Operation Daddy's Girl Ch. 01


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"Good!" He interrupted. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't wearing that frickin' thing you call a robe." He laughed.

Jesus Christ... Get that brain of yours out of the fucking gutter Nicole! I almost had another heart attack there.

"Yeah." I forced myself to laugh and took a few more much needed deep breaths. "I told you, that robe was just a joke."

"Yeah it better be." He laughed. "Alright alright, I'll let you get back to your night baby girl. Have fun and be safe. I love you."

"I love you too dad." And then he hung up.

Woooo. I tried to cool off by fanning myself with my hands. I finished my business on the toilet and put my a little bit less wet panties back on. As I washed my hands I looked at myself in the mirror. My makeup was still fine but my cheeks were flushed and my eyes looked glassy. My long straight hair was a little wild and voluminous. I like it. I blew myself a small little kiss and walked out the bathroom.

I found myself in the kitchen and decided to take another shot. As I was sucking on a piece of lime, Derrick walked in. I was a little taken back with his looks again. Damn he's sexy.

"There you are, I thought you ran off or something." He said.

"Why would I?" I leaned back on the kitchen counter.

"I don't know. Maybe after that little performance we gave out there." He pointed towards where the dance floor was and raised his eyebrows.

"Nope. That was completely voluntary." I laughed

"Alright then." He smiled and came closer. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Really? After that little performance we gave out there?" I mocked him and raised an eyebrow.

"Touché." He laughed.

"Do you?" Only fair if I asked the same right?

"What, a girlfriend? Would that make a difference if I offered you another dance?" He asked.

"No. That would have just made you a bad boyfriend, but I still would have had a good time." I smirked.

He threw his head back and laughed. "And you didn't offer, you practically grabbed me out there." I said through his laughter.

"Right." He cleared his throat and had the decency to blush. But then a wicked look appeared on his face as if he remembered something. "But you said it was completely voluntary. I didn't force you to do anything." He walked towards me as if I were the prey and he the predator and stopped till our toes touched. "I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything." He chuckled. Now I was the one blushing.

"Mind if I take a shot?" He asked in a low voice. I shook my head.

He managed to fix himself one with almost no space between us. He took the lime I was holding out of my fingers and placed it in between my parted lips. At that point I couldn't even process what he was about to do. He tossed back the shot while keeping his blue gaze on mine then leaned forward and placed his lips on mine. We weren't kissing but our lips were touching. I don't think I breathed that whole time. He grabbed hold of the lime with his teeth, squeezed it so that its juice flowed into my lips. Then he separated himself from me far enough that he could drop the piece of lime from his lips onto the floor between us. Then he smashed his mouth against mine and licked into my mouth.

Mother of God. That was about one of the hottest things that I have ever experienced.

I unashamedly opened my mouth to his and let him suck the limejuice off my lips and tongue. He groaned and I almost came from that sound alone. I grabbed at the hair at the back of his head and pulled him closer as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. His rough hands squeezed me everywhere he touched, surprisingly none of the goods. He kept his hands on my back, hips and thighs. Well hot damn, that was still enough to get me crazy with lust. We were both breathing heavily through our nostrils as we continued to fuck each others mouth when we jumped from the sound of a whistle.

"Yeaaah. Fuck her dude!" Some asshole fraternity brother yelled and raised his beer at us.

I saw Derrick give him a stern look and shake his head slightly as if to tell him to shut the fuck up.

The guy lowered his drink, took a tentative sip then walked out.

"Sorry about that." He leaned his forehead against mine as he still tried to catch his breath. "You're just so fucking sexy I couldn't help myself." He tugged on my lower lip with his teeth. I was still a little shocked from everything; all I could do was give a small smile to let him know that it was fine.

"Wanna go outside for a bit?" he asked and entwined his fingers with mine.

"Sure." I gave a small shrug. I was relieved when he asked to take me outside. If he would of offered to take me to the bedroom I would of liked him a little less. Details like these made you realize what type of guy you're dealing with.

