Omnymphotents: Meeting Cyl


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I stared at her, expecting more. She didn't elaborate. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I just woke up like this one day. Went to bed a normal woman. Woke up omnipotent."


"Near as I can figure, yeah."

"You can do anything."


"Make me a ham sandwich."

In an instant, I lost all my senses, save for touch and taste. My body felt strangely squashed, with the odd sensation of being covered in layers of different substances. I felt the softly coarse texture of fresh bread, the moist slick firmness of cold cut meat, the firm gooeyness of cheese, the cool crispness of lettuce, and the wet supple flesh of a thick tomato slice. I could taste it all too, as if every inch of my tongue was touching the best goddamned ham sandwich I had ever put in my mouth.

Except I didn't have a mouth. Or a tongue. Or any human body parts. I was bread and meat and cheese and lettuce and tomato, stacked together. I couldn't see or hear or smell, but I could feel, and taste, with every fiber of my being, that I had been turned into a fucking ham sandwich.

I hollered. Except without a mouth or lungs or a vocal chord, I could only think it.

Cyl's words caressed my mind like gossamer feathers as she spoke directly into my psyche with telepathy.

I should probably be having a panic attack at the moment, but my sense of distress was oddly muted. I guess not having blood vessels or lungs or a heart, I didn't have the physical reactions to match my mental state, but I was still freaked out.

And then suddenly, I was me again, my human body restored. Cyl was giggling.

"That wasn't funny!" I said, glaring at her. I scooted up into a sitting position, pushing myself back against the headboard to get a few inches of distance from her.

"Come on, that's the oldest genie joke in the book!" she said, still smiling with mirth. "You even specifically said that to see if that would be the outcome!"

She wasn't wrong. As soon as the words started leaving my mouth, I was recalling tales of monkey's paws and mischievous djinn.

She composed herself, stifling her giggles. "Let's go finish our coffees shall we?"

And with that, we were suddenly back in my kitchen. The table and chairs were set back into position. The coffee was just the right degree of hot. We were both still naked, though. I blinked and shook my head as I oriented myself again. I took a sip of the coffee, and felt the sparks of energy and focus zip through me. This stuff was amazing.

Cyl smiled again as she took a sip. "Thank you. I made it myself."

I gave a sly smile of my own. "Tastes like it."

That earned another chuckle and an adorable blush. I took a long breath and met her gaze again. I was managing to get used to her metallic eyes. The silver-white hair didn't even look that strange anymore.

"Okay, let's just run through this again. You're omnipotent."


"You can do anything."


"You just woke up one day with limitless super powers."


"And instead of using your powers to, I dunno, change the world or rule the world or explore the cosmos or whatever, you decided to visit some random schlub for a quickie?"

She smirked, taking a sip of her drink. "Not just a quickie. But yes. I have come to you for sex."


"Why not? You're available. I knew you'd be up for it."

"No, I mean, as a cosmic being, or whatever, why are you coming to me for sex, instead of doing literally anything else?"

"I'm horny."

"Really? Everything you can do, you couldn't, I dunno, just spontaneously create a harem for yourself?"

"I could. But it's more fun to do it with real people. Well, I mean, I can make real people, too, but even then, that's more like masturbation. I want to have sex, with another person, one I didn't just wish into existence."

"I'm a nobody."

"You aren't a nobody. Nobody is a nobody. You're a person. A nice person whom I would like to have sex with."

"Alright, I'm not going to argue platitudes. I just don't understand, why would sex be something a being of your nature is even interested in?"

"I like sex."

"That's it?"

"That's literally it. When I say I'm horny, I mean it. I'm pretty much always in the mood, and with my powers, I can have all sorts of experiences, so I don't see any reason not to indulge."

"Do you do anything else?"

"Well, sure. I don't have a job or anything, but I have some other hobbies. But sex is what I live for. It's always on my mind."

"I find that hard to believe."

"I don't need you to believe it. I would just very much like for you to be my lover."

Despite her undeniable beauty and entrancing presence, questions were starting to form in my mind. The uncomfortable truths that one was faced with, when confronting the existence of a god. For a moment, my attraction wavered as the deeper implications of just what she was started to dig through my erotic impulses.

