Mike's Navy: A Wedding, Christmas and New Year


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He thought he was raised better than that. He's afraid he's become very self centered and it makes him uneasy. How can he change? He ponders that question as he cruises along. He swings left on the Old Ferry Road and swings left again on Hazelhurst Street. Near the end he finds the homes are more and more run down looking with For Sale signs in many yards. Some even have For Rent signs but he considers them relics. At the end he has to turn around and that's a chore with his power wagon crew cab's length.

He's considering backing out when he hears his name being called, "Mike! Over here! Hey Mike! Yoo-hoo!" He looks all around and spots Maxine in his mirror. He waves back and backs up to where she is by the fence. "Were you looking for me?" she laughs and waves him to come in.

He looks to see her car but he's not even sure what she drives. Oh man, he feels shallow. And he's going to ask this woman's help, he owes her so much already, and never realized it.

He swears he will start over and do it right with Marlene. "Hi Maxi, I was looking for you. Are you free?"

She jostles his arm, "For you I'm always free, lover man. What you need?"

"I mean are you busy? Is your hubby home? Can you get away? That sort of thing."

"Mike, he's passed out. He was when I came home. Do you want to come in?"

"No, no, not that. I just wanted to see you."

"Well okay," she comes around the vehicle and gets in the far side then slides over beside him. "You seem preoccupied. Are you alright?"

"I don't know. I'm seeing me and I don't like what I'm seeing. I feel I've been using you, Maxi, and I don't like myself for doing that. I think I've become a monster in many ways. I seem to be self centered and don't really think about others' needs. Am I really that bad a monster, Maxi?"

"You're right to some extent, Mike, but we let you walk on us because we all love you and we feel you do care for us in return. I'm including Billie in that and likely a lot of other women on the road. You would know them better than I. We care for you just the way you are and wouldn't recognize you any other way."

"I wouldn't make a very good husband then, would I?"

"Hmm, that would depend on the wife. If she loved you like we do she would likely forgive you your faults and love you all the same. I think you'd make a terrific father, you'd steer your kids away from anyone like you." She laughs.

"I guess I'm going to find out. I'm engaged and we have a wee one on the way. That's part of what I wanted to see you about."

"What? Engaged? Oh Mike, you slipped up, did you? You know you don't have to marry the girl just because she's pregnant, Mike. There's abortions or adoptions or plain old financial arrangements."

"I love her, Maxi. We were talking marriage before I knew she was pregnant. As near as we can figure it happened around the first of September. She's still in her first trimester."

"If you love her what are you doing here? Or for that matter what were you doing fucking me two weeks ago? Are you sure your making the right move, Mike?"

"I came seeking your help and I guess that's why I was feeling so guilty when I arrived. I need your help to put every thing together for a marriage by the end of the month."

"I came to ask as a friend, because under it all I do regard you as that, to help me find a place to bring her home to, to help me convince the old man to give me leave on short notice. To help me convince the old man to give me that leave on the west coast and I think that's it."

"Will you take me to the club?" He starts the wagon. She puts her hand on his shoulder, "No, don't bother. I was testing you. Of course I'll help you. What do you need me to do first?"

He pauses, "Tell me about Maxine Holloway. I want to know you better. Do you want a brew? We can go over to the club if you'd like."

"My family came to Canada in 1949 from Switzerland where they had sought asylum. It wasn't we didn't like the Swiss but they yearned to be so much further from that part of the world. Papa didn't survive well, his health was gone because of the years in hiding. I think he died of a broken heart, he missed his wife so much. He married my mother but his heart went to the grave with his first wife." She speaks in a whisper now. "I was born here but those were lonely years with the ghosts and specters of long gone wars." She agrees, "Okay, let's go for a drink."

Mike drives to Big Walt's and parks out front. She whispers in the dark cavern of the power wagon, "He was an accountant, a very sensitive man who was good with figures. His name was Aaron and he was respected by his friends. I think you would have liked him, Mike. He never liked my husband but he hid it well. I suppose it was because he wasn't Jewish or maybe because he's a drunk," she pauses, "Although he had a few drunken friends."

Mike studies her, "You're Jewish? I had no idea. What was your maiden name?"

