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"Which one?"

"Alison Krauss. She sings a song called, "When you say nothing at all."

"First time I heard that song I was at the beach alone, at night, thinking about things. I bought it the next day."

"Some things about you are so like a man and some other things make me wonder what planet you're from."

"Like what?" I sat next to her.

"I'll bet I can name some of your favorite songs! None are by hard rock bands."

"Ok. Name ten songs. If you get more than half right we count it as you won."

"Ok. Can I use the two already mentioned?"

"Ok. You have two. Four more to win."

"Annie's Song" by John Denver." I nodded, amazed. John had been gone a long time.

"The Eagle and the Hawk" also by John Denver."

"Who told you?"

"I listen to the music that I can hear from your house."

"You have four, one more to win."

"The Impossible Dream" from Man from La Mancha. It has to be sung by a powerful voice."

"You win. How do you know me so well?"

"You've been just out of reach for ten years. You took Mary to a play on the same day as the Super Bowl, three years in a row. I don't know another man who would volunteer to do that, except you."


"You never miss a birthday, an anniversary. You have them in your head."

"Bob doesn't?"

"He forgot his own birthday!"

"Mary forgot hers last year and got mad that I remembered. Ok, I concede the point. I'm not very macho."

"Oh, but you are. You don't blab all the time. You are quiet and your emotions aren't always easy to read. Very macho. When you listen, you listen. You're physically strong but don't make a big deal about it. Like most men when you see a problem you look for a solution, but what's different is you don't go into action unless some one asks you to."

"You know turn about is fair."


"Most of the time you dress right out of the school teachers training manual. In ten years my glances at your bumps have been, at most, twice a year. Your skirts are to the knee or longer. You have a great body, but you don't dress like you want the attention. When you laugh it's total enjoyment. You haven't developed a lady-like laugh. I can't name music you like, but books."

Ok, same contest? Ten guesses with a score of six declared a tie?"

"The DiVinci Code."

"Yes!" She leaned and kissed me. "That's one."

"Lady of the Mysts."

"Yes! How did you know?"

"First Things First." I remembered seeing it in their den four or five different times.

"Oh, you're good."

"Callings". It's a blue book."

"By Greg LaVoie. I've read it four times!"

"Clan of the Cave Bear." By Jean Auel. That's five."

"I'm very impressed." She kissed me again.

"The Red Tent."

"I'd forgotten that one! I loved it! That's six! Quit now and it's a tie."

"I don't know about more. I don't think I know of any other books I've seen you with."

"Ok. Tie! We both have been paying attention." We kissed again and as my hand cupped her breast she asked, "Have you read any of those books?"

"Name one of them."

"The Red Tent."

"Written from the point of view of one of Abraham's wives. A very real feeling of how it could have been to be a woman, married to a prophet."

"First Things First."

"Written by Steven R. Covey, who happens to be a big shot in the Mormon church. It's about time and effort management. Prioritizing life so the important things get done."

"One more: "Outdoor Loving".

"Sorry, haven't read it. I want to practice it."

She pulled her over shirt off and set it aside. I moved behind her and lifted the jog bra up and off, freeing her beautiful breasts. When I moved to be in front of her I asked, "I was pretty rough on you yesterday. Are they sore? Should I leave them alone?"

"That's another thing. You honestly care if they're sore or not. You want to love me for my pleasure, not just your own. They are tender and I want you attention, but softer and slower than yesterday, please."

I lay on my back and asked, "Could you give me a taste?"

Janet bent over me and dropped her nipple between my lips. I grasped her areola gently and held on. A moment later I touched the nipple with the tip of my tongue and made a tiny circle on her nip. My hands went to her sides and felt her warm skin.

When she eventually pulled up and away from my mouth I let her go easily. She shifted and our mouths met. Our tongues danced. My hands caressed her back from belt to shoulders, slowly and gently.

