Molding Amanda's Tummy


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It is one thing to submit to something painful once, it is quite another to continue submitting, even if the pain is mitigated by enormously satisfying erotic pleasure. Thus, I have no doubt that Amanda's ambivalence increased daily as she prepared herself for her stint on the bar. In order to prevent her from becoming sour, I took every opportunity to bolster her morale. In particular, to increase the importance of her body in her own mind, I bought her a variety of new bath oils, powders, and leotards; and to let her know how important her body was to me, before proceeding to her exercises, I insisted on inspecting her body to make sure that she was being careful to keep her legs and armpits smooth and free of hair. Besides the pleasure which we both derived from these luxuries and intimacies, I think that they helped Amanda never doubt that, in spite of the suffering to which we were subjecting it, her body remained something for which we both had enormous respect.

Another method I employed to keep her interest high was to make frequent, if only minor, variations in her preparations. For instance, I would sometimes ask her to be sure that her nipples would be clearly visible through her leotard when I arrived home the following day. Because my time of arrival was uncertain, this meant that she might have to keep her nipples excited for as much as an hour or more. In order to make this easier for her, I bought her a pair of little suction cups which, when placed on her nipples, would impart a mild but constant stimulus which was sufficient to keep them pleasingly plump. I believe that the pleasure which she derived from this attention to her breasts was made more interesting by the knowledge that her erect nipples would be refused full satisfaction until her stomach muscles had won it for them. In a slightly different direction, I would occasionally ask Amanda to place a smoothly finished, inch long dowel in her belly button, use a wide sash to bind the dowel tightly in place, and then purposefully worry it back and forth by flexing her newly strengthened, but somewhat tender, abdominal muscles. My idea was that such activities would give her the opportunity to discover and enjoy how much firmer the muscles in her tummy were becoming and, at the same time, to contemplate the ambiguity of her feelings about exposing them to the renewed demands which soon would be made on them.

As I had promised her, the difficulty of her exercise routine increased slowly but inexorably. For several days I had her repeat the program of the first day, only instead of waiting for exhaustion before giving her any respite, I stood by her hips and used my fingers to carefully monitor the state of her abdomen. Knowing that, being already sore from the work they had done during earlier sessions, her muscles would complain from the start, I ignored the grimace which would immediately appear on Amanda's face. What I used as my signal was the onset of trembling which would begin near her pelvis and progress up the muscle ridge in her lower belly, a ridge which was becoming more prominent with each day. As soon as I saw that the trembling had reached her navel, I moved from her pelvis to her head. However, I only cradled her head enough to give it partial support. Thus, although my action certainly provided Amanda's muscles with some relief, it gave them less relief than she would have chosen for them herself. Instead of really supporting her head, I used my hands and fingers to caress her flushed face, stroke her hair, and massage her neck. As a result, Amanda's stomach muscles continued to play a major role in the keeping her head from dropping. Nonetheless, the relief I provided was sufficient to allow her muscles to recover. When I saw that the trembling in her lower belly had subsided, I would abandon her head and take up again my post near her pelvis, and we would start all over again. Much to my unmixed satisfaction and her satisfaction mixed with consternation, we were soon able to repeat this cycle several times before her muscles would give up and begin to spasm. On each cycle, I would try different techniques to comfort and excite her. For example, when I was by her pelvis, I would not only bare and stroke her midriff but I might also cup her crotch or run my fingers over the miraculously fine skin at the juncture of her thighs. When I was stationed at her head, I might bare her breasts and see whether, in spite of her distress, I could make her nipples respond. When her nipples did respond, I would be purposefully cruel by making their further pleasure commensurate with the demands which she was making on her abdomen.

It took a week before the strength of Amanda's muscles had reached a point at which we felt it safe to take the next step, that being the removal of her hips from the back of the chair but not of her shoulder blades from the pillows on the footstool. Although I had no qualms about imposing some pain on her abdominal muscles, I wanted to take every precaution against producing pain in her back. For this reason, I carefully arranged her body so that gravity would tend to shape it into a gentle concave bow when I slipped the chair-back out from under her hips, and, after a little experimentation, I discovered that this could be easily accomplished by immediately pushing the footstool towards her legs as soon as the chair was out of the way. Once Amanda's body was suspended in this way, I no longer needed to make the position of her head the primary means by which I could control the way in which her tummy was being exercised. Instead, I now had her head and arms fall back comfortably over the pillows supporting her shoulders. When she had assumed this pose, I placed a hand on her lower belly and told her that, as I raised my hand, I wanted her, without flexing her knees, to keep her tummy in contact with my hand by flexing her abdominal muscles to reduce the concavity of the arc in which her torso was hanging.

At first she had trouble figuring out just how she could follow my instructions. To help her find out exactly which muscles she would have to use, I located the muscles which tightened when she was doing what I wanted and pressed my fingers into them to make sure that she knew which ones they were. In this way, she soon found that she could do what I wanted, but only if she called on the same abdominal muscles which had been left sore from stage one. Even so, she was pleased to discover the similarity between the movements which she was being asked to perform and those which she made naturally when making love. Indeed, the more proficient she became, the more deliciously salacious was the scene to which I, her audience, was treated.

