My Little Ventrue Pt. 03 Ch. 01


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A lot of spiderwebs. But no girl.

He stepped in, sweeping the walls as he did, eyes on the beam of light the pistol light gave. Amanda behind him, he trusted her to watch his six as he moved through the small room. No doors, no connected tunnels, no holes or vents or anything.

"... um, what the fuck?" he said.

Amanda frowned, approached the walls, and started touching various bits of the concrete, the pipes, anything that looked like it could be moved or twisted. Nothing did.

"Ah, damn." Spiderweb clung to her hand, and she tried to shake it off. "Wow, this is—damn it, this is really strong." A few attempts to get off the spiderweb only lead to her hands being coated in it.

"She's gone."

"Looks that way." Amanda stood beside him, pistol pointed with one hand, the other pulling out her smartphone. Talented, or a major smartphone addict, she started taking pictures of the room with the one hand.

"Mekhet eyes see anything?"

"Um... I... no?"


"Kinda no? There's something, but... it'd be like... asking me to tell one cloud of fog apart from another, in the same fog cloud. There's something here, but it's in the sewer too, and... I don't know what it is."

"... well, I vote we call this excursion over, and we report to Jessy. Also, shower."



Two hours after dusk the next day, and the walk back to the Elysium Tower. Elysium was a great place, the classy and pretty center of South Side, and the great glass tower stood before a garden of decidedly Gothic design. Antoinette was an artist.

Even the people were dressed for a ball, or cocktail party, or other extravagant events, so everyone was wearing grand suits or tuxedos, and all the women were showing off their greatest gowns or cocktail dresses, with as much leg and back and cleavage they could get away with. The heat was only getting worse, after all. He could smell the difference in people as they walked passed, the sweat mixed with an overall increase in sexual smells. Lot of skin on display; he couldn't blame them.

Through the great maze garden, and up the stairs of the Elysium tower. He made a small nod to the receptionist, received a salute in return, and walked toward the back elevator. He could feel his ego inflate with every second, and his smile grow. Not taking the normal elevators, no no, he got to take the private elevator down to the Prince's inner chambers; it'd be a long stair walk down otherwise.

The black marble with white veins, the glorious staircase that lowered into many floors, going deeper and deeper into the Prince's beautiful home, it all made his dead heart flutter when he looked at it. A massive lobby, hallways, giant rooms, all decorated with coiling dragons, and the same black marble the Prince loved so much. It'd become his second home.

He had a really nice second home.

Giggling drew his eyes. The great vault door at last, the final barrier to the Prince's sleeping room, where she put her head down for the day, deep and safe from the sunlight or would-be assassins. Perhaps too safe, as their meeting with Damien showed; no way out once you were down in its depths. But other than from kamikazes, it was a place anyone could feel safe. And the two ghouls felt quite safe.

He stepped through the vault door and stopped, gaze falling on the grand bed, and the two ballerinas sitting on it. The colossal room carried equally massive black drapes along its walls, standing lamps emitting quiet white light, and the floor marble was colored with black and white dragons coiling each other. In the center of the room was the bed, enormous, ten feet on each side, and covered in black silk; pillows too.

For all his pride and inflated ego, the sight of Ashley and Julee on the bed ripped it right out of him. The two were wearing chokers, black necklaces snug around their neck. And were wearing nothing else.

He gulped, and started to walk toward the bed.

"Jack! We've been waiting for you." Ashley slid up to the edge of the bed and sat, legs dangling. Devil grin, or impish smile, he couldn't tell. The two girls were definitely getting more comfortable with him; pity he couldn't say the same.

He'd be nervous around girls for the next century at this rate.

"You have?" he said.

"Mhmm. Mistress said you should wait here." She gestured to the chair.

Chair? He blinked and looked beside the bed. There was a chair. Hard to notice with the two nude ballerinas on the bed, but indeed, there was a chair, a black leather one with no arms and wood legs.

He sat down, and smiled at the girls. They smiled back, and Julee slid up to the edge of the bed to sit next to her friend. Naked but for their chokers, he couldn't take his eyes off their bodies, their lean little frames, small and pert breasts, smooth skin. He'd been inside each of them, more than once, and had drank their blood while doing so. No amount of willpower could stop the memories from rising.