"Fischer, we came from Austria to Switzerland and then Canada. It was terrible, the nazis caught my papa's wife in a roundup and he never saw her again. It seems all my young life I was hiding from the past and Canada has such wonderful freedom."

"My husband's family had old wealth and I felt so lucky to have found him so I continued with him against my father's wishes. I wonder if I broke his heart, too."

"Let's go for a drink and a dance, sweet Maxi. We need to unwind."

They go inside and blend with the dancers dancing their way to the bar. Keisha's smiling face greets them and he orders up a strawberry daiquiri and a beer. They move to a nearby table and watch the dancers in the dim light. It's a few locals tonight and fairly quiet but the music is low and it feels cozy.

"So when did your dad meet your mom?"

"It was here. I think it was an arranged match. Good Jewish girls do it that way, you know." She smiles, "I was the rebel, I dated outside the realm. Mama died in child birth with my sister but the baby survived. Papa was a broken man. We were raised by family or extended kin."

"I never knew. I never realized what a sad life you've lived, Maxi. My heart goes out to you."

"Now don't go all sappy on me. I survive and you make life easier for me. That's why I love to hang out with you. You treat me like a lady and when I want it you treat me like a tramp. I love you for that, Mike." She sips on her drink. "What do you need?"

Mike relates what all has to be done and the timetable.

"Okay, I'll look for housing this weekend and first thing tomorrow we better put your application for leave in. I can explain it's for your pending marriage and use that as a lever to tell him you need the CO's approval. You'll have to put something on paper for him to suggest the maintenance plans for while you're on leave."

"Can you get him to do all that?"

She grins, "I have my ways. He'll do it for me."

"You mean...?"

She smiles, "How do you think I became his secretary? The old fox is not as old as a lot think he is. He's still frisky now and again."

"Oh Maxi, I had no idea. I'm learning so much about you now and can't understand why we been friends for nearly a year and I haven't known anything about you. Would you like another drink?"

"Okay, one more. I can't get soused tonight or we won't get anything done tomorrow." Mike goes to the bar and returns with fresh drinks. He nods towards the floor as he returns so she meets him waiting to dance. They fit like marionettes since she's five nine to his six one. When he holds her close her breasts are pressed into his chest and her pelvis rides on his. Dancing for them is a sensual titillation and Mike can't help the stiffening Maxine feels in his pants.

They love to tease each other this way whether dancing or making love. In a way it stimulates them to test the limits of their play. They whirl together around the floor and stay on their feet through a music change or two then return to the table.

"If you put something on paper tonight about the proposal for truck maintenance while you're on leave, I'll put it in his hands first thing tomorrow. I know we don't have much on the agenda for tomorrow so he can go right to work for you." They sip on their drinks and chat. "Do up your leave application as well. It should be approved tomorrow so you can call your girl tomorrow night."

They finish their drinks and dance a few more times but all good things must come to an end so they head back out to Tryst. "I don't know how to thank you, Maxi."

"I suppose the regular is not appropriate any more... although you felt like it might be while we were dancing." He starts the power wagon and let's it idle.

"We could blame the booze, or say it's one last time..."

"I like the way your thinking. Hell, we don't need any excuses, all we've ever needed was the urge. I think we got that."

"Your place or mine?" He grins and pulls out the drive onto Windmill Road then heads for the bridge. He passes under it and heads on towards King's Wharf Point. He pulls into their favorite parking spot within sight of the lights from the bridge and the lights across the harbor from Cape Scott. "I better leave her running tonight. It's pretty cold."

She snuggles against him, "We'll keep it hot, babe" Her hand seeks him out and she fondles his hard organ. "He's been hard since we started dancing. I think it's time we did something about that."

"I always react that way around you. You keep me in a ready state." he chuckles as he lifts her chin to kiss her. Lips locked together and tongues playing with each other they grope each other's bodies in an urgent state of expectancy. "Should we move to the back seat?" he whispers huskily.

She has his trousers undone and it grasping his bulging penis in hand, "Too late, not now, no time to waste." she hisses. Her lips cover his again as she strokes him smoothly and almost climbs onto his frame.

He presses her back with one hand up under a bra cup and the other stroking her sodden furry patch. His tongue invades her mouth and plays with hers roughly as his fingers squeeze a nipple making it harder. She can feel that squeeze all the way down in her cunt and she strains against him harder demanding action.