By simply changing the height of my hand, I could modulate the stress on Amanda's stomach muscles. When I sensed that she was flagging, I would pull back the midriff flap of her leotard and administer a couple of brisk, but not severe, slaps to the damp bulge of muscle surrounding her navel. As Amanda knew, those slaps were meant not as a punishment but as a reminder of the goal which we had set for her, and, to her credit, her response was renewed effort to achieve that goal. As in the earlier sessions, I insisted on Amanda persisting until her muscles spasmed, but I permitted her periods of respite, both to give her relief and to prolong the time that her muscles could be made to work. At this stage, relief meant that my hand was lowered to a level at which it required only moderate effort for her to maintain the contour of her body. My favorite way to divert her during these periods of relative relief was to kneel be her side, open her leotard, and play her suspended body as if it were a beautifully curved stringed instrument. One hand would move up along her ribcage, stopping along to way to appreciate the swell of her breasts and tweak her erect nipples before delving into the hallow of her damp armpits and savoring the exquisitely smooth and sensitive skin of her inner arms. Simultaneously, my other hand would descend over her trembling belly on its way to her crotch, where it was soon engulfed in her the well lubricated folds of her vulva. As her body responded, I would modulate the intensity with which I was teasing her, forcing her to earn her sexual gratification by maintaining the rigidity of her muscles.

After a week at the second stage of her training, Amanda had mastered her body sufficiently that I was able to bring her to orgasm without allowing her to relax her tummy. In fact, much to her dismay, I purposely began bringing her to completion mid way through a session and forced her to resume exercising even before her orgasm had subsided. Besides the mildly sadistic pleasure which I got from asserting such complete control over her body, I very much enjoyed the lascivious contortions which her torso performed as she struggled to deal with the confused messages which her body was sending to her mind.

Because the move to third stage would be such a large one, it took a full two weeks before I was confident that Amanda's tummy was ready for it. My goal for this stage was to have Amanda develop her abdominal muscles to a level at which they would be able to hold her torso horizontal to the floor while she was suspended from the bar. In preparation for this stage, I lowered the bar so that Amanda's rump would drop a foot when I removed the chair-back. I then had Amanda mount her perch as before, only this time after removing the chair from her hips and telling her to straighten her legs, I positioned the back of the chair behind her rump and wedged its legs against the door sill so that it would not slide back. Next, I asked Amanda to cross her arms over her chest and tightly grip her upper arms with her hands. Finally, I removed the top pillow on which her shoulders were resting and told her to lift her shoulders off the remaining pillows.

It was a surprise to neither of us that she was unable to comply. Thus, rather than having her continue to struggle and possibly injure her back, I grabbed her under her arms, hoisted her about six inches off the pillow, and told her that she was to let herself down as slowly as possible when I released her. Much to Amanda's credit, she made no attempt to cheat and, in the spite of the consequences for her abdominal muscles, she kept herself off the pillows for a at least ten seconds. Her relief at having her shoulders supported once again was profound, but short lived. As soon as she had caught her breath, I hoisted her up again and made her resume her Herculean fight against gravity. In fact, I made her do five repetitions before allowing her the rest for which, by then, she was in desperate need.

Although I had anticipated that Amanda would find that this stage in our program made demands on her abdomen of an entirely new order of magnitude, I had not expected that it would provoke from her an entirely new reaction to those demands. Up to then, Amanda had chosen to not communicate either her pleasure or distress to me verbally. I had been able to guess from the expression on her face and the reaction of her body what she was experiencing, but, until now, she had not described those experiences in words. However, after I allowed her to stay on the pillows long enough to regain her composure, Amanda felt a compelling need to share with me the experience which she had just had, an experience the likes of which she had never known before. She said that the sheer enormity of the effort which we had required from her abdominal muscles had been transmitted through her tendons to every part of her torso: all the way from her shoulders to muscles in her groin, which, as I confirmed by running my hand over them, were still twitching. Further, she explained that when I refused her respite and she realized that her muscles would be forced to repeat their effort, she experienced a desperation which was terrifying and, at the same time, wonderfully exciting. Never before had she realized that by completely relinquishing control over her body, she could alter so thoroughly her relationship to it. Specifically, by the time that I had lifted her for the third time, she stopped thinking of her body as her own. Instead, she found herself emotionally and intellectually detached from her body, and the pain we were making her muscles endure only heightened her appreciation of the body which had once been hers.

It was clear to me that the strain imposed on her body while she was holding it horizontal precluded the possibility of my using conventional sexual gratification as a reward for her efforts. Thus, impressed by the profundity of Amanda's ''extra-corporeal'' experience, I wondered whether I could use it as a substitute. What she had just described was undeniably a form of ecstasy, albeit of a sort not usually associated with sex. Instead, it was the same sort of thrill that marathon runners experience when their endorphins kick in and give them the ''high'' which carries them to the finish line. The question was how I was going to aid and encourage her to undergo the requisite physiological and psychological transitions which had allowed her mind to separate from her body and, once separated, to relish the suffering which her mind was making her body endure. Short of hypnosis, there was nothing I could imagine which would guarantee her success. Thus, I had to resort to the chancier method responsible for her achieving the separation initially. Namely, her experience had resulted from my pushing her beyond her limits, and so that is what I decided that I would have to do each time that I put her back on the bar. Of course, I could not expect her to perform such a heroic feat on a daily basis, and for this reason we altered our routine. From now on, Amanda would be suspended from the bar only every third day. On the other days, we would devise various, far less rigorous, routines for her tummy.

