Mona's Story

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Loving wife shows off of hubby’s big dick to her friends.
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Author Note: The basic story is true, including the size of Will's equipment and his wife showing it to all the gals at a party in Anchorage, Alaska. Also true is the enjoyment of it by two and probably three of the wives. It happened fourteen years ago. There was no snowstorm that night and there are, of course, some other things that have been added as color for your entertainment. This story is dedicated to Mona, who did not yield to temptation, but now wishes she had.


It happened fourteen years ago, but I still remember some parts of that party like it was last week. I can still hear Alec's voice reciting "The Shooting of Dan McGrew." He claimed that he knew the whole damn poem and it was snowing outside and we were in Alaska and so everybody said go ahead and do it and so he did.

"A bunch of the boys was whooping it up in the Malamute Saloon.
The kid that handles the music box was hittin a rag-time tune.
Back of the bar in a solo game, sat Dangerous Dan McGrew,
And watching his luck was the light of his love, the lady that's known as Lou.
When out of the night that was forty below and into the den and the glare,
There stumbles a miner fresh from the creeks -- dog dirty and loaded for bear."

Alec just kept on going, using a bogus, but convincing, Scottish accent. It was like Robert Service himself was reciting his own poem. Alec didn't miss a word, although he did put in a few changes he thought improved the original. Of course, at the end, Dan McGrew got shot, and so did the miner from the creeks. Then Alec finished:

"Now I ain't as wise as them lawyer guys, but just between us two, The woman that kissed him - and stole his gold - was the lady that's known as Lou."

We applauded. It was a grand and glorious party. The greatest of the year so far and we were laughing and singing. And the best part was that we were probably going to have to stay there the whole damn night because of the snow.

It wasn't forty below -- more like twenty -- but, we were in Anchorage and the snow had been coming down all day and the wind was blowing and we had been barely able to get to the party. Now as we looked out, the roads were impassable. We were snowed in!

The bad news was that we couldn't go home. The good news was that there was plenty of booze -- and plenty of good company. Our challenge was to stay sober enough to fuck.

I would not call us swingers exactly, but there was always a lot of screwing at our parties. Liz Russell, one of our regulars, said that the only thing that kept us under control was a shortage of bedrooms. Tonight there were only a couple of bedrooms down the hall, so sometimes people had to wait their turn.

It was mostly our usual bunch, about a dozen couples, half were married, and the others shacked up. We partied together often, at least once a week.

"Choo-choo" Johnson was there with her husband "Pee-wee." All the guys kept offering Pee-wee one drink after another, but Pee-wee had learned the hard way to watch very carefully how much he drank. Last year at a party he drank too much and that was when both he and his wife got their nicknames.

At that party Pee-wee took Choo-choo upstairs for a threesome with their host, Alec. But Pee-wee had had so much to drink that he passed out on the bed. After a little pot, Alec persuaded Choo-choo to pull a train. She did the other eight guys at the party, one after the other, and most of them twice. All this time, Pee-wee was passed out, naked on his back, right beside her on the bed. The guys were so singularly unimpressed with the size of his equipment, that they nicknamed him Pee-wee.

Grace White and her husband came in last. Grace's husband was a realtor and Grace was the horniest woman I ever saw. She would walk into a party, survey the room, dance with a guy, and promptly disappear into a bedroom with him, while her husband would just sit in the living room and get too drunk to fuck.

Grace was older than most of us -- over thirty -- but she was a big-breasted brunet, and I was told that she was a great fuck. She always did the work, mounting up like a cowboy and riding the guy hard, with her big tits jiggling in his face. I was only twenty-two and just learning, but for some reason watching Grace take a guy into a bedroom and fuck him always turned me on.

The guys said that, when Grace was approaching her orgasm, she always yelled, "Play with my tits -- I'm gonna come!" And she was real loud. Once I heard her shouting that from the next room.

We had some crazy people at our parties. One time a sweet young thing came as the date of a grad student. She took one look at our activities and asked her date to take her home. We never saw her again. We found out later that she was the daughter of the Commanding General of a nearby Air Force base!