He grabbed two beers with his other hand and led me outside towards the front.

We walked for a little bit then I plopped myself on the sidewalk and stretched out my legs. My heels were already starting to hurt and there was no way I was going to take them off.

"Shit, let me bring my jacket for you to sit on." He turned to leave.

"No no, its fine, really." I insisted.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, sit down."

"Alright." He plopped himself right next to me. We were in a comfortable silence for a minute or two. "So... what's your story?" He asked.

"Really...? That is so cliché." I laughed

"What?" He laughed also. "I really want to know you though so c'mon, spill."

I began telling him a little bit about myself and he did the same. I found out that the reason I hadn't seen him at school was because he worked during the day at a Motorcycle shop with his dad, and took classes in the evening. He told me that he met Kelley at one of their parties but assured me that he only talked and danced with her for a bit. I learned that we also had a lot in common; we both loved art, motorcycles, comic books, photography and traveling.

His phone rang with an incoming call and I was surprised to hear "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath as his ring tone. He said it was a frat brother calling and shut it off.

"Nice ringtone." I said.

"You know Black Sabbath?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, of course. I got Ozzy as my ringtone also." I raised my eyebrows as well.

"No shit? ...Nope I don't believe you. I need to hear it to believe it. Give me your number so I can call you." He smiled.

I laughed as I realized he was trying to get my number that way. I gave him my digits and he called me. Then we both laughed again as the screen lit up from inside my bra and I pulled it out.

"Ok I believe you now. Good fucking song." He bobbed his head in time with the music.

"I know." I agreed and softly began singing some of the lyrics.

He smiled and began singing along with me. Two seconds later and we were both singing our hearts out and mocking the guitar riffs with our fingers. The call went to voicemail and we were both cracking up. Damn, if I didn't know any better I would say that he was my perfect type of guy. Is it possible to have two crushes at the same time? Didn't matter, it was happening.

He finished laughing and sighed. "You know, I like you. You're laid back, funny, have great taste in music... and you're sexy as hell." He grinned at me. "And I've never met anybody that has so much in common with me."

"I know... I'm pretty fucking awesome." I laughed and nudged his shoulder with my own.

I grabbed my phone to put it back in my bra when I noticed the time. "Holy shit its already gonna be three in the morning?!" I started getting up as fast as I could without flashing him.

"Damn, already? That was fast." He got up also.

"Um, I need to start heading back." I said.

"Are you good to drive?" He frowned.

"Yeah, I only had like two shots and a beer and it's been a few hours already."

"Ok good. If not just let me know, I'll take you home." He grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the house.

The party had died down but there were still a lot of people having a good time. I found my friend Kelley sitting on the couch looking cozy next to another guy who wasn't the leech.

"Kelley," I approached her. "We need to leave." I gave an apologetic smile to the guy she was talking to.

Derrick walked us to my car and he gave me a tight hug. "I will definitely be calling you." He whispered. Then he gave me a small kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"Bye." I mouthed and smiled at him then he turned and walked away. I got in the car and found my friend with her eyes closed and head against the window.

"Kelley, you okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah I was just resting my eyes, so tired." She stifled a yawn. I was glad she didn't seem too drunk.

I drove to her house to drop her off. "Lock the front door when you get in." I called after her as she walked to her house. She waved me off with her hand and I waited till she got inside and closed the door before I drove off.

I finally arrived to my house and parked in the driveway. Shit I hope I don't wake my parents. I opened the front door as slowly as I could and took off my heels in the walkway so I wouldn't make any noise on the tile floors. I locked the door behind me and started tiptoeing towards the kitchen so I could get a glass of water. Alcohol always made me thirsty.

I got a bottle from the fridge and started chugging it down. I almost choked on my water and spluttered some of it on the floor when I noticed someone on the living room couch. For a second I thought burglar. But then I quickly noticed that it was my dad. I set my water down on the island then tiptoed towards where he sat asleep. Was he waiting for me to make sure I arrived safely? Awww.

