Mom the Superheroine 04


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But in their private dungeon room, where mother and daughter had enjoyed so many pleasurably depraved hours, they could put all of that out of mind and simply enjoy their lives to the fullest – to really live it up!

For that purpose, they had been furnished with everything they could need, everything they could imagine possibly needing: A-frames, bondage beds, Berkley horses, fisting slings, stocks and pillories, sawhorses, queening stools, smotherboxes, and even various electrostimulation devices. It was a dream palace for the two of them.

There she was, her lovely daughter Elena, naked and strung up on the rack, panting and sweating rivers after a nice long torture session with electrodes and nipple clamps. But she could take it, her Elena. She was young, and strong, and her veins were pumped full of that improved mutagen that had been derived from the samples extracted from her own cells and blood plasma. Her daughter's lithe, strong and oh so sexy body could take all Valerie wanted to give.

Despite the risks, Elena had leaped at the chance to become superpowered like her mother, and it had turned out well – Elena had bulked out but not too much, and now sported the figure of an Olympics gymnast, except even harder and stronger. Her whipcord muscles were like steel cables, and though her breasts remained small she didn't mind so much when she flexed her pectorals and saw how nicely they bulged. Her skin remained pale and she retained the same fondness for dark eyeshadow and eyeliner, which meant now she looked like a super-muscular Goth gymnast. In Valerie's eyes, of course, that was just perfect.

Now she raised her eyes, glazed over slightly with the pain-pleasure cocktail Valerie had been giving her for the past hour, and focused them on her mother. Valerie could not help but smile at the look of slavish devotion she saw in Elena's eyes.

She reached forward with a gloved hand – she was clad in full dominatrix leathers with black elbow gloves, a variant on her usual costume – and cupped her daughter's chin.

"Would you like to cum now, my darling?"

Elena's eyes widened. "Yes, please, Mom," she begged hoarsely. She had been screaming and moaning almost non-stop for the past hour, after all. She always started out in full roleplaying mode, addressing Valerie as "Mistress" or "Mistress V" near the beginnings of sessions, but along the way she'd lapse back into plain old "Mom".

Which was just fine, to Valerie – after all, when Elena used the word, she was acknowledging Valerie's dominance on all levels. Valerie as "Mom" was not any less dominant or in control than Valerie as a "Mistress" – in fact, she was even more so. That was how they were, and that was how they both liked it.

Now Valerie tickled the bottom of her daughter's chin. "You've been a very good girl, Elena my sweet," she purred. And it was true – Elena had taken all the sadistic cruelty Valerie could dish out for a full hour without a word of complaint, enduring in silence when ordered to and compliant in all other ways. She made such a good slave, despite the fact that like her mother she had the character of a dominatrix.

"Thank you, Mom," Elena burbled.

Valerie leaned in and gave Elena a full, wet kiss on the lips. She could feel how hungrily Elena sucked on her tongue – this was the only moisture that had passed her daughter's lips since the session began. Yet, Elena hadn't complained – she never did. Pain, verbal abuse, blood loss, asphyxiation, hunger, dehydration – she took it all like a trooper, even wallowed in some of it. As she had told her mother before, she had faith that whatever Valerie did to her would make her stronger, and that was all she wanted to be – strong for her mom, so that together, they could crush any of their enemies or for that matter anyone they didn't like.

"You've earned this," she told her daughter. "A screaming orgasm."

As Elena nodded eagerly, Valerie reached down, pulled off her glove, and slipped her fingers into her daughter's open slit. No need for any lube – Elena had been dripping wet and ready almost from the get-go.

If Elena could have opened her legs any wide she would have, but she contented herself with keeping her pussy as relaxed and receptive as she could make it. Valerie found no difficulty slipping in two, then three fingers, stroking in and out of Elena with slow but firm movements.

Elena's mouth hung open and she looked almost in a trance. "Mom... is inside me... my mom is inside me..." she murmured, almost like a chant. Her vagina walls clenched a few times involuntarily around Valerie's fingers.

"It's ok, my love, you've earned this," Valerie reminded her daughter, smiling warmly. The suffering was over – it was time for reward and gratification. "Squeeze all you like with your pussy, darling. Let me feel how strong it is."

Elena began to utter soft squeals of delight as she happily obeyed, pressing all around her mother's fingers with her fleshy walls, rocking her pelvis in time with Valerie's hand.

When she judged the time was right, Valerie pushed her hand further in, until her palm was mashing Elena's clitoris – which wasn't covered by a hood, but was wide open and unconcealed, exposed to any and all of Valerie's ministrations – and she curled her fingers slightly, to press upon Elena's G-spot which she knew with intimate familiarity.

Elena's entire body stiffened, then began to shake upon the rack. "Oh yes... yes Mom, do it... so good... press... push me... press it..." she cried, sounding less coherent with each passing second.

With her right hand, Valerie ground Elena's clitoris with the heel of her palm, while pressing and rubbing on the knob of ridged flesh on the roof of Elena's pussy, the most sensitive and pleasurable spot. With her left, she took hold of Elena's right nipple in between thumb and forefinger, and began pressing it hard, twisting it nastily. Even before being infused with the mutagen, Elena had always liked it rough. With her new superhuman threshold for pain, this stimulating nipple torture was right up her alley.

"Harder! Please!" Elena begged, her whimpers and moans slowly rising in a crescendo.

Then her body stiffened and her features went slack for a moment, and Valerie knew her daughter's climax was imminent. She clamped her mouth onto Elena's in a savage kiss, muffling her daughter's screams of rapture, and felt Elena squirt her clear ejaculate all over Valerie's cupped hand, the liquid spilling out of her pulsing pussy. She didn't take her hand out of Elena until the spasms had almost completely stopped and Elena's sharply defined muscles had gone noticeably slack.