She shifted again and she was fully on top of me, face to face. We were fifteen yards off the trail and I believed we couldn't be seen from the trail. When I heard someone walking I didn't worry or even look around. Janet froze.

The footfall continued off and faded completely. We kissed again. Janet moved again and her hands worked at getting my shorts loosened. It took her longer than it would have taken me, but I enjoyed the process enough to let her enjoy undressing me.

When she set the shorts to the side of us, Janet asked, "Do you like being sucked?"

"We agreed to be honest, right?"

Her hand wrapped around my shaft and she nodded. She was looking at my meat.

"Mary did it once on our honeymoon and I came in her mouth. She hated it! She hasn't been back for seconds."

"Close your eyes and just feel." Her head lowered and I felt her lips close around the head of my cock. She slowly worked all my shaft inside her mouth and then backed off until she was barely touching the tip. Down again, and slowly back up. Her hands held my sack and moved the balls inside with firm gentleness.

Janet pulled back and said, "Open your eyes, Husband. I'm going to suck the cum out of you! I want it in my mouth. I want to swallow it! Watch me suck your cock."

Both hands and her mouth slowly worked on me. The longer she worked the faster she stroked me. My hips began thrusting up at her on their own. She took all of me in her mouth and I felt the back of her throat. My balls tightened and her pace quickened. She knew I was ready and she wanted it.

As the first shot came out of me she sucked harder and hummed. I came and came in her mouth and she swallowed it all. She didn't pull off me, but held me in her mouth as I wilted. Her attentions got all the evidence from my skin.

She pulled off her shorts and helped us get inside the sleeping bags. We were warm, the bags were warm and we held each other and fell asleep. I intended to sleep no more than an hour.

It was almost dark when I woke up. Janet opened her eyes and looked around, then back at me. "Is this Heaven?"

"Close! Hungry?"

"Yes! How will we cook? Can we make a fire?"

"No fire. The sign at the trailhead said, No fires. It's too dry. But, I brought no cook food." I got out of the bag and opened my pack. I had nutrition bars and two quarts of water. Deeper in the pack I had a treat for us, dark chocolate.

We ate and enjoyed being so far from anyone. I remembered the things I'd learned when I was a Boy Scout and I hung the packs up high for the night. I got the chocolate first. We had it for the first dessert. Second dessert was each other.

We snuggled and watched the stars. We saw a couple satellites go over. We kissed and touched often. We didn't talk at all.

I sensed that Janet was fading. I was on my back and she was on her side pressing herself against me. My left arm was her pillow. Her face was four inches from mine. I twisted just enough to kiss her mouth and when the kiss ended I said, "Janet, I love you. Every cell of my being feels it right this second. I am happier now than ever before."

She didn't answer. Her eyes were closed and in seconds we were both asleep.

Sometime in the night I woke up needing to pee. I slowly exited the sleeping bags and found a place to stand a ways away from us and hopefully downwind. When I got back I started back into the bag when Janet said, "It's so easy for men." She got out and found a different spot to go. It was a half moon but shed enough light that I saw her squat and go. I'd never seen a woman go in the woods before.

We settled back together and the next time we woke up the sun was up. We ate two more bars each and drank some water. I made mental notes to improve our menu for our next trip. We got our camp rolled up and stashed before either of us said anything. I was about to ask which direction Janet wanted to go when she stepped onto the trail headed back towards my truck. I shrugged and followed.

We stopped after about fifteen minutes. We each picked a spot and watered the landscape. Back together at the trail Janet kissed me and said, "Do you think Bob and Mary are as happy as we are, right now?"

"I hope so." I kissed her. I asked, "Did you use sunscreen yet this morning?"

"No. I forgot." She peeled off her pack, then her over shirt. I filled my hand with lotion and said, "Take off the bra too."

I loved watching her uncover herself. I spread the lotion all over her from her shorts up. I squirted a bit more in my hand and knelt to do her legs. She quickly unbelted her shorts and they fell down around her boots. She was bare from ankles to the top of her head. I lotioned everything. She pulled her shorts back up and belted them.

