My Aim Is True


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Someone had set up a small tent on a vacant lot, and people were milling around a portable barbecue grill on which hotdogs were being roasted. I filled a plastic cup with beer from a keg and began to wander through the crowd. Spotting a neighbor who had loaned us some tools once, I went over to chat. He was nice. He said he had been sorry to hear about our divorce and wished me well. It felt good to hear some kind words.

But the mood didn't last long. A few minutes after I had walked on, my neighbor's wife came stalking up to me and angrily demanded that I stay away from her husband. I was dumbfounded. "I did nothing but say goodbye," I protested.

She pointed her finger at me accusingly. "I've heard all about you and your morals," she said shrilly. "Everyone in the neighborhood knows about you. I'll only say this one more time: stay away from my husband!"

I glanced around and saw we were drawing a crowd. I dropped my beer, turned and fled through the crowd in tears. My sense of humiliation was almost unbearable. "They're acting like I'm the whore of Babylon!" I muttered as I retreated into my house.

Plus Seventeen Months and Two Weeks

I resigned from my job today. The atmosphere there -- the furtive glances, whispered conversations and the giggling that always seemed to start up whenever I left the room -- had become so poisonous that I couldn't bear it any more. I never did find out which one of the girls talked to the detective, and the uncertainty only added to my discomfort.

I felt like I'd become a pariah, an outcast. It was time to go. The night before I'd called my parents and asked if I could come home for awhile. It was pretty tough for me to have to do that, but like Robert Frost said, "Home is where, when you go there, they have to take you in." I hoped that maybe it would be easier to build a new life in an old familiar place.

There was just one last phone call to make, a number I hadn't dialed in a long time. "Hello?" came Suzanne's voice through the receiver.

"It's me, Allison," I said hesitantly, my voice catching in my throat. "I'm leaving town, and I just wanted to talk with you one more time before I go."

"Allison, you nearly cost me my marriage," she replied sternly. "When Hank found out I knew about your affair, he was livid. It took quite awhile for him to convince Nathan that he hadn't known as well."

"I'm so sorry, Suzanne, I never meant to cause you any grief. I guess I just wasn't thinking very clearly back then. Anyway, I hope you have a beautiful, healthy baby and the three of you are very happy together. I also hope that someday maybe you'll forgive me."

I began weeping and started to hang up the phone, but Suzanne stopped me. "Wait, Allison. I don't hate you. It's just that Hank was so upset about everything. He'd be angry with me now if he knew I was speaking with you."

"I understand," I sniffled. "I'll keep this short. But just one more thing: have you seen Nathan? How is he doing? I haven't even spoken to him since he left me; every communications since then has been through the attorneys."

"I guess you don't know, then," she replied. "Nathan's been transferred to his company's headquarters on the West Coast."

"No, I didn't know that," I said, my voice catching in my throat. "Well, I'm glad he's doing well," I said sincerely. "He deserves nothing less."

Suzanne's voice got lower. "I don't think he's doing all that well. He only took the transfer because he felt there were too many memories here in town. Hank talked to him the other day, and he said Nathan is still miserable. Hank says all he does is work; he hasn't started dating or anything. Hank's kind of worried about him."

My depression deepened. "Do you have his phone number, Suzanne? Maybe I could call him."

"No," she snapped. "If you called him, Hank would find out and he'd know where you got the number. I'm sorry, Suzanne, I just can't give it to you."

"I guess I understand," I said sadly. "Well, take care of yourself. Maybe you can send me a picture of the baby when it comes." I paused. "I'm so sorry for everything, Suzanne. I love you."

"I love you too, girlfriend," she said, and then she hesitated. "But it would be better if you didn't call again." Then she was gone.

Plus Eighteen Months

I had packed the things I would need immediately in the car; the rest was in storage. I'd have it shipped once I was settled in my old home town. It was time to put this city and this life behind me.

As I drove toward the main highway, I had to give a rueful smile as I noticed that my route had taken me right past Jack's condo. I glanced over at his building and to my amazement I spotted his sports car stopped out front. Curiosity overcame me and I pulled over to the side of the road to see if I could catch a glimpse of him. I hadn't seen or heard from Jack since my confrontation with Nathan. At first I wanted to avoid him because he was the cause of my downfall, but lately I'd been so lonely that I'd even tried to contact him, although without success. He seemed to be avoiding me. That hurt, but I guess I could sort of understand it. I figured Jack might be afraid that Nathan would come after him in some way. Nathan wasn't that kind of person, but Jack wouldn't know that.

Then I saw Jack get out the car and walk around to the other side to open the passenger door. A woman got out, and I blinked because she looked vaguely familiar. I squinted my eyes and then jerked back in astonishment. Oh my God, it was Stephanie! That conniving little bitch!

I tried to compose myself. I'd broken it off with Jack; he was free to see whomever he pleased. For that matter, I had no quarrel with Stephanie; she'd never had an affair with Nathan. Nevertheless, the fact that they were together had set me off.

