Nighttime Confessions - Concluded


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"Don, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." she whispered. " All of this is my fault, this is all my fault." She seemed to shrink into herself, awaiting his recriminations.

Don hurried to her and took her hand. "Marge, listen to me. Your stupid attempt to take your life caused me to realize how stupid I've been as well. You made a mistake, a huge mistake, but I was wrong also. Instead of trying to get past what you had done, I attempted to punish you, the take the kids away and get rid of you. Marge, I was also a fool - we both were fools."

Don looked into his wife's eyes and saw the tears. "Marge, I love you. I should have realized that. I believe that we both still love each other." He saw Marge nodding her head up and down vigorously. "I should have remembered that, Marge, I should not have forgotten that. We will get by this, we are going to be ok, I promise."

Marge threw herself at him, wrapping her arms about him tightly. "Oh, Donny. I do love you so, I love you with all of my heart. I am so sorry for everything. I am so sorry that you had to see what Frank was doing to me. Donny, he has pictures, pictures of me with Phil Grant. I don't know how he got them, but he threatened to show them to you, the school board, everyone. I didn't know what to do. I let him use me," Marge wailed in agony.

Don held her and thought to himself, "I thought it might be something like that. Frank Morello was going to be very sorry. He will be very sorry he ever heard of the name Prescott," he vowed.

"Marge," he said softly. "Don't worry, don't worry about Morello. I will take care of that, I promise. Just get well, just get well and hurry home to me. Ok?" Marge nodded as Don tried to blot her tears. "Don, I want to move to Maine. I really do. I don't want to live here anymore. I think that would be a great start to the rest of our lives. Could we do that soon, Don? I mean really soon?"

Don nodded, "I think so, honey. I think so.


Don had discovered that Frank Morello usually came into his office on Saturday mornings for an hour or so to catch up on paperwork. Don was going to make sure that he would also be there.

He quickly made his way home and was thankful that he hadn't discarded the silly disguise he had bought. Putting the bag with the cap and glasses in the car he drove to the athletic activities building of the high school and parked about a block away, but within sight of the parking lot. He didn't have long to wait. He saw Morello pull up in his yellow Mustang and enter the building.

Don donned the cap and glasses, exited his car and ambled slowly toward his destination. The two foot lead pipe that he found in his garage nestled snugly in the valley of his back, held in place by his belt. He was soon at Morello's office door. He saw that it was open and he entered. Morello was standing by a file cabinet.

"Hello, Frank," Don said softly. "I bet you weren't expecting me, were you?" He then removed his cap and glasses.

Morello stepped back. He didn't recognize Don at first. "What the fuck do you want, Prescott?" he blustered, but obviously disconcerted. He eyed Don carefully, wondering just what he knew.

Don remained calm. He slowly approached Morello who had backed up against the file cabinet.

"The pictures, Frankie. I want the pictures now, or you'll never leave this office alive." whispered Don.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops."

Morello suddenly found himself lying on the floor. Don had pulled his fishing knife from a pocket and held it at his throat. "Last chance, Frankie, give up the pictures or I will slit you from gullet to balls." and with that he drew a fine line across Morello throat. Not enough to do any damage, but just enough to draw a little blood.

Morello was now thoroughly frightened. "Ok, Ok, get that knife away from me, I'll give you what you want. Jesus, put the knife away."

Don pulled him up and kept a hand on the nape of his neck. Morello moved shakily to the filing cabinet and, using a key on his keyring , opened it and removed an envelope. Don pulled it from his grasp and shoved it into his pocket.

Don then removed the lead pipe from his back and with a quick swing, destroyed Morello's right knee. As he collapsed to the floor, Don went down on a knee beside him. Morello was now whimpering in extreme pain.

"Frankie, these had better be all of them. You would be making a really terrible mistake if you're holding any back. I know where you live, I know who your wife is and I know who your kids are. Remember that, Frankie. Do you understand me?"

Morello nodded, gritting his teeth through the pain. Don was not yet through with him.

"Now listen carefully, Frankie. I have more information for you. I want you to pay very close attention." Don was speaking about two inches from Morello's ear.

"It won't be next week, Frankie. It probably won't be next month. But one day, one day I will come looking for you. I will find you, Frankie, and when I do I'm going to kill you. I will kill you very slowly. You can take that to the bank, Frankie. You're a dead man walking."