In that moment, I don't know what the hell possessed me but I suddenly saw a very tempting opportunity lying there in front of me...

In front. Of me. My dad. Asleep.

All common sense was thrown out the window and was replaced by lustful, perverse thoughts. My heart began thumping madly as I realized what I was about to do.

I quietly approached my dad until I stood before him. God he was so hot... Derrick who?

I felt like my whole body was shaking and all I could hear was my beating heart and the blood rushing through my veins. I knelt on the floor beside him and lifted my shaky fingers and placed them on his abdomen. So firm. So strong.

There was a small gap between his muscle shirt and gym shorts and I could see a hint of that sexy happy trail. I slipped my fingers underneath his shirt and slowly lifted. Hard abs were revealed one by one and I touched his warm skin. I started tracing his happy trail with my fingers and moved them lower... lower, and lower. I was mesmerized. My fingers met the waistband of his gym shorts. God, what was I doing? I tried to find it in me to stop, to go to my bed and force myself to sleep, but it was as if my body was no longer controlled by my brain and my fingers had a mind of their own. I took in a few shaky breaths and raised my gaze to his face to make sure his eyes were closed. I got lost a few seconds by staring at his amazing long eyelashes and his sexy parted lips.

I went back to the task at hand and slowly, hesitantly began lowering his waistband. I was met with more pubic hair and I got lower and lower, then I finally saw the base of his penis. My heart rate increased further if that was even possible and I tried to calm myself down. Lower I went and was met with his shaft. His dick was soft but it still took me a bit to reach his tip. Ah... fuck. His soft cock looked to be about five inches long, and had a nice girth. And it was only soft... Christ. I lowered the waistband a bit further and was met by a pair of big heavy balls. They looked long and full, balls that belonged to a man, I quietly thought to myself. Fuck, I couldn't believe I was doing this. I had the cock of my father right in front of me! I wondered what he felt like... tasted like... smelt like?

I leaned my face towards his groin and slowly skimmed the tip of my nose along his shaft. So smooth and soft. I was unprepared for the way he was going to smell and was hit full force with the delicious scent of his manly pheromones. Holy shit, my pussy clenched so hard I swear I felt some of my juice drip onto the rug below me. I gasped hot air onto his cock and saw it twitch then heard a small groan from him. Shit! I abruptly sat up and accidently let go of his waistband. It snapped to his abdomen and I quickly did a yoga child's pose position against the couch so that he wouldn't see me if he stirred. I slapped my hands to my mouth to shut the hell up. I was breathing too fucking hard dammit.

I heard him give a little grunt, move a bit, then something that sounded like him scratching his belly. I began to relax a little when I heard deep breathings from him again and slowly sat up. Oh my god that was so close. I mentally slapped myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I suddenly heard and felt a vibrating sound against my boobs and practically leapt into a standing position. I pressed my phone harder into my boob to diminish the sound and dashed so fast into my bedroom then dove into my bed. Holy fucking shit. Fuck. Shit. Shit. Fuck. I had a heart attack for the hundredth time today. My whole body was shaking and I tried to will myself to calm down and take deep breaths. God I looked like a women in fucking labor. I shakily grabbed my phone and looked at the screen. Number unknown. I opened the text and cursed whoever it was for almost killing me.

"Hey its me, Derrick, just in case you haven't saved my number yet haha. Just wanted to make sure you made it home safe. I had a great time tonight and I can't wait to see you again. Goodnight ;)"

"Fuck." I breathed. These two men managed to almost kill me a dozen times in just one damn day.

I quickly saved his number and replied a quick text. "Number saved. Me too and goodnight :)"

I placed my phone on the nightstand and thought about what the hell just happened.

I kind of wanted to go back out there to the living room just to wake my dad so I could usher him to his bed. But I was too damn shaky to even lift myself out of bed that I decided to just stay in. I didn't even change into my pajamas.

