Mountain Magic


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"Please," Cat sobbed. "Please, god I want you so much. Jesse....Jesse please."

This was more entreaty that Jesse could resist. Without delay, Jesse slid further down in the bed between Cat's soft thighs, kissing and nipping at bare warm skin on her way down. Cat, sighing with anticipation, opened her thighs to give Jesse a perfect view of Cat's wet shaved pussy, already glistening with desire. Jesse's heart almost stopped with the pleasure of anticipation of the taste of Cat. Jesse inhaled, breathing in the scent of lilacs, and Cat's deeper, darker womanly smell.

"I've dreamt of tasting you like this", Jesse whispered in her deep husky voice, looking up over Cat's belly to meet her smoky blue gaze. "I dreamt of this the first night I met you". Cat said nothing, but her face spoke a thousand words of lust and need.

Jesse leaned in, breathing in Cat's intoxicating scent once again. It was clean, yet dark and sinful. She took her fingers and gently spread Cat's lips wider, exposing the brunette fully to her view. Jesse moaned deep in the back of her throat as she dipped her head, and her tongue first made contact with Cat's soft flesh. Cat arched her hips up, pressing herself into Jesse's mouth. Jesse slid her tongue up and down the full length of Cat's wet slit, tasting her fully and enjoying every morsel of skin. Drunk with the taste of her, Jesse explored every inch of Cat's crack, listening to Cat cry out with pleasure. Jesse swirled her tongue in and found the slick tight channel of Cat's pussy, and Jesse proceeded to make love to Cat with her tongue. She slid her tongue in and out of the wet hole, and around the outside. The redhead thrust slowly, firmly, enjoying the clenches that squeezed around her tongue every so often as Cat climbed higher and higher towards release. Jesse laved her expertly, keeping Cat balanced on that knife's edge. Cat was moaning loudly. "God yes that's so good" she said, and "Jesse, god, Jesse". It seemed to be a long time before Jesse's mind lifted itself out of that erotic haze, listening to Cat begging her "Please Jess, let me come...please".

Jesse moved her tongue, now completely slick and covered in Cat's juices up her slit and to the throbbing clit. As Jesse swept her tongue over the hard nub, Cat cried out "Oh god! Yes!" Jesse settled down to a good hard tongue lashing, enjoying every throb of Cat's clit in her mouth. The throbs started getting closer and closer together, as Cat's cries got louder and more insistent.

"Ohhhhh, ooohh yes," Cat sobbed, her hips grinding now into Jesse's face, completely lost to the pleasure. Jesse sucked hard on Cat's clit, feeling the throb intensify. Cat screamed out, her back arched like a bow, and suddenly she was coming, filling Jesse's mouth with the most exquisite sweetness. Cat's load moans and yells of pleasure would surely echo off the mountains, and Jesse continued to suck and lick Cat until the woman was near sobbing with the release of it. Jesse held Cat's thighs open, feeling the tremors run through them as Cat began slowly emerging from her orgasm.

Jesse paused in her tonguing, allowing Cat to catch her breath. Cat's chest was heaving, and she was still making little sounds of pleasure. Jesse was totally floating away on the sweet power she felt over Cat, loving the pleasure she was giving her, the knowledge that this was probably the best love of Cat's life. Jesse felt the need to possess Cat, to feel her completely. Jesse slid up next to Cat, lying on her side. She kissed the satisfied woman, and Cat moaned, tasting herself on Jesse's lips. Jesse continued to kiss Cat, the thrusting of her tongue emulating the thrusting penetration she had performed on Cat's pussy earlier. Meanwhile, Jesse slid her hand down to Cat's slit, sliding first one, then two fingers into Cat's tight pussy.

"Oh shit, oh shit", Cat said, her body jerking with the new sensations. "I don't think...I'm not sure I can again".

"Let's find out, shall we", Jesse said huskily. She continued to stroke Cat from the inside, slowly and deliberately, feeling the aftershocks of the previous orgasm. Those throbs slowed, but continued to pulsate through Cat's body, and Jesse felt every one of them. Jesse worked her fingers in and out, sometimes around in circles, and often pushing them up into that perfect spot. Cat writhed on the bed beneath her, her deep blues eyes looking at Jesse with amazement, and hot hard lust. Jesse fingered Cat until the woman cried out "Jesse...god, I'm coming again..." Cat threw her head back as her body arched up. Her eyes, now almost black with desire fluttered closed. Jesse watched in fascination as this beautiful woman entered the throes of orgasm under her. Jesse felt the punch of satisfaction inside herself, heavy and hot, and knew that Cat was hers.