I was with my regular guy, my fiancé Mark. Mark did post grad work in Geology at the University in Fairbanks. Mark had got me into fucking his buddies. It made him happy and I think he liked to watch.

I did it at first because I loved him, but then I learned to enjoy fucking. I found out that the more I fucked the more that I wanted to fuck. Fucking one man is good, but fucking him twice is better, and fucking two men is even better. I loved the variety and would have gone on doing it forever, except that Mark and I broke up after a couple of years, and I left both him and Alaska.

Mark was learning geology because if you knew geology there was money to be made in Alaska. Most of the guys that were not grad students, worked for one of the exploration companies, and their wives had only agreed to come to the frozen north with their hubbies because the pay was so damn good.

"Just a few years," they all said and promised to save the bucks and get back to civilization. Life didn't seem quite real that far north and maybe that's why some of our parties got pretty much out of control. That night's party looked like it was gonna be a rowdy one from the start.

We started out talking with Mark's grad school buddy, Will, and his wife Charlene, who was a secretary at the University. This was their first time at one of our parties. Mark had met Will when they were asked to drive to Homer to do some tidal erosion studies on the Spit. I had met Will several times but did not really know him all that well.

The night went on really well and it was getting pretty late. Some of us had had more to drink than usual, and that may have had something to do with it. But what happened that night was remembered and talked about for a long time.

The next day I told Mark that I was not the one that started it. And I wasn't, although I think he blamed me anyway. It all began when I saw Liz and Faye and Babs huddled together in the corner drinking and whispering and laughing, and I went over to see what was so funny.

They were talking about guys they had screwed and the size of their peckers. I listened. It was just the usual girl talk, but guys would have been very upset to hear themselves described as having a "teensy pecker" or "barely adequate" or "so drunk he couldn't get it up." Then Liz told them how to measure the size of a guy's dick.

"It really works. I'm not kidding," said Liz.

"I don't believe you," said Faye.

"No - really - it works. Four finger widths is three inches," said Liz. "You just start at the base and work you hands up his dick and count the number of fingers."

"What does the guy do while you're measuring his dick?" Babs asked, laughing.

"Trust me honey. When you've got hold of a guy's pecker, he don't care what you're doing," said Liz.

"And so what was the longest one you ever saw?" Faye asked.

"A guy at the University before I got married. We were making out one night in his car and he was bragging about his dick and he whipped it out to show me. I had both my hands around it and then I moved my lower hand up and wrapped it around and there was still an inch left at the head. He had to be ten inches long!" Liz said.

"Jesus," said Faye. "That's big!"

"Not according to Charlene," said Liz. "She claims her husband's got twelve inches."

"Will is twelve inches long? I don't believe it! That's not possible," said Faye. "They don't make 'em that big. Besides, he's just a short little guy - not even six feet tall."

"Ask Charlene," said Liz. "Just ask her."

I knew that Liz was telling the truth. Mark had told me about Will. When they were doing the tidal erosion studies on the Spit, they had shared a motel room in Homer. Every morning, Will woke up with what the boys call a "Piss Hard On." Then he would say, "Look at this Mark, I would love to fuck Mona with this thing." Then he would taunt Mark about their size difference. Mark had an average dick -- maybe six or seven inches.

Of course that had upset Mark, but I think it also turned him on big time. When Mark got back, he told me about the trip and about Will and his great big cock. He didn't say so at the time, but I think he wanted to watch Will fuck me with that monster. Mark always got turned on watching me get fucked, but he never talked about it. I think it embarrassed him to be excited by watching. After I left Alaska I met a couple of guys like that and they're fun to date. If you play around, they don't get jealous -- they just get horny!

So when Liz dragged us all across the room I knew what Will's wife was going to say. Charlene was talking to Sandra and Donna. Liz walked up, joined them, and everybody began whispering and laughing.

Charlene started nodding her head vigorously and saying, "Yes, yes, he really is."

Faye said, "I just don't believe it. That's not possible!"

The girls were not whispering now. They were arguing out loud and pretty soon it was clear that they were talking about Charlene's husband Will. And the size of his pecker!

