All Comments on 'Not Again'

by Slirpuff

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sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Another Good One

Why did he think she was cheating? Well, it could have been her fucking other guys while they were going out. After the way she established things between them on the first date, she didn't seem like the multiple partner type. When they went out for several dates and then got serious, he had every reason to think they were exclusive. She set up the current situation by her actions all those years ago. What I am surprised at is that her fucking other guys was not a complete turn off to him. It certainly turned me off.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

How 'bout that? A loving husband and wife. I guess a little cancer now and then doesn't destroy love. Of course being burned before he was cautious but in the end love won out. Great Tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
She lives a double standard.....

....and if I hadn't seeing something very much like it with my own eyes, I'd never have believed it.....nor could I say that some women behave like men did in the 50s and 60s. Expect trustworthiness and fidelity from the significant, boyfriend, spouse, but play out as if single and unattached.

For me, her dating and fucking another guy when their relationship was so tight, was a first class ticket to the "I don't want to see you anymore" club. No, they hadn't made it official, but at a certain point, she had to be aware of his feelings and exclusivity. I think she was playing out to see if she "really felt that way" about him. And it was a really shitty, disloyal thing to do. If she had said, "Look, we're not exclusive and I want to date someone.....", she might have had some integrity left. But after the grilling he took at her hands on their first meeting (and what a lousy excuse she gave for that, too!), she was on the hook for more integrity and better communications in the developing relationship.

Yeah, he was hooked....and foolish.

He would have been fully justified and should have gone out and dated very actively and fucked every woman that would, like crazy. He might have lost interest in her and found somebody better.

Remember, in adult relationships every street has at least two lanes....half going each way.

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

the twice told tales are not always correct, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The doctor said

"We sent cuttings down to our lab"? Where did he go to med school?

whirlwind_66whirlwind_66over 8 years ago
Always communicate .... it is never a bad one..!

A good one by the short and always to the point master storyteller ...always talk it out ..the best way to resolve any miscommunication in a relationship or marriage ..! A point well put forth ..!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Loved it

he was a bit quick out of the blocks but he was burned once and it left him a little damaged but all together a nice read with a happy ending--not like mine i'm currently watching my ever so true loving wife die---evil thing is cancer-I gave you a 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I didnt get a second chance with my wife of 30 years, The cancer killed her quick

bruce22bruce22over 8 years ago
Great Story

It held my interest from beginning to end. Her texting him that she slept with the guy would probably have put me off, forever. But the other side is that she was honest. I might have asked the next time we were in contact how many dates she had with the guy and when it became obvious that it was the second date and she had given it up, then, snip. But she lacked empathy for him.

BTTapBTTapover 8 years ago

Thanks for the story. SP's stories always have a certain feel to them. When they end happily, it brightens my day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well done start to finish.

Very well told with characters that felt like people we know in real life. Glad that you had them work things out. Not sure she should have been quite so high on her horse. After all, while she didn't outright lie to him when they were dating, she did sleep with other men and not tell him. He found out on his own. So she has a certain history and given his history it wasn't surprising that he rushed to judgement. Next time throw the papers away at work or shred them. Lesson learned.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Slirpuff conjures up yet another tale grounded in consequences of overeaction

Can't deny that I was hooked like a trout and had to know how this would shake out. I will quibble with the likelihood that a sick woman would have energy enough to discover divorce papers in trash or divorce right away and handle kids solo immediately after surgery. This read a bit precious, hokey and cheesy - but that's Slirpuff.

The brain tumor reveal caught me flat footed. Shoulda seen it coming. But didn't. Shame on me and full marks for Slirpuff. *****

FD45FD45over 8 years ago
There is a template

I have cited SP as having more realistic women. They speak more like women. They reason more like real women. Compare these women to Gail: who stood there describing her slut ways to her hospitalized husband and telling him he did not measure up.

That being said...sometimes the woman goes a touch too far in the 'blame game'. This woman was waddling. This woman was quacking. And yet she almost refused any ownership of the problem in the marriage.

This is a human thing but it made me like her a lot less. Particularly since she had a history.

As an aside, I would LOVE for the trope of 'a night fucking fixes many wounds' would just go away for a while. The best that is is a signal for a breakthrough, not 'fixing' what ails you.