And for them too. They both blushed, and snickered a few seconds later when his eyes still couldn't pull away.

What did Ashley and Julee do with their free time, when they weren't with their mistress? In all their times together, Antoinette controlled the conversation, and he never really got to ask them what they did. Were they her eyes and ears, spies for the Prince, or did they also pursue more human goals? They went to university, but what else?

"If I did not know better, I would think you are here for my pets, little Ventrue, and not I."

He looked to the vault door, and gulped again. Antoinette.

"I... I uh—"

"Shh," she said, wicked smile adorned and red eyes devouring him. The Prince of Dolareido stepped into her bedroom, and started the slow dance of walking toward him.

Her clothes, oh god her clothes. She was wearing a corset, an underbust one, so her breasts were free to hang over it. The corset went down to the hip, tight against her waist the whole way, and it looked like it was made of leather. Black straps connected to high top leather boots that went all the way up to her thigh. Black lace underwear covered her privates, and her breasts were exposed but for the black, see-through robe she wore over her shoulders, with string at the neck and chest keeping it over her bust, but spreading out behind her at the waist. Like a queen's robe.

She looked like a dominatrix, a high-class, royal dominatrix. Now, he was officially scared.

"To me, my pets."

Julee and Ashley hopped off the bed and pranced over to join their mistress, each with beaming smiles. While Antoinette's long boots sported a few inches of heel, Julee and Ashley were barefoot, and being Jack's size, they looked like ants next to the tall, curvy creature of the night. Each took one of the Prince's hands, and held it to their chests with both of theirs, before the three of them started to walk toward him.

He managed a few quick glances around. No whips or paddles, thank god. But the look in Antoinette's eye had him shaking, and the closer she got, the more his beast struggled to keep still. She really did look like she was going to devour him; tiger metaphor taken a bit far.

He kept his mouth shut as she approached, and he stared. Two naked ballerinas, and one very tall, curvy queen, approaching him like he was about to be sacrificed in an ancient ritual. At any moment, they'd pull out daggers, and he'd have to watch as they cut itty bitty little pieces off of him. The dragon statues she kept around would come to life, eat him up, and he'd spend a thousand years in eternal torment in their fiery stomachs.

"Jack," she said, "stand." So close now, only two feet separated them, and she smiled down at him from above. The black robe she wore over her shoulders, tied closed across her chest, actually went out for a good ten feet along the floor behind her, like a majestic gown of night. And from so near, he could see the corset was not of simple make, but engraved with coiling black lines, with little spikes on them that made them look like dragon tails. The boots too.

He stood up, and stared up at the beautiful woman of his dreams.

"Arms out to the sides little Ventrue, while Ashley and Julee undress you."

Arms out to the sides then. The two ballerinas let go of her hands, stepped up to him, and reached out. Their small fingers found his jacket, and slipped it off his shoulders. Then his tie, and shirt, and belt. Then his shoes, and socks, pants, and finally, his boxers. He hadn't blushed life yet, so arousal would not happen, at least not physically. Mentally, he was doing his best to keep his eyes on the dangerous woman in front of him, and not the two nude girls touching him all over.

"Blush for us, Jack," Antoinette said.

A little Vitae, a little mental effort, and his body renewed itself with life, with a fake heartbeat, with fake saliva and fake blood. Fake still worked, and as he stared at the tall woman with long white hair and red eyes, he could feel his erection growing. Her robe was see-through after all, and her underbust corset only emphasized her breasts, until he couldn't help but take quick peeks at them, eye-level as they were.

She blushed as well. Life came to her red lips, a shade darker than she normally wore. Her dark nipples looked amazing through the robe against her alabaster skin, and the very subtle veins on the underside of her breasts, little things that went with the size and weight of them, made him groan.


He sat.

"Hands upon the small of your back."

He put his hands behind him.

"Good. Ashley, do the honors."

Ashley pranced over to the bed, reached into the nightstand drawer, and withdraw handcuffs. Handcuffs! Jack gulped, and gulped three more times as Ashley handcuffed him. Not to the chair at least, but his hands were indeed cuffed, and he jingled them a bit to test them. Normal metal, he might be able to break through them if it came to that, but that would upset Antoinette. And a part of him was interested to see where this would go. Scared shitless, but kind of thrilled.

Got a screw loose, Jack.

