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We left his house feeling better about things. We went to Sandy's doctors office and had blood and urine samples taken. We were told we would have the results the next day.

We went back home after stopping by the motel and checking out and getting my things. Sandy wanted to know if that meant I would sleep with her that night.' "Not until we get a clean bill of health on you, girl. We can't take a chance on both of us being sick."

She cried a little bit but cheered up some when I told her that I would be close by in the spare bed room. I didn't tell her that I was still having problems myself adjusting to forgiving what she had done. Part of me wanted desperately to make love to her, the other part was still disgusted by her behavior. I knew I was going to need some help myself.

The next day we got good news, she was clean, no STPs showed up. It wouldn't be positive as to HIV until she had another test in 30 days.

She grabbed me and kissed me as soon as we got the news. I pulled away from her and cried like a baby, I was so happy she was not infected. She said, "This is wonderful, I am so happy!"

I walked to the window and looked out, seeing nothing. She came up and put her arms around me and hugged my back. "You are still stiff as a board. I don't think you want me any more. I guess I can't blame you."

I said, "What do you expect? I love you with all my heart, Sandy, I just still see you fucking all those men. It is hard to forget. What would you have done in my place? I will stand by you in every way. I just have a big problem to solve also if we are going to save our marriage. It won't be easy for either of us."

She pulled me around to face her. "I killed the feelings you had for me, didn't I? I killed the best thing in my life."

"They are not dead, this would be much easier for me if they were dead, they are not. Badly wounded I would say, not dead yet! You still haven't said what you would have done if you caught me cheating on you with a bunch of people. What WOULD you do?"

"I don't really know, I just can't picture that happening, you are so strong and true it could never happen."

"That is exactly how I saw you."

"God, that would shatter my soul. I would be really devastated. I just can't imagine you doing that."

"Right, that is exactly how I felt about you. Doesn't leave you much to hang on to does it. Everything you trusted and believed in is not there anymore. Leaves you very empty and you feel abandoned and forlorn."

I looked around and she was gone. I heard her shut the door to our room. I ran after her and caught her. I picked her up and threw her on the bed. I jumped on behind her. I held her tightly to me.

"Sandy, my life is in your hands, don't let me down again. Please don't do it again. It would kill me. I know I can't live with out you. But I can't share you. I just can't. Maybe I just don't love you enough to let you have your pleasures as long as you come back to me. Maybe I should be willing to risk our lives for your pleasures. I guess my ego is not strong enough to permit that. I really just want you to be happy, healthy and content. I guess what you did tells me something I do not want to accept. I am not enough of a man or lover to satisfy you. Maybe the cure is for you to find a better man. Perhaps letting you go would be the best thing I can do for you. I feel I may be the cause of your problem, Setting you free may be the best thing I can do for you."

"Darling, you know in your heart that none of that is true. Doc Jake told us the problem is with me. Not you, me.

Setting me free, as you call it, would really be killing me. You have just saved my life. I will surly die a horrible death if you abandon me."

I couldn't help it. I pulled her to me and kissed her deeply. I had to love her. She was really part of me. She was all I lived for. I needed her to be alive, and to make me a complete person. There were really no options, we had to cure her.

The cure took a long time. Many, many sessions of therapy. I attended most of them with Sandy. Our love life seemed to be better than ever. If she missed the multiple sex partners she never mentioned it or showed it in any way. When I had to go out of town she went with me. I really enjoyed having her with me. I knew she was not that happy about the trips where she had to spend hours alone at a motel in a small town near a military base. She read a lot on those trips. I tried to work my schedule so we could do a lot of sightseeing and shopping. She loved that.

The hypnosis was very successful I thought in making her hurt at even the thought of going back to her old ways. The therapy made her realize that she was one of a huge number of people with compulsive sexual disorders.

About a year later I had to tell her I was being sent on a trip to England. She could not accompany me. She cried. She didn't want to be away from me for a whole ten days. I still could not bring myself to trust her completely. I really didn't know what to do. I talked to an old friend of mine, Tom Greer. I told him my problem. He is an excellent detective. He told me that if he could get in my house for an hour he could set it up so that when I dialed my home phone and added six numbers it would not ring. I would then have the option of pressing either a one, a two, a three, a four, a five, or a six. One would let me hear everything said in the living room. punching two would turn on the kitchen. Three the master bed room. Four would let me hear all three at once. Number five set the system so that everything said in the house was recorded. Both sides of a phone conversation would be recorded. It would record up to 200 hours of talking. Music would be filtered out and would not activate the recorder. If I pressed six, everything recorded since the previous playback would be played back to me.

