Mike's Navy: A Wedding, Christmas and New Year


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In the morning Bessie feeds them and Mike feels bad she won't take any money for it. She even fills his thermos and insists they take a snack for later. They're on the road early as he planned and will easy make Port Huron for lunch.

As they travel together she's an easy and likeable travel companion. They banter and joke some, even flirt and tease a bit but it's all in good humor and makes the miles fly by. He suspects that Marlene will be the same on a long haul.

It's eleven twenty when they pull into Port Huron but he has to correct that when he sees a clock. Another time zone from Chicago so it's twelve twenty. He gets her phone number before he leaves the Pilot Truck Stop and says he'll check with her when he's coming this way again.

He crosses the border and heads for Barrie north of Toronto and Camp Borden. It's 402 to 401 to 400 north from Toronto. It's a matter of about two hundred and fifty miles or roughly five hours. He pulls in around six thirty and only has to drop the trailer and get signatures. He bobtails for Millhaven, another one hundred and fifty miles or about three hours and finds himself parked at 10 Acre Truck Stop by Belleville for the night.

He figures he will fuel up over at CFB Kingston tomorrow after he picks up his load. It's late and he just wants a quick bite and call it a day. It's Tuesday night and Emilia is working by herself in the cafe. Irina is off shift so he chats with Emilia as he orders up a cheese omelet and toast.

Dog tired he retires as soon as he can and up early to head to Millhaven for another load to Halifax. He pulls in at Valcartier around 0700 hours local time.

Ken Daniels is on the dock and gets the number of his load for him while it's Charlotte Bowen in the office when he goes to get his paperwork. He gets everything signed for and is on his way by 0800.

He lunches across from Quebec City and pulls into Edmundston for the night by 6:30 PM local time. This will be a tough choice to let Lola know he won't be available any more. He looks back at her cabin and imagines he sees her in the window. He figures he must be mistaken, she will still be on shift. It must be Emma so he waves and heads for the diner.

He watches for her as he takes his seat. Another waitress with Jane T on her nametag comes to wait on him so he asks, "Where's Lola tonight?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know who that is." She offers to pour coffee and he nods. "Our special tonight is liver smothered in fried onions."

"Yeah, great, I'll take it. You don't know Lola?" She shrugs and shakes her head no. Mike wonders what's going on. It has him really perplexed.

"Hey Mike, where's Lola?" It's Dana off the day shift.

"How would I know? What's going on?"

"She left with you. Someone said she was back for her last cheque but that's it. No one's seen her since. We thought she might be with you on your run."

"I took her home to her folks' place in Riviere-du-Loup and that was the last I saw of her. I guess this Jane is her replacement then? How about Emma, doesn't she know anything? She was her roommate."

"I think it was her that said she was back for her cheque. Dang, I'm going to miss her."

Mike nods solemnly. "Going to be lonely in my old truck tonight," he grins.

Dana cocks her head, "Aren't you still curious about my favorite fantasy?"

"I'm scared to ask."

"Oh Mike!" She chuckles.

"Okay, what's your number one fantasy, Dana?"

"I won't tell you but I might show you."

"I know your number two fantasy has to do with pool and I've imagined you in every possible position on a pool table. Tell me what about pool fascinates you?"

She laughs, "It's not about the game, pool. It's about a swimming pool and moonlight and two happy bathers with nothing else. You missed that one, although I never thought of a pool table and positions. hmm," she reflects.

He adores her cocky attitude towards life and towards anything else she deigns to consider. He has long adored her since first meeting her but has never been in a position to do anything about it.

His liver and onions arrive so he digs in with gusto. Dana watches him eat and waits patiently. He remembers she has a year on him but she's only 5' 5", she has dark brown expressive eyes and dark brown shining hair; her figure is perfect for her size. She has the sweetest pert perfect orbs in miniature, about a 30 or 32A and she's so saucy she makes him smile. He wonders why he has never been able to catch her off shift.

"So where do you live? Lola told me most of the staff live out back."

"Two doors down from them. I watched you come in tonight. That's why I got dressed and came to see what you knew about Lola. I guess you two aren't a thing now. Is that it?"

"That's it, I guess." He watches her a moment. "No idea why she'd quit, eh?"

She shakes her head, "She always said she had a thing for you. I thought you had set things up together somewhere."

