Memoirs of Kitty Siam Ch. 48


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As the incursions by the Zetas increased both the Zaal and KraZaal sided with the Zetas against the humanoids of our galaxy as if they were genetically programmed to do so. At first the new minions of the Zetas worked in secret and operated as the scouts for their masters. As the Zetas grew in strength and their incursions grew fiercer the minions openly made war against the rest of the galaxy and their cooperation with the Zetas went on for an amount of time that could not be determined by the writings of Enoch.

One thing is clear though is that the Zeta, Zaal, and KraZaal alliance was broken when Princesses Maew and Neko lead an assault on the Zaal and KraZaal home worlds. Acting on their own in open defiance of the King and Queen they annihilated both home worlds for which they were later charged in absentia with genocide for the total destruction of both planetary systems. Even though the Zetas were ferocious and barbaric in their attacks, the alliance members had rules for what they liked to call civilized warfare. Genocide was against these rules and all alliance worlds agreed that this was a crime that was punishable only by death. I found it ironic that the Annunaki like the governments of Earth wrestled with the same issue. It is hard to win a war when you have rules of engagement and codes of conduct that limit your war fighting abilities against an enemy that does not.

Though they eliminated two enemy races from our galaxy, their father the King was horrified by what they had done and condemned them in public, but did nothing to assist in their capture and may have aided their escape in secret so as not to have the Annunaki home world attacked due to his defiance of the alliance's warrant for their arrest. Enoch writes that the two Royal sisters had been convicted in the court of public opinion and their executions were certain if they were ever caught.

After reading this I went back through the translated parts of Enoch's journal to see if I could deduce from his writings what sort of weapon the Princesses had used that would destroy two entire solar systems but could find nothing concrete. I made a note to scour the Central Core on Angkor for more information on this weapon of mass destruction, but since you are reading this unfinished document, its a good chance that something may have prevented me from doing so.

Enoch lamented about the Princesses and what their imprisonment and deaths would mean to the war against the Zetas. It seems that until the extermination of the Zaal and KraZaal they were very popular and were cited as the reason that the alliance against the Zetas held together for so long. As he penned his journal Enoch referred to something called the "Resurrection Protocol" that was rumored to have been incorporated into the lineage of the Royal family and the higher ranked members of the Royal court.

After the abandonment of the Central Command facility on Angkor, Enoch came across a top-secret document that was placed in a bin for destruction before its keeper fled the Zetas attack. The document was an order from the King that once caught that the Resurrection Protocol would be disabled for the Princesses as soon as they were captured. I could only conclude from the writings of Enoch that his station in the Central Command hierarchy did not permit him to know what this protocol was or what it would do to the Princesses.

I had mentioned earlier that the Annunaki Empire was in decline and cited Enoch's primary reason being the constant attacks by the Zetas, but there was something going on genetically with the Annunaki. Enoch was a believer in natural selection, over the prevailing custom of intelligent design. The middle and upper classes of the Annunaki did not reproduce in the same "primitive" manner that the lower classes and the slaves did. The higher castes considered the primal rutting rituals of procreation to be obsolete and rather disgusting.

I think Enoch was a bit of a pervert and preferred to actually get naked and rut though the night until the sun rose in the morning. At least that is the feeling I got as I read and translated his words. His spoke of a societal disgust amongst the middle and lower classes for beings like myself that were "intelligently designed" to keep the Royal and upper caste bloodlines clear from contamination. As I got to the mid point of his journal I was getting the impression that Enoch would have liked to have been left alone in the abandoned Central Command facility with Princess Neko. The way he describes her, I think he wanted to do a little bit of rutting with her "intelligent design" if you know what I mean.

Included in Enoch's journal was an article from a conclave of leading Annunaki geneticists that talked of a genetic mutation that was becoming common in these artificially continued bloodlines in that there was an eventual breakdown of the DNA sequences that lead to the onset of cerebral dystrophy, and a long list of other genetic disorders that lead to a painful and premature death. The genetics lab on Galora was mentioned in the paper as being close to a solution to this issue. Reading this brought to mind my own experience where I spent two months in an Annunaki genetic resequencing tank after I was sexually assaulted by the marble statues that guarded the temple.

I came across an interesting section on a planet called "Benuch" but that will have to wait until I return from my trip to Angkor. Wish me luck...


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blaze1514blaze1514about 8 years ago

I am glad that you plan to continue the story 2 more chapters. Just remember, there are plenty of your readers that would love to see 16 more chapters, myself included. I am sure there are plenty of readers that don't check very often for updates. So many people read your last two chapters yet.

You have one of the most popular stories on the site for a reason. You are amazing at worldbuilding, your characters aren't perfect (as in they are more real, not just perfect archetypes), and the lore behind your work makes sense. Even throughout almost 50 chapters. I guess... where I am going with this is that you are a very talented writer. I hate to see you cut your work short even one chapter because of a few bad apples. Even the chapter in question (47) is highly rated. I will say now that I was happy to share your hobby with you by reading your work. As I am sure many of us are.

Have you considered starting a Patreon or donations page? Just curious on that

kitty_siamkitty_siamabout 8 years agoAuthor
More Idiotic Comments From Chapter 47

As you can see in this email message, the Anonymous writer states that in Chapter 47 "there is no real plot movement." Of course there is movement in the plot. If you would have held your complaints until you read Chapter 49 you would have understood why Chapter 47 was necessary, and that Kitty had to die. You have to remember that I am the author of this story and other than my cousin and my BFF who help me with the medical and science stuff I am the only one that knows EVERYTHING about this story which includes where it has been and where it is going. Nothing you whiners say about where the story has been will change where the story will go... well, that is until now. Your constant anonymous complaints has shortened the story from 16 chapters down to 2.

- Kitty -


This message contains feedback for: kitty_siam

About the submission: Memoirs of Kitty Siam Ch. 47

This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Follow up


What I Meant with my previous comment, is that Kitty acts out of character and there is no real plot movement. If you need Kitty to die to launch your protocol, then make her death be in character. Two pages of rape leading to death is so far below the quality of the rest of this series.

*DO NOT hit the REPLY button to respond to this email.*

blaze1514blaze1514about 8 years ago
Rude comments, Passwords/accounts,

From my understanding, most of the comments in question were made for chapter 47. I am just guessing, but I assume the main issue was the gore/body modification content. This is a very... sensitive area for some people. I notice a lot of e-authors will put a warning at the top of their subbmission. Other than that I can not even speculate on what someone might have taken acception to.


You don't have to use an account to be not anonymous. You can tag your posts with a handle. Such as how Kitty puts the "- Kitty" at the bottom of hers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I hope you choose to continue. I am sure that by now, you realize people are more interested in the story and its characters than just a quick sex hit. Just as you probably consider the story a part of you, many of your readers are emotionally invested as well. I think the strength of the criticism reflects that. To create such a response is actually a tribute to the quality of your story to this point. I hope to have a chance to read it to the conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Science fiction

I was the one who left a comment about human evolution; I like your story and wish you would continue. Clearly I and most others read it, and invested many hours doing so and gave you high ratings( mostly 5s); yes, we are reading for free, but you are reaching a larger audience then you might otherwise. Other writers here have bridged this to a paying audience. I understand that it's not real. Yet science fiction is at its most plausible and interesting when it is consistent with the universe as we now know it. You make many credible efforts to do this in this story (for example, it's clear that you I thought about Mars quite a bit). Human origins appear to be a critical part of the narrative, and I was hoping for a more plausible integration with science.

Sorry, I can never remember passwords.

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