Finally, Charlene went across the room to where Will was sitting, talking to some guys, and grabbed his arm. "Let's go honey."

She pulled him into the den and all the girls followed her. As I watched I realized that Charlene was actually going to show the girls Will's pecker. When Mark told me his size, I guess I really didn't believe it could be as big as he had said, so I joined the parade into the den.

Charlene had Will in the center of the den and reached for his zipper.

"I'll do it honey -- I'll do it," said Will, and casually unzipped his fly. I think maybe Charlene had done this before. He reached inside with his right hand and pulled out this huge, soft, floppy, monster. Then he started to stroke it slowly.

Charlene turned to Liz. "You do it honey. It'll come up faster."

Liz started stroking Will's cock and that sleeping monster sprang to life. I looked across the room in awe. He had the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life. He was uncircumcised and his heavy, loose foreskin moved slowly back and forth over a huge, moist, purple head. There was a big blue vein twisting its way down the top and several others along the sides. He was thick -- not as thick as a beer can, but that comparison came immediately into my mind.

The room became as silent as a church. Every woman there just stared at that massive organ. I walked across the room, slowly as in a trance, and stood next to Liz. I couldn't help myself. I reached out and started stroking that engorged monster. It was hard of course -- rock hard -- but the skin was so soft and warm and smooth and it slipped back and forth so easily, that I couldn't believe it. It felt wonderful! Somehow, I just couldn't stop stroking it.

"Can you believe this Mona?" Liz whispered.

I was speechless but I heard several of the wives whispering to each other, almost reverently.

"Holy Mary Mother of God! I can't believe it!"

"Jesus. I've never even seen a dildo that big!"

"Imagine what that thing would feel like!"

"I don't think I could take that damn thing."

"Me neither, but I'd sure like to try!"

I looked down at my hand and saw that my thumb and fingers did not go even half way around his shaft. He was so long that at first it didn't look as thick as it actually was. But that was an illusion. The thickness was there when you held it in your hand. When I squeezed it tightly, I could feel it throb. It was heavy -- just like a big piece of meat.

Choo-choo joined us and, pushing in front of Liz and me, reached over to caress Will's cock. She held it with one hand under the shaft and the head of his cock on her forearm, half way up to her elbow. With the index finger of her other hand she gently traced that big blue vein on the top. She had a look of hot desire on her face and I suspected she was sorry Will had not been there the night she pulled the train.

I stood silently with the others, watching. I lifted my hand and smelled the sweet, pungent, musky odor of sweaty male genitals. God! That excited me! I put my hand over my nose and took a deep breath to get more of his smell. I kept staring at that monster, like every other woman in the room.

Liz pushed Choo-choo aside and, taking her place, immediately began to measure Will's penis, placing four fingers on the top at the base, with her thumb underneath, and working toward the head, one hand after the other. I counted as she did it. Four measures of four fingers each along the top of that thing till she got to the end. Four hand-fulls! Twelve inches! Jesus!

Every woman fondled it, almost lovingly, for as long as she could, trying to look casual -- but it was clear that every one of us was turned on and wanted to play with it. The gals were practically standing in line waiting their turn and several of them got back in line to play with it again. Some of the husbands were joining us in the den now, and they too stared at Will's cock as silently as their wives did.

I was the one fondling it when Mark walked into the room. His eyes went directly to my hand. Will looked at Mark, then down at my hand stroking his cock. Then he looked back at Mark and grinned -- it was more of a smirk. A smirk which seemed to say, "Your woman wants it!" I felt myself getting wet and I remembered immediately what Will had said to Mark in Homer about fucking me with that thing.

Mark's face went slack and he lost all expression. He looked down at the floor and his shoulders slumped. It was as though all of his manhood had just been drained out of him. He just stood there, looking like a eunuch. Will continued to smirk. I could not keep the desire off of my face, as I lovingly caressed that beautiful thing with both hands. I was aroused. My pussy was getting really wet now. Had the three of us been alone, there is no doubt that Will would have fucked me, while Mark watched, helplessly. And the three of us were thinking exactly that!

