Mine...Yours Pt. 13


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Lucretia was watching me carefully as I took a few steps. "Go ahead and keep telling me all that happened. There's more coming right?"

She nodded and said that Gwen had come over and healed me while in the hospital. Need to get her something for that...A Hallmark card just didn't seem the sort of thing to cut it for something like that. Then I started thinking about being owed something, and the Judge came to mind.

Judge Michael Roberts...he tried to kill me, Lucretia had wanted him dead. She changed her mind but why? I saw her get up and come over to steady me with an arm around my shoulder and concern in her eyes.

Others have always wondered how I could see emotion in her eyes, its simple. Universally we all kinda do the same sort of facial expressions, raised eyebrows and so forth. That's all translated through the eyes. I will admit though that every now and then when she is staring off into space with a blank look on her face her eyes hold all the warmth of a shark in them! Even now, looking at her in the middle of a conversation and still feeling love for her, she is so damn scary!

She must have picked up on that feeling because she stiffened for a moment with an arm around me.

"Sorry...its not you, it's me." Nearly face palmed myself with saying that line!

She appeared to ponder this, then nodded. "I like it you are scared of me. I feel it all, your love, your hope, fear...everything."

She steered me into the kitchen, where I let go and got a glass of water and drank it. I reached up into the cupboard over the stove and popped a couple of aspirin. From behind me I heard her continue.

"I don't understand all emotions, but what you seem to think is fear? I think of as Respect." I turned to face her leaning a hip on the sink and motioned for her to continue.

"No, that's all. It feels like how respect should feel. You know me, you know what I can do and you should feel fear."

She got a small grin on her face and started to saunter towards me, her tail flicking back and forth. Then rushed up and threw her arms around me, effectively pinning my arms to my sides!

"OH! Look what I have caught! What a tasty looking mortal we have here..." She crooned throatily at me. Her body slowly undulates against me. "Whatever could have possessed you, foolish one, to enter my lair?"

I snorted and broke into a grin of my own. Then said in a high pitched terror filled voice, ""Oh no! I am captured, pleeeeaaaasssee! Don't eat me! I would taste terrible! I have eaten nothing but asparagus and cuttle fish for the past month with Limburger cheese on the side!"

I chuckled as I said this, but got no answering giggle back.

Lucretia had held still except her smile slipped a little. "What's up?" I ask as I run a finger across her cheek. She cocked her head looking past me in thought then looked back down into my eyes. "I am not sure if I like this game..." She said. I arched an eyebrow and waited for her to continue.

"Even though I know it is a game Greg, I felt...hmmm...uncomfortable with you even play acting that I would hurt you. My instincts are to hold you down and take you, but..." She scratched her claws lightly on my stomach making it tickle and I laughed and twitched to the side.

"There! I like that better." She told me. I pulled her next to me so she was on my side also leaning against the counter and offered her my glass of water, which she took a drink from.

"So you left the Alpha's home, and went back to see me?" I asked. She nodded.

"I was feeling fragile...you are my anchor here in this world, our bond makes this so." She rubbed her horns on my shoulder.

"I was missing you and feeling the need to lash out. Your Pa...Dad took me back to you and Gwen had healed you up but you were still sleeping..."

She told about how the Gatewatch was down a man...I mean...uh...woman. She volunteered to help get rid of the outsider and close the gate down. While there with Gwen and Jemima she saw an old...

"You never told me about your old master or your experiences with him..." I ventured. My head filled with visions of my sweetheart dismembering someone with chains. Having an active imagination sucks sometimes.

"No...I did not." Was her curt reply.

I waited...she said nothing more. I rubbed my hand on her shoulder and noticed she was starting to tense up.

"Do you think we should? Talk about it..." I asked carefully.

She started to speak a couple of times but stopped. She shook her head looking down at her clawed feet.

"Do you feel like talking about Dawn...about what happened there?" she asked suddenly. Now it was her turn to feel me stiffen up!

My door was gone, my heart no longer wrapped up in my pain. I actually felt really damn good. However, I wasn't healed. The pain was still there, just now I was able to deal with it. Or try to at any rate. Well this is an interesting twist isn't it? We are both open about being in love with each other and now we both don't want to talk about our hurts...perfect.

"You need to be careful Gregory..." Lucretia said, breaking into my thoughts. "...it feels strange to be this way. You tensed up, but I could feel you pulling away from me." She poked me delicately in the chest with her finger tip. "It hurts to feel you pull away from me. I am surprised at how easily it would be for you to do so."

She watched me a little more closely and then suddenly said, "Dawn!"