I shook my head. It really was time for me to get out this town, to put all the mistakes and heartaches and insanity behind me. I pulled back onto the road and stepped on the gas. I didn't waste another glance back at Jack and Stephanie.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stephanie gave Jack a businesslike nod as she handed him the envelope. "Here's the $1000 for undertaking the assignment plus another $1000 for successful completion, just like we agreed."

He took the envelope from her and tucked it in his inside jacket pocket without opening it. "Glad to do business with you, Stephanie," he said with a smirk. Then his expression shifted to one of curiosity. "So tell me, why did you pick me to seduce her?"

She looked at him incredulously. "Are you kidding? After living next to you for a year, seeing the parade of women you brought to your place and listening to their moans through the walls, I knew you were the right man. The fact that you worked at the same company as her was just icing on the cake."

"I guess I am pretty good," he said without a trace of modesty, "but what made you sure that she could be seduced so easily?"

Now it was her turn to smile. "A woman can tell these things. When he introduced me to her at an office party, I saw how her eyes wandered around the room, admiring the men and comparing herself to the women. She was ripe for an affair, whether she realized it or not. I knew she'd take the bait, even from someone like you."

He bristled at that, but she wasn't fazed. "Come on, Jack, you have to admit you do have a bit of a reputation."

He didn't like what she was saying but he kept silent because he knew she was right.

After a moment he ventured another question. "So when did you decide to go after him, anyway?"

Stephanie got a faraway look in her eyes. "Exactly eighteen months ago. I fell in love with him when I was first assigned to his team, and I started planning right away."

He was stunned. "You've been working on this for eighteen months?"

She smiled. "These things take time, Jack. First I had to earn his professional respect, then become his friend and finally his confidante."

"But why go to all this trouble with me and his wife?" Jack asked. "Why not just seduce him yourself and steal him away from her? God knows you're hot enough to do it."

She ignored his crude compliment. "I knew he would never leave his wife no matter how strongly he might feel about me. The truth is that his loyalty to her was one of the traits that made me sure he was the one for me."

"So why did you wait so long after she wound up in my bed the first time. Why not blow the whistle right away?"

"You don't understand," she told him, "you have to stick with the plan. I couldn't take the risk that he might forgive her for a one-time slip. It had to be a full-blown affair, something so outrageous he could never live with it."

Jack nodded slowly.

"Now I have a question for you," she said. "Would you have made a move on her if I hadn't approached you with my little proposition?"

He shook his head. "No, I like them younger. There's a whole bunch at the office who . . ." He stopped himself abruptly. "I like women more your age, Stephanie. Say, is there any chance . . ."

"Don't even ask," she said coldly.

Just then a taxi pulled into the parking area. Stephanie pointed at the stack of luggage and the driver dutifully began to load it into the trunk.

"So you're off to the West Coast?" Jack asked somewhat wistfully.

"That's right," she nodded. "They just approved my transfer -- I'll be starting my job at headquarters next week."

Jack looked at her carefully. "How can you be so sure you'll get him?"

"With his wife out of the way I have a clear path. The timing is perfect: he's had long enough for the pain of her betrayal to fade. He's deeply lonely but hates the idea of having to start dating all over again. He's ripe."

"You seem to have it all figured out," Jack said. "Don't you have any doubts?"

She got into the cab and rolled down the window. "Not really," she said with a confident little smile. "Nathan is picking me up at the airport."

Jack shook his head in wonder. "You are something else, a regular Machiavelli."

"No," she said, "just goal oriented and highly motivated."

She gave a little wave and the taxi headed toward the airport.

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desecrationdesecration27 days ago

Actually one of my favorites from this author. It reveals the psychology of the narcissist and why they make bad spouses, namely that they are always looking around to trade up and never consider the collateral damage.

DreddrasDreddras2 months ago

Excellent. The scene with Stephanie and Jack at the end is perfect.

SorchakSorchak2 months ago

Minus one star, as always, for the name screw-up: "Just listen to yourself, Stephanie." Nathan had just asked ALLISON if it would surprise her to find out that he'd been cheating on her with *Stephanie*. C'mon, dude. Pay attention. That was an elementary editing error.

ViolentKnightViolentKnight3 months ago

They love dressing like wh0r3s. They love acting like wh0r3s. They love thinking like wh0r3s. They love effing like wh0r3s. But the moment you call thema wh0r3 and treat them like a wh0r3, THAT'S when they feel bad.

To be Frank, neither the Allisons nor the Stephanies of the world end up in happy relationships long term cause their very nature ruins relationships. They only find this out the hard way.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Stephanie is so smooth, that when Nathen finally asks her out on a date, He will think it was his idea!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great ending. I never saw it coming.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Look Allison did it be ause she could, she felt entitled to have nasty, rough sex with a skilled seducer before she became pregnant with Nathan's child, only later did she make up sh$t in her head about Stephanie and her husband to motivate her to have her big weekend and the last couple of sessions, particularly the last one that blew her out of the water. She is as dumb as a rock. She ignored Occam's principle when her husband was suddenly not enthusiastic about having a kid, and she ended up again with Jack. She never knew she was drawing dead. Yes she had great orgasms with Jack. How much was that worth? All of her happiness. She admitted she woukd never find another husband like Nathan ...and... she won't. And ironically as seen in Cancun, since a similar size and girth, when Nathan was more forceful, she was having the same intense buildup but then her guilt got on the way. She was messed up by then but STILL saw Jack a couple of times, including her anal only session. So in baseball terms of Wins above Replacement, with some better sexual communication, she coukd have easily gotten similar orgasm from.Natah as evidenced the one night in Cancun except by then she was so guilt ridden (though she keept seeing Jack). Also pretty sure if.most wives if they ask for anal, will get an affirmative to at least try it from their husbands. She should get a Darwin award for being so damn stupid.

