well, but this time I remained silent. He threatened to tickle the answer out of me, but a stern gaze from me told him that perhaps the playful fun was over for the night.

We waited a few minutes and continued to watch the night sky. Raku asked many questions about what we had seen and just as I was about to answer another ring in the night sky appeared above where the blue ring had appeared. The ring like the other was way above us in space and appeared to be the size of a golf ball to as we watching from the steps of the temple. This ring was yellow and as Raku inquired what the difference in color meant, a second and third yellow ring appeared to the right and left of the first yellow ring. A few seconds later the three yellow rings winked out just as the blue one had earlier.

We continued to watch the sky then shortly after the rings were gone we could see short pulses of red, blue and green in the general area where the four rings had been. Most of the time the colored streaks would fade out, but occasionally we could see what appeared to be a bright burst of flame that burned bright for a split second before it was extinguished. I knew what we were watching, and I knew that our fun for the night was over.

Raku asked what this meant, and as he questioned me I got to my feet and told him that this was bad... really bad. He stood with me and we both kept our eyes on the sky as I formulated a plan. I had to jostle Raku a few times to get him to pay attention to me instead of what was going on above the planet. Once I had his attention I told him that the villagers needed to get to the caves immediately and that they should take as much food and survival items as they could carry. I requested that six men with the weapons from the ship be sent to the temple along with the monks. The rest of the weapons should be split up amongst the caves and that runners be designated to carry messages between the temple and the caves so that everyone would know what is happening.