That being said (I am a gadfly by nature), this was more in keeping what I like about SPs writing. Realism. No violence. No hit men. Real problems Real suspicions. Real solutions. It is refreshing to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice Switch

Most LW stories have overreacting wives. This one has an overreacting husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
He blames her for not telling him what was going on?

He's a fucking douchebag who should be taken to the cleaners in a divorce court. If I were the judge, by the time I was finished fucking him up the ass he wouldn't have a pot to piss in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
He fell hard.

Really a good story. He liked her. She then turned him off, big time. She then pursued him. He relented and apparently committed to her, although with no real agreement, except those assumed by him regarding her actions toward their relationship. She apparently had sex with at least one other guy, while he was celibate except with her, again on a mistaken assumption. He dropped her. She pursued again, and they got back together, eventually marrying. Regardless of what popular culture suggests to us, sex to a normal woman is different than to a normal man, in the very least regarding how men perceive it. After all, "getting fucked" is about as negative expression as anyone uses. And getting fucked is what happens to the female of the species, even when she's on top. He sticks something in her, and he, if without protection, leaves something in her. Unless it's protozoa or bacteria from an STD worming its way up his urethra, she leaves nothing in him. Her earlier lack of commitment, although again unspoken, leaves some lingering doubt in his mind as to her fidelity, given the suspicious circumstances, and his previous unfaithful spouse. Again, well told, and frankly highly believable .

Tim413413Tim413413over 8 years ago
Another great one

from Slirpuff. Author did an excellent job of keeping me in the dark. The title set me up for a second round of cheating, and I kept expecting it. *****

brujaybrujayover 8 years ago
Well done !

Great story. Thank you for sharing.


sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Talk About Over-Reacting!

"Steve, when I wasn't feeling up to snuff and turned you down at night you got angry. I wanted to make love with you, but I just didn't have it in me and I didn't want to get into another argument."

And THAT’S why she should have told him about her health issues! ESPECIALLY knowing that his first wife cheated on him, and she’s keeping secrets?

SHE’S mad at HIM?! She’s the one keeping secrets, and not to repeat myself, but she KNOWS his prior history, she’s a bright woman, she HAD to know how it would look to him!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Re: Computer

Yes, I agree with the Anon about the computer. I had forgotten that, that was a VERY suspicious action that should have bought him some consideration when he "over-reacted"!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I always get a laugh a how you writers treat a wife or a girlfriend that fucks another man while in a relationship as being no big deal. You portray it the same as if she just went for a cup of coffee with another man, after all we aren't exclusive. Pray tell what man would want to be exclusive with a woman like that? And yet you have him marry her! Any man that is truly a man would have nothing to do with her after she admitted that she fucked her date there wasn't anything invested in the relationship. Your Steve Moore has got to be the biggest fucking idiot cuckold in literotica anneals. In your story ( USING A TWENTY SEVEN YEAR OLD FREE PASS) you have Stevie boys wife Victoria in a TEN hour fuck fest with a black man with a cock the size of which any horse would be proud to sport, she proclaims he took her to heaven many times, we would assume, you give Stevie boy a knock on the head some amnesia and Stevie comes around , her kissing, fucking and declaring that was the best fucking she ever had doesn't bother him , its not a deal breaker, pray tell what is ? In Not again he was already hurt emotionally by his wifes betrayal ,and yet you have him continue a relationship with a woman that admitted that she fucked the man he saw her with. In my day you didn't have to be exclusive to keep your legs closed or you zipper up when you were interested in having a relationship with someone that might lead to a lasting one. Like I said before you treat kissing and fucking like having a cup of coffee, no big deal! Well to most humans I think it would be a big deal. unless they had no feelings for that person, in the past a prostitute would fuck but she wouldn't kiss because its to personal, but we all know that kissing comes before fucking outside of prostitution, so we surmises she had feelings for the man she fucked the night he saw her out with him. And the excuse that she was horny and needed ton get fucked doesn't wash surely she could have waited a day and fuck Steve if she had strong feeling towards him. Then when theyre married and she starts acting towards him like his first wife did and im sure he would remember her fucking her date,and she doesn't believe he could think she is cheating , all in all n my eyes Slirpuff is a cuckold writer and he dresses it up to appear that hes against infidelity, but no matter what Stevie always ends up eating creampie .