Cat's orgasm clinched around Jesse's fingers, milking them hard. Cat's pussy pulsed over and over again, while she cried out Jesse's name and held on to the redhead with both arms.

Slowly, Jesse brought her down. She eased her fingers out of her incredibly wet pussy, bringing them up to lick and suck the sweet juices from them. Cat watched this with bemusement, and was obviously turned on by the action. Jesse, with a mischievous look, turned her hand and held her fingers out to Cat. Cat, never breaking eye contact, leaned up and took Jesse's fingers in her mouth, tasting her own come. Cat closed her eyes, reveling in the intimate gesture. Jesse then leaned down and kissed Cat, soft and sweet.

"Cat, you are so beautiful. That was the most wonderful thing I have ever seen. Thank you." Jesse said. She meant every word.

"But...what about you," Cat asked, confused. It looked as though she couldn't make her brain work right, which was just as Jesse meant it to be. "Don't I get to do that to you?"

Jesse laughed. "Of course you do, if you want to. " God, Jesse prayed fervently that she wanted to.

"Well, hell yeah I want to!" Cat said, a wicked smile curving her mouth, though it still trembled from the aftereffects of her orgasms. "I've just got to make you scream like you made me".

"Gladly", Jesse replied, laying back on the bed. "Do your worst, woman".

Cat smiled, a huge big smile, clearly anticipating. "Oh goody".

Jesse laughed, but that laugh cut off in a moan as Cat lowered her body down and her hot breath wafted across Jesse's poor neglected pussy. Jesse though that she just might come from the first touch of Cat's tongue.

Cat hesitated, seeming unsure. Damn, Jesse thought. "Cat," Jesse said sitting up, "You really don't have to..."

"Oh yes I do," Cat replied. "Only...well, I've never done this before, and I don't want to be awful at it".

Jesse looked down into Cat's trusting eyes. "Trust me baby, you'll be fine. All you have to do is kiss me, only you're not kissing my mouth. Just do whatever feels good to you, and it will feel good to me. will be perfect." This wasn't the first time Jesse had introduced a woman to oral sex, but never had she been so charmed by a woman's innocence and obvious sexuality at the time.

Cat smiled, and bent her head to Jesse's pussy once more. Jesse laid back with a sigh, waiting for that first tentative touch.

It came, faster and harder than she had expected. Cat's tongue firmly pushed its' way into Jesse's slit. Jesse thought she might bolt up off the bed, so unexpected was the onslaught. But Cat cleverly wrapped her hands around Jesse's hips, holding her in place, preventing Jesse from moving around. Cat moaned, and Jesse thought she might go mad from the vibration.

For a newcomer, fuck she was good, Jesse thought. Holy shit...Cat seemed to be following Jesse's advice, treating her pussy like a mouth and French kissing it over and over again. Her tongue roamed the full length of Jesse's pussy, from hard clit to wet slick channel and back again. Then Cat settled down to Jesse's clit, poking out and throbbing. Cat wrapped her full soft lips around that nub and began to work it with her tongue, soothing and torturing at the same time.

Pretty soon, all thoughts were gone out of Jesse's head, as Cat's clever mouth made beautiful love to her pussy. Jesse was moaning, lifting her hips in time to the pulses running through her body, pressing her need into Cat's mouth. Her entire world was spiraling down into one hot, tight point; and that point was right on the tip of Cat's tongue. Cat was merciless, working Jesse so perfectly that soon Jesse was screaming, yelling to the roof.

"Cat, holy shit...oh my god..." Jesse heard herself say.

Suddenly, Cat moved her hands to either side of Jesse's slit. While Cat still used her mouth on Jesse's clit, her fingers were massaging the swollen lips on either side.

"Oh FUCK!" Jesse cried. She had been close to coming already, but the addition of Cat's hands to the equation just lifted her peak higher, as her body prepared to climb yet another hill before letting her fly. "God, yes, just like that!"

Cat complied, working now the entire area of Jesse pussy outside her clit. The brunette's graceful fingers massaged the lips on either side in opposing circles, keeping rhythm with the sucking her mouth was doing. Cat slid the pad of one thumb to circle gently around the taut muscle ringing Jesse's canal, not entering but just rimming softly. To Jesse it felt as if Cat's mouth was on every part of her at once. Nothing could stand under so perfect an onslaught.

Jesse's world exploded. Bright spots flashed in front of her eyes, and her breath shot out of her on explosive yell. She grabbed the back of Cat's head, and rode her mouth into oblivion, sobbing Cat's name over and over.

Minutes later, Cat lifted her head, smiling smugly as Jesse slowly floated back down into the real world.

"Shit honey, are you sure you've never done this before?" Jesse asked skeptically. Cat just laughed.