Morello looked at him wide eyed. He knew without a doubt that Don was serious. He felt it in his bones. He again whimpered in pain, his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out.

Don stood, looked down at him in contempt and slowly walked out of the building. Driving home, he pulled his cell phone out and called Joe Burke.

"Hi, Joe. It's Don."

"Hey, Don, how are you?

"I need a favor, Joe. I spent the morning with you . We were going over some of the routes for our next road trip."

"Of course, Don. We did just that. From when to when, by the way?"

"From about 9 a.m. to whatever time it is now."

"Of course, we did just that. In fact, you left just a little while ago.", Joe assured him.

"Thanks, Joe. I owe you."

"You owe me nothing," Joe remarked as he severed the connection.


Three weeks passed. Marge was home and fully recovered and with hope in her eyes again. She had handed in her resignation, despite the protests from the school administration. It seems like the department was going to be really short handed. Frank Morello had also handed in his resignation unexpectedly and had moved, with his family, out of state. He had left no forwarding address.

Thankfully, the kids were really excited about our move now, after first voicing objections about leaving their school and their friends. We had pointed out the advantages of the move, especially the great sports teams at the new school they would be attending. They're good kids, they came around, especially as they witnessed the newly found affection between their parents Don stood and gazed at his home for the last time. The moving van had left and Marge and the kids were in the car. He took one last look at the house, a home that had provided so much love as well as heartache. He would not miss it. Don turned his back, walked to the car and drove away.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Meh. Lot of fantasy, no real effort to reconciliation. No shrink or anything. The wife didn't learn anything from her "mistake". The husband turn into a jerk. And as many said, your universe is ruled by different laws that ours.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So in this universe I guess there are no cops. You just submit to the character who demands something absurd of you without question. You want me to be your sex slave for the foreseeable future so that my husband doesn't find out a second time about what he already witnessed? OK. You want to bash my leg up at my place of employment and then tell me you are going to kill me and my family? OK serves me right. I mean why should a character take any rational actions?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was very well done. A very different story evolution from the standard. Parr one had a lot of flaws but you recovered nicely in part 2.

Sandman87Sandman877 months ago

I thought the story was interesting. I did have a problem with the lead pipe. They haven't made lead pipes for a 150 years.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I liked parts & disliked other parts. She's coming off an adulterous week, having fucked one guy. Her husband, the idiotic wimp he is - saw it & did nothing, not even take photos!! - gave her a 2nd chance. What happens? Her principle at her school gets forced copies of their encounter & threatens her- she gives him sex or he'll give the copies of the pics to her husband.

She's trying to save off a divorce, so instead of telling her husband what's going on, she simply submits. The ONE piece, outside of him telling her he knows about her betrayal, was in the principal's office where hubby not only put a pipe to his knee & threatened him, but got the pictures. But that doesn't excuse her screwing her boss.

That the author continued to make the husband into a wimp, even if less than one, I need to downgrade this story to 2 stars, the same as the horrible 1st. Don't know if this's the author's desire to wimp out husbands, but it surely feels that way. Last story I read from him/ her. Bob

mndhanson017mndhanson0178 months ago

Marge was an idiot, literally, Don confronted her already about Phil, although Don didn't know his name, he already knew. She should have just walked away and told Don about Frank having the pictures, she literally claimed her marriage was worth more than her career, she literally showed the opposite by suck Frank off. That was just dumb because Don could have done this revenge on Frank and thus force Frank out. Failure on Marge's part for not communicating.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c19 months ago

Really bad.

He knew that she would again stray, and this time he would catch her.

He already caught her. What the hell are you writing.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This version of the story and Marge was just terrible. Seriously bad. Dumps.gasoline on capecod's original.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nonsense for so many different reasons.

But I asked myself...why would he want to be married to a person who once is caught and is guilty just tries to end her life? Instead of fixing the situation? She mentally unstable. And a move to Maine will fix her?

Just dumb.