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 8 years ago
Entertaining story; well written and interesting

Thanks SP for another good story. Very realistic character development and dialogue. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good Stories In LW are Few and Far Between

After the months of dreck, having Slirpuff AND DQS post new stories is great.

As rare as decent stories have been for the last couple of years, I'm amazed at the bitching about the story arc, as if Slirpuff has an obligation to ONLY write stories with a blameless, clueless hero, and cheating wife whores. If you want that, SS06 is still around.

This was a nice little story with a twist, good for an entertaining 45 minutes.

Just in case any of you Bozos haven't figured it out yet, there is no story quota whereby a story like this precludes a BTB story. If you don't like it, don't read it. If it's poorly written, then criticize away.

On a different note, if we're lucky, Rehnquist may return. Stranger things have happened.

Anonymous Andy

nefertiti1330bcnefertiti1330bcover 8 years ago

Great tale that when your communication is a lie, doubt escalates.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopover 8 years ago

You can't judge a book by its cover. Thank you and three cheers for open, honest communication. It really does work.

chytownchytownover 8 years ago
Great Read*****

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice story

but this line was a doozy.

*"Bitch I replied," pulling her into his arms.*


That little mess aside, it was a refreshing read, and a nice happy ending. As for the computer secrecy others are concerned about, she may have been researching cancer. Thanks for the story, SP!


rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
even burn scars heal

too bad they were so wounded.

TornadoTysTornadoTysover 8 years ago
Good Refreshing Read

It is difficult to write a story were the couple reconcile as there are many degrees of emotion and historic relationship hurdles to over come.

I enjoy reading stories from authors about reconciliation because it is a very subjective situation.

Well done Slirpuff

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
From Duna

I think to write some Reconciliation stories it does not mean somebody is wimp author mainly the wife did not cheat with man or woman only bad comunication, big dedate or wrong humuliation word usage were in the background. The different between wimp authors and average authors means more RAAC WAAC stories.

Good story 5***** and to be happy for a not wife sharing story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Just another sissy wimp loser and heartless Cunts story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Here's the key

" Talk out our problems"

I don't see any reconciliation in this story. Nothing happened that required reconciliation. The story is about two people growing up.

Both sides did not understand the basics of a meaningful relationship, a partnership. Imagine being potentially seriously ill and not telling your partner. In my universe the partner is the first know, both because it is their right as partner to know the reality and because, in a partnership, support is part of the deal. Support in dire circumstances.

And imagine being so screwed up by a bad experience that you act before asking. If there's an issue with your partner partner, you ask them first. Figure out what's going on. That's lessons-in-life beginners course.

I have no doubt that there are real people out there who do not know how to function in a real relationship. This story describes two of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice to see you writing again

Nice story. 3 pages are better than the last one page shorts. I like the way your get the story out and all the characters working well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Thanks for writing again. Much better at 3 pages . Don't rate those scenes, called flash stories.

Gave you 3*s . With practice the talent will come back . Thanks


SplitAcesSplitAcesover 8 years ago
Something for everyone

BTB for the first wife and reconciliation with the second. I could believe this reconciliation because there was no actual cheating. It was a good cautionary tale. You can't just jump to conclusions. Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You're an excellent writer

But a terrible punctuator. A gourmet meal (your story) with flies on it (periods where there should have been question marks. No quotation marks where there was dialog, etc.). Some think these complaints are petty, but many of us find all the mistakes distracting, especially in a great story like this one. Please get a proofreader!

That said, please keep writing. Your story had a cohesiveness to it which held my interest. The characters were believable, their feelings human. It made me feel good that it had a happy ending. Thanks!

carvohicarvohiover 8 years ago
three things, no maybe two...

lordslamdawg said it, hooked like a trout. once i was in that was it. all your stuff is like that.

you do get a little sloppy. i think i know why. you've got it your head and you just cruise till you're done. once done you close the book, no going back, you move on, no silly do overs.

an anon said it, you, and dqs. maybe hdk, jpb, ren, and ohio will show up. regardless, slirpuff you keep going.

five all the way.

jedd clampett

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 8 years ago
I thought this was excellent...