"I'm sure. And it wasn't as bad as I expected."

Jesse struggled up. "What?!" she cried, not sure if that was an insult or not.

Cat laughed again. "What I mean to say is, I liked it. Maybe the way you described it before...Jesse, it was so intimate, so wonderful. I loved doing that you. I love the way you taste." At this, she rose up and kissed Jesse deeply again. They both murmured at the combined taste of both of their juices mingled in their mouths. "And I must say, I like the way I taste too."

"Where in the world did you learn a technique like that?" Jesse asked, breathless. That had been something else!

"I just followed you advice", Cat said. "I did what I thought would feel good to me. I'm guessing it worked?"

"Hell yes, it worked", Jesse chuckled.

"Damn skippy", Cat said smugly.

Jesse smiled at that. She pulled Cat up into her embrace, and they both drifted off to sleep tangled up in each other's bodies. For Jesse, it was the best and most peaceful sleep she had had in months, and she spent the entire night curled around Cat's lithesome body.

The next morning, they lazed about in bed. They didn't repeat last night's performance right away, but were satisfied to just lie together, holding and touching each other in soft lazy strokes.

"Jesse", Cat said sitting up. "I have a confession to make".

"Hmmm? What's that?" Jesse asked lazily.

"There's another reason why I stopped that kiss the other day. When I said I had some thinking to do, I meant it." Cat said cryptically.

"Well? I'm all ears...what's up?" Jess replied. A hard little fist grabbed Jesse's heart, as she prepared for something bad. Jesse didn't really want to hear this, as it was bound to be bad, right? Jesse realized then that she was deeper into this than she had previously thought.

Suddenly, Jesse knew she was in love. And now scared that Cat would end whatever it was that they had started here in the mountains.

"I think I can help you. With your gallery I mean. But I know you had a serious issue with Kate, and I hesitate to pull you into the exact same situation again", Cat said. This only confused Jesse more. Kate? What did Kate have to do with anything? Who the hell was Kate, anyways?

"Come again?" Jesse asked.

"I never did tell you what I did for a living, right?" Cat asked.

"Nope, you just said you were unemployed. I guess I thought you were a trust fund kid or something of sort. You didn't volunteer, and I never pried." Jesse replied.

"And I appreciate that. Once I learned what you did, I'm afraid I decided to keep my occupation to myself, at least for a bit. I'm an artist." Cat said. "Actually a pretty famous one. You may have heard of me."

"No, Cat, I don't think I have. I know of almost every artist in this region, and none of them are named Cat."

"Oh, well...I don't use 'Cat' for my artwork. I use my full name. Caterina Anna Richardson."

Jesse jumped. "That's YOU?!!?" she asked. Cat nodded. "Hell Yes, I've heard of you. Your work is phenomenal. In fact, I own some of your paintings in my private collection..." Jesse trailed off, realizing what Cat had meant about helping her.

"Seriously Cat? You would show at my gallery?" Jesse asked with hope.

"Of course I would" Cat said emphatically. "If you would let me. But now that we have...this" and Cat motioned around the bed "I am not sure if that would be wise, considering your history with Kate."

Now Jesse understood. "And you think it would be a mistake to mix business and pleasure?"

Cat just nodded, seeming upset at the implied ultimatum. "I admit to being selfish. I wanted you, and so I chose sex over the possibility of working with you, knowing I might be jeopardizing that side of things." Cat seemed to hesitate, perhaps waiting for Jesse to get mad. Jesse couldn't seem to.

Cat continued, "Now, I could just give you the money to bail you out", holding up her hand to stall Jesse's denial "but I know you wouldn't take it. I would like to show at your gallery. I do not want to cause problems in your life though." Cat went silent, waiting for Jesse's reply.

"Honey, let me make one thing perfectly clear", Jesse began. "The only reason it never worked out before is because of Kate. She was an evil conniving bitch, that couldn't stand for anybody to be happy if it didn't involve her. I seriously don't think you fit that role".

"True," Cat said. "I would never do what she did. But I also don't want our future relationship to get in the way of your success at your gallery either."

"Future relationship?" Jess asked.

"Jess!" Cat said. "Of course. Or were you planning on running away as soon as the snow melted?" Jesse shook her head, smiling as Cat leaned in for a sweet kiss.

"Cat", Jesse began "despite what has happened between us here, I don't think you're ready for life as a lesbian. In fact, I would bet that you are still straight..." Cat cut her off with a shake of her head.