You can say what you want to about size not being important. And all of us say it. You can tell your hubby those little lover's lies. And all of us tell them. But, the size of a man's cock is perceived as manhood by men and women alike. And Will had no equal in that room. And every man and every woman knew it. They stood there, silently admiring him, as one gentle feminine hand after another slowly slid that big, loose foreskin up to reveal the huge, purple head, and then down to cover it again.

I looked at the other couples. Husbands were looking at their wives just like Mark had looked at me. They saw the lust on their wives faces. They saw the women they loved competing to caress that throbbing, engorged monster. They knew exactly what their wives were thinking. In that moment, every husband there realized that, his loving wife would make him a cuckold, without a second thought, if she had a chance to enjoy that magnificent instrument.

Suddenly I had a feeling of power. I felt a rush of strength through my body, as I realized, for the first time in my life, the awesome power that a woman holds over a man who loves her, when that man sees her naked desire for another man. When he sees her raw craving, her need, and he knows that he is completely helpless to meet that need. Every woman in the room was feeling that power now. And every man was feeling helpless. Castrated!

Liz and Grace pulled Charlene over to the side and started whispering to her. Charlene laughed and nodded her head. Then she whispered in Will's ear. Will nodded and, putting that monster back in his pants, he walked out of the den and down the hall to the front bedroom. Grace and Liz followed him closely.

All of us just stood there, silently, and watched them leave. Then we filed into the living room. No one spoke as we sat down and picked up our drinks. I could see by their faces that Mark, and every other guy there, had been completely intimidated by the size of Will's cock. The guys were humbled by seeing what Will could offer a woman, and the certain knowledge that their women wanted it.

There was not a sound, not one word, in the living room after Grace and Liz followed Will into that bedroom. My pussy was dripping now and I felt the wetness on my thighs. I think the other gals were feeling the same thing. I believe that all the gals were asking themselves the same questions I was asking myself: "Jesus! What would that thing feel like? Could I take it?"

And all the guys were asking themselves something else: "Will my wife go into that bedroom next?"

Grace's realtor husband was too drunk to care but Liz's husband was visibly shaken as he pictured the woman he loved, on her back under Will, legs spread wide, hips humping in ecstasy. I think what shocked him most was that she had asked Charlene if she could fuck Will, after being turned on by playing with that giant cock. From time to time, sitting there in silence, he would close his eyes and tremble, as his mind played a porn movie with his wife as the star.

Liz told me later about fucking Will. She said he was very skillful using that monster, always conscious of how big he was. He entered her softly and gently so that she could enjoy his size, but he was careful not to hurt her. He positioned her so that she was able to take him all -- all twelve inches - and she said he seemed to fill up her belly, and make her feel like a real woman. He fucked her slowly and tenderly. She was so turned on, she said, that he brought her to orgasm very quickly, and the sensation of her pussy contracting tightly around that thick shaft again and again and again was a feeling she had never experienced before.

I asked Liz about Grace and she said that Grace had mounted Will confidently with her usual aggressive cowboy style. But, when she had dropped her hips down hard and forced that enormous sausage up deep into her, it bottomed out, and she cried out in pain as it slammed savagely against her cervix. Grace had met her master! Will rolled her over for a gentle missionary fuck, and Liz said, "she whimpered like a virgin" until she had a long lasting orgasm, with soft, submissive, feminine moans.

I had just chickened out. There is no other way to describe it. Ever since that night, I have wondered what it would have felt like to get fucked by that enormous dick, but for some reason I just didn't do it. Maybe I was afraid it would hurt me. Grace and Liz fucked him and I'm sure Choo-choo tried to get him later that evening - but not me.

I had had my chance and I didn't take it. And I have been sorry ever since. In all the fourteen years since that night, I have never seen a dick that even came close to Will's size, and before I got married I saw a hell of a lot of dicks.

I love the wonderful guy I'm married to now, and we don't swap or swing, and I have never cheated on him. But if I had another chance at Will's dick ... well, who knows what I might do?