Great story... I love BTB stories but sometimes it's great to see a happy ending.. loved it

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Yep typical femdom agroprop, it's all his fault his fault she, cheated, his fault she allowed herself to be blackmailed rather than take responsibility for her actions and face any consequences, and it was his fault she followed the self absorbed victims route and attempted self deletion, in the end He was one lucky bastered that she took him back in the end. .... wait did she learn anything did we? Her I don't think so, us sure we learned she's a cheater, we learned she's willing to whore herself out rather than take responsibility, then once facing irrefutable video proof of her debauchery seeing only one way to skirt taking blame--- become the victim.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was a terrible variant on so many levels. Won't rehash what has been covered in comments below. But yeah the weakest blackmail just about ever.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Not bad but nothing special,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What bothers me about this type of variant is how unrealistic it is to just walk away then look for more proof. In any. "Irreconcilable differences" all he needs is the proof he is witnessing. After that take care of the bank/credit, etc, move out and let the attorneys handle it.

If wants to cuck it...his problem. Wants to work it out? That usually works..maybe 10% of the time. Stay for the kids? They are hyperintuitive and will know things are not right and they'll be damaged even more. Growing up in a house with parents that don't love each other is not healthy.

30-40 years old and can't start over? BS.

Ger grief counseling, hit the gym 6 days a week, get involved in an activity; biking, fishing, shooting, photography, hiking, cooking, dancing...there is a lot. Lots of single groups do a lot of these things.

The kids? Money? Work it out. Sell the house then take his profits and pay her the child support for several years. She withholds the kids? Law suit...remember she has to pay for her attorney. Can she take the hit? Key thing be proactive and stay on the offense.

Anyway, just a thought.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was a terrible variant. What the heck? In the prior chapter by this author, Don watches the tryst with Phil and Marge and does nothing. He doesn't disrupt it, he doesn't take photos, and he just walks away after watching it for some time. Huh? But wait because dumbass doesn't have a smartphone or doesn't run out to her a camera and get back (of in ancient times), he has no evidence, so now he needs to get some. And again why he doesn't intervene by banging on the window and yelling (they would have heard the noise) or find her immediately right afterwards, makes no sense. As soon as Phil starts to go down on her, erupt and yell and make a scene, after you take photos. Freaking retarded. Then his big plan is to move out, take the new job, but forgets about the kids and has to move back in because he has no evidence. Unlike the original, there is no critical phone call with his wife the next day, and all we have is her word that she did nothing. In the original his phone call and his discomfort and bit of anguish cause her to reassess greatly and she stops fornicating. This time it is just her word. Ok then when get to Frank Morello. Weakest blackmail in a LW story. Frank doesn't know this, but Don already watched her fuck Phil and have massive orgasms on her tongue. And Marge knows that Don saw her. Yes he is looking for more evidence of continued cheating, but those photos are clearly from the conference with theb execrable shitbag Phil who took secret photos (is that in the charter of the swingers club?). So the photos would have zero impact on their marital status. Zero. Ok her job? Sure she woukd get fired. But wait, in less than six months her husband is moving to Maine with kids in an ultimatum and she already decided to leave her job at that time to be with her family, provided Don still wants her. Ok so job is not a big deal. She has to start over anyways in a few months. What about her reputation? Ok is that ever a reason for subjecting oneself to a blackmail sex scheme by a predator especially one talking about repeated, daily rapes? Umm no. Reputation be damned. She is not some elite athlete or performer or rich businessman. She is a PE teacher. Give it a rest. The blackmail was beyond useless. Frank didn't know it. Maybe she stalls for time with a blowjob (hoping it isn't recorded) to buy time to think it over. While still violated and depressed, she should come to this rational assessed that Frank can go fuck himself. And tell her husband, blowjob or no blowjob. Does she do anything of that? Nope she is a deer in a headlight victim being raped. Don sees the tapes and leaves her and moves out. She attempts suicide and he serendipitously saves her life. And then she discloses her blackmail rapes. Fingers Frank and hubby goes for the photos. Getting violent but just really scaring Frank, forcing him to cough up the kompramat and scaring him to resign. YAY! Btw he should visit Phil also. He is slime and has copies assuredly also. Heck also blow up Phil's marriage. Won't take much. Meanwhile guess what? She quits her job soon after release from hospital anyways. How is her reputation now? Do you think she made the right choice tonfucj Frank in their home. Who cares about the photos. Her husband got a big raise. They are moving to Maine and she has to restart anyways. So only bad decisions by Don and Marge throughout this variant. And also his two perceived indiscretions and her deep, gnawing, long lasting suspicions do not factor into these two alternate chapters at all. What a deviation from the original. Bleecch. Author's worst works. Again takena photo and make a scene banging hard on the glass. Hell get a rock and break the glass. That will get their attention. Also there is no discussion of what he saw. His insecurities as a man seeing his wife respond far more than ever with him. Does he learn to eat pussy? Does he try to get better in bed in say an epilogue? How does she feel about what her husband saw? What does great sex without emotional attachment mean. Is her semi frigidity in her head? Does it need to be oral sex to fulfill her? Is her semi frigidity now unlocked and she can have strong orgasms with foreplay and great oral? Counseling to address these issues. Nah just they go to Maine. All is forgiven.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Mostly true to the original.

