Sisterly Exploration Ch. 01


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He moves his left hand down her thigh and lifts her right leg up just enough to get her foot out of the leg hole. She kind of climbs on him to get her left leg out as he lifts that one up. She starts rocking a little to keep her balance but while trying to stabilize herself, she begins pushing her pussy against his lower abs.

She doesn't realize it until she looks back at him and sees him trying to control himself. She looks down at his abs and spots the wet trail she's leaking onto him. She kicks her jean and panties onto the couch with her other clothes and gets out of his arms.

He snaps back to reality as she bends down to pulls her shoes and socks off.

"Let's just get on with the massage," she says while tossing her socks and shoes onto the couch.

"Okay, just let me put the nylu on the cushion."

He reaches into his zalara and pulls out the large velvet blanket.

"Pink? Are you sure you didn't know that I was the friend?"

"She specified pink and the scent of roses," he replies while laying the blanket onto the cushions. He straightens it out and tucks in the sides before stepping back. "Ready?"

She looks up at him for a second before looking back down at the bizeaiz.

"Let's do this."

She lies down on the velvet while he lights the candles around her. He stands over her for a second to let the candles begin to take effect. The soft velvet is teasing her body and as the scented candles fill the room, she starts to completely relax.

"I'm ready."

He looks down at her fat ass lying in front of him, but he has to focus and remember that's his sister's ass. He does some final equipment checks before climbing onto the cushions with her. He kneels down on the cushions, with his knees on either side of his legs. As she feels his body getting closer to hers, she looks back at him.

"What are you doing? I thought this was just a massage."

"It is, but this is a Hudeylugiya massage. It's a very sexual-sensual act. My body is going to be pressing up against yours in a lot of very intimate ways. So if you want to stop, I-"

"No. No, continue." She adds, skeptical of his intentions.

She lies back down as he lays the nyla over her ass for the first part of the massage. He squirts some oil into the palms of his hand. He sits the oil on the edge of the bizeaiz before rubbing his hands together. She lets out one last heavy sigh as he reaches and grabs her hand.

He massages the oil into her hand, separating each finger and massaging them individually. He uses both hands to rub the oil deep into the palm of her hand. He bends each finger to really relax every part of her hand. She is mostly silent, except for the slight moan she lets out as he begins massaging the point in her palm that causes slight forms of excitement.

He massages up her hand to her wrist. He applies just enough pressure to cause her fingers to twitch as he finds the pressure point under her little finger. The sensation isn't overwhelming, but he can feel the tension building in her body. He takes her arm part by part, ensuring to massage every ounce of tension out of her as slowly and efficiently as possible. He follows the sensitive lines of the arm to massage extra sensations out of her.

Once he gets to her shoulder, he stops and begins massaging her other arm. He starts with her hand and slowly works his way up to her shoulder. She starts breathing harder with each squeeze of his oiled hands on her flesh. Once her arms are completely loose, he puts his hands on her shoulders.

Before he begins massaging her shoulders, he puts more rose scented oil on his hands. As the warm oil touches her skin, she lets out a slight groan. He presses the oil deep into her body while rocking himself on top of her. She starts to look back at him but lets him continue as he begins kneading her shoulders like dough.

With each squeeze of her skin, she moans and groans. A small stream of oil begins dripping down the front of her shoulders, but he catches it as he starts on her neck. He moves her hair to the side and fully descends on her neck. While his right hand is massaging the back of her neck, his left hand is massaging the side of her neck up to behind her ear.

He switches hands and sides over and over again until he's massaging up to her ears with both hands at the same time. Every back and forth slide of his hands causes her submissive body to rock into his rocking body. The motion of their bodies starts to put them both in a trance like state.

Neither of them notices as their rocking slides the nyla off her ass a little. He massages back down to the back of her shoulders before leaning down and breathing hot air on the back of her freshly massaged neck. She doesn't even attempt to ask him anything as the hot breath sensation combines with the strong squeezes of the back massage.

