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"What is it?" asked Lizzy curiously. "Is there something wrong with me?"

Doctor Taylor smiled kindly. "Dear me, no," he said. "No, miss Linley, there's nothing wrong with you whatsoever. You just happen to be quite a rare person -- one in three million, to be almost exact."

Zack and Lizzy glanced at each other, a little bemused. What did he mean? One in three million?

Doctor Taylor stood up from his desk and walked round it. "Miss Linley, what you have is a condition known as 'orgasm gigas', which basically translates as 'giant orgasm'. It means that your erogenous zones are, for some reason, genetically stronger than other peoples. Now this creates different side-effects: some men can ejaculate for longer periods, some women might simply have a higher sex drive. But yours seems to be rather unique. It seems that your erogenous zones are connected in some way, probably mental, to your vocal chords. Hence, of the act of sex is louder depending on how much you enjoy yourself during"

"That doesn't seem to be any different from any other person," said Zack pointedly.

"Very true," replied Doctor Taylor. "And most of the time, as I'm sure you've gathered, it won't be a problem. It's only when all of Miss Linley's erogenous zones are being stimulated that such an event takes place."

Lizzy blushed a little. "You were very good the other night," she murmured quietly to Zack. "Maybe that's what caused it."

"But surely I'd notice it," Zack went on. "I mean, yeah, I noticed it, but I didn't notice how loud it was until I was told."

Doctor Taylor sat on the edge of his desk. "That's generally the case with sexual partners," he explained. "For some reason they just blank out whatever difference it is that the person with 'orgasm gigas' does."

The intercom on his desk buzzed and a receptionist's voice crackled through the speaker. "Doctor Taylor, we need you out here for a moment."

Taylor sighed and stood up. "I'll try to be as quick as possible," he apologised to Zack and Lizzy. "I'm sure you still have lots of questions."

As he left Zack stood up and stretched himself. "Wow," he said. "I always said you were one in a million -- never realised I was out by two million."

Lizzy was thinking hard. Why hadn't this affected her more? Why hadn't she learnt about this sooner? That wonderful first night when she was reborn, when she first touched herself, first brought herself to orgasm -- it made sense now why she had made that noise. It had been new and exhilarating and exciting. And sure she'd been loud when she and Paul had been screwing around, but never excessively. The same applied to all the one night stands she had had at college. She'd enjoyed herself, just obviously not too much. Maybe her body had been fooling her all these years. Maybe it was only now, though she'd enjoyed every other encounter in her life, maybe it was only now that she was having actually great sex. Not good sex; she had always had good sex. But what she and Zack had...that was great sex.

"So basically," she said now out loud, looking at Zack, "this is all your fault."

He looked confused at her, but was stopped from asking her what she was on about by a knock at the door. It swung open and in strode a large, well built middle aged man dressed in a smart military uniform. He removed his cap and saluted sharply.

"Lizzy Linley?" he began. "My name is General Gordon, and I work for the US Government. We heard about your ability and we'd like you to come with us."

Zack and Lizzy briefly glanced outside the room. Two more military personal stood by the open door, standing straight to attention, stares fixed out into nothing.

"You're not going to experiment on me, are you?" asked Lizzy warily.

"Not at all, ma'am," replied General Gordon. "We need your help."


An hour later, a slightly bewildered Lizzy and Zack were once again sitting in an office. Only this time the office was located in a secret US military bunker, and they were surrounded by uniformed individuals, who were eyeing them closely.

General Gordon, after offering them some coffee, stood in front of them. A large projection screen was behind him, showing nothing but plain white light. His shadow loomed large across it.

"I'll get straight to the point," he began, "otherwise you'll both be so confused your heads will no doubt explode."

He said this with such a straight face that Lizzy had no idea if he was joking or not. The screen behind him flickered and the picture of a hard looking Arab man came into focus.

