Out of the Shadows Ch. 05


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Cynthia was adamant that Camorra and Camirra have separate rooms in their home. The girls loved the idea. The twins stayed with them for a few days when they first moved in and were allowed to decide how they wanted their rooms decorated.

At first Camorra started selecting for the both of them, but Cynthia stopped her and asked Camirra to take her time and choose what she wanted. Camirra blossomed, and happily decorated her own room. Cynthia promised the girls that she'd make sure they were there when their new bedrooms arrived.

A few months after moving into the new house, the school year was about to end and the family had two new graduates. The graduation was on Saturday, and everyone came.

"Congratulations Graduates. I introduce to you this year's graduating class of Hillside High School." Principal Marks announced to a cheering crowd.

Darius's heart almost burst with pride when his two adopted sisters, Rosa Richards and Christiana Marcolini, stood and flung their caps into the air.

He had just finished his first full deployment and recently returned to the states. He and Cynthia discussed it and he'd go back to college and earned his credentials to certify himself as automotive engineering specialist. Cynthia would pursue her medical certification.

All of his team was here and they hadn't seen each other in a few years, so this time was very special for them. Momma was over the moon when all six original team members,along with Danny's partner, came home.

She was a little angry at first, but when she saw the happiness that radiated from Cynthia and Darius, she forgave them for getting married in Africa where he was station instead of waiting for a huge family gathering.

Darius and Cynthia took a day and drove over to Gospel to visit Mysha and Clay. Cynthia laughed when she thought of the squealing Mysha did two years ago when she called and told her she was married. She made her promise to allow them to host a reception for them. The visit was nice and they even promised to come back and attend worship services one Sunday.

Darius decided to wear just regular clothes today. Even though, both Rosa and Christiana begged him to wear his uniform. However, Horse wore his and they were more than happy.

Darius stood under a big oak tree near the football field, where the ceremony took place, watching as Cynthia walked toward him. He couldn't help but smile as the platinum and diamond wedding band she wore glittered in the sunshine. She was his and at last his life was complete.

Kerrie, who was holding her three year old daughter and standing with her husband, stopped Cynthia for a moment. Kerrie had finished her first tour of duty and chose not to reenlist. She was now married to Lieutenant Garner and expecting their second child. Their first was a little girl that was born approximately seven months after they married. Cynthia Maria was as cute as a button and the spitting image of her momma.

Before Cynthia reached him, she was stopped by Maria, Maria Tate now. Horse asked her to marry him as soon as he finished Ranger school. Maria still worked in computers and technology and she was considering reenlisting. She helped design new defense programs for the army.

Apparently, Maria had something important to say as she commanded attention from both Cynthia and Kerrie. The three women wandered off to talk. Cynthia Maria was left held safely in the arms of her overprotective daddy. Darius knew how Garner felt; he was still overprotective of his girls as well.

"Man, look at you." Horse greeted Darius as he walked up behind him.

"Darius smiled. "Horse, I know. Man,how are you? Look at you an Army Ranger, married. Old Horse all domesticated."

"Man, I was away from my girl long enough." Horse joked looking at Maria. "She's my everything man. Too bad I've got to share her in a few months." Horse added tongue in cheek.

"You old dog! Congratulations man." Darius was happy for his friend. He recalled when he learned about his girls. He was scared, excited, happy, anxious, proud. He felt a plethora of emotions.

Just like that, his two angels rushed to him each hugging him close. Camirra held on a little longer than Camorra, who no longer wanted to be seen as a baby.

They girls came to the ceremony with their new stepfather Jason. He walked up and greeted Darius and Horse.

"Hey guys," Jason said. Deidre was at home with their daughter Tyrianna. Jason was so in love with all of his girls they had him wrapped around their fingers.

Deidre often ended up being the bad guy that always vetoed everything. Now that Darius was back for good, Deidre was relieved. Now someone else could play the bad guy to Jason's good guy routine.

"Hey, Jace. How are you man? How's the baby?" Darius greeted his friends.

Jason smiled, "She's going to be fine. She has bad allergies and they make her misera-" Camorra rudely cut him off.

"Daddy, can we go find Rosa and Chrissy?" Eleven year old Camorra Rose asked Darius sweetly, completely turning her back to Jason.

Darius didn't like the level of disrespect his daughter was showing. "Camorra, I love you. But you will not disrespect your stepfather. You know that is not allowed and it will not be tolerated by any of us." Darius explained to his wayward daughter firmly.

Jason stiffened; Rory's message was loud and clear. He wasn't her father so she didn't need his permission. Jason looked at Darius, but Darius held up his hand and signal that he let him handle this.

Camirra froze also. She knew what Rory was trying to do. Rory wanted to go to a party at a popular girl's house and Jason found out that the girl's parents were not going to be there, so he told Rory, that she couldn't attend. Cammie was relieved, because she didn't want to go to that party, but she'd go to keep her sister out of trouble.

Rory was so angry. He can't tell us what to do. He's not our father. I bet Daddy would let us go. Just because he married Momma and had a baby doesn't give him any rights over us. Wait until Daddy gets here, I'll show him. she fumed.

Darius recognized what was happening immediately in his daughters, and he was not going to allow it to happen.

