No Patience for High Standards Pt. 02


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Then, there was a neighborhood cookout, where she got to see them together again. Jason was a charmer, easily chatting with everyone around him. And Rachel stood next to him, almost possessively keeping one hand on her son's shoulder the whole time, as if making it clear he was hers. Not long ago, she couldn't stand being in his presence, but now, she wouldn't leave his side. Carmella eventually got her friend alone for the first time since that awkward conversation a while back. Knowing not to get into areas of conversation she knew the blonde would prefer to avoid, Carmella handled the conversation tactfully, keeping things basic and friendly. This conversation was the one point where Jason and Rachel were separated, and as soon this happened, the vultures swooped in, as Jason was soon surrounded by some of the other horny neighborhood moms. Carmella could sense her friend staring daggers through these other women, and the blonde couldn't contain her thoughts on the matter, shaking her head angrily.

"You know, I took him to a work event as my date a few weeks ago," she began, pushing right past the point that she had admitted to taking her son out as her date. The brunette bit her tongue, saying nothing as the blonde continued. "And my friends at work were all over him. Women my age, who should know better. And he wasn't exactly well-behaved there either..." Carmella could feel her friend boiling over as Jason engaged with these other women. Finding this too much to bear, she smiled at Carmella, said "Excuse me..." and marched over there quickly, breaking up her son's fun, putting her hand right back on her son's shoulder again, clinging to it firmly.

Carmella was able to slip between them near the end of the night. With Rachel helping the hosts clean up, the brunette approached Jason for a quick greeting, pulling the young hunk in for a hug, unable to stop herself from pressing her large breasts against his fit chest firmly. As they hugged, she couldn't help but say something into his ear.

"What a good son you are to her..." she marveled, her words coming out like more of a sigh than she intended. Pulling back, her hands sliding from his back to rest on his impressive arms, she rubbed them appreciatively without thinking before continuing to speak. "I'm so impressed that you take such good care of your mom."

Their eyes met. Jason's eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement, and hers were searching his for answers. Her words were loaded with double-meaning, and she was hoping his response would give her some concrete answers to confirm her suspicions of incest. But he played it off well, his eyes playful, not giving anything away to his curious neighbor.

"I just... do my best... to keep her satisfied," he replied coyly, sharing a grin with Carmella. He realized she was fishing for answers, and he did enough to keep her on the hook without giving anything away. That was all Carmella was able get out of him, as Rachel returned moments later. There was enough space between them that the blonde didn't seem to feel her territory was being infringed upon. They all made easy chatter for the next few minutes before parting ways for the night. As they left, Jason rested one hand on his mother's back. Seeing that Carmella was watching, he smiled and winked at her. Carmella felt a rush at this sight, combined with an annoyance that she was still not getting any definitive answers. And now, she had Jason toying with her about it. The brunette practically stamped her feet in frustration.

Luckily, the interactions between the older women that night cooled any weird feelings between the two, allowing them to chat amiably over the next few weeks. Carmella kept things on the up and up even as she searched for details behind her friend's words. They chatted one afternoon at Carmella's place after Rachel got home from work, the blonde still wearing her work outfit, one the brunette had never seen on her, a stylish plaid business suit that looked far different than what she usually wore. Commenting on it, Rachel smiled and replied.

"Yeah, Jason thought it would look good on me," Rachel admitted.

"I thought you didn't take his clothing suggestions?" Carmella questioned. Rachel shrugged and rolled her eyes.

"I gave in," she admitted. "It got harder and harder to turn his suggestions down when he's almost always right... about everything. I hate to say it, but I look damn good in this..." Rachel said, looking down at herself.

"My son doesn't even notice what I wear, so consider yourself lucky," Carmella replied, grousing internally. The conversation was beginning to veer towards some dangerous territory, so Rachel steered the conversation away from their sons, talking regular mom stuff for the rest of their visit.

Carmella was continuing to watch their house from afar. Not able to see into the house, she was only able to glean information when she saw either of them out front, or in the backyard. She did see a lot more of them outside than before, Rachel beginning to wear tiny bikinis around her son without shame. Carmella could see Jason rubbing her shoulders as she sat back and bathed in the sun. At one point, she even saw Rachel lying face down on a massage table in the backyard, topless, Jason massaging her lust-inspiring body with confidence, coating her body with massage oil, letting his hands rub all over her, Rachel not raising a finger as his hands moved towards some very sensitive areas. But that's as much as she was able to see, both of them eventually sauntering inside and out of sight before things got out of hand.

C'mon! They had to be fucking! She hadn't actually seen the action happening, but it felt like everything she did see supported that thought. But it still wasn't official.