I gave Tom the key to the house and told him when we would be gone. I took Sandy for her three hour group session.

The next day I spoke to Tom from work and he told me where he had left the key and that the system was now active. I tried it out and could hear Sandy humming as she did her house work. Later that afternoon my cell phone buzzed and I answered. I heard Sandy having a conversation with one of her friends from the group therapy. Sandy asked how she was doing. The girl replied that it was hard for her if her boyfriend was out of town for more than a day or two. She said she started having unwanted desires crop up after that.

Sandy said that she understood the feeling and that the girl should call her for support in that event. She also told the girl that she herself was facing ten days alone. She said she felt strong enough to make it but that if she felt the slightest urge she would call for help from the members of the group.

Two days later I departed for Europe. I called Sandy as soon as I arrived at my hotel. She was happy to hear from me and cried saying she missed me very much already. I told her I would call her before I went to bed, about 5 in the afternoon her time. We talked for a long time. I called as promised and she said for me to call her anytime I could. I said I would. My satellite phone chirped about an hour later. I recognized the person who visiting her as a older neighbor lady, Edna, she was friendly with. They talked for a while and I quit listening and went to sleep. I called morning, noon, and evenings. Friday evening I was invited to fly back home on the corporate jet with the big bosses for the weekend. I accepted and tried to reach Sandy by my satellite phone. For some reason it wasn't working. When I got off the plane I punched in our number. No answer. I tried listening on each phone, nothing. I gave up. When I got home I saw what appeared to be the same group of cars that were there the last time I came home unexpectedly. Oh! No! I thought, not again. I just walked to the door and quietly unlocked it. I walked in and saw people standing around sipping drinks. There was Joe, Dave, Bill. And Frank.

They were all fully clothed, as where the other people in the room. They all stared wide eyed at me. Sandy came from the kitchen and dropped the tray she was carrying and ran to me. She grabbed me and kissed me passionately on the lips. She started crying. Bill held up his hand, "Hey, I know what you probably think, you are wrong. We were asked here by your friend Doc Jake."

Sandy looked up at me and grinned, nodding. I saw Doc Jake grinning behind her.

"Dirk, this was a test. Sandy passed with flying colors. I asked all these people to come here and try to get Sandy to party with them. They even got naked and had sex in front of her. She would not take part and asked them to leave. I was parked across the street. They signaled me and I came over. You just caught us celebrating your wife's complete cure. We are all now leaving. They will never return. Have a nice day, son!

Soon they were all gone. I looked at Sandy and felt tears run down my cheeks. She was crying too! I opened my arms and she pressed against me tightly. We stood holding each other for a while, then moved slowly to the bed room.

Sandy looked up at me while she undid my tie. "Darling, I think it is time to start working on starting a family. I stopped taking the pill last month. I hope you are ready too."

I nodded.

"Well then let's get on with it, shall we?" I ripped my shirt off, kicked my shoes across the room and unfastened my belt and pulled down my zipper. Sandy giggled as she wiggled out of her jeans, she hooked her thumbs in her panties and pulled them down. She reached behind her for her bra as I jumped for the bed. She was close behind. She pushed me on my back slipped on top of me. She covered my face with kisses.

I felt her hot tears on my face as our tongues met with plenty of passion too. She loved to suck gently on my lower lip then bite it softly before she gently sucked again. I loved it too. I held her face between my hands and tenderly kissed her eyes and her ears. She loved it when I would stick my tongue in her ear, then gently nipple at the lobe with my teeth.

I pulled her onto her back and crawled up over her. I started kissing down from her neck and across her chest to her breasts. I grasped a breast with both hands and gently squeezed until the mound of flesh was elevated and the pink nipple stood proud and tall. I softly circled it with the tip of my tongue. Then I sucked gently on it and flipped it with my tongue as she mewed softly in the back of her throat. She grasped my head gently and moved it to the other breast. I placed my hands around it and repeated the loving. The nipple was warm and erect. I sucked it gently delighting in the feel of it between my lips and against my tongue. I thought how wonderful it would be if she had a baby and I could get a tiny sip of her milk now and then. I had no memory of how a mother's milk tasted.

Sandy said, "Please, please I need you inside me now! Please hurry. Please darling Dirk. I want you in me right now."