"Tell me Jack Terry, do you enjoy your nights with me?"

Trick question, careful how you answer!

"Most amazing nights of my life."

Ashley and Julee, now standing in front of him and beside the Prince once more, nodded to each other. His response seemed satisfactory for this new triumvirate.

"Ah, little Ventrue." With a sly smile, the Prince reached out for the back of his chair, and slid it across the floor until the chair was only a couple feet from the bed, and facing it. She stepped in front of him, long legs on display, boots past her knee, and she sat down. "I do hope you will indulge us. The girls have been asking to spend a little more time with you." He blinked, and she smirked. "You may speak freely."

"... with me?"

"Yeah," Ashley said, and she climbed up onto the bed. On her hands and knees, she arched her back like a stretching cat; the choker made the image complete. "We see the way you look at us. Mistress always gets to spend time with you, but we only get to sometimes. Mistress has said all erotic play with her must include her love, the little Ventrue."

"Um... we uh..." Time with him? They were Antoinette's ghouls, not his, they wanted her. He was a byproduct of that, attraction by proxy. Or at least he thought so, but the two girls were looking his naked body up and down, and grinning. Maybe Amanda really had been flirting with him. "... why?"

Julee came up on Antoinette's other side, and spent some time adjusting the Prince's long, long robe, so the royal cape was settled on the bed instead of the floor. With some room now, the brunette climbed up onto the bed beside her mistress, and sat down with her legs dangling off the side, facing Jack. She slipped a hand around Antoinette's waist to hug her, and her mistress did the same for her shoulders.

"Because we like you," Julee said. Blush sparkled her cheeks, and she pressed it to Antoinette's arm as she smiled as Jack.

Antoinette spread her legs. Jack stared at her black lace lingerie for far too long before he raised his eyes to her devil smile. And as she smiled at him, she reached over for Julee, picked her up like a weightless feather, and set her down between her thighs. The ballerina, facing Jack, blushed all the more, especially as Antoinette slipped her hands underneath Julee's shoulders, down along her sides, and onto her stomach. Unlike Antoinette, Julee had some abs to her, the lean physique of an agile gymnast, like Jack. A bit skinnier than him though; he could probably fold her in half and she wouldn't even blink.

"Hands down, my pet," the Prince said. Her hands roamed high to find the small, pert breasts awaiting her, and her fingers cupped them to offer gentle squeezes and presses. She trapped the girl's nipples between finger and thumb, and massaged them with tiny twists and pinches.

The effect was immediate. Julee squirmed and wriggled a bit, and put her hands on Antoinette's legs, along the top of her boots. Groped by a queen of the night, in a leather corset and boots, wearing a robe that was more like a grand cape, and Jack to watch every bit of her from only two feet away. No use in trying to avoid letting his eyes do what they wanted, not when Antoinette was actively trying to make it happen. He stared at the naked, lithe creature as she started to sigh with blissful moans, as her skin started to flush, and her breathing quickened. Horny in a single minute. Damn.

"I... I uh... why the handcuffs?" he said, once he managed to lift his eyes back to the Prince.

"So you do not accidentally begin touching yourself."

"Acci..." His jaw dropped as Antoinette moved both hands down to Julee's legs, slipped them in between her thighs, and pushed the ballerina's legs apart. With Julee sitting between the far taller woman's legs, Antoinette had little issue getting the girl's legs wide enough to put her smooth, tiny pussy on display for him, and show off the girl's growing arousal.

Yeap, he'd probably be masturbating right now, and not even realizing it. He managed a glimpse down at his naked self, and winced; so hard he felt like his dick would burst. Cock pointing up at forty-five degrees and demanding attention, but no one was giving it. All he had for stimulation was the feast for his eyes Antoinette was giving him.

"I spend much time as the focus of your gaze, little Ventrue, and I do adore it, truly. But my pets are my cherished friends, and they too wish to spend a little time under your gaze." Antoinette's hands reached down, and found Julee's clitoris. The ballerina shuddered for a second as her mistress started to massage the little bud, and Jack felt a bit of drool on his lip as he watched the naked woman squirm under his lover's touch.

"My gaze?"

"Yes my love." Antoinette's other hand raised to Julee's chin, and she pointed her pet's face at Jack. The ballerina's eyes, barely open, managed a heavy, pleasure-filled peek at him, and she kept them upon him as the Prince played with her body.