His hands continue massaging their way down her back as he leans back up. He gets to her tiny waist and really puts effort into massaging this part of her body. He's grabbing just hard enough to make her squeal and arch with every squeeze.

He continues to make his way to her lower back where the teasing continues. It's almost as though they've forgotten they're related. His throbbing cock is rubbing against the bottom of her ass as he pulls and pushes on her lower back. She slides her hands up in front of her and grabs the edge of the bizeaiz as his grinding massage gets stronger.

His hands dip under her body for a second as he grabs her hips. He again leans down to further tease her, but this time, he blows cold air over her oiled body. She quivers underneath him as he gives her hips extra attention. Each of his fingers runs over the soft spots where the top of pants usually are.

That area is slight more sensitive because it's usually hidden. He even bites the part of her lower back where many women would get tattoos. He slides his chest and abs up her back to nibble on her ears and rest his erection on top of her ass.

"This is a hell of a massage," she whispers to him.

He ruffles his nose and mouth through her hair until he gets to her other ear.

"If you like this, just wait until I turn you over."

He leans off of her and puts more oil in his hands before continuing his massage down to the back of her thighs. Even though her tight ass is calling to him, he stays on course. He puts both of his freshly oil-coated hands on her left thigh. He pulls her legs apart enough to position himself on top of just her left leg. He slides his hands in opposition directions of each other while rubbing both sides and the top of her thigh.

As her right leg bends and turns her body to give him more access to her thigh meat. He wastes no time in double pumping her thigh with a slow and hard force. He listens to her soft moans as his hands slowly slide over all the muscles in her thigh, causing a wave of juicy meat to move toward her ass. Once her thigh is thoroughly oiled, he moves to the back of her knee.

She seems to be slightly ticklish back there, so he spends extra time loosening her up. As he moves toward her calf, she pops her ass up in the air to get it some attention. He is explicitly drawn to the curve where her lower back explodes into her ass.

He goes over the soft parts of her calve before deeply massaging the strong muscles. Her foot begins twitching as he focuses more on relaxing her tension building body. The nyla on her ass is falling to the side as it continues asking for attention.

With her foot in his hands, he massages between every toe repeatedly to ensure satisfaction. He bends her leg back and spends even more time massaging each toe individually before focusing on the bottom of her foot.

Her moans and groans have become sighs as he finds every tension spot on her foot. He blows a breath of cold air over the bottom of her foot just as he starts massaging the hot spot on the bottom of her foot. She kind of bounces a little, but he lets her so that he can stare at her ass jiggling around.

She holds onto the edge of the bizeaiz even more as his endless assault on her pressure point slowly stops. Her heavy breaths amuse him as he starts in on her other leg. Her right leg is given the same treatment with every tiny detail of her body being targeted.

He puts a little more oil in his hands and begins massaging the inside of her thighs more. This time around, he removes the nyla covering her ass and puts his hands on top of her. She groans into the cushion as he squeezes on her ass.

His hands can barely cover all the meat of each cheek, even though he uses two hands at a time. He starts with her right cheek, and thoroughly massages down to her hips. His hand slides in between her ass as massages even the darker regions of her ass. He gets lost in how soft her ass is as he rubs where her ass meets her thigh.

He feels the knots in her body and presses down hard on them before rubbing and squeezing them out of her thighs. Her sighs turn to squeals as the tips of his fingers approach her leaking lips. He softly rubs near them more and more before returning to massaging her ass, lower back, and thighs.

Her body begins quiver more as he starts massaging in a pattern. He starts with the back of her thighs, then up to right under her ass, over her ass, and up her back before squeezing all those sensations into her hips.

"Oh god!" she murmurs as her feet shake a little.

He starts rocking his member against her ass as he slides up her back. Her hands start shaking as he pushes every sensation deeper into her hips. He feels her body locking up and twitching as she rushes into a small orgasm.

Just as she moans into cumming, he reaches back and grabs both her feet. With an orgasm rushing through her, he presses down on her pressure points again and sends her flying into a more intense level of orgasm. She actually pushes herself up a little as her body shakes and trembles.