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HungBigBenHungBigBen3 months ago

I do wish I had been there….and watched the expression on Will and his wife Charlene’s face seeing mine…I am a lot bigger…both ways…then Will is…and in my experiences it pi’s always great fun to fuck and stretch out wider and go deeper in a size queen like Charlene than will could ever do…and have Will watch his wife Charlene getting l many orgasms on a lot wider and thicker and longer bull elephant cock seeing her big size queen pussy getting stretched and wrecking her to the bottom of her womb….I would have taken her over and over all night so her pussy and womb would forever be stretched out and always remember what really a lot bigger and a lot better feels like…

Then the next party….Grace gets changed forever….then the next week Liz…

OlFrog14xOlFrog14xalmost 3 years ago

Liz's husband needed to find her purse and remove the usual stuff: house keys, car keys, wallet, and replace with a suitable weight. Once traffic resumes, off he goes without her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
She's wrong you know

A weak man may feel emasculated by a bigger dick.

I confess that mine is above average. Around 9 inches. But I still feel small when I watch porn. Does it make me feel less of a man? No. Maybe as a teenager. As a man though, I take pride in my career. I take pride in my skills and physical strength. If my woman tried to stroke 'mr.smirk', I'd wipe it off his smug face with one clean elbow to the face. I wouldn't even yell at him. I'd just beat the humility into him.

That's the real world of men. Women will almost never understand it. Women don't compete the same way we men do. A lot more men are polite compared to women, why is that? Both are obnoxious as children. It's almost like enough boys get punched in the mouth by other boys to understand social cues. Women rarely get smacked around, even by other women! So you'll see a lot of belligerent women screaming at officers. But rarely men. Even though men are responsible for more violence, women have no problem getting into someone's personal space and screaming spittle at them.

I know SOME women that grew up as 'tom boys' and would fight with brothers or neighborhood boys. That's the exception. They understand. Your average woman knows next to nothing about manliness.

Women are insanely insecure about their looks compared to men, so it'd make sense to project that insecurity that she may have onto men. But a man is only insecure about his wang as a teenager. If he's still insecure, he just never grew up. Women do get aroused by a big swinging dick, but most women grow up to realize that sorta guy will never marry her. And a good marriage material man isn't gonna settle for a size queen. He's got way better options. It's the same maturity that prevents good looking guys from leaving an amazing woman for some tight dumb 21 year old.

HungBigBenHungBigBenover 6 years ago
LynnGKS aka Mona...wish I had been there.

I wish I had been there....I would have liked to see the reaction of Will, and Will's wife Charlene...and Grace...and me and mine. :)

And btw...women talk....and share...and while some might not believe some of your stories about women who are related...mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, and even grandmothers...sharing and even having together sex with a man who is extremely endowed. It is not often, but it does happen to. I have been with quite a few women who were related....from several families. That is over decades...but it happens too.

HungBigBenHungBigBenover 6 years ago
Rare, but it does happen

Things like this do happen. Not all the details...variations. I've been in rooms where the women got more than a bit tipsy...high...both...and started betting and even arguing whose husband or boyfriend had the thickest or longest or biggest pole. And had been doing that argument for a after a few years, and more than a few drinks...decided to settle the argument. Not unlike bar bets.

And some women just want to see.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
we have porn now

every guy has probably already seen biggest cock possible including that 16 inch guy nobody gets intimidated like that