"This is Mohammad Jeru, one of the most notorious terrorists in Afghanistan. He's been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, both civilian and military. We've spent three and a half months tracking him down, but we now believe that we have finally cornered him in his hiding place in a cave high in the mountains. Now we just need to get him out. Normally we'd bomb it, or storm the place. But there's a problem. Intelligence has confirmed that Jeru has somehow managed to steal a rather large quantity of explosives. If we try to blow it up it'll cause a landslide that will crush several small settlements. The press would have a field day with that one."

Lizzy nodded slowly. "I have no idea why you're telling me this," she said simply.

General Gordon switched the projector off. "Miss Linley, sometimes in terrorist dealings, more the case if they have taken hostages, we use a tactic where we create an almost deafening amount of noise to drive them out of their hiding places. Usually a sound that is played over and over again."

Lizzy had a funny feeling she knew why she was now sitting in the bunker, but she refused to believe the US military would do such a thing. "I still don't know why I'm here," she said, crossing her arms and glaring at the general.

"Because, Miss Linley, our latest intelligence has revealed one startling fact about Mohammad Jeru: despite all his principles, all his beliefs, he can't escape his biology. He is one in three million, Miss Linley. He too has 'orgasm gigas'." General Gordon let that revelation sink in before continuing. "If we were to play the sound of a woman reaching her own orgasm over and over again, at a deafening volume, his differing lust and mental strength would fight each other and he would lose. The horny little bastard will come running out of his cave, happy to be captured if only so he can, if you pardon the phrase, crack one off on decadent American soil."

Zack stood up, appalled. "You want us to go to Afghanistan and screw each other outside a cave? That's sick!"

"I agree," replied General Gordon. "It is sick. That's why we're perfectly fine if you do it here in this bunker and let us record the audio. We can then take it back with us tonight and use it the first moment we get. You'll be rewarded handsomely for your efforts, of course, plus you'll have the satisfaction of helping to fight the war on terror."

Zack seethed and tried to control his temper. "You might wanna know that I was one of the marchers in the peace protests several years ago, General. I may not be so willing to take part in this little mission of yours."

General Gordon shrugged. "We won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

Zack was about to go off on a tirade, he was so angry, but he was stopped by the gentle touch of Lizzy's hand on his arm.

"Zack," she said quietly. "I think we should do this."

"What?" he cried.

"Think about it: we could help bring a disgusting, evil man to justice. And no one would get hurt either." She turned to General Gordon. "We're in."

"Then we've got no time to waste," he replied. "Follow me."


The pair were separated and each led down dim lit corridors to small rooms that looked like tiny apartments. Zack was told that he had to use the shower facilities and was to make himself look as attractive as possible. He glowered as the door was closed and a guard placed outside.

Lizzy's room was a bit bigger. It too had a shower, and a large clothes rail that she only got a glimpse of before being shoved under the gloriously hot water. She stayed under it for as long as possible.

All through my life, she thought as she felt her body awakening once more in the steam and heat, all through it I've felt like I was different. Now I know why.

There was only a small towel for her to dry herself down and wrap her body up in, which she did as best as she could. She entered the other room and almost ran back into the shower when she saw two people standing in there waiting for her: a balding man with a brown goatee and a very loud pink shirt over his skinny body, and a very butch looking female officer, who instantly gave away her sexuality by the look of lust that flashed through her eyes as Lizzy stepped through into the room.

"Finally," cried the man in an over dramatic, high pitched voice. "You were in there so long I thought you'd evaporated from the steam!"

"This is Nicholas Leto," said the female officer by way of introduction in a deep, bored voice. "He's one of the fashion world's greatest designers. He's said to be able to make a pineapple look sexy. General Gordon felt his area of expertise was needed."

Leto clapped his hands. "If we want your boyfriend to ravish you, darling," he said, "if we want him to trigger all your little buttons, you need to look fabulous! That's where I come in!"

Lizzy didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused at the little man's oversized ego, and the hard stare that the female officer kept giving her was creeping her out. She breathed slowly: no need to panic. Just do what they tell you and it'll all be over much quicker.

Leto moved over to the clothes rail, which Lizzy could now see held various pieces of gorgeous looking lingerie.

"All from Goodinsons, naturally," claimed the fashion designer proudly. "Part of my own special label for them, too. The best there is for slutty, silky sex suits."

