Molly & Marilyn & Me Ch. 01


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I was recording their laps around the track and by the end of the third week, they were walking for forty-five minutes with only four two-minute breaks at about ten minute intervals. On top of that, they were walking more quickly and covering more laps. This was distinct progress and I made sure they were aware of it. They needed some positive reinforcement at that point.

At the end of the first month, the girls could see definite signs of progress. They both lost between six and eight pounds, with Molly losing the greater amount. Their measurements were still a tightly guarded secret, but I was pretty sure they were shrinking as well. It was at that point that I changed the routine.

We were getting together every day for that first month. I wanted to cement the routine and the best way to do that was for them to expect to see me each day. Now, a month later, I could make some changes that I had planned.

"Girls, on Saturday when we meet at the Pumpkin, I'm going to have a new schedule for you," I said Thursday evening.

"What are you going to change?" Molly asked immediately.

"I'm going to take some things away and I'm going to add some things," I grinned. "Until Saturday, you'll just have to wait and see."

"You're not going to take more food away, are you?" Molly moaned.

"Nope, but just be patient and you'll see. I don't want you getting bored and losing interest."

"I can't see me getting bored," Marilyn said quietly. "I can see and feel the difference your plan is making. It's working. I don't want to change just for the sake of change."

"Yeah ... she's right," Molly chimed in. "We're doing great. Let's not mess with it."

"Relax, ladies. This will be phase two. Now that you're going in the right direction, I want to move to the next stage," I explained patiently.

"How many phases are there?" Molly asked.

"Eight," I answered quickly. "But don't get uptight about it. They are all stepping stones and you don't move from one the next until you are ready to."

That seemed to mollify them and I breathed a sigh of relief.

When Saturday arrived, the girls were antsy and bugging me to give them the phase two plan. I allowed myself a bit of fun as I teased them before handing over their new sheets. There was silence at the table as they read. I could see both of them reacting to what they read. A raised eyebrow here, an O-formed mouth there.

At last, Molly put down the sheet and stared at me.

"How come we're cutting back to five days a week?" She was curious, not upset.

"All part of the plan. It's been pretty intense so far. It's time to get you moving toward a sustainable routine. You need a couple of days off each week, but not together. So, you can choose which two," I explained.

"What do you suggest?" Marilyn asked.

"Well, when I got to this stage, I took alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays off along with Sunday. That worked for me, but ... it's your call."

"You mean you've been on this program too?" Molly asked, surprised.

"Yeah. A few years ago," I said reluctantly, now realizing my mistake.

"You never told us that," Marilyn said, also in surprise.

"Would it have made a difference?" I asked.

That brought about a brief silence.

"I'm not sure. Maybe. It was about us trusting you in the beginning," Marilyn said thoughtfully.

Molly nodded, looking at me suspiciously.

"So, you're Professor Higgins and we're your Eliza's, eh," she said with what I took to be a sneer.

I shrugged. "Are you disappointed in the results?" I asked evenly.

They looked at each other.

"No ... I guess not," Marilyn finally admitted.

"Then ... you're disappointed in me?" I probed.

"I asked you right in the beginning," Molly snapped. "What's in this for you?"

"And I told you right in the beginning ... nothing. Nothing but the satisfaction of helping you achieve your goal," I said directly.

"And we're supposed to believe that?" the blonde continued.

"I admit, I was attracted to you both when I first saw you. But ... I was imagining what you would look like without all the extra weight. Besides, I haven't so much as touched either of you. I don't think I've got anything to apologize for."

Molly wasn't buying my story. I sat there for a minute, watching them both carefully. Molly was annoyed, but Marilyn just looked unhappy. I guess I sagged as I let out my breath.

"OK, girls," I said, reaching for the sheets. "Maybe this was a poor idea, so why don't we just go our separate ways. No obligations for anyone," I said sadly. I picked up the sheets, left some cash for the bill and headed for the door. I was defeated in more ways than one. I fucked this up royally by not being completely open about it in the first place. Besides, what was my real motivation for doing this? I wasn't sure I knew.