Mike finishes his supper. "I have to do my paperwork so if you'll excuse me I'll leave you now."

"May I go with you? I often wondered what it looked like in your blue monster." She's ginning in her cocky way.

"You're most welcome, please join me." He pays his bill and they walk out back to the truck. "May I help you up?" He assists her in a modest way avoiding feeling her ass. She slides in on the seat behind the wheel. He nudges her over. "So what do you think?"

"Roomier than I thought..." He let's the seat back eight inches, "Oh, much roomier than I thought." She relaxes against the seat back. "How do you cover the windows? You do have to have privacy, I imagine."

He runs his arm up over her shoulder and she relaxes into it but suddenly realizes he is reaching behind her. He pulls out the shades and puts them in place. She turns pink in the face and winks at him "You caught me off guard."

"Quite alright, I do that to the prettiest ladies I entertain only." He reaches under the seat for his brief case. He pulls out his paperwork and his bills.

"Did you used to do that at Lola's?"

"I did." He starts writing in the log.

"You can bring it to my place, if you'd like." She's smiling more now and turning pink again.

"I've started it here now. I might as well finish it. I won't be long." He quickly finishes his paperwork. He tucks his briefcase away under the seat.

"Now what?" she asks coyly.

"Now I can show you the rest of my conversion." He reaches behind her again and pulls out the bedroll. He has her help him spread it all out and then says, "Voila! Now it's a bedroom. How's that?" He dims the lights and tunes in soft music.

"I'm impressed. Is it comfortable?" She stretches out on it. He removes her shoes and massages her legs. She nods, "It is comfortable and I think, roomy enough." She pats the seat beside her inviting him to lay down. He slides down beside her. "Now this is my number one fantasy." She rolls to him and welds her body to his. "I've waited since I met you for this, Mike." Her lips seek his urgently and she kisses in a hungry manner.

He feels her tongue on his lips and then in his mouth seeking his own. Her lips twist and maneuver on his setting his pulse to racing. What guilt feelings he might have had are quickly forgotten. She's so confident and so much at home he feels it was worth the wait to catch her just right. They help each other to strip away layer after layer of clothes and instead of getting colder they get hotter with each layer.

After rolling together kissing and rubbing each other with their entire bodies she slides off the seat and grips his erection with both hands. She strokes it and slides her hands up and down it kissing the head then catching it with her lips and licking it. She runs her lips and tongue down the under side of the shaft then tickles his balls as she licks them and sucks on them working her way back to the top.

She swirls the head with her tongue a couple times then slides the whole organ deep into her throat. She chokes but persists and suddenly can take no more so burps him up and sucks him hard as she pulls up on him. Her hands are never still as they work his firm flesh in time with her mouth. Mike thinks how it's been four days since he came last and tries to relax. He knows he can't last and groans, "I'm cumming, Dana! Oh God, am I ever cumming!"

She sucks hard and works her hands feeling him expand. She giggles as she swallows as fast as she can but can't keep up to it. White cream runs down her chin and onto her breasts. Mike looks down and she's blowing some of it out her nose as she tries to handle it all. She giggles again and snorts some more. Mike has to laugh and he's already squirting more.

She sucks some more trying to get the last drop then rests her chin on his hip. "I knew you'd taste good. Do you want to come over to my place, now?"

"Hmm, why not? Let's go for it." They gather up their clothes and put on what they have to then run for her cabin. The cum that was decorating her chest has been rubbed into her breasts so they're not so messy but still mighty wet. They land on the bed together Mike aiming to lick her pussy.

He sets about doing just that. As she pulls off her clothes and helps him divest himself of the same he burrows between her thighs. He doesn't have to do anything to get her wet but he plans to make her wetter. He licks her puffed up inner lips, kisses and sucks on them tasting her essence. It's heady stuff and his head starts swimming with intoxication.

She arches spreading her legs giving him more to work on her sex. His tongue traces up the slit between her lips and back down, he sucks and kisses his way up one lip then down the other lapping the juices that well up in her. He rams his tongue between her lips to spear her open then licks upwards towards her clit. Following his tongue is a finger, then two working their way inside her as he toys with her clit.