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

To all the critics, don't read it if it upsets you, go elsewhere. I like your stories, thank you for writing. I am 42, married to a great guy named Rob. At first when I met him he was shy, he apparently had some not great experiences with a couple of ladies. We went out for a while, he didn't make a move on me not like other guys I knew. I liked a fuck like most ladies, I liked him, he had a dry sense of humor, made me laugh, my friends liked him. In the end I made the move, back at my place, after a night out, I asked would he stay the night, he was hesitant, I asked him what was wrong, he just said its a bit embarrassing, what is , well other women I have gone out with don't like my, you know, my cock. I thought, shit, is it really small or what, so I said well lets see, as I undressed, bending over in my stay up sheer stockings. He just stood there, so I unbuckled his belt, he lowered his trousers, I had to look, I said oh my god, he said sorry and began to pull his trousers back up. No, don't do that, in front of me was the biggest cock I had ever seen, I later found out about 10 inches and thick. I felt my pussy go wet, I also found out later that the women he went out with ran a mile when they saw it. Not me, I wasn't going to let that slab of meat escape me, I pushed him back onto the bed, I didn't bother with anything except straddling him and lowering my pussy down onto him. He lay there, kept saying sorry as I struggled to take it all,when I had half of it in me, I felt him, sorry, sorry as his cum shot into me, jerking up as I pushed down, no one had been in me this far and as I pushed down, I orgasmed, that did it, I was sitting right down on him, delirious and then we fucked, orgasmic is the only way to describe it, I lost count, he delivered once more and then I just sat on him. That is how it has been through our married life. 4 kids later, we still love to fuck, I still shiver when he slides his cock into me. We have branched out a bit, I liked to brag a bit to my girl friends and the other teachers at my school. Some giggle, some laugh thinking I am exaggerating, one older teacher, Mavis , late 50s said oh my goodness, how lucky, I always wondered what a big cock would be like., I smiled, maybe I can arrange it. Arrange it I did, some of my married girl friends have experienced Rob as well. The deal is, they usually want to look, Rob not shy any more is willing to show. I get him going, they see what he has got, all wanted to feel it, and all but one wanted to be fucked, Rob obliges, I get to watch. The most interesting was Angie, 4 years younger, very pretty but so thin but when she undressed she seemed to be all pussy. That girl took it all, it looked like she was being split in half, she insisted in taking it doggy style, it was the most erotic fuck I have ever seen, when he pulled back it looked like her pussy was being pulled inside out, They both orgasmed and I came just watching, could that girl take it or what. Rob said she was the best fuck, after me of course that he ever had. Of course, that's why Angie visits every week, when before I would see her every 3 months or so if I was lucky , and that's how I got to taste my first pussy and had mine brought to orgasm by a womans tongue. See, the benefits of having a big cock.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This story line has been done to death

Your story added nothing to the mix. And drop the "true" part baloney. You're on a porn site on the world wide web. No one believes a word coming out of your mouth and it just makes us laugh at you harder. 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A couple of points.

First point - NEVER tell the readers that this is a true story. We start laughing before we read the story.

Second point - Are you sure you're a woman? Because any woman that has had some guy slam has dick into her cervix understands exactly how excruciatingly painful that is. No woman wants that, even in a fantasy.

Third point - Try again. There's nothing remotely believable about this poor effort, even for fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What would you do?

Probably become another cheating slut. And have that fact become common knowledge amongst your friends and acquaintances. And it would, more than likely, be a painful experience. Sensitive lover or not, when you get stretched out and that thing starts banging on your cervix, it's going to hurt. And what will hurt more is when your husband divorces you since you've handed him his pride and self respect in a bag. All these things come from not being able to control yourself. Is it worth the price?

AHurtingUnitAHurtingUnitover 13 years ago
Awesome stories

You write very well. you do a great job taking an uncomfortable subject for "most guys" and making it arouse them. I'm very much into Sub men, dominant women, and while the idea of cucking isnt my thing, it's written into a few of my stories because it works for a dominant woman theme. Plus, if you want a woman to kick you in the nuts and hurt you, you have to assume she'll also want to "kick you when you are down" and fuck a hung stud

Great stories! Please, many more!!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 14 years ago
As the owner of a nine inch pussy pleaser,

I love your stories. I always enjoy having women beg for my cock in front of their pathetic husbands. I stretch the wives out so the husband never again satisfies them. The author of this story has actually been begging me to service her.