I didn't think I could go to sleep without having some sort of relief so I lowered my hand and slipped my fingers into my underwear towards my neglected pussy. I hissed out a breath. My clit was so fucking sensitive and my pussy was throbbing. I used two fingers and placed one on each side of my clit and slowly began making small circles and rubbing up and down. It only took me a matter of seconds before I was gasping for air and my pussy was clenching. My orgasm hit me full force and I threw my head back and opened my mouth to a silent cry. Ohhh fuuuuck... so fucking good.

Ecstasy washed over me as I slowly removed my shaky fingers from my pussy. I sighed contently and gave a small chuckle. ...Holy. Fucking. Shit. Today was so crazy.

And then I knocked the fuck out.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Love your story . I sure hope you do not drag it out to long.

Want her and dad to get together soon. Going great so far

but hate long drawn out stories. Takes the zest out of a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Keep going, please!

This is a great story! Please keep going!! ♥️

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Had an erection in the beginning of the story.Lost it at the end as I was so invested to the story to the point of being sympathetic to the father.What have you done to me?

BushMaster69BushMaster69almost 9 years ago
Time for next chapter!!!

I really love what you've wrote thus far but you really need to release the next chapter...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Please keep writing

After reading your 2 chapters, I've looked through this site for any writing that even comes close. I haven't found anything yet. You've ruined this site for me ;-) I mean that in the best way possible.

Please keep writing. And please update this soon. I'm seriously in suspense.

This story is for people who actually want realism and build up. It's probably not for the majority of readers on this site. This is for a more complex person. Not everyone will get it.

Just keep on doing more of this. It feels like this is easy and natural for you. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Update soon please I love this story

HappyPrickHappyPrickover 9 years ago


Moor Soon ! Please

CrankThzJackInDaBoxCrankThzJackInDaBoxover 9 years ago

i've just noticed this --- the other story that goes along with this .............

i'll need read that when able

CrankThzJackInDaBoxCrankThzJackInDaBoxover 9 years ago
don't listen the assclowns that wanna degrade things:

i've didn't read all just yet .... i've did read most .... thee only portion that

confuses me thus far ~~> saying that she tried literally seduce her father

the beginning the story whichhhhhhhhhhhhhh nothing more got said

about that ............... excellent ++ fantastic && awesome - i'll read

the remaining when i'm able read ..... i'll also continue reading if you've do more

rohitonlinerohitonlineover 9 years ago
Great imagination

I dont care whether you are a first timer or a professional

I dont care whether this is a fact or fiction

What I do know is that this is a great story, well written and great imagination. Do keep writing and let me know if you need some thoughts for the chapter 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I like where this is going. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

You wrote your work like a stream of consciousness journal and it's difficult to tell which is invented and which isn't in your story. The only suggestion I would give you actually impinge on your particular style of writing, so instead I simply offer keep writing and practicing. You actually have some decent potential and I almost fell into the realism of the story you were describing, perhaps add some details later to add some color but for the most part it was a promising start.

Please note that most of your "Detractors" do not have actual accounts.

LadylustNikkiLadylustNikkiover 9 years agoAuthor
Rude Anonymous People.

For those being rude and claiming you know me? You know nothing about me, this is my first story and if you dont like it, then DONT FUCKING READ IT. I will glady accept constructive criticisms but dont want rude comments. I dont know where certain people are getting that this isnt my first work or that my stories are crap. So if you dont like it, then leave and dont comment. I appreciate those who encourage my work, so thank you for that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Re: Carolinadreamer

Don't believe everything you read.

This is not this girl's first story, and it's not autobiographical in any way.

She's posted under a million alts, always claiming the same thing.

It's a way of getting attention and begging for votes, when she can't do it by the quality of her story alone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
keep going :)

This is a great story, a little slow going for some people but I like the suspense. Don't worry about what anyone says, write for you and write for fun :)

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