"But, wait, if you can do anything, why—"

She put a hand up to cut me off, and gave an exasperated sigh. "We're not having that conversation. Let me make this absolutely clear, Don. I am not a goddess, I am not a superhero, and I am not here to interfere with the development of the human race. I'm not going to tell you how to live your lives. I am not going to fix your problems for you. I am not going to be responsible for your messes or your successes. I will not be a tyrant, even a benevolent one. I will not be some subtle guiding hand. I am a person, like you. I have my own wants and desires. I'm not out to hurt anyone, but I am not beholden to mortal impositions of morality like 'the greater good' or 'with great power comes great responsibility' or "if you don't fix all my problems, you're evil' okay?"

She took another sip of her coffee. "I am just here to have a good time. I like people, I like sex, I like using my powers to play around, and I'm looking for good playmates to have fun with. That's all there is to me, nothing more, nothing less. So please, whatever moral or philosophical arguments are whirling through your mind right now, the answer to all of them is that I don't care, and it's a waste of time trying to debate them with me."

She set her cup down and gave me a firm, but not unkind look. She hadn't raised her voice or glared at me, but I could tell the topic of "what she should be doing with her powers" was one she wasn't willing to entertain.

And if I was honest, I was still pretty blown away by her sheer presence, so I wasn't really up for arguing with her. A lot of the questions she didn't want to debate didn't even fully occur to me until after her visit, when I had time to actually really come to grips with the experience of who and what she was. And by the time of her next visit, I'd come to the conclusion that those questions were useless.

After all, she is all-powerful. She can do anything she wants, and no one can stop her. So if all she wants to do is travel around the world, making love to whoever catches her fancy—and isn't going to have a problem with such an arrangement—well, more power to her.

"Okay," I finally said, after mulling over my next words. "So you're an omnipotent nymphomaniac." I grinned. "An Omnymphotent."

She laughed. "You have a way with words." She tapped her chin in thought for a moment, then nodded sagely. "Yes. An Omnymphotent. I like that a lot!"

I blushed a bit. "Just a terrible pun."

"Terrible puns are the best puns!"

I shook my head. "Something like you cannot possibly be real. You're the ultimate wet dream of any guy, hell, a lot women, I'd bet. A cosmic booty call incarnate. You just show up, we have sex, no strings attached? You're not going to kidnap me and put me in your godly sex-toy drawer, are you?"

She chuckled, shaking her head. "No, don't be ridiculous. I'm not here to ruin your life that way."

"I just don't know what I did to deserve the attention of someone like you."

She shrugged. "It's not about deserving, really. You were available, and you are the kind of guy I can do this with, who isn't going to get weird about it. So I paid you a visit."

"Wouldn't you rather pay a visit to some Chad Thundercock?"

"Mr. Thundercock is a very lovely gentleman, and I'm sure I will enjoy him if and when the time comes. Just as I will many others."

I felt a slight pang in my chest. "Alright then." Of course a being like her wasn't looking for a specific guy to be with long term. This wasn't one of those sitcoms or harem anime, where the boring everyman gets a magical girlfriend for life. I hadn't even really been thinking that way, but once it was mentioned, I felt that instinctive sting. Most people didn't like the idea of just being one random guy or girl on someone's hook-up list.

"Sorry. No offense, but I am specifically looking for lovers, not boyfriends or husbands. I'm not really someone who'd make a good life partner for a mortal, I will fully admit that. And being what I am, no single mortal would be able to handle me full time. So I take many lovers."

I nodded, and made a little wave. "No, I get it. I understand." I leaned back in my chair, took another sip of coffee and let this whole situation settle in my mind. I still couldn't believe it, but, well, it was hard to argue when she was sitting right across from me, and I was drinking her coffee which was so damn good. I hoped there was at least enough left in the pot to fill my thermos for later.

She smiled again, still openly reading my thoughts. "I'll leave you a couple bags, if you want."

I smiled. "That would be great."

"Anything else you'd like to ask me?"

I tried to think of something, but I felt like I already had the gist of the situation. And the more I looked at her, the more I found myself not caring to waste to much more time talking. I could tell what we'd already done so far was just a quickie by her measure, even if was the greatest sex I'd yet had in my life.

