Northern Lights


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I got up and gave her my hand to hold. “No wait… I want to do something that I’ve never done before.” Before I could say anything she began to move her arms and legs back and forth. “Now I really am your snow angel.”

I offered my hand again and this time she took it. “Indeed you are baby.”

We carefully unravelled the cable and wrapped the spare wire around the trunk of the tree until the first bulb could sit on the lower branch. I placed the ladder against one of the sturdy branches while Alex passed me the lights. I twisted the lights around the branches. I climbed a little higher up the ladder and stepped off it onto a thick branch. From there I was able to wrap and curl the lights around each branch. She let go of the final bulb and I curled it around and between two thin branches. I stepped back on the ladder and slowly made my way down. “That’s it baby… now do you want to switch them on or shall I?”

“Oh Chrissy can we wait until it gets a little darker. It would look so much better.” Her cheeks radiated and her smile was beautiful. “I know why you get so excited about it now. I have never put lights on the outside of my house. It’s going to look beautiful.”

“Yes it is… do you want to decorate the hedges and trees out the back?”

Her eyes opened wide and she broadly smiled. “Can we? Do you mind?”

“I don’t mind at all, … and later it will look beautiful no matter what window we look through.”

Her gaze caught me again and she pointed at her eyes. “And what about my windows that I’m looking through now. I can see beauty already.” She leant into me and ran her finger down my cheek. “I’m so glad I’m here.”

“I’m …” She interrupted me with her warm tongue on my lips and gently parted them. Her warmth spread through me, melting the barrier around my heart. I pulled back, wanting to say something but afraid to do so. Other words stumbled out between what I really wanted to say. “We have… about half an hour of light left I guess. We better hurry!” Alex stood and looked at me blankly. “What’s up?” I whispered.

“Oh nothing, I thought you were gonna say something else… let’s get these lights up. I can’t wait to see how it looks.” Alex turned and walked quickly ahead carrying the empty box while I trudged behind her, holding the ladder. I hooked it back up in the shed as she spoke to me. “Don’t we need that?” I looked at her but she wouldn’t look my way. She turned and went to walk out, but stopped as she heard my voice.

“We don’t need this for the trees. As you can see they aren’t that tall.” I grabbed two boxes off the shelf and we both walked towards the porch at the back of the house. “There’s two sockets just inside, if we feed them through the small window we can plug them in down there.” Alex took the plugs and slipped them through the window. She opened the door and located the sockets just inside the door.

She plugged them in then trudged through the blanket of snow to where I began to guide the lights through the hedging. “Can I do the other side?” She gave the look of innocence, like a child asking.

“Yeah sure, when you get to that furthest post, cut across the garden and weave them through the trees. I leant in and tenderly kissed her cold red nose. “If it’s foggy tonight, Father Christmas will have to make do… I’m not letting you go Rudolph.” She giggled and I was pleased. The tension from a few minutes ago had dissipated. “I’ll race you to the trees…”

One by one we both hooked up the string of white lights through the hedging. I noticed Alex a little way ahead of me and decided I would slow her down a little. I packed a snowball in my palms and rested it on the hedge. I repeated it until I had six snowballs lined up. I shouted “Alex…” She turned around and I threw them one after the other.

She screamed at me. “Stop… that’s not fair. You bloody wait…”

“Yeah yeah…” I carried on quickly as she brushed the snow from her clothes. “I’m beating you, I’m gonna get there first.”

“Ohhh I will get you back,” she teased.

The light was fading fast and as we neared the centre of the trees the temperature appeared to plummet. “I better get some more logs ready, that’s gonna be freezing later. Can you finish my lights off?” Alex smiled and nodded at me as I turned and sunk into the snow and walked to the log store on the left of the wall. I lifted the lid and pulled out some logs. As I bent over I heard Alex behind me. “You finished the lights baby?”

“Yeah…” I felt her fingers caress my bum. I moaned and pushed further back. “Ohh you like that yeah?” I moaned again into the log store. I felt her fingers slide between my thighs. “It’s warm down there baby… have you been having nice hot thoughts… or have you been having ice cold thoughts?” I was just going to answer her when I felt her hand reach up under my jacket and under my jumper. I screamed as she squashed a handful of snow into my back. I jumped up and dropped some logs on the ground and they rolled between our feet.

“God, you little bitch… shit, that was cold.”

“I told you I’d get you back didn’t I?”