One has to obey the call to duty. I rubbed the head of my rock hard penis in the juices from her pussy and it slipped into her hot tight sheath. I moved in a bit at a time, knowing she wanted me to slam it all the way in. I teased her with short strokes and when she reacted by pushing up against me, trying to get more of me in her, I really socked it to her. I was rutting like a dog over a bitch in heat. Slamming as hard and fast as I could. I looked up at her. She was grinning from ear to ear with her joy. She mewed then shook and screamed in her enjoyment of our loving. She tightened her vagina walls and I knew I wouldn't be able to last long. God she was tight and wet. I screamed as my own climax thundered through me. I felt pulse after pulse of my sperm coat the inside of her vagina making it even slipperier. I murmured, "Go little wigglers, hurry to your goal! Find her tiny egg and wiggle inside to make me a daddy. Hurry now!"

I heard her giggle. Then she said, "Yes, dear little guys please hurry. Please do you job. May three or four of you find eggs. Hurry tiny guys, make Sandy a Momma."

"Three or four?"

"Why not, I would love that. I want to have your babies so badly, I really do!"

"We will do what it takes. This is the first time we have tried for a child. We can't expect immediate results can we?"

"Why not. I have always felt that if you and I tried I would get pregnant right away. They tell me that men with lumpy sperm are super potent. Yours is very lumpy and sticky. I almost have to chew it to swallow it."

"Are you serious?"

"Sure, every girl knows that! I won't be swallowing any for a while though. It is all going somewhere else until I get pregnant. I do love kissing your cock though. Giving you blow jobs is one of my very most favorite things to do in the whole world. I love it. Look at the poor exhausted thing now. Let me kiss him and cuddle him to my cheek. He is my best buddy, I love him. Oh! Look. He is stirring. Maybe he will wake up if I suck him into my mouth like this. Mmmmmmmm he tastes like both of us. Oh! He likes to be stroked too! Yes, he does! He likes my tongue too! Let me play with him a bit, when you are ready you know where to put him."

She stroked her warm wet mouth up and down my cock. He was almost ready as she gently sucked on my balls. Wow, that felt really good. I was afraid to ask where she had learned that. I pushed her back and slipped between her legs and plunged my face between her legs. I spread her vulva and lunged for her inner lips. I loved to suck them into my mouth and really savor the taste of her. I could taste myself too, the mixture of our fluids was nice, I liked it. I lifted myself over her and her little hand guided him into her sweet pussy. We made love until I had cum inside her twice more.

We sat in the living room and asked her how she felt. I asked her if she really felt she was totally cured of her compulsive sexual urges.

She looked at me. "No, not really, I still have deep cravings and very strong desires to have make love."

I felt my heart stop. Tears ran down my cheeks. I stood up and looked around for some place to bury my head. I was dizzy and disoriented. Everything looked fuzzy and gradually turned dark then black.

Then I heard her crying and felt her tears on my face. I opened my eyes and pulled her face to mine. I kissed her eyes and she wept against my chest. "Sandy, please stop crying, I love you. I won't leave you." She cried harder.

"Dirk, baby, I love you too. I have never made love to anyone but you. Sex, yes, love no. I have no desire to have sex anymore. I just crave making love to you. Just you, only you."

I looked at her. I lifted her head with my hands. I told her that would always love her and that I would live any life style she wanted to live. "Just don't lie or cheat on me. Tell what you need to make you happy and I will help you have it if I can."

"I just want to go back to the love we had before you caught me. Oh! Not the sex with other people. The love I want was when I had your full love and trust. I need that more than anything. It makes me feel so warm, safe, and content in every way. I do not miss having sex with other men. You are all the man I ever want or need."

I smiled at her. "What about sex with other women?"

"I promised you I would never lie to you or cheat on you again as long as I live. I can't break that promise. I do miss having sex with other girls. I am sorry, I don't miss the men at all. Are you disappointed in me? Do you still love me after I told you I miss the girls?"

I pulled her to me and kissed her softly. "No, Sweetie, I'm not upset at all. I love you and I know I always will. I need to think about what you just said. I know it doesn't seem to bother me at all, I just need to think it out. I love you for telling me the truth. That is what I want no matter what. It really builds my trust in you a lot."

"I really hope you are gaining in your trust of me. I will tell you right now that no matter how much I miss the girls I will never touch one with out your permission. I will never hurt you again. I have never been in such total misery as I was when I thought I had lost you forever. I never want to go through that again."