"You're next." She said. I stripped and she lotioned all of me. I pulled my shorts back up and belted them. When I looked for my shirt it was gone. I looked at Janet and her jog bra was gone too. She had her over shirt on but not buttoned and her pack was on. Her breasts were not out in the open but when she moved or a breeze moved her shirt, they would be. I hefted my pack and we set off.

Two hundred yards down the trail she said, "My juices are running down my legs again."


She did. I stepped close and put my hand up inside the wide leg opening. I found her juices as she had said, wet my fingers and drew them back to my mouth.

She watched. I said, "Thank you. You taste better than anything!"

We encountered two groups of people on our walk back. The first were two couples. The men had day packs and the ladies had shorts and bikini tops. We said "Good Morning" and kept moving. We heard them talking as we moved on.

"She wasn't wearing a bra or anything!" One of the men said. One of the women said, "You almost tripped over her." The other man said, "If you bare yourself I'll trip over you!" As they faded away we heard them laughing.

The second group were older teens. Three boys headed off on an adventure. Three boys like that is sometimes dangerous in that they want to out macho each other. They saw how Janet was dressed and each said, "Good Morning." As Janet passed the third boy she asked, "Do you guys have any food with you?"

"Just some granola bars and gorp." He answered.

"Could I have some? We're out of food and still have over a mile to go."

She stood facing all three boys and they stared at the skin she was showing. Half of each breast showed, but not her nipples.

One boy pulled off his pack to get her something and another one said, "Can you pay for the bars?"

She smiled at him and said, "We don't have any money."

"They are the expensive bars." The third boy said.

I said, "She wants a bar. She has no money. What will it take for her to get a bar?"

"We want to see her tits!" The boy smiled and was nervous.

Janet smiled and said , "Let me see the bars."

The boy pulled a bag of gorp out and then three bars. He looked at Janet.

"For the three bars you can all look. For the three bars and the gorp you can all look and one of you can kiss my nipples."

Her hands held the loose edges of the shirt. No breeze was going to ruin her bargaining. The three boys looked at each other and I noticed all three were sporting boners in their shorts.

"Who gets to kiss them?" The tallest asked.

The shortest said, "It's my gorp!"

The tallest asked, "Can we watch Frankie kiss your tits?"

"Sure! Otherwise you'll call him a liar tomorrow."

"Ok. It's a deal. Show us!"

"Give my husband the goodies, first."

They gave me the three bars and the bag of gorp. Janet faced the three and shrugged off her pack, then her shirt. Her beautiful, full breasts excited me and I'd been feasting on them for two days. The boys were speechless.

Janet held her breasts and lifted their weight for them to see. Then she said, "Which of you gets to kiss me?"

Frankie, the shortest boy raised his hand. I thought, how perfect. The boy raised his hand in answer to a teacher.

She motioned Frankie closer. "Frankie, put your hands in your back pockets. Then lean over and kiss my right nipple. Just one kiss, don't suck it. Just kiss. Then you can do the same to the other nipple."

The instant Frankie's mouth touched Janet's nipple she moaned and Frankie shot his load in his shorts. He back up and two seconds later moved forward and kissed her other nipple. She moaned again and the other two boys lost their loads too.

In the confusion of the next few moments we got Janet's shirt back on, her pack on and we moved down the trail. Fifty yards farther I handed a bar to Janet. She shook her head. "No thanks. I'll wait until we can get some real food." Her eyes sparkled at me. "I wanted an adventure! I've now become a legend in those boys lives."

We laughed and when we got close to the truck Janet put the jog bra on. After I got to kiss her famous breasts.

As we drove home we were quiet most of the time. As we passed the 605 freeway I figured we had a little less than an hour left. Janet said, "What about when we get home?"

I waited until I thought I could speak. "Honesty, right?"