“Ok, we’re even now… no more.” After the initial shock I began to laugh. “It’s dark enough now, we can put the lights on.” Alex jumped up and clapped her hands in the air. I put my arm through hers and we walked to the porch. “You wait out here… I’ll switch them on.” As I passed in front of her I tapped my finger on her nose. “Is that ok Rudolph?” She smiled that heavenly smile. I crept inside the porch and flicked the switches. The only indication I had that the lights were on was the gasp coming from Alex.

“Ohh god, look… it’s… it’s so beautiful, enchanting even.” I stood behind her and rested my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her. She lifted her arms and caressed my damp hair. “Chrissy, thank you for letting me stay.”

I kissed her ear and whispered. “No problem baby. I’m glad I asked you. Come on, let’s get these logs inside and we can switch on the lights out the front.”

We both picked up an armful each and placed them just inside the back door. I shut the door and we walked hand in hand, pass the hedge and through the gate. We headed straight for the front door and stood in the doorway. I knelt down and flicked the switch.

“Ohh… wow… all the colours. Look how it appears on the snow. It’s like…”

Simultaneously again we spoke. “The northern lights.”

“Yes Chrissy, it’s so romantic.” Alex began to walk towards the brightly coloured tree. “Come with me… hold me under our northern lights.” I skipped through the snow and held her tightly. “Kiss me Chrissy…” I planted my lips directly on hers as my arms again wrapped around her body. Her hands came up and held on to my head. Her fingers twisted in my hair and she pulled me in closer, our lips touched. She devoured me, ravished me under the lights. I was moaning into her and she was gasping between each breath. “I want you…” Her lips now on my neck were gently nibbling on my soft skin.

I felt her fingers move lower down my arms, onto my lower back and along the waist of my jeans. She spun me round and my back was up against the trunk of the tree. I felt my jeans become loose and her cold fingers edged inside. Her other hand tugged at my zip and when it was lowered her fingers came back up to my face. “I have wanted you since that first kiss.” She kissed me hard and bit along my lips. I gasped as her icy fingers slid inside my knickers, the coldness against my warm moist crevice. “Mmm, baby, you are soaked.” With two fingers she rubbed me and slid inside my pussy. I shrieked at the contact and after a minute or two I began to shake. “Are you that close?” I nodded and her fingers retreated from my pussy and flicked my clit.

“Ohhh shit…don’t stop…” My legs began to buckle and my arms reached up, holding on to the branch above. The snow fell off the branches and sprinkled us in whiteness and it glistened a thousand colours as it fell on her face and in her hair. I rocked back and forth on her fingers. “Uhhh… ohhhh… ohh god. Alex, make me cum.” Her fingers were relentless. They strummed on my clit, getting faster and faster. I could feel it building. The tingling and numbness crept up my thighs. Inside, my body clenched. Every muscle tightened. “Ohh baby, yes… yeah.” My knees began to fall again. “Harder… do it harder.” I panted.

She pressed hard into my clit and frantically rubbed. “Ohh god yeah… ohhhhhh goddddd.” I couldn’t say anymore, I mumbled. “Mmmm.” She kissed me hard as I came, ravishing me. Feeling my orgasm rip through every nerve in my body. I felt my clit throb against her fingers. They lightly rubbed against my quivering flesh until the pulsing subsided. Her kisses became less urgent and she licked along my lips. My breathing slowly recovered as I looked at her smiling at me. The reflection of the coloured lights twinkled in her eyes and I was speechless.

She whispered on my lips. “I think we better get inside, don’t you?” I nodded and placed my hands in hers. “Shall I make the tea while you do the fire?” I smiled and kissed her cheek. We walked to the house and removed our boots and jackets. Alex looked towards the fireplace. “The fire is nearly out… will it take long to build back up?”

I lifted some logs from the kitchen floor and carried them to the hearth. “It won’t take long baby… you gonna make some tea and I’ll do us some soup shortly.”

By the time Alex had made the tea the fire was roaring again. It crackled loudly as we sat at the table. The living room had a warm glow to it and the Christmas tree finished the ambience completely. I took her hand in mine and looked out into the beautifully lit garden. “We did a good job out there today. Thank you… for everything!” I squeezed her hand just before she pulled it away and lifted it to my cheek. She brushed the back of her hand down it and I leant into it. I bought my hand up to hold hers against my face. “You hungry?”

She shook her head slowly and whispered, “no.”

I stood up and took her hand. “Shall we move to the sofa?” She followed me and sat in the same place as she did earlier on in the day. It seemed like so long ago. She sunk into it letting the cushioning surround her, hugging her. I settled beside her, fidgeting, trying to get comfortable.