A couple days later, Carmella caught a glimpse through her window of Carmella's car zooming down the road towards her house, well later than when she usually got home. Noticing the blonde rushing inside, Carmella snuck outside and strode down the street quickly, too driven by the desire for resolution to fear getting caught. Knowing their house well, she ducked down near the big, open front window, and she did so just in time, Rachel's words hitting her ears through the window.

"I am SO sorry for being late!" she said apologetically, showing a deference to her son that literally did not exist mere months prior. "Please let me make it up to you." Peeking through the blinds, Carmella could see Jason seated on the couch in the living room, dressed well, not moving, not watching TV, just waiting. And what he was waiting for was soon revealed, and Carmella had to put her hand over her mouth when she saw it.

Timidly walking into the room was Rachel, looking like she'd never seen her before. Gone was the business-ware, and now adorning her body was a latex fetish outfit. On her legs were a part of heavy knee-high boots, clinging to her calves, the severe heels making her taut legs flex in a delicious manner. The boots were connected to suspenders riding along her juicy thighs. The garment around her waist is where they connected, the tight piece of latex there for this sole purpose. And underneath it was a thong, leaving her ass almost completely exposed. A slice of her midriff was left exposed, including her navel. Up top, covering the remainder of her belly and her big breasts, was a tight piece of red and black latex. Rachel was skinny and really fit, and even so, it was a wonder she squeezed herself into the tight piece of latex, and with it being exceptionally low-cut, it meant that her massive tits were just spilling out, barely contained. The latex dug into her shoulders due to the sheer volume of breast-flesh the top was struggling to contain. On her arms were a pair of long black gloves, going all the way past her elbow. But one of the most striking things was strapped around her face, a ball gag, that the type-A mom was now biting down on, drooling all over it.

This was what she had to get inside so quickly for. She wanted this.

Jason gave her a firm look as his mom appeared, never taking his eyes off of her as she approached him, walking deftly in the severe heels. Carmella's eyes went wide as Rachel submissively kneeled over his lap, pointing her ass upward to be used however he see fit. Jason evaluated the sight calmly, patiently, his eyes examining her nearly bare ass, his hand casually resting upon it, asserting his control. Drawing out the tension, he finally acted, swatting her ass firmly, making his mom groan so loudly Carmella could hear it through the window.

"I'n shorry!" Rachel cried out through the ball gag. But there would be no mercy from him, as Jason spanked her ass again and again till her ass turned red. She apologized all through this, but she never tried to avoid the punishment. Instead, she almost craved more, keeping her ass pointed upwards for the rough treatment her son was inflicting upon her disobedient ass. Tears were welling in her eyes, drool was escaping the gag, but she kept throwing her ass back to meet her son's punishment.

She was loving this.

And so was Carmella. She watched every delicious spank with eyes wide, barely blinking, taking in every moment. This was a son dominating his own mom, and the mom clearly savoring the rough treatment. It was without question the hottest thing Carmella had ever witnessed, and all she could do was wish she were in the same position as Rachel. If she wasn't out in the open, she'd be vigorously touching herself watching this. She was only passively doing so, her hand against her crotch, rubbing against her pussy through her clothes. She was lucky no one was seeing her like this.

After really drawing this out, Jason finally took things to the next step, extricating himself from beneath his mom, standing up, and slowly removing his clothing as Rachel stayed in place on all fours on the couch, panting for breath, antsy for more. Tossing aside his shirt, exposing his ripped chest, Carmella drunk in the sight. This was followed by him slowly dropping his pants, revealing his snug boxer-briefs, which hid a very, VERY big bulge. Pausing for a moment, he forcefully tugged down his underwear, revealing a cock so massive and powerful that the mere sight of it almost made Carmella cum. Standing out from his body, as hard as steel, a pair of massive balls hanging from it, it was immediately clear why Rachel had been spurred to such a level of submission. A girl would do a lot of bad things for a cock like that, and Rachel had done just that with her own son. And even this mere glimpse of his giant weapon was almost enough for Carmella to consider the same.

Confidently, Jason positioned himself behind his mother on the couch, his cock pointing directly at her waiting cunt. This was it! The incest that Carmella just knew was happening. She was about to see it with her own eyes. Jason grabbed his mother's hips with his manly palms, angling his cock into place against her eager pussy. It took some mighty self-control to not just drive himself into her right away, but he did just that, holding off on that immediately pleasure, drawing it out. Carmella watched with bated breath, eyes wide as she awaited this amazing moment between the mother and son.

Then, just before he pulled the trigger, Jason turned to look at Carmella through the window, staring directly into her eyes, acknowledging that he not only could see her but probably knew she was there from the start. Panicking, staring directly into his eyes, Carmella was frozen in shock, not knowing what to do, rendered into a mindless stupor. Then, with an unholy shove, Jason drove his cock into his mother's waiting cunt, making her entire body shudder through sheer the force of it, doing it with such force that even Carmella could feel it.