She nodded.

"I want us to get a divorce. Mary can move next door with Bob and you can move with me or however it works out, but I want you!"

"Pull over!"

I did. I pulled off the freeway at the next off ramp. I shut off the truck and she said, "That's what I want too." We kissed and kissed and groped each other for a couple minutes. Sanity returned and we stopped.

I got us back on the freeway and Janet said, "How do I tell Bob?"

"I won't have to say anything to Mary. One look at me and she'll know."

"Will you know with one look at Mary?"

"I think so."

"Can the four of us still be friends?"

"We'll find that out in a little while."

She moved a little closer and put my hand on her thigh. A minute later she moved it up and inside the wide leg of her shorts. My finger found the wettest places and stroked her slowly the rest of the way home. She hadn't cum as we reached the corner onto our street. I slowed down and sped up the motion of my finger. Janet grabbed my arm and came hard.

"Oh God, I needed that! Bob will know I've just cum!"

I pulled into the driveway and saw a sign in the window of our back door. We got out of the truck and read the sign together.

Dear Pete and Janet,

We didn't go to San Diego. We stayed right here and moved you (Pete) next door. We moved Bob in here. We know you both love each other and we know we love each other. If you're Ok with what we've done, meet us on the patio at seven for dinner. If you're not Ok we still need to eat and talk.

It was signed by both of them.

We went into Janet's house. There were candles and roses in the bedroom. A sign on the stereo said PUSH HERE with an arrow to the start button for the CD player. Janet undressed and I undressed. She pushed the button.

"It's amazing how you
can speak right to my heart.
Without saying a word
You can light up the dark..."

"You say it best, when you say nothing at all."

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tellmeagoodstorytellmeagoodstoryover 3 years ago
Just to give credit where credit is due

The song "When you say nothing at all" was written by legendary songwriters Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz and was originally performed by Keith Whitley.

OldfatanduglyOldfatanduglyover 6 years ago
Wrong about the song

In the intro, you said that Alison Krauss wrote the song quoted. While I agree that she did an amazing job singing it, she did not write it, nor was she the first to record or have a hit with it. "When You Say Nothing At All" was written by Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz, and first recorded by Keith Whitley, who took it to the top of the country charts in 1988, some seven years before Alison recorded it (for a Keith Whitley tribute album).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
'When You Say Nothing At All'

Notting Hill

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Movie for When You Say Nothing At All

Notting Hill

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 12 years ago
Can anyone say serendipity?

The stories we all remember are the ones that are about the exceptional, the special the ones that depend on unique timing.

Who can tell us about the battle 2 days after Little Big Horn? Who was the leading Indian chief? Did he live? Very few takers I am betting (not none I also bet but)

The story - the movie - the fantasy we remember is the one about the coincidences, the fortuitous happenstance - serendipity. So when someone writes a story that requires all the stars to be aligned - it is the one we want to read - the others are dry boring tales about nothing - right?

This was something lol

Rusalka28Rusalka28over 12 years ago
For this story to make sense to me

I have it that both couples were - by the time they planned their getaway weekends - ready to walk away from their 10 yr marriages and change partners. Although done in a light-hearted way, it strikes me as magical thinking that the hiker would address her neighbor's husband as 'husband.' More magical thinking that all four are on the same timeline. Pretty think stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Your writing is such a gift

I'm in a marriage where we love each other, but don't meet each others needs. The result is that each day, our self esteem slips just a little more, we splash frustration on each other, and the love slips just a little more.

Your way is better. Thanks for the inspiration.

miedsalmiedsalabout 14 years ago
10 years?

I enjoyed reading the story but I find it hard to believe that 4 people could change partners after a weekend when they have been happily married for so long. Of course the story was better for the ending it has just a bit harder to swallow.