Would have been a five but for the stupid black mail stuff.

Why would the woman who despised him yield to his treat to tell her husband they had already worked out.

If the author had to add that stupide scene, the wife would have laughed in his face and said here is the the money for the postage for you to send it special delivery.

Writers, writers, don't try too hard, don't try to get too cute.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

These two stories were much worse than the original two of the original author Capecodmercury. The first had potential as he saw her with Phil. But this conclusion chapter was one of this author's worst. Seriously wa this just an experiment in blackmail rape? Thr husband has already told her he knows about Phil and watched her. She knows that he saw her. He only has her word that it was one time. None before and not the next two nights. He moved out then back in. He isn't going with her reconciliation attempts. She doesn't know he is just waiting for more evidence (btw why didn't he take any photos, video of her time with Phil, what no cell phones?). Btw evidence which will not do shit about custody in a trial. Certainly not to take the kids to Maine. No way. But with all of this, she submits to blackmail with Frank (how did he get the photos btw?, magic or is Phil a sleaze)? Why? Because of ger reputation with the school board and her parents? For the latter who cares. Her husband already knows and her marriage is on a knifes edge. Her husband is humiliated and saw her intense orgasms with Phil the experienced stud. His ego is shattered. She must have realized that he saw her in wild wanton monkey sex. Her job? Who cares. She says in six months she will leave for Maine a anyways with hubby (if they have a marriage). Also Frank is married. She can threaten him too. Call his wife and tell her that he is threatening her with blackmail sex. What happens when the photos come out? It gets investigated. They might or might not get back to Frank. But does he want to risk that? Also his wife will watch him like a hawk. Maybe she does the blowjob because she has no out, right away. Even that seems dumb. The only real leverage is the threats that her husband found about photos of a sexual tryst he ALREADY witnessed. She can counter threaten Frank, that if he exposes her, she will go to the cops, file charges, Phil will be outed and since he probably gave Frank rhe photo, then Frank will be a suspect. That would cost him at least a suspension, probably his job. Then it gets worse, she gets forced at home after calling in sick. Hubby looks at rhe video but doesn't listen to thr audio? Til later? And how does he get away with assaulting Frank? Why because he got the photos? And has an alibi? The cops will investigate. Because Frank is scared? His knee got shattered. I don't see him just resigning. Hubby's violent revenge is not well thought out. And then because she attempted suicide, somehow he decakres his love for her and everything will be ok? It isn't that simple. She cheated on him. He witnessed her being peeled of the ceiling. He was convinced she had other affairs and would cheat again. She got caught up in blackmail by Frank the rapist, possibly aided by Phil. And then she commits suicide. Maybe this is somehow all forgivable and maybe, just maybe somehow they reconcile. I get it she was blackmailed (though she should have stalled for time or told him to fuck off, that her husbadn already has photos (lie a little) and she is going to the cops since his primary leverage is fucking moot) and raped and attempted suicide, that has to factor into possible reconciliation. But the last page is way to easy and unrealistic. She resigns in threw weeks and they are off to Maine. Wouldn't psychiatrists demand visits for like a year or two? The original duo of stories are much better. And besides this was meant to be a continuation of the original l, during which we know of st least two infidelities by hubby as viewed through her eyes. What about all that? Her husband is Old Testament. Sure why saw her fuck and btw did NOT take photos OR confront! What advantage did he gain? He just moved back in (laughable) to get more evidence. What a maroon. This author has done much better and this was a failed continuation. And finally again she had ALL the reasons to call a bluff on Frank's blackmail threat. And she could have told him why to his face, how her husband already saw her, and if she loses her job, so with Phil (and a probable divorce), she will talk to Franks's wife, and if she loses her job she will pull Frank down with her. Heck just spit in a cup after the blowjob and get DNA tested and show results and sample goop to his wife. And oh yeah, go to the police!

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