Surprised nothing happened to Jack. Even by Allison. Suppose she finally got guilty after being caught, though her trying to lie about the photos was hilarious and dumb. She doesn't know what discreet is but then again, it wouldn't matter because else was entrapped. It was no skin of Stephanie's back to wait a couple of months for Allison to hang herself. And besides any people knew of her affair. What a stupid harlot.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sorry swapped Suzanne's and Allison's name in previous comment.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Umm thr delusional ending from the Anonymous commenter from 2 months ago was cheesy. Look Stephanie is conniving and set up the whole thing. But Suzanne fell easily to temptation. She was unsatisfied in her marriage for largely inexplicable reasons. Even if she slipped once, if she really loved Nathan, her guilt would have caused her to break it off right away or even confess. But she was self centered. Excited by the thrill of the forbidden and enjoying sex with the seducing Jack, a known pussyhound in the office, who ironically did all this for ONLY two thousand dollars (that was the most absurd part of this story). She could have stopped it any time. But she decided to keep going back to Jack's condo and never made the right choice (though strongly suspect unless she confessed early about her affair, that Stephanie would have still lowered the boom). I personally liked the Relationship Tester story from Steve2212 better, but this was also quite creative. 5 stars. Look at this way, Stephanie will take this secret to her grave but she will never cheat on her future husband and will never intentionally hurt him like Suzanne. Suzanne gave in way too easily and didn't stop. Yeah she was targeted. Being married should be enough short of drugging, blackmail (even then depends on threat level), and being forced. Seduction and sexual harassment should not get past the wedding vows. It is just that simple. I have no doubt if Suzanne learned the truth she would be highly pissed off but even a bit of self examination would reveal she could have saved her marriage at multiple points. She chose poorly and reaped the whirlwind.

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

A cheating bitch and nasty witch. Stephanie paid to have her seduced, but Allison let herself cheat. Either way, she got what she deserved.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt6 months ago

Anon alt ending socks! Jack's ex got what she deserved! Jack got paid for breaking up a marriage but it likely would have failed for her weakness anyway. Stephanie and Nathan get a chance and I need chapter two!! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

To the long anonymous comment 27 days ago, BS! You don’t see how great this storyline really is. Stephanie is just a very intelligent driven woman. She could see that Nathan’s wife was a cheater in training! She just exposed that trait earlier than what would have happened later! As for your ending, the multiple area cameras around the building showed Allison in the parking lot, following the murdered pair into the condo. It showed Allison walking thru the condo entrance doors and down the hall to the elevators. The elevator camera showed Allison stopping at the murder scene floor then walking to the door. So Allison would never get away with it, lmao! You should give up trying to write these story endings of yours!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Is there anyone in this story who is not pure evil???

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Actual Ending:

My way out of town led past Jack’s condo. WTF, my life was over. I might as well go out with a bang. To my shock when I pulled into the parking lot he was talking to that skank Stephanie. If the asshole was banging her too there was going to be hell to pay.

They were so engrossed in talk as they didn’t notice me creep up behind a tree. You can imagine my shock when I learned that the bitch had paid Jack to seduce me. At first I thought I might call Nathan but I didn’t know his number. Then a more devious plan came to me.

I waited for them to go inside, giving them a few minutes. Jack was surprised when I knocked on his door but I told him I needed one more time before I started my new life. He let me into his apartment. He had always bragged about his prowess with the 9mm semi-automatic he kept in his night stand. As he pulled his shirt over his head I grabbed the gun, thumbed off the safety, and chambered a round.

“What the fuck!” Jack explained, “put that down.”

“I don’t think so, baby,” I replied time to pay the piper. If you want to live call Stephanie and get her to come over here. Tell her you fell and broke your leg in the shower or something. Just get her over here.”

“Jack?” Stephanie called out, “are you here?”

“Back in the bedroom,” he replied as I held the gun to his chin.

“OH SHIT!” Stephanie cried out as she saw me holding Jack at gunpoint.

She jumped but somehow didn’t scream as I pulled the trigger.

“NO!” she cried as I aimed the gun at her.

“Why not, bitch?” I replied, “you took my life. Turn about is fair play.”

I put one shot in her chest then a second with the gun in Jack’s lifeless hand, pulling the trigger for him.

I snuck out the back door as people started coming out of their doors. No one saw me in the confusion. Maybe I’d get lucky and they’d call it murder/suicide. But I really didn’t care. Like I said. My life was over. And turn about really was fair play.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


markivunibmarkivunib8 months ago

Do you blody even read your story after writing, how can you keep writing wrong character names.

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