I flinched as I heard the name of my ex being spoken, at the same time she flinched as well. Her eyebrows went up as she put both hands on my chest and faced me.

"Yes, you get cold again, and it pushes me away." She said softly. I tried to hug her but she smiled and said, "Not like that! You push me away from inside of you. It pulls at me, at our bond."

"Is that normal?" I asked.

"Not really. Usually from what I heard from my sisters and from my Mother our prey is so consumed with us they never pull away or even want to."

I thought that one over, "That kind of sounds a little like you did some sort of mental whammy on them that made them...I don't know? Some kind of sex slave or something?"

She nodded.

"Ever thought about doing that to me sweetheart?" I had to ask. She nodded and her grin was just as predatory as when I first met her. It made my spine tingle in a bad way, and my cock tingle in a...I think a good way?

"Yes...once or twice in the beginning." She admitted.

I shrugged. "I knew in the beginning you wanted to kill me..." She winced as I said that. "I actually admired you for being that truthful with me." Her black eyes met mine again. I started to speak again but this time she closed my mouth with her hand and I grinned against her fingers.

"When we first met I tried to manipulate your emotions. You were cold, heartless, but also not any of those things at the same time. You were filled to bursting with everything I wanted to taste! Yet it was all stuck behind a gate, that door I found out about later. You were fractured, harsh, and very...very..." Her voice trailed off.

"Kind of a jerk?" I supplied. Came out a little muffled from beneath her hand.

She shook her head and her wings were unfolding a little, the tips resting on the ground. "You were angry, sad, and bitter. I know those feelings intimately." Her hands were moving on my chest again and she stared at her long grey fingers.

"I can't stop touching you Gregory, my Master, I just love the feel of you!" She grinned up at me and nipped my chin with her sharp teeth then turned her back, keeping her wings low so they didn't smack me in the head this time. She bent over and clutched the kitchen table, her tail moving to the side and exposing her slick pussy with its soft black insides. It was already looking plump and the lips were parting as I watched.

"Do you want to touch me too, my Greg?" she asked a little breathlessly.

I did...and I did, with feeling!

About 15 minutes later I was kissing the back of her neck and panting, she was still making little mewling noises and pleased giggles as she milked me for every drop I had. I had ducked and pushed myself against her back as she came and avoided being smacked in the head this time. She didn't even seem to realize she had done it, must be a reflex or something.

I had curled my arms under her chin and she was using my crossed forearms as a pillow for her cheek. She opened one bright eye and looked up at me. "Will it always be like this, my Gregory?"

I thought about it and shook my head. "No sweetheart. It will be different. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. Other times it will be the same. Having sex, or making love changes as we change. Does that make sense?"

She nodded and then frowned prettily in concentration. "I keep feeling like I am forgetting something Master..." My stomach growling interrupted her. I chuckled, "Guess I am hungry. I think I got some tacos in the freezer still, you want some too...?"

"Oh no! I was supposed to meet with Gwen and Jemima for enchiladas last night!" Lucretia stood up suddenly. I noticed that nothing leaked out of her. I wonder if that was a succubus thing or...

"Wait...what?" I asked as my head got back in gear after another round of fun with my sweetheart. "When did this happen?"

"Right before I got home. Then I was attacked by Balmont and by Nancy's old master. You know...Alan Wade Dickson?"

"You mean the old guy whose arm I broke?" I asked.

"Yes...him." She crossed her arms, which made her breasts stand up a little more. I am a guy so I notice these things.

"Is he still alive even?" I asked as I pulled the tacos from the freezer, she picked them up from the counter and pushed them back inside where they had been.

"We need to check on them!" She told me.


"Because they should have noticed if a Planar Lord had been summoned, they should have been there to fight them." She told me.

I shrugged, "You wouldn't have wanted them to help anyway. So what does it matter?" I started to reach into the freezer when what she said finally made sense.

They should have felt it, and should have showed up...so why didn't they?

"Human form sweetheart...lets see how our neighbors are doing." I said as I started walking for the front door. As I opened it I felt the comfortable grip of my love's hand grip my own and we left to check on our friends.

In the few seconds it took to step out into the entryway of the front door I felt the leather of Lucretia's fingerless glove fill my palm, and almost dropped her hand in surprise when I didn't feel her claws anymore. Felt kinda weird to not have the light scrape of the sharp edge on the sides of my hand. I stepped into the front yard and saw an unfamiliar blue truck in my driveway. It was parked where I normally park my little white truck. Speaking of which...

"Lucretia?" I asked as I walked by the strange vehicle. ""You wouldn't happen to know where my truck is do you?"