Still, I did have a couple more thoughts to convey. "I'm just going to put this out here, whatever guy you seek out next, maybe be a little more subtle next time? Don't just barge into his kitchen and then turbo-charge his cock. Maybe, I don't know, flirt with him at a store or something, let him wine and dine you a bit. Show off your powers in a less aggressive way first."

She shrugged. "I really don't have much patience for the dating thing. I want to get busy. But, I take your meaning." She grinned sheepishly. "I did actually intend to have a nice chat over coffee first. Really. You just reacted so strongly, and I was already wound up with anticipation."

"It's okay." I took another sip. "Will I see you again after this?"

"Of course." She smiled warmly again, and my heart melted once more. She reached out and put her hand over mine. Her touch was electric. I shivered, and my cock twitched again. "You're my playmate now, if you want to be. If not, this can just be a one-night stand. But I know that's not what you want, and I would very much like to visit you again and again."

"Yeah. Me too. I want that, too." I swallowed hard, looking into her eyes. The coppery color was starting to shift back to gold. I could tell she was holding it back, but she was getting into the mood again. Or, well, I suppose she was always in the mood, but the cool down from our initial "quickie" was fading fast. She wasn't going to be able to stall herself much longer, and neither was I.

Just one more thing to say first. "I'm not gunna lie, I feel more like a plaything here, than a playmate. Not necessarily in a bad way, but like you're the cat and I'm the mouse."

"Oh, shush. You're not a thing to me. You're my new lover. I know it may take a bit of getting used to, but I don't want the difference in our abilities to dampen that feeling. Just trust me, whatever I do to you, you're safe with me, and I'll never force you to do anything you don't really want to. But just to warn you, I do know all your desires and fantasies. I know all the kinks you enjoy, including the ones you don't yet know you have. I'll indulge all of them, and I likewise expect you to accommodate my wants in return. I'll try to ease you into it, but I might end up pushing some limits you aren't prepared for just yet. Just know that at any time, if it ever truly gets to be too much, if I start pushing things and you aren't ready, I will know, and I'll stop."

I nodded. I couldn't bring myself to doubt her, even if her proposal did sound a little dubious in hindsight. "Okay."

"Good." She glanced down at my cock. Even though the table was between us, I knew she was able to see right through the wood to scope out my penis clearly. "Now, let's wake him back up, shall we?"

And with that, my cock went fully erect, as it had been dying to this whole time. A moment later, we were back in bed. Except now, the bed was much larger, at least double the size of a king mattress. The room was now a huge, circular chamber with large colorful pillows all around and translucent veils draping down from the ceiling. With a thought, my omnipotent lover had turned my bedroom into a sultan's harem.

I wasn't exactly in the mood to admire the scenery, however. Cyl now was between my legs, smiling up at me. She licked her lips, and my cock quivered in anticipation. She took me into her mouth, giving me a gentle, loving suction, her tongue expertly seeking and flicking my sweet spot.

I came again, in just ten seconds. She swallowed every drop. My cock stayed hard, stayed excited, my load was refilled instantly.

And then I felt hands grasp my shoulders, gently but firmly pushing me down. I looked up to see Cyl smiling down at me. I looked down, and she was still sucking my cock, building me to another quick orgasm. I looked up, and Cyl was there, too, a second Cyl, who was turning and swinging her leg over me to straddle my chest. I smelled the sweet scent of her womanhood, and this second Cyl's moist pussy lips filled my view. Utterly entranced, I instinctively raised my lips to meet hers, and began to lick.

Second Cyl moaned softly as her hands cupped my head. She moved against me, helping me dig my tongue deeper into her, before I fastened my lips on her stiff clitoris, and tried my best to match the oral skill First Cyl was giving me.

It was difficult to keep up, as First Cyl's mouth kept making me cum every ten to thirty seconds, depending on her pace. But even with my clumsy attempts, Second Cyl was on a hair-trigger, shivering and crying out in climax, her fluids flowing freely over me.