He giggled at his own alliteration. It set Lizzy's teeth on edge, but she smiled as politely as she could, aware that the female officer had shifted herself so that she was standing right behind her, now with a clear view of her exposed, tight ass through the small towel.

"So then," said Leto, drying an eye with his finger, "what is boyfriend's favourite colour, hmm? What's going to make his little military man stand at attention?"

Was this guy for real? He was like a bad walking stereotype! Oh well.

"Black," Lizzy replied. "Zack likes me in black the best."

"I'll bet he does, sweetie, naughty Zack likes the black! Well, come over here, whip that towel off and start trying these out!"

Lizzy turned towards the female officer. " offence, but do you have to be here?"

"For your own security, ma'am," smiled the officer. "And I'd advise you to do as Mr Leto says, otherwise I may have to use force."

Lizzy's eyes widened. She dropped the towel and hurried as quickly as possible towards Leto, hiding herself as best as she could behind the clothes rail and the various silk and cotton bras and panties.

After three or four tries, she eventually found a matching set of bra and panties that fitted her perfectly. They felt so good against her skin, and looked so good on her, she'd half a mind to ask if she could take them as part of her payment.

Leto then pushed her onto a chair in front of a large mirror and, grabbing a brush, began to comb and straighten her long blonde hair. "I started with Campbell," he declared proudly. "Before I came along she looked like a tramp about to throw up. Now she looks like a goddess."

"Er...right," replied Lizzy, not sure how to reply. She had never been a fashion girl; sure, she knew of certain supermodels and heard and read the scandalous gossip about them eagerly, but when it came to proper fashion shows it was all one big snooze fest for her.

Within ten minutes though, despite all her misgivings, Lizzy had to admit that Leto had made her look more beautiful than she felt she had ever looked before. Her hair was almost golden in the light, and deep black eye shadow worked perfectly with the elegant lingerie she was feeling more and more comfortable in every moment. She almost didn't mind the near slobbering of the female officer behind them; after all, if she was having that much of an effect on her, there was a good chance Zack would feel the same way.

"Almost done, my love," trilled Leto. "But I can't help feeling something's it! One second!"

He dived behind the clothes rail and rummaged through a plain brown case until he found what he was looking for. He came back and without any warning wrapped a glittering, silver body chain around Lizzy's stomach. She was startled by the coldness of it, but secretly thrilled at the beauty of it.

"Perfect!" exclaimed Leto, waving his hands up in the air.

"I'll say," drooled the female officer.

There was a knock at the door, and General Gordon's gruff voice filtered through the keyhole. "Are we done, Mr Leto?"

"Oh, we're done, General; we are certainly done!"

They wrapped Lizzy in a black silk robe, which she was a little annoyed hadn't been offered to her before, and led her back down the corridors until they came to an anonymous looking door. General Gordon opened it to reveal a room that was so intensely white it almost blinded Lizzy for a second. Zack was in there, looking very fed up and also in a black robe.

"'t take as long as you to get ready," explained General Gordon quietly. "I think it's going to be difficult to get him to co-operate."

"Permission to speak, sir?" asked the female officer.


"Maybe I could have a try. I reckon I could make her squeal like there was no tomorrow...sir."

General Gordon smiled wryly. "A good idea, but no, soldier. She needs to be with the person she loves."

The female officer, disgruntled, excused herself and slouched off, looking for the first willing female solider she could find to take home and sit on their face.

Butterflies were swimming around Lizzy's stomach. She swallowed and whispered, "I can't see any microphones."

"Disguised in the decor," explained General Gordon. "That way we can pick up everything while you can pretend there's nothing there, if you see what I mean."

Lizzy looked at him curiously. "You sound like you've done this kind of thing before."

"Not personally," replied General Gordon with that straight face of his again that made it impossible to tell whether he was joking or not. "Good luck!"

She felt herself pushed through the door into the room; felt the draft from the door closing hit the back of her naked legs; felt the butterflies leap higher and higher in her stomach. And yet, scarcely there, too astounding to believe, stirrings of that old familiar warmth.