I was out the door and on my way to my car when I felt a hand grab the sleeve of my jacket. I turned and looked directly into Marilyn's eyes.

"Don't! Don't quit on us. Don't quit on me," she pleaded.

"Marilyn, your friend has made it plain she doesn't trust me. She's fabricated her own ideas about why I'm doing this. You're better off without me if you have any doubt about my motives."

"Tory ... please. Don't go. I don't want you to even if Molly does," she blurted.

I stood there for a moment, trying to make up my mind. Could I still achieve something even if it was just one of the girls? Why not? One of them might have quit somewhere along the line just because it was too tough. I wouldn't have abandoned the other then, would I?

"OK, Marilyn. Just you and me. As long as you are sure," I warned.

"I'm sure. I guess I'm not as suspicious as Molly. Mostly because I haven't been burned like she has," she said cryptically.

I wasn't interested in Molly at that stage. I would focus my efforts on Marilyn.

We sat in my car as I went over the changes in schedule. We were going to add some new elements, including weights and upper body exercise. So far, the first month concentrated on lower body, from the hips on down. Now, I wanted her to begin to work on the upper body. After that, phase three would begin to include flexibility exercises and a bit harder push on endurance.

Marilyn accepted the changes after my explanation of the whys and wherefores. I gave her an outline of the whole plan for the next several months to let her know it genuinely was a progressive process and not a haphazard program. She nodded in understanding as I went over the various components and explained their purpose. I know I breathed a sigh of relief as I finished and she gave me a shy smile.

The next day was Sunday and the first of their "off days." Marilyn decided that my system of alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays was fine and we planned that. We were to meet again on Monday at seven at the rec center to begin the next phase.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I walked into the fitness room at seven on Monday evening and found both Marilyn and Molly in their exercise wear.

"So, what's going on," I asked.

"I ... took some time to think about ... you ... and this," Molly said, waving her arm at the room.

"The last time we talked you had a pretty low opinion of me," I said. I wasn't acting very charitable.

"Yeah ... well ... I've got some history. I guess it was unfair to condemn you without a trial. Marilyn told me what you told her. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone off like that. I apologize. I'd like to continue with you and Marilyn ... if you'll let me."

I stood there, eye to eye with her for a moment or two.

"Apology accepted." I handed her my program sheet. "Let's get started."


The next five months seemed to fly by. The girls were committed to the plan and I never once worried about them following their diet outline. The results spoke for themselves. They were losing serious pounds and gaining strength and flexibility.

Molly lost the most weight, but I expected that. She was down fifty-seven pounds and was looking spectacular. You could tell she knew it too. She kept complaining about being "hit on," although I got the distinct impression she was happy as hell about it.

Marilyn lost fifty pounds, but I thought she wouldn't be losing a whole lot more. Perhaps another ten ... maybe fifteen at the most. There was a reason, of course. She was a much bigger-boned woman than Molly. She was never going to be runway-model size. She was always going to be solid and she would always have to work at keeping the weight off.

When I had the girls measure themselves, I instructed them to do their wrists and ankles as well as the width of their shoulders. When they finally relented and showed me their progress charts, it confirmed my suspicions. I knew from those measurements that Molly was capable of more weight-loss than Marilyn, but I never said anything to either of them about my conclusion. I wasn't about to discourage them. It was important that they believe they were going to be more fit and better looking. On that account, they were both succeeding.

Molly and I got over the rough spot at the end of the first month. I believed that she was convinced I was on the level and not trying to put the make on her. I was scrupulously avoiding any physical contact with the girls that was in any way questionable. I had convinced myself that I was in the role of teacher and mentor and that they were "off-limits."

So imagine my surprise when Molly sidled up to me one evening and gave me the benefit of a nice brush with her breasts on my arm. We were just finished our workout and had showered and changed. At least, Molly and I were changed. Marilyn was still in the locker room.

"So when are you going to ask me out, Tory?" she asked in a suggestive, low voice.

"I thought we had that discussion?" I said in surprise.

"That was then, this is now," she smirked.

"Molly, I made myself and you two a promise. Hands off! Remember?"