Of course I guessed the sickness but even so, this was well written and had a well thought out plot. 5 stars from me all day.

cpetecpeteover 8 years ago
Well Done

Nice tale, nice twist, nice ending

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Enjoyed it

thanks for the offering. Always great to see one of your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
From Duna

One of the commenters told shame for the husband and Vicki should divorce him. That poster did not read the story. BigK10 is excellent Consequence and BTB author he wrote his first wife or mate cheated on him. He lives in a happy second marriage, but he thinks of his first cheating woman he is not without sad and angry emotion after about 20 years.

This carachter was portrayed well he thought of his first cheating wife when the communication was wrong.................

BTB 5*****

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice Work, Slirpey

My first two wives died of cancer, the first of Ovarian Cancer, the second of Metastatic Melanoma. Fortunately, I didn't have to live through the sort of doubts that your protagonist did!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Nice story

I always enjoy your writing. Wish you would do more. 5 stars

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 8 years ago
anon. has it right

A gourmet meal with flies on it.

Punctuation helps readers know when some one is thinking or saying something and when it is something happening.

And then there are the words like:



What do you mean to say?

Do you really need to invent words when there are 500,000 or so already in English?

rjordanrjordanover 8 years ago
Good story

Always a pleasure finding a Slirpuff story waiting.

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

doesn't leave trust in a good position. TK U MLJ LV NV

sinsational83sinsational83over 8 years ago
five stars

If you had seen some of my comments that I left for other authors then you know that I don't very often give five stars for some of these stories. But this story ( in my opinion ) deserves more than 5 stars. The whole story was very entertaining. I am glad you let her live without the tumor coming back. Good ending, GREAT STORY I really liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Liked it

Tear to my eye

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Good Story

That's all, just a good story.

Thanks for sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Not bad, but a few problems

By the time he was able to get her on a first date, she interrogates the hell out of him over trust issues because of her ex. While they are getting serious dating, she has no problem sleeping with another man? What about that trust issue for him? She had no problem at all with the fact that she did so. Then, she instantly tries to fix it all by showing up at his house to fuck the hell out of him. Does all of that sound logical after her fucked up hang ups about trust in men? So...when she hided the illness and tumor from him, and acts just like a cheating spouse, of course he will think she's been cheating. If for no other reason because she had no problem sleeping with another man while they were dating. I'm glad it worked out in the end but the hypocracy on her part was fucked up. Sometimes, you sure are a moron with your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This woman was one self centered ass hole bitch. A me and all me slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
until you have a lover not make it with brain cancer

you will never know the mountain you face... been there done that and lost her... I see her in my mind I feel her in my heart I will love her forever and ever and ever 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Went through Glioblastoma with my wife. Had several surgeries to remove it and it just kept coming back. We went through all kinds of things like for a time everything was "eggs" . Can you get me eggs? I need help with my eggs. Etc. But she meant something else every time. Towards the end as it grew, she had mood changes, memory loss then it would come back , lack of ability to filter her thoughts and spoke of everything that entered her head, and lots of anger. It was very bad when she was yelling at me for the tenth time one morning; she said that she was glad she cheated on me with several other people. Our son, who was 16 at the time heard everything. It spiraled down from their. Everyone kept saying that it didn't happen or it's the tumor talking or something like that. I lost my calm a few days later and told her to prove it to me. I'm not going to say how she did, but she convinced me. I checked out what she said and I believe that she was rational about what she said and what she was doing to us. I'm not proud to say it, but I left her to her sisters and took our son. Yes he is my son. But I never saw her alive again.

I say all this because I have flashbacks of that time from reading this story. I wish I could have it been like in the story; just a big mistake. But the truth is that I am still mad at her and it's been almost 9 years since she died. My trust issues have kept me from getting into serious relationships with any woman. My son has had his own problems since that time too with trust but he is handling it better than I and I think he has a good chance of getting over it. I hope nobody else has to go through what I did. And I mean the cancer part, the the other things. It is hell for everyone, more so for those left alive and dealing with it.

Thank you for the story, but I'm not going to rate it because I'm not the right person to do that. Still too painful.