Really? she thought. You're actually beginning to be turned on by this? Really?

From the look on his face, sex was most definitely the last thing on Zack's mind. He looked incredibly pissed off and made it clear that he was from the moment he opened his mouth.

"Now what do we do?" he asked her moodily. "If you think I'm going to fuck you with those perverts listening, you can think again, Lizzy. Why the hell did you say we'd do this?"

Lizzy folded her arms across her chest, feeling the material of that exquisite bra press down onto her nipples. They were getting harder -- god, she really was getting turned on by this! She glanced around the room. It was all white, with a single large white bed right in the middle of it. There were no windows, no mirrors, no visible cameras or microphones. There was no sound from outside the room, either. It was as if they were truly alone.

Yet she knew they were recording this, she knew that they may even be watching this right now. A ridiculous image lashed through her mind of the whole troop sitting butt naked, watching huge screens, having a massive group masturbation to the pictures they were watching. Yes, it was a stupid idea, but hell, it was making her damp down in those black panties.

"I didn't know why I said 'yes' at first," she explained to Zack now, putting her legs a little closer together as she felt the first drip of something crawling down her thigh. "I was like you, remember? I was totally against what they've been doing over there in Afghanistan and Iraq and all. But I think I know why I did now."

"Why?" asked Zack, a little quieter.

"Because I'm horny as hell," she replied huskily, walking slowly towards him, running the hem of her robe through her fingertips. "And we're going to get paid to fuck. And I can moan as much as I want, as loudly as I want. And I love you, and I want you, I need you -- right now."

Slowly, very slowly, she opened the robe up to let his widening eyes take in the sight of her in that beautiful black lingerie, that gorgeous silver chain tied round her waist. She let the robe fall to the floor and began to rub her hands softly over her body, across the smooth bare skin above the chain, over the smooth material of the bra, feeling her hardening nipples poke out of them. Rubbing her neck, she let the other hand wander downwards, over the velvet touch of the panties, feeling the wetness that was starting to seep through, her wetness for him. She sighed softly as her fingers ran over and under, between her thighs, hitting the material that surrounded her sex.

Zack watched this with diminishing resistance. Though he hadn't been as horny as Lizzy had been over the last two days, he was certainly catching up with her now. He knew what she was doing: teasing him to get her way. God, she looked amazing in that bra, those panties. Where did she get that silver chain? Without thinking, watching her wandering hands as they caressed her body, he undid his own robe and threw it to one side, completely naked underneath, his member standing erect and getting bigger. It felt good to be naked in front of her. It turned him on more knowing that she was devouring every bit of him with her eyes, just as she had done all those months ago when they had first met.

He walked towards her, their eyes now fixed on one another. Her hands left her own body and touched his nakedness, feeling the chest, the strong arms. She smelled the deodorant on his skin. It was one of her own personal favourites -- these guys had done their homework somehow.

Gently they pressed themselves up to one another, and she felt his hardness press into the material of the panties, just above her mound. It sent a shock of pleasure coursing through her body. She cried, "Oh!" shortly and sharply, laughing breathlessly as he grinned at her, the first proper smile on his face all day.

"I think you can do better than that," he whispered in her ear, nibbling at the corner of it. She bit her bottom lip -- he knew her so well. Then the mouth kissed along the neck, across the cheek and onto the lips, gently at first before her arms wrapped themselves around his neck and their tongues met; it was hunger, passion all of a sudden. He lifted her up off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his torso, feeling his erection press more into her, thrilling at the sensation of it.

Zack carried her over to the bed and placed her down gently on it, her arms still clinging around his neck to bring him with her. He kissed down her body, breathing in the sweet perfume that hovered over her breasts, until, down on his knees, he reached her panties. Licking and kissing her thighs, his hand slipped down under the black material into the wetness, searching for her sex. When he found it and ventured forward some more Lizzy laid back on the bed and began to whimper, her own hand reaching down to find his exploring one and cling onto it, determined not to let it escape. Her thighs began to squeeze lightly against his head as his tongue continued to caress them, before she sat up and brought his face, his tongue, his lips back onto her own.