The1PaladinThe1Paladinover 14 years ago
I agree with Romantic1

And leave the ending alone. It was a bit of a surprise to me. I thought for sure we were going to have another 4 person family here. And I don't get what people's problem is with the bit with the boys. She wanted a little adventure and trusted Pete to protect her if the boys didn't respect her boundaries.

Scorpio44aScorpio44aalmost 15 years agoAuthor

The request for a different ending is declined. You want a different ending, middle or even beginning... write one. I wrote this one just as I liked it. I still like it.

As for the incident with the teens, it was right out of real life. Maybe not everyone's life, but right out of my life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Change the ending

With a different ending it is a 100; however, ten years and no innuendos or touching? I agree with the ending but it was abrupt on the part of one couple which was out of character for their usual conduct. Something, smoother, awkward, some difficulty and culminating in mutual discovery of all their similar choices and ending with the wives squeeling and jumping into the arms of their new husbands. I think that scenario would have been an enjoyable ending. Oh, and verbally sparring with the highschool kids and baring the boobs, aahhh no and kissing way; however, the two of them are a little more adventerous. Okay, basically, a pretty good story.

MichaelphyteMichaelphytealmost 15 years ago
Loved story! Ending seemed misplaced?

Liked characters, story, and sex;

BUTT ten years without a clue/discussion / etc. ,

and then both couples decide to move secretly ?

Did I miss a paragraph or three?

Romantic1Romantic1about 15 years ago
One of the best from one of the best

You write like I'd like to live, and that makes reading your stories such a treat. Every time I see a story by you, my heart takes a leap of joy. Oh, boy! Hurray. You never disappoint and always leave me (and your other readers) with a sense of love, joy and happiness at what you wrote.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
When All Is Said And Done!!!

You do write well, and the story is erotic, BUT all four broke vows they had made for life, and it only takes the first serious disagreement or argument for one partner in one of the "new" marriage to say, "If he/she broke that vow like I did will he/she break a committment to me or cheat on me just as easily." I was closely acquainted with the experience you discribe - one of those marriages of partner exchanges has lasted very successfully for 40+ years; the other ended in divorce, suicide and tons of unhappiness for multiple family members.

srgeeksrgeekabout 15 years ago
hmmm... not withstanding...

This is if not the very best, one of the very best <B>short</B> stories. "He" was confident and yet showed little if any arrogance.


That said, I didn't like that bit with the three teenage boys. It was cheap, slutty, and worse (as you noted) dangerous.


While you usually treat women very well in your stories your hero often uses them in some way without apology. There are a couple of your stories that I quit reading because of that. <BR>"Leaving the Navy" is my favorite of your stories and two of the reasons it is, are that in addition to being a great story, the protagonist is (in no order) not arrogant and he never uses any of the women.


I realize that none of my complaints here relate to your writing skill, but they do relate to its quality**see note**. Skill will get people (me included) to read or begin to read all of your stories, even if I'm not sure I'll like it. Quality will get people to reread your stories, even if the subject is unpleasant.

**Note: Quality may not be the correct word here, I used it because I'm addressing reading enjoyment. I'm not talking about the difference between a "feel good story" and a "thought provoking story". I'm referring to the feeling/conviction that the subject was well handled and the character were consistent within themselves. All of us are much less random than we think, nearly all of us are creatures of habit. Many of us can be taught to recognize that and use it but most are not. When people we know do something that is out of character, our family and friends are surprised and concerned, even if the action is a positive.


<I>-- srgeek --</I>

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyable story

This was a very erotic love story with a happy ending.

The sidetrack from the original agreement was obviously a way out for both couples, although it was unexpected.

I liked the story very much.

Thank you,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

First, you have an interesting definition of "to cheat". Second, you have a convoluted definition of "to lie". Let's face it; dressing in his usual work clothes, driving a couple of blocks, waiting a short while, and driving directly back is hardly "full disclosure" behavior. And, unfortunately, the ending was rather predictable. Aside from those elements, it was a pleasant story.

-- KK in Texas

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