Stonewall1954Stonewall1954about 7 years ago
Four times..No charm

1st wife cheated one child married 2 years.2nd wife cheated, two children, married 7years, 3rd wife married 14 years, she got lung cancer spread through her body and passed 3 months after We found out. One month after she passed away I found love letters and a picture of heron the dance floor with a 27 year old from NJ. Who taught her the tango and a few other things just two previous years before she found out about the cancer..I was a trucker and only home on weekends..Married again, no more trusting issues, we have an open marriage and she shows no interest in messing around..Could it be were just both too damn old to care anymore? Yup......Neither of us are Ken and Barbie, I'm dead below the waist and she has no interest...Now my worries are over...We will grow old toge...Oh hell...We already are old...Still loving after one year lol...I don't need to worry anymore...See...It finally does work out in THE END.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
When Will I Ever Learn?

First wife, married 6 years. No children. She assumed it was my fault. I caught her with two men. Second wife. Caught her in a gangbang. It took me longer to divorce her than we had been married. One miscarriage. Third relationship resulting in a son. She wanted a child, not a husband. Never made it to alter. Third wife. One son. Caught her with her ex-husband. No such thing as a faithful wife anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What a pile of shit.

After dating for over six weeks exclusively , on his part she up and fucks the guy he saw with. That would be the last time many men would have any thing to do with her. And yet Slrpuff has her pursue Steve. Is this the same Steve and Vicki from your story Using a twenty seven year free pass? Slirpuff has no idea how a man reacts to the woman that he's married to or dating, fucking another man. Steve Moore must have pissed in Slirpuff cornflakes or some thing, because in every story that he's in he gets made a cuckold

ErotFanErotFanover 6 years ago
One of your best

And the scoring reflects it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Didn't work

After what she does, given his trust issues, there's simply no way he would have gone out with her again. I don't understand how you can establish his character and then ignore it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Happy Horseshit

Don't see how he would have gotten back together with her in the first place. She's still playing the field and he's serious. She knocks on his door that morning? Given the character you built for him, he never answers the door or calls her back. The rest was just unbelievable fluff. Horrible ending.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
@Anon 7/6/17

Dude, it's not a matter of "there are no faithful wives anymore"! I mean if it's one you can say yeah it's the bitch. Two, umm, maybe it's the bitches. Five? Have you taken a hard look at yourself? Either you need some major working on yourself or you have a skank magnet.

anonymousinblueanonymousinblueabout 6 years ago
Oh, hell no

I was somewhere around page 1 or 2 and wondering why the hell is this guy going back to this Vicky woman who isn't clear with boundaries, fucked up one of his dates, and so on. Then I saw it was slirpuff. A slirpuff story. That had all the answers. He already got a fucking second date, he has no reason to go back to her like she's the last woman on earth. There's not even any justification other than common cheating background. Holy dumb fuck. An old graham cracker has more spine. This is unacceptable. 30 days dungeon for everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

...and fluff.

However he writes well

jharpjharpalmost 6 years ago

Slirpuff, you've written some damn good ones....but this definitely wasn't one if them. His second wife comes off as entitled, manipulative and completely inconsiderate of his feelings. She starts acting like she's cheating, knowing what he went through, and then gets mad at him for being suspicious and being proactive. Slirpuff I must ask, do you take some sadistic pleasure in writing women like this? Cause when I'm rooting for cancer to take a bitch and make it slow and painful, I gotta take a look at the author and wonder what the deal is. Quite a few of your stories have women this manipulative, entitled, self absorbed and uncaring for their Husbands. As for the protagonist, I recognize quite a few signs of a weak and insecure man. I get it that the Ex-wife did a number on his confidence, I mean who wouldn't? But wifey number 2 displayed numerous red flags and he just took it like a simpering little bitch. I admit, I lost respect for him.

I'm kinda worried man, as you're a fairly good author and I genuinely have liked some of your stuff. Now I'm starting to get wary.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Artificial Plot

Way too long for no plot at all.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 5 years ago

I lost my wife to cancer over 1 year ago. I was at her side the entire time and tried to find a solution, but there just wasn't one. The wife made a mistake and should have involved the husband as soon as possible.

Freddog6601Freddog6601over 5 years ago
Just ok

This is not up there with some of your other work.