His tongue rasps on her clit then his lips catch it and he sucks gently to start and his fingers find their way to her rough oval inside and he rubs it. He beckons with his fingers faster and harder as he sucks on her clit. Backing off a bit to lick around her clit he works his fingers much faster. He can feel her tremble and her arch starts to cave. He props her with his other hand feeling her jerking as his fingers rub her tender G spot. Her moaning turns to squeals and cries for more. He sucks her clit and she goes crazy shaking all over and mewing limply.

He eases off her clit and does nothing for a minute letting her catch her breath then works his fingers fast and rough on her G spot. She shoots ejaculates over his hand and his chin. He smiles and eases up again then pushes her over the edge again. He repeats this a few times and finally let's her relax and catch her breath.

"So that's how they do that! My God, I thought I was pissing myself! That's wild!"

"Are you ready for some fun fucking now?"

"Give me a few to catch my breath. It takes quite a bit of pressure on the G spot along with the rubbing, doesn't it? It seemed quite rough."

"You've never ejaculated before, I gather."

"No, not until now. I've heard of it but thought I couldn't do it."

"You tried, eh?"

She looks shy, "I did but I guess I didn't get rough enough. I could feel it coming though. I knew when you had the right spot."

"You'll be able to do it anytime you want now since you've experienced it once. It might become a nuisance. You'll be quite a bit wetter now when you have vanilla sex."

"Let's check that out. Come on, let's have a shower." They jump up and dash for the shower. Soon they are splashing each other and playing in the waterfall. Also soon it becomes intimate and they hurry back to the bed wrapped in towels. As much as he rubs her to towel her off fluid wells up again in her intimate spots.

"That's not fair, I was already wet to start with." she complains. He laughs and licks her pussy. "I like your way of soaking it up, though." she giggles. "Let me sit in your lap. I'll give you a lap dance."

They move around so he sits on the seat and she perches over him. She wiggles her bottom and slides over his thighs allowing his to come very close to entering her but always managing to slip away to one side or the other. He reaches to grab her hips but she wags her finger at him saying, "No fair! You can't touch the merchandise." She slides away again. She rises to stand by the bed, "We need music." she reaches for her radio.

Mike arches and spears up into her. She squeals, "Dirty play!" She bounces a few times, "Dirty play but I like it! Nice move, Mike" She bounces wildly in his lap. She wiggles around after a while and faces him still bouncing. Her tits bounce before him so he licks and kisses them as they go by. She laughs and tries to bump his nose with her nipples.

Suddenly she grabs his face and plants her lips square on his as a wild series of tremors go through her. She bears down hard on him and squeezes him tight inside her. "Oh Mike! Oh wow! oh, oh, oh." She shakes and Mike laughs.

He comments, "Sensitive now, aren't we!"

She is shuddering in multiple orgasms and just hanging on to him. "What?" she stammers, "Wha..."

"I think someone is touchy. Keep em going, gal. Keep moving..." She tries and manages to bounce a few more times before she shudders again and Mike has to take up the reins. He lets her ease back on her side and staying in her he positions himself by lifting her leg in front of him into a spooning position.

Moving purposely to bring her off again he takes her through over a dozen orgasms and the last few times she squirts uncontrollably. "Oh baby, it's your night tonight." he croons holding her close and playing one hand on her clit with the other on a nipple.

Of course he can't keep that up or he'll cum for sure so he eases up and let's them both catch their breathes. He helps her sit up and she sits on his pelvis panting. Slowly she rubs her clit on his engorged member trying to tease him and succeeding for both of them. She keeps it slow catching her breath, "How come you're still hanging on? I thought I'd empty you by now." She grits her teeth as she grins at him. "I'll get you off, buddy!"

"Don't worry, I'm not that far from it," he laughs. Instead of rubbing she moves her hand and tucks him inside then shimmies her hips quickly. If she'd given him a minute to build the tension she'd have finished him right there but she moves too quickly and he's numb to her movements.

She has to start a bouncing shimmying roll of her hips to get him back to apprehensive attention. Then she leans far forward to kiss him and pump her ass up and down on him. Her tongue sears his mouth looking for his and her lips work his for all she's worth as she pumps away. He feels that tingle start deep down in his sack and she pumps up and down on him.