He lets her feet go and catches her under her hips as she starts to fall back down. She slowly lies back down with her ass still up in the air as her orgasm continues to rush through her head. He begins rubbing the soft part of her pubic area until she whimpers at him.

As she lies in front of him with his hands on her hips, he can think of nothing else but pulling his swollen dick out and riding his sister into the floor. Her heavy breathing eventually pulls him out of his own world, and he remembers he's supposed to be continuing the massage.

He leans down on top of her back again and bites on the side of her neck while rubbing up and down on both her arms.

"Ready for part two?" he whispers in between bites.

She looks back at him nibbling on her neck and smiles.

"Give me a couple of seconds."

He smiles back at her and kisses her on the forehead before leaning back up. He puts more oil in his hands and gives her one final run over. He rubs every part of her body that his hands can reach to rub out any leftover orgasmic sensations.

He repositions himself between her legs as she rolls over onto her back. She lifts her left leg over his head to put him back between her legs. Without thinking, he leans down on her body to whisper in her ear.

"This is the part of the massage I really like."

She puts her hands on the back of his neck to keep him on top of her. She looks down at the pink shorts he's wearing and sees a dark spot right in front of his dick tip.

"You do remember I'm your sister, right?" signaling for him to look down at the wet spot.

They both look down at his throbbing cock oozing precum all over the inside of his shorts.

"It's okay. My zhodits will keep you dry."


"My shorts, they're specially designed."

"Whatever," she smiles at him.

As their breaths mix again, they both feel the urge to kiss. He leans her head back and leans up to start the second part of the massage. He starts to put the nyla over her tits and pussy, but she signals for him not to.

"This part will be a lot more sexual," he adds while putting oil in his hand.

"Do your worst."

She closes her eyes and gestures that she's offering her body to him. He wastes no time in re-massaging her hands and arms. Once she's back into the massage, he focuses on her chest and neck. He starts by oiling her chest, but not touching her tits. She opens her eyes just as he rubs over her collar bones.

He stops at her neck and puts her hands on his wrists.

"Stop me if you get scared. Just keep in mind I'm trying to hurt you."

She stares back up into his eyes while licking her lips at him.

"Why would I be scared?"

He licks his lips at her while continuing to stare into her eyes before replying.

"A lot of women think I'm trying to choke them when I massage their throats. It's a special kind of oil that opens the body both spiritually as well as physically. It'll help you breathe better, so I'm really going to massage it into your neck. I just don't want you to be scared."

She arches her hips up and moans while rubbing against his contained member. She tightens the grip on his wrists and moves his hands to her neck.

"Like I said before...," she slides her left knee up and begins teasing his shaft with it. "You're my big brother. I trust you!"

The seduction in her voice captures him as he begins massaging her throat. She lets go of his wrists as he rubs over her windpipe and arteries until her chest is heaving up and down. They never break eye contact as she softly whimpers under the pressure of his hands. He eventually slides his hands down her neck and to her exposed chest.

He makes sure her entire torso is covered in oil before focusing on her tits. He really pays attention to the sides of her breasts, going back towards her back. He caresses her ribs and squeezes the moans out of her. His hands trace the outer meats of her tits until he sees her nipple almost throbbing.

Once she's moaning again, he rubs over her tits with his full palms. Every once in a while, he lets her nipples slide in between his fingers. When it does happen, he softly pulls on her nipples while pinch rolling them with a slight roughness. While rubbing over her breasts, she closes her eyes, bends her legs up, and arches her back to give him a full shot of her curvy body.

Usually, when girls are arching like that, it's because he's balls-deep in them. With his sister's body like that from a massage, he gets an idea to tense her up more. He very quickly thrusts his hips forward into her arching body. His hard member smacks into her wet pussy and knocks her body around.

She groans from the impact and opens her eyes to see what just happen. He slides his oily hands down her torso to her tight waistline and again gets caught up in her body. Her legs slide back down as she moans from the powerful grip he has on her.

"Take your shorts off," she commands him.