The story felt stiff, with restarts done with jerks. The characters did not mesh well at all. The premise has been used before in Romance. I would suggest that this be reworked as a Romance piece removing the LW characteristics.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Liked It

Hey, you have to cut the guy a little slack, it’s really easy to get “gunshy” when you were burned as badly as he was by his first wife. I did like the line, “And be late for my surprise party? Not on your life”.There’s a phrase you just don’t here every day. Again, good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Very nice

Give the guy a break, once burned twice shy I don't care how many years go by.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not just "No." But "HELL NO"!

Any man with an ounce of smarts never calls her back after she admits to sleeping with the other man. That should have told him all he needed to know about her true character. I think most men never return her calls after the very first date. Who wants to be cross-examined by a stranger, on their first date? Talk about a shrew. So for my money, them getting married was a no-go. And after what she did, a divorce was a given. What a cunt! Awful ending.

1 star

jimjam69jimjam69over 4 years ago
Good story

Pretty good story all around. In spite of being a two time loser, he certainly overreacted to a few short term abberations.

ewray321ewray321over 4 years ago
Liked It

Very good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A Very Good Story

But like he admitted he overreacted just like way too many commentators did. Cut them both a little slack, if you'd gone through what he did you might too. Should he have acted before the facts were known? No. Should she have talked about what was happening to him at the beginning? Yes. Should she have talked with him before anyone else? Yes. My only other suggestion would have been a miracle worker; Dr. Bennett Stein, MD, the retired former head of Neurosurgery at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. He saved the life of one very dear to me years ago, whom I now miss every day. Signed: BTW

NitpicNitpicabout 4 years ago

I think she has a cheek getting snotty about the divorce papers,it was her own fault.If she hadn't behaved and acted the way she did he wouldn't have thought about a divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Considering that he caught her sleeping around on him while they were dating, is plenty reason to think that she might be cheating again. Read the story, but not that excited about the "happy" outcome. She had to be dragged kicking and screaming across the finish line.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
VERY GOOD STORY...........

Once we got past the unbelievable section it was pretty good.

When he saw her out on the town during his business meeting and she admitted she'd fucked her date that would have been the end of this story for most men. Especially this man who'd been cheated on. No way he mistakes that kind of behavior as a positive indicator something good was going to come out of this. MH

LoejtcLoejtcalmost 4 years ago
The Best Kind of Story

No criticism, no BS about commas or spelling, no weary story line issues, just a well written interesting pleasant read.

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
A very good story

Communicate people

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I am sorry but this story doesn't make a lot of sense. I understand the theme but some of the decisions regarding the plot are just odd. Breast cancer works far better narratively speaking. Why wouldn’t he get the same PI that was used previously. They hadn't discussed exclusivity so he really can't be upset but she asks him over when she has just fucked another man minutes to hours previously. See what i mean? This is just odd.

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Better a dead faithful wife, than a living cheating slut wife!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A pair of morons, who deserve each other.He was thicker than a block of oak!

Lots of gaps in the plot and sorely requires editing. 4*s.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It's where most marriages fail. You've got to talk to each other. If you are to embarrassed to talk about something to your partner then maybe you are not with the right person.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago

Great cautionary tale. Having said that, if a girl is fucking more than one person at a time, she isn’t wife material.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story - think that there is a lesson or two in there somewhere. 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Bullshit, a wife with cancer doesn’t confide in her loving husband! She tells her mother but not her loving husband. She cuts off sex to her husband! I don’t see how a brain tumor caused a decrease in her sex drive! Vicki was a terrible wife!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Yeah, and also, she subjects the guy to an interrogation and makes him wait six weeks to sleep with them, while her other dates have an easy time and get to fuck her immediately. Vicky is highly suspicious.