"What if I told you I would like to make love to other men?"


"How do you feel about me having sex with other guys?"

"I can't believe you said that, I would never have believe you could want that. I don't know what to think."

"How about with Joe, he has a nice big black cock?"

"I don't think I like this. Not at all. Are you serious?"

"I don't know, it might be fun. But it would only be fair wouldn't it?"

"Oh! I see where you're going. You are right, if I am doing other girls, why shouldn't you do other men?"

"Yeah? Why not?"

"I don't want you to do that, I really don't."

"Fine, I agree with you. I don't do other guys, you don't do other gals. OK?"

"Thank you, I feel much better now. You think you are pretty sneaky don't you?"

"Not me, you called the shot, not me."

Sandy giggled, "I will never play poker with you again, you bluffed me out."

"But poke her is one of my favorite games."

She laughed, "Would you like to try a game. See how good you can bluff?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Using Mental Illness Is A Lazy Plot Device

Oh, she's crazy, so she can do anything I write and I don't have to explain or justify it to the readers because . . ., she's crazy!

She's crazy for cock. Of course women who are cock crazy otherwise act very normal and average. That's why there a millions of cock crazy women who's husbands don't have a clue. They are having neighborhood gang bangs and fucking the mailman and UPS driver and, and, there's never the slightest hint. No odd looks, stray comments, inappropriate touching. Maybe a neighbor telling him he's about out of rum?

And of course who doesn't want to be and stay marred to the neighborhood bike. I'm sure all the coworkers who were fucking her have the greatest discretion and respect for the husband, yuk, yuk, yuk. Even his boss!! Yeah, can't wait to see his employee evaluation: a real team player; knows the real meaning of sharing.

Whatever. It snot.

Thanks for the effort.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Rich robust nuances in a cuck and whore story? Some people are idiots

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

A stupid cuck story. I simply do not understand why you authors think people go for these stories. The vast majority of the worlds male population would stand by and see their wives fucked in front of them and then try and save their marriage. These stories are absolute garbage And cater for a minuscule part of the population. What a waste of time and effort

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42about 6 years ago
Well done

For a story of this type I found the narrative rich and robust with many nuances present which are mostly left out of similar themed stories. Well done indeed. Thanks,

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I don't know what you were fishing for but you have certainly stirred up all the maggots and bottom feeders

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

"she was clean, no STPs showed up"

Really STP's??

Fucking idiot... what is she a car waiting for an oil change?

Cuck fuck.

Impo_64Impo_64about 7 years ago
He is really fucked now!

He is really fucked now! His friend Doc Jake is now a member of the orgy gang, and is fucking her too. That's why he assured him that she had passed the test with flying colors...

Ocker51Ocker51over 7 years ago
Give Me a Break

You come home and find your misses in the middle an orgy & you later find out it is a regular thing but you forgive her coz she has an illness, give me a break.

You have video proof about your so called friends fucking your misses & others including homosexual sex & you say I won't do anything about it coz I don't want to hurt there wives coz there innocent. What about protecting the innocent wives & husbands from STD or HIV? Give me a break.

I like this author but this story was totally unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I Think Nymphomania Is Very Real

I was once married to a woman that I feel certain is a nymphomaniac. Four days after marrying her she ran off with a biker gang. I never did learn how many men and women were in the gang, but she admitted they all got drunk and high and she had sex with every one who wanted her. Like a damned fool, I took her back. She was in the National Guard, and I was regular Army, assigned to her unit to train personnel in the Administrative section. The unit went to Summer Camp. I stayed behind. About 6 days into the Summer Camp, I got a phone call. The NG Unit needed some replacement parts and a 5-ton truck. I loaded the parts on the truck they needed and set out. The company was bivouacked in a secluded area of woods. I had no trouble finding the area. After dropping off the truck and parts, I went in search of my wife. I found her in a deuce and a half being gangbanged. As I climbed into the truck I could not believe how many men I saw fucking my wife. Unfortunately I did find out. During that bivouac, she had had sex with 56 men and 1 woman. I know because I was the one who typed up her Article 13's, her court martial and her termination papers. We were divorced not too long afterwards. She never remarried but moved in with another man. She had 3 children that he is raising as his. But the entire population of our area knows they are not his. But three of his four brothers are each the biological father of one each of her children. She has also had sex with all three of her brothers.