"Oh God," she moans, "Fuck me now. Do it now!"

He lays her back on the seat and pulls her panties to one side as he mounts her. Bundled clothes forgotten he jiggles his ass a bit and works quickly inside her to start a long hard thrusting action. His ass bobs up and down in the shadows and the lighter highlights of her creamy knees protrude out each side of him.

He shuffles and wiggles working his jacket off as he drives deep inside her. It lands on the floor. She seethes, "Help me get my arms out of mine!" He helps her and she lays on it thrusting her hips up to him to match his movements exactly.

He slows to loosen her other breast from it's halter and she swings it up over her head then lets it go to join his jacket. He boroughs into her top to suck on a nipple as she unbuttons his shirt so she can feel his skin against her breasts. He opens her top fully and bobs his head between her orbs to blow on her skin and make a funny noise.

She laughs and wraps her legs tighter around him, "Oh Mike, I've wanted you like this for a week now at least. There's no one like you in my life."

The slap, slap, slap of his balls against her anus fills the truck with noise strangely syncopated with the sound of the waves against the dock below them. The movement of the crew cab resembles the ebb and flow of wave actions on the boats in the harbor. A soft refrain of distant music reminds Mike he has left the radio turned down but it suits the mood.

He slows a bit more to fully enjoy the soft lining of her passageway as it brushes his throbbing organ. It seems he can feel and throb with each ripple in her slick hot tunnel. All of his million nerves in his straining cock are dancing and sending messages of pleasure to his brain.

For Maxine the same experience is occurring in her hard little nub of a clit as it brushes his throbbing organ. Those million nerves are there in her nub as well and sending equally pleasurable messages to her brain. Hers is the first to overload, her brain spasms into pleasurable ecstasy and she cries out in joy.

Her cries spur him on despite the tingling deep in his sac and he thrusts harder and faster as his pulsing organ expands a fraction to shoot his seminal fluids deep inside her. He feels the rush and she feels the pressure as she fills with his fluids. It rockets her into another orgasm as jet after jet of hot white cream fill her to overflowing. He holds her in a tight embrace as his needs are fulfilled and hers alleviated.

They rest together and get their breaths under control. "Can you reach the glove box?"

"I got them," says Maxine as she pulls out the wipes and passes him one. "You can pull out now, Mike." she giggles.

Lazily he pulls out of her, "Oh Maxi, we definitely have to quit this but oh, it's so good. I know it is for you, too. We'll always have to be on guard against temptations, you know." She nods sadly and starts to reach for clothes.

"Get off me so I can get my bra. Where is it?" Mike looks and finds it under the seat. He slides off her and sits in the seat watching her dress. "You better get dressed, too." He nods.

"Why do you always seem so young, Maxi? I never think of you being nearly forty or I'd call you Mrs. Holloway."

"Don't you dare!" she warns him laughing.

He starts getting dressed as they banter so that soon he's delivering her home. It feels funny to leave her here instead of at the office or by her car in the car park. He wonders who lives in these houses overlooking the cove. He return across the bridge to his barracks and puts together his application for leave. He also outlines a proposal for truck maintenance for his Hayes at the Hayes facility in British Columbia to coincide with his leave time.

He fleshes out the proposal and puts the full report with his leave application. Feeling somewhat happy with the results so far he relaxes and tries to get some sleep.

Chapter 26

Friday, November 9, 1984

He's up, showered, and in the mess eating by 0600. He knows Maxi will be in her office by 0730 so he times himself so he appears there at twenty five minutes after. She greets him at the door as she unlocks the office, "Good morning, lover. Did you put everything together?"

He hands her a folder and she glances at the contents, "It looks good. Let's see if anything important has come in overnight." She goes to check her faxes and mail slot. "I got your folder right on top. I'll push it. Don't go too far away." He gives her a quick kiss.

"How should I announce my engagement to him and seek his help in getting the CO's approval?"

"I'll explain you need the leave to get married. I might have to tell him of the expected new arrival thus the need for haste. I think it will help your application. Leave it to me."

"Maxi, you're a miracle worker. I'll leave it in your capable hands. I'll be downstairs in dispatch or leave word with them if I step out." He leaves the office area and goes downstairs.