"Yeah and you've been as good as your word. But what if I want to change the rules?" The look in her eyes told me she wasn't fooling. I was reading lust and there was no mistaking it.

"I thought you were the one who didn't trust me? I recall you being pretty upset that I hadn't been straight about where this program came from," I said firmly.

She stood there, looking at me intently.

"Yeah ... that was me alright. I guess I was reliving some of my past. Guys trying to take advantage of me because they thought I would be easy. You know, fat girl can't get a date. She'll be an easy lay," she said sadly.

"That doesn't change anything, Molly. I promised myself I wouldn't do anything improper while we were doing this program. That still goes. I'm sorry, but as lovely as you are, I'm still hooked on that promise," I said solemnly.

It took all my willpower to turn her down. I tried to do it with some sympathy, but I could see she was disappointed. I assured her that she wasn't going to be short of guys wanting to date her and she could have her pick of the ones she was interested in. It didn't work.

She phoned me on Wednesday evening. It was our "off day" and I was home watching TV when she called.

"Mind if I come over?" she asked in her most sultry voice.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said.

"Aw ... come on Tory. Give a girl a break. I just want some company. I trust you, remember? No funny business, I promise."

I knew this wasn't a good idea and I knew what she actually wanted, but stupid me, I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"OK ... no funny business. Agreed?"

"Of course." I could almost see the smile on her face. She didn't mean a word of it.

She arrived ten minutes later and I let her in.

"This is the first time I've been in your house. It's very nice. It doesn't look like a typical bachelor pad. Very modern and open," she said in admiration as she looked around the great room and kitchen.

"Can I get you something," I offered.

"How about a glass of wine? We can celebrate the new me," she smiled. She was in a bouncy, upbeat mood and it was contagious. She'd accomplished a lot in the last six months.

I poured her a glass of white wine from my cache in the refrigerator and opened a beer for myself. I chose to park myself on a bar stool at the counter in my kitchen, hoping to keep Molly at bay. She frowned at that move, but soon hopped up on the stool beside mine and we touched glasses in a toast.

"I just wanted you to know how grateful I am for all you've done for me," she said seriously. "I like what I see in the mirror these days."

"Good. I'm glad. I think you've both made tremendous progress," I said smiling.

"You still have me confused, though. I'm still wondering why you gave up all your time for us. That's a big sacrifice for a couple of women you didn't know."

I shrugged. "I told you at the time. It was one of those volunteer things. I thought I could make a difference if you two honestly wanted to make it happen. I was pretty sure Marilyn did, but to tell the truth, I wasn't so sure about you," I admitted.

"You thought I would quit when it got tough, didn't you?" she accused.

"Yes ... I did. I'm happy I was wrong. You've proven you were serious about achieving your goals."

"So there you are. We both were wrong. I thought you were in it to get to us and you thought I couldn't stick it out. So what do you think about us ... me ... now?" she asked. It wasn't an innocent question.

I considered my answer. There was something else going on here. Molly wanted something, I was sure.

"I'm proud of you both," I dodged.

"Do you find me attractive?" she asked. Another loaded question.

"Of course. I told you, I found you and Marilyn attractive when I first saw you," I evaded.

"That's not what I mean. Do you find me ... sexually attractive?" she pushed.

"I thought we agreed no funny business," I complained.

"I lied. You turn me on, Tory. You have almost from the beginning. I'm tired of being a good girl. I want you. I want you to want me. Is that clear enough?"

"Molly ... this is wrong. It's going to ruin what we have going. Don't do this," I pleaded.

"Do what? I'm just a horny woman letting a handsome guy know she's available," she grinned in an evil way.

With that, she slid off the stool and wrapped her arms around my neck and began a long, slow, soulful kiss that couldn't help but get my motor running. I was losing this contest of wills and she knew it. I could feel my erection forming while Molly was rubbing her hand over it. My hands just naturally found their way to her breasts and I began to respond. It was all over but the shouting.

We ended up in my bed and for the next three hours we did it all. I began with some careful tongue and lip and teeth work, starting with her mouth and ears and then down to her breasts. Her nipples were very sensitive, and I made the most of that. After that, I travelled down to her navel and finally her very wet center. She was highly responsive to my tongue.