Ashley sneaked a bit of the Prince's hair, and she curled it around her finger as she leaned forward a bit to watch Julee. She had no shame, the blond ballerina, and as she coiled Antoinette's hair, she slid her other finger down her body, between her thighs, and started touching herself. When Jack glanced her way, she made no reservations about what she was doing, and lifted her leg to put her foot up on the bed, knee bent, everything on display. He met her eyes for a moment, and she winked at him as she slid a finger down the crease of her small, puffy sex.

"For tonight," Antoinette said, "I felt Ashley and Julee deserved more time in the bed with you and I. Are you comfortable with that, my love?"

"I... god... yes." It was always a bit strange, how Antoinette used her pets as a conduit for affection. He'd learned to take it as a sign of trust and love, since she was so extremely attached to her ghouls. And that she wanted them to join them during sex, was her way of saying she really lusted for him, and trusted him. Maybe his mind would work in such indirect ways when he was five hundred years old.

For the love of god, focus on the naked girl in front of you being jilled off. Focus he did, and groan he did as Julee kept her legs open for him, her hands on Antoinette's legs, and her eyes drifting between closed, and gazing at him, pleasure palpable on her face.

"Also, perhaps, a little hero worship, oui ma petite? My love risked everything to save me." Antoinette let go of Julee's chin, and roamed her hand down over the girl's naked breasts, all while without pausing her caressing fingers over Julee's clit. "Jack, quite valiant, jumping between myself and fifteen zealots."

"Well, I mean, we would have been next, and... and..."

Antoinette pulled Julee's leg up, opposite of the other ghoul Ashley, and hooked it over her much longer leg. Now, everything was exposed, and Jack felt his inner muscles squeeze with need, causing his shaft to twitch and bounce upright. Ashley giggled, but Julee gazed down at his cock, at what she was doing to him, and mewled, squeaky little sounds that made him ache with need.

And her ache too, Jack could see. Antoinette used both hands to spread Julee's pussy apart with teasing fingers, and her juices trickled out of her clenching opening. Pink, swollen flesh squeezing in spurts, each causing a tiny drop of her fluids to leak out of her and down along her folds. From so close, he could see everything, every shiver, every muscle contraction as the goddess sank two of her fingers into Julee's gripping lips.

"And we have robbed these two of their blood far too often these past two weeks, my little Ventrue. They have not had the pleasure to stay up all night with us, as of late." Antoinette motioned with her head to Ashley, and the ballerina slid off the bed to walk behind Jack.

"Tonight, mistress said we get to play with you." She leaned down, put her chin on his shoulder, and set her lips to his ear as her hands slid over his chest, down his abdomen, and to his pelvis. "The whole night this time."

"I... I uh... umm... don't know if I'll be able to... last that long." Three girls, all night, and if he wasn't going to feed on the ghouls for the aphrodisiac, he couldn't see himself lasting.

"That is why we will take our time," Antoinette said, "and make sure to treat my pets well tonight."

Treat the ghouls well? He was on board with that idea, but Ashley's hands were all over him, fingers caressing and lining the muscles of his chest and abdomen. Her fingers eventually slid further down, along the smooth skin of his pubic area, and down to his testicles, where her fingertips pressed into and teased him. Her palms cupped his scrotum, and with very, very gentle squeezes, started to massage him.

But it was hard to focus on her fingers touching him, when Julee was so close, their toes almost touching. Antoinette's fingers sank deeper, curled up into the girl's body, and forced more whimpers from her. Probably why she wasn't wearing long black gloves to join her ensemble; she wanted to be able to feel and touch with all the delicacy of skin.

She was so fucking beautiful. Much as Jack's eyes were drawn to what Antoinette was doing to Julee's pussy, his gaze drifted up to his love as well. Her white hair had fallen over the side of her neck as she leaned over Julee's head, so damn tall. With one of Julee's tiny legs draped over Antoinette's thicker, toned and curvy leg, Jack found his eyes on his love's leg as much as anything. Those boots. Damn those boots.

Antoinette started to finger the girl harder, hard enough Jack could see the juices on her knuckles, and could see Julee start to shake. The brunette was having a very hard time keeping her hands on her legs.