Only then did she finally release the kiss and extract her hand from Elena's pussy, and unlock the manacles to let Elena down from the rack. Her daughter was barely conscious and unable to stand, and slumped like a dead weight against her cruelly smiling mother.

Valerie scooped up her daughter in her arms, cooing softly and reassuringly into her daughter's ears, and sat down on a leather-covered spanking stool nearby. She cradled Elena as if she were cradling a baby, and guided an erect nipple – her outfit left her nipples and areolae completely bare – into Elena's mouth. Elena's eyes fluttered open, and she began sucking thirstily, almost by instinct. Valerie's breast was already veiny-blue with ready milk, timely refreshment for her daughter.

Her eyes misted over slightly as she gazed down at her daughter. She was so strong, so resilient. And she always climaxed so hard! From the very first orgasm she had shared with her mother she had been capable of squirting. Unlike so many other women, she didn't deny her body's primal prompting when the liquid built up just behind her urethra. Where so many females misinterpreted that sensation as needing to urinate, thereby depriving themselves of a shattering squirting sexual peak, Elena had learned on her own to just go with the flow, so to speak. In fact, she herself had thought she peed during orgasms, and it was Valerie who had disabused her of that misconception. Thereafter she had insisted that every time her beloved mother brought her off it would be a squirting orgasm. A tall order – but together they'd been able to fulfill it thus far.

Yes, Elena was the perfect lover, the single best one out of all the men and women Valerie had fucked in her life. She was more attentive to her mother's needs than anyone, and she knew Valerie's body better than anyone too. Damn those enforced years of separation, no thanks to that Barbara bitch putting her behind bars and putting her Elena with that stuffy, repressive foster home – but that was over and done with. They were together now, and with each other they were complete.

Her black-painted fingers traced the lines on her daughter's abdomen. Where previously they had been the lines of "skinny abs", almost the kind you found on anorexic bodies, now Elena sported a set of full, healthy and incredibly tough abdominal muscles. Her flexibility was nothing short of uncanny, and her strength, speed, reflexes and of course stamina were far above human levels. There were days when, in their sparring matches, Elena would almost get the better of her mother. The day was coming when Elena would be able to hold her own against Valerie in a fight, and perhaps even overcome her with a bit of luck.

When Elena was done drinking and rejuvenating herself, she sat up and draped her right arm around Valerie's neck, nuzzling her mother's face, while her left thumb rubbed slow circles around the nub of Valerie's nipple. "Did I do good today, Mom?" she asked in a soft voice.

"You always do, my sweet," Valerie replied indulgently, returning the nipple-rubbing favor with her own fingers.

Elena twitched and sighed with pleasure at the touch. "You always make me feel so good, Mom."

"Even when I'm torturing you, hm?"

"You know that's when you make me feel the best, Mom."

They shared a wicked laugh together. "You're coming along so nicely," Valerie told her. "Getting so strong and tough."

On cue, Elena cocked her left biceps and displayed it proudly in front of her mother's face. "Strong because of you, Mom!"

She knew the lengths to which Valerie had used all her wiles at her disposal, all her cunning and patience and ability to manipulate people's weaknesses, to acquire their powers for both of them. Not a day went by that Elena wasn't appreciative of her strong, ruthless mother. Her slavish devotion had not arisen out of nothing.

Valerie squeezed the firm tennis-ball biceps appreciatively, noting with approval the single vein that ran along the nicely-bifurcated peak. "Elena, my sweet... I think the time has come."

Elena's eyes glittered. "Are we ready, Mom? Are we ready to go do it?"

They had been preparing for this for a few weeks now. Viridian hardly ever contacted them – for which Valerie was secretly grateful, even though the one-eyed archvillain stirred up a certain tingling in her loins – but he had sent some information a while back about how their enemies were doing. They were fully aware of what their defeated rivals were doing in that abandoned junkyard. Also, they were fully aware that Barbara and Cindy were now enjoying each other not just as mother and daughter, but as lovers – not unlike themselves.

Clearly their efforts to break the will of the sanctimonious stuffed cow Battler Babe and her irritatingly wholesome daughter had yielded only partial success. Their Malta Group backers had not contacted them again since the video of their sexual humiliation had been released, probably because they were moving on to many other bigger fish to fry.

It was no skin off Valerie's nose, to be considered minor bit players by the likes of Arachnos and the Malta organization – who wanted to deal with their ilk, anyway? She didn't want her and her daughter to be thought of as prime recruitment assets; she was fully content as long as they both stayed free and could buy or obtain anything they wanted, and they could pursue their loving, sexy relationship without interference.

But to think of Barbara and Cindy still going strong... still having their delusions of heroism and virtue... to think of them re-emerging onto the streets of Paragon City being crime-fighters... no, this could not stand. Vixen and Vixenette would not let such hypocrisy go unpunished.

This time they would be doing it entirely of their own accord, with no shadowy backing, no hidden cameras as part of some bigger agenda. This time, they would be doing it purely for their personal satisfaction.

Valerie looked her daughter in the eye and nodded once firmly. "It's time to pay those bitches a visit, darling."

Elena straightened a little, eyes shining, still flexing. "I'm going to make you proud, Mom. I'm going to crush that weak little Cindy and make her my personal milking cow. They're going to see that you're the better woman: the superior mother who made the superior daughter!"

"I have no doubt, my dearest," Valerie laughed and gave Elena's flexed muscle a smooch.

They both grinned at each other, each contemplating the fun that lay ahead.

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