In the hope that it would enhance the distinction in her mind between her days off the bar and those on it, I marked every third day on our calendar with a large ''ON'' and the days in between with a small ''off.'' In addition, for her off days I tried to introduce routines which would maximize the availability of her body to sexual stimulation. With this goal in mind, I told Amanda that she should wear no clothes while we worked her belly on the off days. On the other hand, I encouraged her to decorate her otherwise naked body with an adornment of her own choosing, be it a piece of jewelry or some other object which she thought would complement her natural beauty. As for the exercises which she would do on her off days, I chose ones which would be distinctly different from the arduous one which she would be doing during her time on the bar. Specifically, I wanted them to be relatively static so that she could appreciate, without undue distraction, her body and what I was doing to it. The first, and, in many respects, the most successful of these exercises had Amanda lying on her back with shoulders and head resting on the seat cushion of a living room chair, her hips supported at the same height as her head by the footstool, and her midriff spanning the empty space between. Even though the demands this position made on her tummy were trivial by comparison to those which had been made on it earlier, Amanda soon learned that her stomach would be given a thorough workout. For one thing, I could and did keep her working for much longer periods. Secondly, there was no reason to interrupt her exercise either to give her relief or to engage in the sort of foreplay which I hoped would lead to the sexual gratification which, at stage three, I could no longer provide her when she was on the bar. Thirdly, there were subtle and amusing variations which I could introduce.

For instance, after Amanda's belly was suspended, I would sometimes make her balance various objects on its surface, my favorite being an old bowling ball which had been lying around unused for years. The ball weighs about ten pounds and its curvature is perfectly matched to the curvature of the cup formed by Amanda's navel. In order to keep the ball from falling, Amanda had to carefully monitor her abdominal muscles, and at first she had no trouble doing so. However her difficulty greatly increased when, once the ball was in place, I would turn my attention to the erogenous zones which her pose left vulnerable. Kneeling by her side, I once again played her body like musical instrument, one hand concentrating on the region above the ball and the other buried in her nether regions. As I brought her closer and closer to orgasm, she had to fight her instinct to contract her muscles lest she destabilize the ball and allow it to topple from its precarious perch. For me, her struggle to control her tummy was a delight to watch, but for her it was a source of frustration. Having to balance the ball on her undulating tummy slowed her approach to climax, and, by the time she reached orgasm, her stomach muscles were so exhausted that she would collapse into a fetal position on the floor when it swept over her.

Taxing as the off days were, Amanda's days on the bar exacted a far heavier toll on her resolve to continue. My suspicion that she would not always be able to achieve her enthralling extra-corporeal state proved to be correct. In spite of my always insisting that she continue well beyond what she thought were her limits, she entered that state less than half the time. Thus, it may seem hard to account for Amanda's enthusiasm, albeit occasionally tempered, to have her abdomen resume its struggle against gravity. My guess is that, besides her determination to complete the program to which she had committed herself, her determination arose from two sources. The first of these was that, like a marathon runner, she had become addicted to the endorphin induced thrill which she could achieve only if she did continue. My conjecture is that vanity was the second source of Amanda's positive attitude toward her regimen. It was increasingly apparent to both of us that her efforts were producing visible, tangible, and delectable changes to her tummy. As I said before, Amanda's body was succulently charming before we started persecuting her tummy. However, like ninety nine percent of the female tummies on display these days, Amanda's had lacked the tautness which is essential if an untucked, too short blouse is going to be an asset and not a liability. Thus, when after the several weeks of our program, the lovely roundness of her stomach began acquiring an attractive firmness, she was justifiably proud. In fact, I noticed that she had purposely altered her dressing habits so that, both in public and around the house, her stomach was frequently on display. In addition, when Amanda was hanging from the bar and I had opened the flap over her midriff, we could see and admire the traces made under her skin by the increasing definition of the muscles in her belly. What had been at the beginning a single, undifferentiated bulge of straining abdominal muscles had undergone a transformation and become a pleasingly sculpted ridge in which individual, strong, if somewhat sore, muscles were clearly evident.

Whatever the reasons for Amanda's willingness to continue, continue we did. Three weeks passed before I felt ready to move her to the fourth, and final stage, and we made huge demands on Amanda's tummy during those three weeks. Each session on the bar, I would give her less help when she lifted herself off the pillows. Further, I not only increased the number of repetitions which I asked her to perform, but I also forced her to do several repetitions in a row without allowing her shoulders to actually touch the pillows. On those days that she failed to separate her mind from her body, she was often close to tears by the time that I finally let her rest. On the days when she did succeed, she was in a state of exhausted ecstasy when her labors were over.