Carmella was witnessing an act of incest right in front of her, and the sight of it was enough to make her fall to her knees, eyes glued to the action. This small movement was enough to shake herself from her frozen state. Knowing she was caught, she couldn't do anything else but run, turning away from this unholy act, rushing home, slipping into the privacy of her bathroom and touching herself till she gushed thinking about the control Jason had gained over his own mom.

She couldn't believe how potent incest was to her. In that moment, she felt nothing but pure envy towards her blonde friend, because she had the guts to experience it for real, having what it took to throw away all conventions for some of the most powerful pleasure a mother could experience.

And what an amazing son Jason was, to devote himself so fully to his hot mom's pleasure, to use his blessings to make his own mother cum. To have such a son like that, with the nerve to man up and take his mother like she so clearly craved...

Needless to say, Carmella was very, VERY jealous...


Needless to say, what Carmella had witnessed hadn't left her mind in the days since. These thoughts had been planted in her mind since that day when Rachel first mentioned what Jason was up to. The seed had taken root, and everything that had happened since only cultivated it. And after having seen the incestuous fucking happening between Jason and his mom, that seed had fully bloomed.

It was only a matter of time before this blossoming need expressed itself.

In fact, it was only a couple days after catching Rachel in the act that it did just that. With the hubby out early for a golf outing with his buddies, it was just Carmella and Marco at home that morning. Having just left the shower, the busty brunette's slick, freshly washed body was only covered in a towel as she entered her bedroom. Choosing her clothes for the day, she opened her closet, and the two shirts that ended up at the center of her vision really illustrated the choice she'd have to make.

One, a comfortable, sensible top that would be befitting the mom she'd become over the years. Colored gray, it would cover her upper-half in a conservative fashion, not too clingy, not showing much skin, keeping the twins well contained.

The other, an eye-catching baby-blue top. Thin, clingy, which would showcase her lithe arms and trim midriff. And unlike the other top, it was very low-cut, putting a fair amount of her cleavage on display. This top would hug her delicious frame while showing lots of skin. And the best part was... it was so tight that she'd just have to forego wearing a bra.

This wasn't a typical mom-top. This would be the top a different type of mom would wear, the type of mom Carmella fantasized about being.

She wasn't planning on leaving the house... which meant the only person who would get to appreciate this display would be her hunky son Marco. There was no practical reason to wear this top. But logic and reason weren't top of mind for her right now.

"Hey Marco!" she called out, the door to her room left open a crack. She could hear her son in his room playing some game, so she knew he was close by.

"Yeah?" he called out.

"You going out today, or are you sticking around the house?" she asked.

"Cori's traveling with her family to visit some relatives, so yeah... I'll probably be around here," he replied.

Carmella's eyes went wide. She couldn't even believe she was toying with this idea, but once she let it in her mind, she found the idea irresistible.

The brunette mom grabbed the low-cut blue top before she could think twice, and by the time she pulled it on, her nipples were as hard as diamonds. Glancing at herself in the mirror, they were so obvious! Marco wouldn't believe what he was about to see.

Carmella grinned to herself. Rachel wasn't gonna be the only mom taking part in some forbidden fun with her own son. Marco was about to have the best day of his life.

And so would Carmella.


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Number1ClitlickerNumber1Clitlickerabout 2 months ago

Hummm. Maybe Rachel would consider sharing Jason ,and have a very hot threesome. I could see Rachel muff diving on Carmella as Jason plowed deep on Rachel's pussy or ass.. and like musical chairs. Switching places..and ending up with Carmella skewered of Jason's huge cock,while Rachel rides her sons tongue.. ...this could turn into a great way for neighbors to enjoy each other's company..even some swapping for Jason and Marco withe each others moms. And the plot thinkens !!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

More please. Chapter 3 is easy. Carmella fucks Marco. Then f-f, then mff, the. Mmf, then for some. You can do it. ;).

Ps. Please tie in to other stories. Love them all, especially Tory K is the best EVER!!! Read like 10x times ;) thanks man

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

another chapter please!!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

That was not only a great story, but also incredibly well written. Five stars because that's the highest it allowed. Tremendous!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Please please a third chapter. It ended too soon. Firstly, Rachel needs to be pregnant - how could she not be by this point with all the cum she's had in her unprotected pussy? And secondly, we need to know if Carmella succeeded and then they can double-date. Damn I hate when a long story ends like this when there's so much more juicy stuff to explore. I hope this isn't the end.

One thing I would say is you could ease up on the amount of paragraphs of descriptive text that essentially say the same thing as previous ones. Just a little.

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