“Why don’t you lay down and put your head on my lap.”

“Do you mind?”

“Course not.” She whispered as she patted her thigh. I rested my head on her leg and watched the flames dancing as Alex ran her fingers through my hair. Her touch was soft and delicate. My fingers were tracing swirling patterns, over her knee and down her calf. Her other hand dropped from the back of the sofa to my arm. She stroked it lightly. As time went on her fingers edged closer to my breasts. They crept over my heavy mounds and toyed with my nipples.

“That feels good…”

“I have never felt another woman’s tits before. It does feel damn good.”

I bought my hand to my breast and covered her hand. I pressed it into me. Squashing my breast with our hands. Minutes passed and her hand pulled away and her fingers stopped their twirling in my hair. “You ok Alex?”

“Yeah… can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go for it!”

“How many women have you been intimate with? I mean you are obviously experienced after what happened on the worktop earlier.”

“Truthfully, only two, the last one being about nine months ago!”

“Chrissy, look at me!” I turned to face her and she leant down and kissed me tenderly. “Will you make love to me? You know, really make love to me.” She looked deep into my eyes. I could see the flames flickering in them. “Can you do that to me?” I smiled at her and lifted my head. I kissed her, edging my tongue out along her full lips. God they are so kissable.

“Wait here baby, ok…” I eased myself from her and went upstairs to my bedroom. I opened the bottom drawer and took out the harness and the dildo. I hadn’t used it in a while. I began to panic, thinking maybe this was not what she expected at all. I sat on my bed, contemplating as to whether this was the right thing to do or not. After a few minutes I decided to take my chance then made my way down the stairs.

I had just walked through the doorway and was entranced by what I saw. I stood dead in my tracks and stared at her beauty. Alex was naked, standing with her back to me. The flames of the fire flickered on her taut skin. The glow of the flames silhouetted her body. She began to turn slowly and I stepped back and stared at her through the thin gap in the door. Her breasts fell as she bent over and pulled the fleece blanket from the chair near the Christmas tree. She turned again and placed the blanket on the floor in front of the hearth. She stood and reached for the large cushions and scattered them on the blanket.

She walked around the room blowing out the candles. The only light in the living room now was the orange and red glow emanating from the fire and the soft white lights from the Christmas tree. My breathing had slowed and I inhaled a deep breath as she walked towards me. God, please don’t catch me spying on you. It could ruin everything. Just as I was about to show myself to her, she veered off and went to the chair near the window that faced the back garden. I breathed out then heard her talk softly. “This is so beautiful…” She lifted the throw from the back of the chair and began to walk away from me. As my eyes drank in her beauty I noticed a tattoo on the base of her back, just above the crevice between her cheeks. She dropped the throw on the floor and sexily lifted her arms and ruffled her hair. She lowered herself and she pulled the throw over her.

I casually walked in the living room. “You look comfortable down there… are you naked under that blanket?” She looked up and smiled. No words were needed as she peeled away the throw, showing me her breasts. “I guess that answers my question.” We giggled as I placed the harness and dildo on the sofa. “This is what you meant yeah… making love to you!” Her nod was all I needed to push my doubts aside. I quickly undressed. I couldn’t wait to be near her. “I hope its warm in there. It’s freezing upstairs.”

She possessed a wicked grin and flirtatiously spoke. “I’m sure we can generate our own heat… now get yourself in here!”

I wasted no time in pulling back the throw and sliding myself in next to her. My hand swept over her belly. I caressed her soft skin, stroking circles around her belly button. From where we were laying we could see the coloured lights from tree outside. It did look beautiful. I leant into her face and kissed her tenderly. She let out a moan as I parted her lips. I kissed her top lip, followed by the bottom. As I kissed her, my hands crept up and fondled her breasts. I alternated between each one, lovingly stroking and gently twisting the nipples as she lightly gasped in my mouth. I pulled away and kissed her cheek, ear and her neck. My tongue found its way between her breasts and swirled itself in moist circles over her firm mounds.

She sighed and moaned as I took her nipple into my mouth. I gently tugged it with my teeth and she arched her back, feeding me her breast even more. I sucked on it and flicked my tongue over it. Her hands were playing in my hair, getting rougher by the minute. I didn’t want this to be hurried or rough, I wanted to give her what she wanted so I eased the pressure of my caresses and softly began to kiss her. Her playfulness in my hair receded to lightly stroking my curls. I kissed her again and brushed strands of hair from her face. She parted her lips and her voice was barely audible. “Make love to me Chrissy.”