When I finally entered her, she cried out and her whole body stiffened as I pushed slowly into her. She was having an orgasm just by my entering her. She was more than ready for this.

I knew I wasn't going to last very long that first time, so I made the most of what I could manage. I warned her that she would have to help me look after her a second time, but as it turned out, it wasn't necessary. She used her internal muscles to massage me and it didn't take long to come back to full strength. Molly was very quick to respond and she made it known how happy she was with my efforts.

We rested a couple of times before she used her mouth to bring me back to life. After three times, despite my fitness, I was done for the night. It was a memorable session, but I was also happy that there wasn't any expectation of more from either of us.

"You know this was a big mistake," I said.

"Bullshit. It was fun and we both needed it. When was the last time you got laid?" she chuckled.

"I don't remember. A couple of months before I met you, I guess."

"Shit, you're almost as pathetic as me. You're the first guy I've been with in a year. We're a real deprived pair," she laughed.

"You know this isn't going anywhere, don't you?" I said quietly.

"Yeah ... I know. But, I wanted it anyway. Kind of a way to say sorry for doubting you, and a thank you for sticking with me. My life is going to be very different from now on. I already know that. I've got you to thank for that," she said sincerely.

"Please don't say anything to Marilyn about this. I don't want her upset. She's going to need a bit of extra support," I said.

"She is? Why?"

"Because she isn't going to show the same results as you. She can't. She isn't built the same as you. She's going to be very fit and very attractive, but she is never going to be skinny," I finished.

There was a silence between us as we lay on the bed. Then, Molly rolled toward me and propped herself up on her elbow, looking directly at me.

"You've got a thing for her, haven't you?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You're so careful around her. I've seen you watching her. You have a thing for her," she said, convinced.

"I think you're imagining things. She's just a friend I was able to help," I tried.

"Yeah ... sure! Who are you trying to kid. It was her all along, wasn't it?"

I said nothing. I lay back with my eyes closed, hoping this conversation would evaporate.

"I should have seen it. She's got a thing for you too, you know. I can tell. You two are made for each other. I guarantee it!" she grinned.

"I think you're jumping to conclusions," I said unconvincingly.

"Naw ... I know. I can tell. You just have to admit it to yourself," she smiled down at me.

"Well, if that's so, what am I doing here in bed with you?" I countered.

"I ambushed you. You never had a chance. But ... don't go getting all upset. This is a one-off. I wouldn't do anything to hurt Marilyn. She's a very nice gal. She deserves someone like you. You'll be good to her and good for her," she said confidently.

"You sound pretty sure of yourself," I said, looking her in the eyes.

"A woman knows, Tory. We know. Trust me," she said, falling onto her back.

I admit, I was interested in Marilyn. I wondered how she felt about me. Well, this wasn't the time to find out. We still had a couple of months to go on the program and Marilyn was going to need some moral support, I thought.


As we began the final segment of the program, I cut the girls back to four days per week and let them know that their lifestyle beyond my participation should include a schedule of exercise at least three times per week and that they would need to manage their diets to maintain their weight. It wasn't as daunting as it might have been earlier. Both Molly and Marilyn completely adapted to the regimen over the past seven months and it was now part of their lives; just as we planned.

Our last month was to put the finishing touches on their new lifestyles. We discussed how to keep to the plan even when they were travelling or when they went out for dinner. I gave each of them a custom-tailored exercise program that was designed specifically for their individual needs. I had lifted it from another source, of course, but the girls didn't need to know that.

I could see a change in Marilyn late in the seventh month. She was frustrated and irritable at times. It wasn't directed at me or Molly and I knew what it was. Her progress was slowing to a crawl and she could see she wasn't going to reach her target weight. The time had come for me to sit down with her and have a heart-to-heart talk. I would have to tell her the truth, as much as that might hurt.

Our new schedule now brought us together on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, adding Saturday mornings for the fourth segment. I thought about talking to Marilyn on Saturday after lunch, but changed my mind at the last minute and decided on Tuesday evening. I called her just after seven and she answered promptly.