"Good morning, Mike." It's LS George Arlington who mans the desk in dispatch. "You're on rest days today. What are you doing here?"

"Hanging out, George. Just waiting to see the old man upstairs. Ms. Holloway will call me when he's in."

"You know, I heard rumors of you and that gal. Any truth in them?"

"I haven't heard them so I don't know, George." He regards him, "What were the rumors about?" He adds, "When I'm in off the road I've been known to take her for a drink or dancing. Could that be what they're referring to?"

"That could be it. You know how rumors get blown up sometimes." Mike nods solemnly.

"Does the LCdr come in this way or does he have a back stairs somewhere?"

"He comes through here. He should be in any time. Look sharp if he comes in here." Mike nods as he studies some new Standing Orders on the wall. He is about to take them down to read when George bellows, "Room!"

Mike spins saluting and coming to attention all in one movement. The LCdr steps into the room saluting, "As you were, fellows. Any problems, George?"

"None sir, everything's in order, sir."

"Mike, how's things with you? Good to see you back."

"Thank you, sir. I have some paperwork for your consideration that I left with Mrs. Holloway. I'll be available if you need me, sir."

"Okay, I do have your work schedule for next week if you come up after a bit we can go over it."

"Yes sir, I'll stay available, sir."

"Okay fellows, carry on." He salutes and they return it as he leaves. Mike pulls the Standing Orders off the wall peg and takes them to a chair by the side cupboard. He fills a cup with coffee from the pot and settles down to read.

He finishes his reading and a second cup of coffee before George's phone rings and he jerks his thumb up the stairs. Mike nods his thanks and bounces up the steps. He pops though the door and Maxi smiles. She whispers, "I had to persuade him. Go right in."

He whispers back, "Thank you, Maxi." and goes to the door to rap.

"Come." Mike opens the door, "Come in, Mike." They go through the salute, "I need you to explain this proposal for truck maintenance. I've heard our people complain in the shops they don't like working on the Hayes. Oh, and congratulations on your pending nuptials. I'll seek the CO's approval for you at noon but I don't foresee any reason to doubt his acceptance."

"Thank you, sir." He inspects the man to see if he shows any signs of Maxine's pressure. He does appear a bit disheveled and perhaps winded. He wonders he has never noticed it before. "Will there be any problem scheduling my leave to get married, sir?"

"Well, that's it. If you can see a way to put that truck of yours into a Hayes facility in BC for two weeks that makes an excellent reason to grant leave even on this short notice. Do you know someone at the Hayes factory?"

"Nine years ago Mack Trucks sold Hayes Manufacturing to Kenworth Paccar and they closed all the Hayes plants. What we do have is a number of the mechanics from Hayes working at CFB Esquimalt in our shops. If we can schedule some heavy preventive maintenance for that truck while it's out there we can keep it on the road that much longer and safer. Could you tee that up with their motor pool division?"

"Hey, I think I could. I'll have Maxine get right on that." he smiles, "So, your taking that big step. It might feel like your trapped at first due to the circumstances but if you feel strongly for the girl the way Maxine says you do, I'm sure it will work out just fine. Now, let's see your run for next week. It's fairly straight forward this trip. Monday you pick up a trailer in Greenwood for Trenton then a load from Millhaven to Esquimalt. How has the weather been in the mountains?"

"So far I've had good luck with the weather. I haven't had to chain up yet and I keep my fingers crossed."

"Does that really help?" He grins.

"It can't hurt," is Mike's reply and they both chuckle. Mike is told to check in during the day and dismissed for now. He stops to chat with Maxi but she's called in the office. Mike leaves to get a local paper and start looking for a house. He brings it back to dispatch and sips fresh coffee as he studies it. There are few in his price range and he's afraid they might be gone time he can check on them.

Just before lunch he checks with Maxine. "I don't see many places in my price bracket so I better check what's there soon. I imagine they rent out quickly."

"There's a lot that don't advertise except with a placard in the window. I'll check things out tomorrow and Sunday. Don't just grab the first thing you see. There's decent places for decent money if your patient. I have contacts so let me work on it. Now we have faxed your maintenance schedule for the Hayes to Esquimalt and are awaiting their reply. The boss has asked scheduling to fit your leave into the program here so it has tentative approval. We should know a lot more right after lunch." She beams all over.