NitpicNitpicalmost 3 years ago

Me,I would have gone through with the divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Never had “The Big ‘C’ “, but I’ve known several people who have, including my wife. Don’t know if it was the cancer or the radiation and chemo but my wife’s sex drive went from greater than mine to Zero in about two weeks. I’ve heard the same story from a couple of other guys whose wives had it. Good story, Slirpuff, with the best possible ending about a very tough subject. Thanks.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

4 stars - just because of how far it got before she actually had the guts to finally tell him what was wrong. In a normal couple arrangement that would never happen - not ever. BUT this is FANTASYLAND.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The only problem I have with this story is one of time lines. Why did it take so long between suspicion and diagnosis. As others have mentioned why did it take months till she knew she had cancer. In my wife's case she was diagnosed 3 weeks after seeing her GP/

2 weeks later surgery then chemo and radiation. 2 years later I cremated her and sprinkled her ashes over our property.

Apart from the first week she kept me up to date with what was going on.

Nitpic why would you divorce her. She was obviously concerned about the cancer. She did not cheat on her husband she was just worried about his reaction. FFS get a life you poor excuse for a human being.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

He should have never dated her after he caught her fucking other men.

What a slut and wimp.

Nice plot device later though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Decent enough story but a terrible ending. How does he even get together in the first place when she ignores him for two weeks? Most men would stop calling after the first couple of days. When she sleeps with the other man, their relationship is toast from every perspective. So they never get together and the whole story disappears. I can't imagine a man in his place pursuing her. He can't trust her. She shows up at his apartment with coffee? Close the door on her. Done and done.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Great story and it goes to show what problems can arise out of a lack of communication. Well written with a great ending. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 2 years ago

The beginning just doesn't jive. I don't think Vicky is a cheater but honestly, the phone call was creepy as fuck. She just fucked a guy and wants him to go over so they can clear the air? Huh? Who does that? Was she taking it slow with the other guy. Was she going to give him sloppy seconds? It's creepy as fuck.

If she has that strong of feelings for the dude to worry about losing him then why would she not just finish the date and deal with it instead of spending the night getting laid. I am sorry but in no way is that normal behavior for someone who claims to be in love. This is ESPECIALLY the case during the early stages of a relationship when feelings of romantic love tend to be very strong.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

How I would love to read a story where the husband has a couple of balls, thinks reasonably well and acts with some logic and decency.

Why are husbands always portrayed as queers without any kind of personality, immersed in 'guilt' and groping in the dark?

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Very lucky girl, watch out for the scar tissue. As I have said before communication is everything. Thanks for your writing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 2 years ago

"I just didn't have it in me and I didn't want to get into another argument." - How is it "getting into and argument" telling your husband you're sick?


"I was calling myself a lot of ugly names." - Why? He had every right to be suspicious, especially when he asked what was wrong and she blew him off.


"You thought so little of me that you'd divorce me without even talking to me first?" - He TRIED talking to her, and she kept blowing him off, and didn't share her condition with him!


"Do you want to talk or do we just call it quits and move on separately?" - She was pissed at him for not talking, now SHE won't talk?


I was just looking at an older comment regarding her computer, how she acted suspicious with it.


While I'm happy for the happy ending, when she said that she'd leave him when she was cured, I was hoping she wouldn't make it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

""I'm sorry about last time. I'd been on some really awful dates and decided to find out a little about you right away. I sorry I was so blunt. But, if you were an ass, I wasn't going to waste my time making small talk for the rest of the night."

From her dialog in the story it was obvious Vicki was being the ass.

Also concealing her medical problems for months and not talking to her husband when he kept inquiring what was going on she was still being an ass.

""You thought so little of me that you'd divorce me without even talking to me first?"

Vicki thought little of her husband, hiding her health issues and being secretive about her comings and goings. She gets pissed off at her husband because he was going to divorce her over her secretive behavior. Vicki was not acting trustworthy and wouldn't talk to her husband about her secretive behavior. The husband has seen this movie before and know how it ends. The lack of communication started and ended with her but she fails to see she's responsibility for the conclusion her husband reached by lying and hiding her medical issues. She's lucky she got a second chance after threatening to leave her husband and take their kids away from their father.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm sorry... but if Steve didn't want his wife to find out about the divorce papers then why did he throw them in the trash can where his wife could easily find them... I know if I look in there and found a manila envelope that look as though it might have important papers I would definitely investigate... that made absolutely not sense whatsoever... unless he wanted her to find them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story BUT I can see why not being honest with each other can cause heaps of problems One of your better ones (jaybee186)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am sorry she is sleeping with other people while with him knowing his history I would not have giving her a second chance end of story.

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