"Jesse, look. I am not straight, I am not gay. I am Cat. I don't know what that makes me to the rest of the world, but I hope that makes me your girlfriend." Jesse pondered this statement, then accepted it with a nod. "I have every intention of continuing this relationship", Cat continued. "In fact, I was making plans to move into the city anyways...especially now that my art will be shown there. I suddenly have inspiration for a new series of paintings. What do you think about beautiful mountain snowscapes?" Jesse chuckled as Cat winked at her. "So, if I'm moving into the city...any ideas where I could stay?"

Jesse laughed. "Normally I would never ever say this, but you could come stay with me. After having spent 4 days trapped in a cabin with you, I think we are safe to assume that we could probably live together just fine. Besides, I'm not ready to be without you just yet".

"It does seem silly, and way too early, but I cannot imagine myself without you by my side now", Cat agreed "I'm relieved you feel the same. And I really hope we can get you back on your feet."

"Darling crazy beautiful woman", Jesse cried "I think I love you. To hell with the gallery. All I want is you!"

Cat grinned hugely. "I think I'm in love with you too, Jess. This is so crazy, so sudden...but god help me, I think I am."

Jesse caught Cat in a seriously passionate kiss. "God help us both sweetheart. And we're going to need it! We have a lot more time together to find out for sure". Suddenly, Jesse smirked. "I'm going to give Charlotte a huge kiss for this!!"

"Charlotte?" Cat asked confused. "Who the hell is Charlotte?"

Jesse laughed. "She's the reason you almost shot me. But never mind that darling. The snow hasn't melted, and I still have you all to myself for now. Come here; let me show you how happy you've made me, and I'll show you how beautiful you are". Jesse pulled Cat into her arms, smiling at her like an idiot.

Cat giggled. "I guess whoever named this place was right. This mountain really does have some magic in it after all".

Jesse's laughter could be heard ringing across the valley.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

"What I mean is, please don't think that just because I'm gay that means I'm going to make any moves on you or drool over your body or anything"

Jess has been doing this since she met her. Conniving Horn Carpet Muncher.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Bad happenings need good ones to balance life, if so i just can imagine the wonderful future for cat and jess ...... Lovely idea and cute tale

NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnonover 2 years ago

Very pleased to have come across this story. Jesse's explanation of why she loves women is particularly good.

maribel_fmaribel_falmost 5 years ago
Red hot cabin fever

I loved this...the slow, perfectly modulated smoulder leading to the blaze of passionate sex and the beginning of love and fulfilment...all narrated in beautiful writing!

Plus, I adore redheads!!!

This is the first of your stories that I have read. It will not be the last!

BigrimmstalesTooBigrimmstalesTooabout 5 years ago
I loved this

..and I have to confess that it would have been good with or without the graphic sex scene. I liked it when they were teetering on the edge of getting together. You held them there for such an exquisitely long time. Loved the humour that came through the writing. Here we were in a wintry place but the writing exuded warmth. Just loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
very cool story

I enjoyed this very much. It was a love story with an awesome climax. I wanted to be Jesse so much by the end it was that riveting.

JoyJoy4MeJoyJoy4Meabout 7 years ago

Absolutely spectacular!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

what a wonderful story thanks for this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

What a wonderful story! Beautiful, just beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Wow. Right on the spot!

It was wonderful. Im so happy I looked around some stories and hit this. It deserves more views than this. Yeah, I agree with the comment 'not too fast, not too slow' though 5 pages seem too short for me. I wish you could have written more chapters that is if you're still up to it. *sigh

fishingrod48fishingrod48about 9 years ago
Positively Brilliant

You took your time building this and you have created a masterpiece of erotica

NC22371NC22371over 9 years ago
Beautiful story

I loved the slow build up, great job

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Second time around

Great story, great characters, envisioning even better sex. Funny how by reading a story a second time it seems that you read it differently and with less haste trying to get to the end to see if your envisioned end is what you hoped for. By reading it again it's not that you already know what the ending is, it's just that you (well me) enjoy it more. NOW FOR MOUNTAIN MAGIC REVISITED

OpenmymindOpenmymindover 10 years ago
Great story, great sex

I, too, wish they could make erotic movies with great story-lines of romance that include real sex. I'm a guy, and I found the development of the characters and the hot sexual tension between these two to be very erotic. I don't like literotica entries that just jump right into the sex. Great writing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
About "Mountain Magic"

A gorgeous sweet story with depth. Great characters, wonderful development. And, finally, the ending I was hoping for from page 3 on!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

You write beautifully. Not too fast or too slow in story development.

elle_9549elle_9549over 12 years ago

From almost shooting her to becoming her girlfriend! Love it!!! ~ L

humminbeanhumminbeanover 12 years ago

Sweet, loving, a real bond of affection pulling those two beautiful ladies together. Lit needs more writing this good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I Wish

They Would Make Movies like this

Now that would be Awesome

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