EddboyEddboyalmost 9 years ago

not sure if nymphomania is a serious condition or just an excuse for weak willed women. I love sex, being young i have no problem having sex several times a day or masturbating 3 or 4 times a day. i remember dating this one girl who didnt let me have sex with her till a couple months and i resisted the urge to cheat (though i had chances) bc i knew it would be wrong. Divorce would be my option here

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Fuck you Huedogg2

Huedogg2 - Are you 14 years old? Have you ever had a girlfriend? Grow up jerk!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

the end confused me it seemed like they agreed he would try men?

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 9 years ago
fuck you Tavadelphin

she's a whore plain and simple. And the husband is a fucking cuckold loving moron just like the great grey eagle 286. It's bullshit, she's a sex addict, my ass, she's just a whore with a high sex drive. Please put the whore out to pasture or put her down like you do a rabid dog.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
First - check the tapes

Then - go to work on kids -

BUT never assume she is done with the bad behaviors - addicts relapse -

She is an addict - it is primarily psychological BUT the physical responses are real too so do not ASSume all is well.

People like that do exist, like an alcoholic, they are never done and they must want to do well or they gail - no amount of support will do it for them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
whatever "quality" issues people had/have with this story...

It DID send a message. Others have noted it. The "in SICKNESS and health" part of the vows IS just as important as the "forsaking all others" part. Too many stories ONLY focus on cheating being the obvious disaster that it is. Sure, sometimes you can't fix a problem, no matter how much you would like to, but what if? To me, this was a "what if?" kind of story. What was good about it, was that she REALLY wanted to get help, and get better. To me, it seemed like the "wake-up" call was the threat of disease (the "STP"s- LOL!). But more important than that, this was a woman who was TERRIFIED of being left alone. These are strong motivators. Again, the message here was a good one: IF she is READY to get help, then help can be applied, and healing can begin. This story works, because it follows a dynamic change, and this character emerges stronger and better than at the start. We can pick apart the lack of realism, and the "quackery" of Doc Joe, and sloppy dialogue, and rushed stereo-typed characterizations. However, all of that only slightly diminishes the message Grey Eagle was trying to share. No, this wasn't a story about revenge, not even the revenge of "living life well". It wasn't supposed to be. Grey can and has written those types of stories. This was a relatively short view of the long road to healing, forgiveness, and understanding. His actions defined him as the "better" person, and he needed to be that for her. He had to stay the BEST MAN SHE EVER MET. He needed to be someone WORTH going through all of the pain, regret, and therapy for. If he left her, she would be out on the street, whoring within days, and dead within months. How could he (or any BTB commenter convinced he had no other option) live with himself after that?

Was this the best story? No. Was this even well written? Not really. Was it worth reading? Well yes, if only to get a reader to think about a situation like this, where even after a betrayal SO HEINOUS, there might still be some hope. Getting people to think IS a sign of a good story-teller, and I thank this author for his contributions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I think a H&K 9mm submachine gun would be all the forgiveness that nigger fucking cheating cunt and her friends would get

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
RonRWood a sad fucking story

I agree to a point, I believe in the marriage vows. Been married for 18 years. I was married the 1st time for 9 years. I understand the sticking to your vows. I don't agree with the degree. My ex made choices, sick or not she chose to do what she did, they all do. The wife in the story couldn't control her sex drive. There has to be a limit, if the is not limit it won't end and no one deserves to be put in that postion for life.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Not bad

She had a mental problem and her husband saw her through it. My wife has an alcohol problem and for 32 years I have had to endure what that brings, which is plenty of hardache. Nobody I know nor my family really understands why have put up with her. I have wondered why myself all these years. I have read thousands of these stories and can tell you that cheating is not the only betrayal. She has lied to me and promised me a thousand times she will quit. She has been to rehab more than once. She even quit for 11 years. One day she had started again drinking just one with our daughter. Now she is a full blown alkie again and I despair being able to care for her at my age and health. I am sure that any who read this ask why I have put up with this for so long and still do. Heres why:

1. Because I fell in love with her and still love her after 33 years.

2. Because most of the time she is not just a drunk and is a loving Mother to our girls.

3. Because I took a vow to love her both in sickness and in health.

4. Because I guess that I am just a "Wimp".

So, you can see that I can accept this story even though her sickness was in being a Nymphomanic. She at least found a cure. Mine will not until she dies. I hope to die with her.

deetimesdeetimesalmost 15 years ago
Thanks Grey


I love your stories but all of this negativity from the readers makes me so sad... you are a great writer and don't forget it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago


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