She was looking at the truck closely as well but didn't slow her pace as she kept up with my, squeezing my hand more tightly through her fingerless gloves.

"Last I remember I saw it on the side of the road..." she said softly, I saw her nostrils flare as she scented the air. "...it belongs to a werewolf, though the scent is faint." She told me while indicating the truck with her other hand.

I just grunted in acknowledgment as we walked up to the front door of the Gatewatch. I knocked politely and the door squeaked a little as it opened a few inches under my touch. I saw Lucretia grimace and her free hand flexed so that her fingers made claws. A small crackle was heard as small sparks began to form around her finger tips. Her teeth were bared and even though she looked like any other human woman in this form, her eyes were as dangerous as when she was in full armour.

I am a lucky man. My sweetheart is hot!

I pushed the door open, my shield coming up and Lucretia moving in low behind me to cast whatever that was at an enemy! What we found, I was not expecting to see at all.

I saw Marid sitting on the couch in the living room sipping what smelled like coffee while Gwen was sitting next to him and talking rapidly! He appeared to be amused, but was smiling at least. Jemima was holding a glass of what looked like blood in one hand and looking back and forth between Marid and Gwen and I just heard the tail end of one of Gwen's questions before they noticed us.

"...to tell me that over 300 years of history were just left out of the books because of a simple calendar change back in the 1100's?" She groaned and scrubbed her hands over her face before making some notes on a legal pad.

"Oh when I go back to campus I am writing a thesis on this subject that will make the proffesor's hair fall out and he will chew nails!"

Marid chuckled and I could feel the pulse of his laughter. Jemima seemed to as well and she shook herself a little as she stared harder at the large djinn as he spoke, "It is not your teacher's fault that he has been so misinformed. Many do not know this fact, nor is it of any real importance. Day changes to night and back to day. The seasons sweep through and all is change. It does not change that, so what importance is it really?"

Gwen stopped writing and slapped her pen on the notebook with a small harrumph of displeasure. "Because it is wrong! That is why! We have been learning things incorrectly! First Lucretia has emotions when succubae obviously can learn emotions and then there is a difference between called Outsiders and Outsiders who can actually cross over, what a lovely loophole THAT was to learn! Then we have..."

"Greg!" Jemima yelped in surprise, and dropped her now half full glass of blood and it crashed to the floor.

"What about Greg?" Gwen asked as she turned to look at Jemima, who was quickly moving towards the front door. Lucretia dropped her spell the moment she saw Marid and her eyes were wide and had gone completely black. Gwen finished her turn and squealed before getting up from the couch and sprinting over to join the vampire in squeezing me! And I thought Jemima was squeezing me too hard!

"I am so glad your alright...so worried...look a new scar!" Their words washed over me and I could feel their care and concern. They really did care about me! That thought rose above the other feelings and I could feel unashamed tears fill the corners of my eyes as I hugged them back.

"I missed you too guys!" I murmured and relished the soft arms around me. I could feel Lucretia let go of my hand and I watched as she stepped into the room and slowly approached her Da...I mean, Papa.

To be continued...


Authors End Note

More is coming, but I needed to get this part out of the way since it does not mesh with the rest of what is happening. No good ending spot and it would have been over ten Literotica pages. So enjoy this and know that more is coming. I am sooooo glad the holidays are over and I can focus again.

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ImthegreatcornholeioImthegreatcornholeio3 months ago

Ok started great, but now.... Getting bored....

StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

This story is the undoing of any plans and must-do's I have for today...

SinnerseekerSinnerseekerover 3 years ago
Amazing story

Wow , what a great epic story . I discovered this story series 3 days ago and I am amazed at the author’s imagination, narration and portrayal of characters .

Great work . Thanks for sharing !

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You’re, not your.

Sweet jeezily feckin’ Chrysler , that is annoying. I’m reading along happily and then there appears another one of those. It is like a needle in the hand. Every time it happens I say “Fuck!” aloud. “You are alright” Is “You’re alright” when you write “your alright” you are talking about my alright. It makes as much sense as ”Oh my God! Kayak all rutabaga!”

BAnde53507BAnde53507almost 6 years ago
Amongst The Best I’ve Read, But...

I have a bone to pick. Throughout the first part story the fact that Greg is a mage seemed to be conveniently ignored by the very characters who know his powers are extra-human, until later in the story. Greg has never been told by his father he is a Paladin, nor of the family’s special gifts. And now, when given the opportunity, Lucretia does not make Greg aware of this fathers abilities. Really!?!? Why keep a family secret like that? Why doesn’t he know? Especially in light of the fact Greg is a mage. Grrrrrrrrr! Other than that, a superlative tale thus far.

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