He grabs her hips tight and shoves up hard and fast into her to explode deep inside her. She can feel it coming and goes all mushy inside as she rides her own crest feeling dizzy and carefree. She knows she is jetting fluid around him as he shoots fluid into her to mix them. What a riot as they mingle floating together on clouds of pleasure. They come down to earth slowly and lay motionless connected by dreams of reality. "Surreal," he whispers gasping.

"Out of this," gasp, "world!" she responds. When they can move they return to the shower and wash each other clean. They retire to sleep fitfully awakening many times to have another quickie. Finally Dana slips from the bed and says, "I have to go to work. See you at breakfast."

Mike looks at the clock as she leaves and finishes dressing. He let's himself out to follow her. Guilt catches him off guard. He thinks, 'What am I doing?' and 'What's the matter with my head?' He has always wanted to bed Dana but why now when he has the world by the tail, so to speak. He's sure he has the woman of his dreams in Marlene but Dana has stirred him like no other. She's a trap and he fell so easily into her. He berates himself for his obvious disregard for his fiancé.

'Yeah,' he thinks, 'Dana must have seen his ring!' although he forgot it readily enough. He arrives at the restaurant and has them fill his thermos. Dana sees him and waves him over but he can't go to her. He blows a kiss and waves goodbye.

She watches him go and knows she will never see him again. She cocks her head, throws her nose in the air and goes about her job.

Living on hot coffee he flies south for Halifax but within a hundred miles or two hours of driving he comes to Woodstock, NB and Murray's Travel Plaza (Irving Oil Co.) and swings in for a belated breakfast or an early brunch. It's just after nine. He eats quickly and gets back on the road.

By 1:30 local time he is pulling into Aulac near Amherst at the Irving Big Stop. Once again he eats quickly but does chat with Anastasia before leaving. Now it's a straight run into Halifax so he's anxious to go. He needs time to think and time to take action on their plans. Marlene and their baby are foremost in his mind now.

He pulls into the yard at Bedford Munitions Magazine in Halifax and gets signatures for his load then drops it and drives back to Dock Maintenance. He turns in his paperwork for the trip at the office and relaxes. It's 1945 hours on Thursday night so he heads for his room in Atlantic Block at Stad. His power wagon feels small after the trip in the Hayes.

He has to see the 'old Man' first thing tomorrow and apprise the CO of his plans through him. He has to seek housing for Marlene and himself for the end of the month. He has to spread word he is no longer available like he has been. That means a visit to Big Walt's and sooner than that a visit with Maxine. He has to plan annual leave and set up a timetable.

It all hits him at the same time. He has a lot to do and he better itemize it. He has to let Marlene know as soon as he has it all organized. He takes his wall calendar and sits at his desk. It is Nov. 8 (Thursday) and he has tentatively set Nov. 25th (Sunday) as their Wedding day. Can he do it and can he confirm by tomorrow night?

He marks the calendar.

Nov. 8 > Halifax

Nov 9,10,11 (rest days)

Nov 12 - 19 > Esquimalt

Nov 20,21,22 (rest days)

Nov 23 (start annual leave for 2 weeks)

Nov 25 (Marriage)

Dec 07 (end of annual leave) Esquimalt > Halifax

Dec 14 Back in Halifax

Dec 15,16,17 (rest days)

probably local work over Christmas

He calculates tomorrow he must get help. Maxi! She might be able to help him if she will but she won't be happy about him getting hitched. He has to inform the CO and that can best be done through his boss in dispatch so he needs Maxi and their boss, LCdr Rodney Remple.

He'll need annual leave on short notice, that's with his boss again. Annual leave on the west coast, at that! What advantage could that be to the service? An idea strikes him! Hayes logging trucks are made in British Columbia for the logging industry out there. What an opportunity for the service to schedule some maintenance for his truck during it's two weeks parked on the west coast.

Now housing, here Maxi could help. She knows the area much better than him and has the local contacts. He wouldn't doubt somewhere in the area where she lives would be a good place to start looking. It's close to the base and also to shopping. He'll check with her.

Now he's strung out on all that has to be done so decides to go for a drive. He heads out towards Big Walt's but on the bridge thinks better of that and drives through the exit at the end of Wyse Road and goes out Windmill Road towards King's Wharf Point. He drives on around the Trans Canada Trail overlooking Dartmouth Cove. He sees the back yards of the houses backing on the cove and figures one of them is Maxine's. Why has he never sought her here? He sadly thinks he has used her since he met her.