“I would love to.” I whispered. “Are you sure though? We don’t have to.”

“I’ve never been so sure about anything.” Her eyes twinkled. Numerous colours reflected in them, they merged together like the northern lights. “This is so special, laying here. The fire, the lights… you!” I kissed her. I had to. At that point I was ready to cry my heart out, overjoyed at having this beautiful woman in my arms.

I reached above her and took the harness and the dildo from the sofa and knelt between her legs. Her look was that of bewitchment. She watched intently as I fastened the straps around my thighs and hips. She giggled a little as I positioned the dildo and tightened the straps. I bent forward and lowered my lips to her knees. I kissed and licked them, working my way to her inner thighs. I looked up at her and her eyes tell a variety of feelings, nerves, excitement and maybe a hint of fear. We smiled at each other and I lowered my face to her pussy. I flattened my tongue and licked it with long strokes. She moaned with every lick. She felt like velvet on my tongue. I gently teased her clit and she grabbed my hair. “Don’t tease me, please… I need you!”

I grinned at her and shuffled between her thighs. I kissed her belly then her breasts. I lowered my bum down and guided the dildo into her pussy. She gasped as I entered her, moaning as I edged it in a little further. She spread her legs wide and lifted them higher, inviting me to go in further. I pressed my hips onto her and was now all the way in. I kissed and held her close to me as I made love to her. A rhythm was building and she was breathing heavily into my mouth as we kissed. Our breasts became one as they squashed together, our nipples rubbing. Her hands squeezed into my back, pulling me to her. I felt her hips rise to meet mine. I gasped as I felt her nails dig into my skin. “Ohh Alex, I love that…” I was getting breathless. We were coated in beads of sweat. I licked up her cheek and over her forehead. My hips pulled back and forth and her moans surrounded my ears and echoed right through me.

“Oh Chrissy, it feels so…” She couldn’t finish her words as I steadied the pace. Her moans were becoming deeper. “Don’t… uhhh…. stop.” I lifted myself up a little and lowered my mouth to surround her nipple. Again she arched her back, giving herself to me. Her breathing began to quicken and incoherent words oozed from her. I moved my hand between us and my finger gently rubbed her clit causing her to shriek and buck her hips into me. “Ohh god….” My finger flicked her clit harder as I moved a little faster in her pussy. “Chrissy… I’m gonna ex…plode... Ohhhhhh godddd… yes… yesssss.” I slowed down the pace, watching her writhe beneath me. I could feel her whole body trembling against me.

Her eyes glazed over and a tear fell from each one. I softly kissed her cheeks and licked her salty tears. “Baby, are you ok?” She nodded and smiled. I smiled too and eased myself out of her. “You looked gorgeous as you were cumming. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

She kissed me tenderly and softly spoke. “I don’t ever want to leave you.”

She had captured me and warmth spread throughout my body, evaporating my already weakened barriers. “Then don’t leave…” She held me tightly against her, my cheek against her breast. Our breathing slowed and our eyes closed as we drifted off in the glow of our northern lights and to the sound of the crackling fire.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I had read this before, and I loved it just as much as the first time. I will probably read it again sometime; I enjoy it so much!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I was so touched that Alex wanted Chrissy to make love to her. It wasn't just a fling for fun; it felt real. It was warm, tender, loving. I hope that I find that some day. The woman I fell in love with died in a car accident just over a month ago, so I am still grieving.

foxyfowlerfoxyfowlerabout 4 years ago

Mummy's dirty angel this story is brilliantly written and enjoyed reading it hope you will write more about these two ladies and will they become lovers and girlfriends and more I hope it will not be long before we read the next story please you are a brilliant writer thank you. xxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Simply beautiful.

Such a lovely story. Meeting that special person out of the blue like that. Serendipity. I met my girlfriend when we were involved in a car wreck and something just clicked between us from the get go. That was two years ago. Love is a beautiful thing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
very sweet

A tender sweet story loved the Christmas images. something about two women making love that is impossible to resist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

...i miss my partner with your story..heartwarming..

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
So good

Loved this. So pretty and romantic and erotic. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I love a story with feeling & passion - I want to know what they did for new year!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Reminds me of some time I spent in the snow with my love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

A beautifully spun Christmas tale. Erotic and loving, well worth the read. More, please!

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