"The shorts stay on until the massage is over. Assuming you pay for them to come off."

They both laugh the suggestion off while his hands find their way to her belly button. He leans down and breathes hot air down on her navel while massaging down to her hips. He begins sliding his hands from her hips to her navel over and over again until her legs bend up again.

She rolls her head back and closes her eyes as his hands approach the cute little pubic bush over her clitoris. He barely touches over the tip of it before sliding around her pussy to her thighs. She whimpers from the tease but doesn't oppose his strategy. He oils her legs before giving them the same treatment as before.

As he slides his hands back up her legs, he gets even closer to her pussy lips. He stops to thoroughly massage the inside of her thighs, even lifting her legs to rub closer to her pussy. The juice is dripping from her lips onto the velvet, and she's starting to lose her mind. Her body quivers with every attempt he makes towards her pussy.

He soon starts up another pattern on her body. He opens her legs in a diamond shape so that he can fully tease her quivering pussy. He slides his hands from the inside of her thighs, around her pussy lips, and up to her navel before pushing all the tension into her hips.

"I can feel it in my cervix," she moans while squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples.

She lays her head back and closes her eyes while more juice drips out as his hands get closer and closer to her pussy with each motion repeated. She sits her feet on the back of his legs as her pussy clenches right in front of him. She runs her right hand through her hair while her left hand continues to tantalize her tit.

He gives one final push towards her cervix, and she squeals in orgasm. Her hips try to rise up a little, but he pushes them down to continue his massage. While her orgasm is still carrying her, he slides his hands over her pussy lips.

She opens her eyes and moans harder as her clit is touched for the first time during the massage. He opens her lips with his thumbs and rubs up over her clit to her pubic hair. She grabs his wrists and holds them still, but he blows cold air over her now fully exposed clit.

"Oh, shit!"

Her eyes roll into the back of her head as she arches up off the cushion and holds her breath. He continues blowing until her eyes return and she's just breathing heavily. He moves his hands away from her pussy and lets her calm down while he gets ready for the finale.

She runs her hands through her hair and tries catching her breath while looking up at him.

"What are you doing now?"

He looks down at her and smiles.

"We're not done yet. There's still one more part of your body that needs to be massaged."

She lays her head back and scratches her head.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I'm about to have sex with my brother."

"We're not going to have sex," he reassures her.

"You always say it's not sex unless the girl has at least three orgasms. I already came twice and if you're about to do what I think you're about to do, that's going to be three. That means it's sex."

He rolls his eyes at her as he leans down on top of her.

"Sex would involve kissing, and sucking, and eating you out, and fucking you; not just a massage. My dick isn't even out."

She runs her hand down his chest to his abs, just above the band of his shorts.

"About that, you should just take these off," she suggests while pushing the front of the shorts down.

He leans back up and stops her before his dick pops out.

"One more body part to go." He leans down to pin her hands next to her head. Their lips are hovering an inch away from each other as they stare into each other's eyes. "Then if you still want the shorts to come off, we can work out a deal."

He leans back up and puts some oil into his palm. Before she can respond to his proposition, he puts his hands on her pussy lips. He again opens them to rub in between them. His thumbs rub the inside labia as his other fingers massage her outer lips. He really pays attention to parts of the pussy most wouldn't.

He massages the soft parts of her mound around where her hair is growing. He gets in between her thighs and swollen lips, as well as above her pubis right below her navel. He spends as much time around her pussy as possible until her moans and groans indicate rising tension.

She looks down at his hands with hopeful eyes as he isolates her clitoris. Her hips jump as he begins rubbing all sides of it with both hands. His right hand rubs at the top while his left index and middle finger find the sensitive spot underneath her clit. She struggles to keep her hands away from his as he pinch-rubs and blows on her clit.

Just as the sensation seems too much, his hands slide down to her opening. He rubs every part of her slippery insides so much that juice squirts out at him a little before he opens her. Remembering how many pussies he's seen in his life, his sister's pussy looks incredibly small and tight.