That is true fantasy, and that is what this site features, isn't it? Well written, but perhaps difficult for men light in confidence to enjoy. Of course that means I enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
not always true

I've read a lot of what you write and I'm honestly not sure what the attraction is for me. I think you write well about this subject. I find the stories troubling in that I believe in love and I don't believe what your characters and their husbands have is anything like love. Ok, specifically about big dicks. I don't have one. I have just five and a half not very thick inches. But heres the thing. For my wife I'm huge. My wife is five feet tall. She has small hands small feet and apparently a very small vagina. I know this because when we first began to make love she felt incredibly tight, and yes I could feel myself bottoming out, which is something I've never felt before with another woman. After our first weekend together she was so sore she actually had to go to the doctor. Since then we've learned for me to be much more gentle. One strategy is for her to grip my shaft with her hand. She will usually have to change hands several times because while I may not be huge, I like to go a long time. This only allows the head of my penis, yes, penis not cock, into her vagina. After a while she will get so excited that somehow she squishes her hand so that maybe three or so inches will get inside her. But that's enough and soon she's over the top and so am I (she's got quite a grip). I guess what I'm saying is, a lot of what you write is hogwash. I'm sure there are women who love large penises. And others like my wife who would probably be quite happy with one even smaller than me. It probably has to do with how large the woman's own vagina is. But, I especially have a hard time thinking any woman would enjoy feeling sore the next day from a penis too large for them. My wife did not like this feeling. In fact the pains in her uterus which continued for days after our first weekend of lust, and really scared both her and me, brought us both to a complete halt in our love making. And it took us a while to get back into the swing, though it did force us to be very open and honest and to talk about what we needed in ways that I believe have made our love making much better and more fun today. We have both had to make changes in how we make love. And now, we are both quite happy with our love life. But the care I have to show her just makes me really question this whole fantasy. And yes, as I have admitted things that would probably get me flamed, I think I'll leave this anonymous.

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 14 years ago
Monster wife

Mona is anything but a loving wife. The following paragraph defines her: "Suddenly I had a feeling of power. I felt a rush of strength through my body, as I realized, for the first time in my life, the awesome power that a woman holds over a man who loves her, when that man sees her naked desire for another man. When he sees her raw craving, her need, and he knows that he is completely helpless to meet that need. Every woman in the room was feeling that power now. And every man was feeling helpless. Castrated!" What kind of woman gets off on the power of castrating her husband? She revels in the power held over someone who loves her and the ability to use that love to severely wound that man, to betray him. This woman is badly warped. I suppose we are supposed to appreciate that she didn't go to bed with the big dick but her inner thoughts make her a despicable person.

Ducky7Ducky7almost 14 years ago
Good thing she didn't try to tell Mark she was sorry.

I don't think Mark would have ever married her. To him she was just a slut looking for a big dick. To everyone she was just a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Another story

Wimps and whores, Mona is a piece of shit, hubby should find out what she fantasizes about and fill her pussy with super glue or cement.

BarbaraBarbaraalmost 14 years ago
Good Grief! Penis size is certainly relative, to ladys able to get their man stripping buck naked, in a public saloons

Your scenic build-up was painfully slow, but men with huge apendages are rarely keen to exhibit their verile superiority with other mens wives for one good reason! The shame of being singled out, then demonstrating erectile prowess so casually, would make most studs shrink from a most sexually attractive woman. Obedience, corporal Discipline then carnal pride, gained from regular exhibitionist sessions would be a wifes sole motive to subject male partners to ridicule. Lacking credibility could be her means of keeping him erect whilst being stimulated by awe-struck female competitors? Was she a male dominant woman? Too many vacant holes sic [Vaginas] involved, to credit that particular scenario with a factual basis? Hmm? Maybe a fertile imagination on the writers part? However well worth reading as a 5, in this FemDom's biased view! Long may you fantasize, about stroking your 12 inch cocks, for female amusement or simply to melt away the winter snows, way up north in mid-west Alaska. Meanwhile: Great story, Keep right on truckin, with many other female readers gagging with envy?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Later afterwards

Afterwards when the pussies of these women had been stretched so loose that they no longer can hold a regular dick,they become lonely as their men dump them for better women. Now that's an ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I don't know if your stories really have true backgrounds, but they have the ring of truth to them. That is probably why many men are uncomfortable with what you have to say in what you write.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Great story

Fantastic story, Please ignore the haters.

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