And then I felt more hands on my body, caressing my sides and limbs. I felt two wet womanhoods ease down between my arms, guiding my hands up, while another mouth joined with First Cyl's. I came so hard I nearly passed out, but Second Cyl caressed my hair, and I felt tingles on my brain. My senses sharpened, and I managed to stay conscious. Even as pleasure overwhelmed me, I managed to keep focus. Despite my continuous orgasms, I was able to make myself move to please these women, fingering and licking away. I got into a steady rhythm, and soon the Cyls I was pleasing were cumming as steadily as I was.

Second Cyl finally released me, as did First Cyl and her assistant. I was able to take a moment to look around as I caught my breath. My eyes widened as I was able to see that there were many more copies of her around me. Not just the extra women immediately surrounding me, but the whole harem chamber was filled with duplicates of Cyl. Some just watched us with delighted smiles, others did so while masturbating, some were kissing and caressing one another.

Second Cyl lifted herself off me, but was quickly replaced by another. First Cyl and her assistant moved away, but I was promptly taken in to another Cyl's pussy. Likewise, the women I was fingering moved and two more took their place.

The pleasure was unbelievable, the action never ending. I somehow never tired or got sore. I found I didn't even really need to breathe anymore; repeated orgasms took my breath away, while the Cyls riding my face practically drowned me in their fluids, but I noticed I didn't even feel short of breath, somehow still getting oxygen into my system. Likewise, I somehow never ran out of semen, continuing to shoot full loads deep inside the countless mouths and pussies that worked my tireless cock.

They kept me pinned down the whole time, riding me ceaselessly, using my body like a sex toy, but servicing me thoroughly at the same time. I was simultaneously the luckiest man in existence, and yet also clearly just a tool for this all-powerful woman, whose libido seemed insatiable. I found I didn't mind at all.

I made love to the swarm of goddesses for a long, long time, my higher thoughts completely fading away, my body operating on instinct, my mind knowing only animal pleasure and utter worship of this divine being. Cyl later said we had gone at it for an entire month straight. She had frozen time around us to ensure that when we were done, it would still be the same day in the real world as when we started, so my life wouldn't be disrupted by my suddenly vanishing for a month. My mind couldn't quite grasp the mechanics of that, but I've no reason to doubt her claim. She's certainly put me through much crazier experiences since.

When it was finally over, we lay in a boneless sprawl, utterly exhausted, my mind slowly piecing itself back together. Her various extra bodies vanished, one by one, until she was just one woman again, after which, my bedroom turned back to normal, and time must have resumed around us. She thanked me for the good time, gave me a kiss on the lips and the cock, and promised to return when she sensed I was up for more. And then she vanished before my eyes.


And that was how I became the lover of one of the most powerful women in existence. I still sometimes find myself wondering if I'm just insane, and it's all been a hallucination, but of course, the experiences are far too vivid to ever be mere delusions. I've experienced heights of pleasure I'm sure even the mythical gods would be jealous of.

I've experienced things time and again that no mortal man was ever meant to process, and I know it's only her power that has kept me alive and sane through it all. It is somewhat harrowing being her lover at times, but she didn't lie when she said she would never truly hurt me. She knows my limits, she's just not afraid to take me right to them, and slowly ease me past them when she knows I'm ready to take it.

Sometimes, between impossible rounds of sex, we even hang out and do other things together. Small private dates and mortal pastimes like watching movies or playing games or taking hikes or just laying on a beach talking. She has the power to create worlds, and she has invited me to visit them whenever I want, exploring the fantastical lands and meeting the very interesting people.

I'm under no delusions that we're in a real romantic relationship, but I appreciate that we can be at least some kind of friends with benefits, and I'm not just a dildo she tosses aside when she's done.

It's also a small comfort, I suppose, that I'm not alone. In visiting some of those other worlds, I've met other Earthlings who have similar stories. It seems that Cyl is not the only omnipotent nymphomaniac out there. Dozens of horny Goddesses are running around the world, bedding thousands of mortals and roping them into magical sex games. Earth has become the free bordello of whole pantheon of cosmic sex fiends.

Honestly? It's a little scary to think about sometimes. But all things considered, if our world had to be made use of by a bunch of unstoppable deities, we could have ended up with a lot worse options. Personally, I really can't find myself complaining.

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magic_knirfmagic_knirfabout 3 years ago

This fulfills so many of my own hidden fantasies.

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