He looked at Cammie, "Camirra, go find Chrissy and Rosa for us. Rory will stay with us." Cammie looked at Rory, and then rushed off to find Chrissy and Rosa.

Rory stamped her foot furiously in a display of temper. She didn't want to have to stay over here with old people. Jason used to be cool, but after Momma married him, he changed. Now, he never let them do anything without checking with Momma first. It was even worse now that Daddy was back. Cammie should have stayed with her. She couldn't wait to get away, the traitor. Camorra rose fumed at the injustices done to her.

Jason was embarrassed. The twins always showed him respect, and he didn't understand the animosity Rory had against him. He knew she wasn't going to some party, but her actions actually hurt. He'd dedicated the last few years of his life to his family and now. He just didn't know.

"Hey Baby," Cynthia greeted Darius as she finally made it over to him. Rory glared at her. Cynthia caught it and was unconcerned. Rory was throwing a tantrum like she always did. She'd never witnessed one, but she'd heard about them.

"Hey Beautiful." Darius kissed her and held her for a moment. "I missed you. Never be away from me again, promise." He whispered in her ear.

Rory was furious, not only was she forced to sit with old people, but now they were being mushy. "Ug!" She yelled out.

Cynthia looked at her wayward stepdaughter immediately. Rory felt her censure and it made her even angrier.

"Darius, let me talk to my stepdaughter." Cynthia whispered in his ear. Darius smiled, knowing that his sweet little angel was about to meet her match.

"Camorra, come for a stroll with me." Cynthia suggested.

Rory looked at her stepmother and had to make a choice. Cynthia wasn't like Jason, she meant business. Daddy would back her up, like Momma always backed Jason up.

So she stood and prepared to take a walk with her stepmother.

"Cynthia," Rory said sweetly. "I'm sor-" Cynthia stopped her.

"Camorra Rose, I am not your Mom, your Dad, or Jason, so don't try to play me. You hurt Jason and you'd did it on purpose, just because you could. Girl, that is wrong and you know it." Cynthia stopped walking and had Rory to face her.

"Do you know how lucky you are, Rory?" Cynthia asked.

Rory froze. She'd heard the lecture many times, and didn't really want to hear it again. Cynthia inhaled because Rory's actions bothered her. Something had to be done before she got out of hand. She had an idea. She just hoped her parent's agreed. "Don't worry. I'm not going to lecture you. But, I am going to let Deidre know about this. You know she will be disappointed." Cynthia explained.

They walked back to where everyone, including the graduates had gathered. Cammie and Rory exchanged a look, silently communicating with each other.

Cynthia pulled him aside. " Darius, I know they are not mine, but they need to be separated for a while."

He started to refuse immediately then the twins exchanged a look. The glare Rory sent to Cammie was clear. She'd talk to her later. He did this to Derrick many times when he forced him to go along with him.

Darius looked up and caught his brother's eye. Derrick recognized the look for what it was as well and he knew Cynthia was right.

Soon, they left the school and headed home to Marge and Marvin's house.

They had a huge party for the two girls. Gunther was there and seeing his daughter flourish, he cried. Dawn hugged her brother and shared in his joy. Nick understood, because his baby girl, was now heading to college.

Nick and Gunther decided to buy them a similar gift. So, while everyone was inside. They snuck out to get the gifts for their girls.

Danny and Jonathan was in charge of getting the girls to go outside. So they decide to have a fake fight. Chrissy loved Danny, and they knew she'd follow him if he ran out. Rosa would feel obligated to stand with and follow Jonathan.

So when Gunther and Nick gave the signal, the two men started their fake argument. True to form Danny headed for the door followed by a concerned Chrissy, those two were followed by a fake concerned Jonathan and Rosa.

When the two girls got out of the house, sitting at the front were two brand new small sedans. One was purple and the other was green. They squealed and each girl ran to their father.

Everyone cheered. Darius, Cynthia, and Jason took the moment to go to Jason's house and talk with Deidre about the girls.

"Hey, Deidre baby. We're here." Jason called quietly. He was careful not to wake Tyrianna. "Hey Baby, I'm sorry."

"What did Rory do now?" Deidre asked, frustrated, because her daughter was developing such a horrible attitude. "I'm sorry. Hey Cynthia, girl, Darius."

"Hey, Deidre." Cynthia greeted her friend. "How's Ty feeling?" she queried.

"She's finally sleeping. These allergies are so hard on her, poor baby." Deidre explained.

Then looking at Darius and Jason she asked, "Guys, what did Rory do?"

"Hmmm, do you guys find it strange that Dee didn't ask what did Cammie do?" Darius deadpanned.

All three adults faced him, causing Darius to take a deep breath. Watching his daughter today made him realized that he had to intervene. Deidre may not like his suggestion, but as their father he had to do something. He balked at the thought at first but after talking to Cynthia, he was sure it would help.

"Dee, I know you may not like this, but we need to split them up." Darius interrupted. Deidre almost argued and then she just looked at him. Jason and Cynthia moved to the side and stayed neutral.

"Dee, she's like me." Darius explained. "She's dominating Cammie, and that's not fair." Darius inhaled. "I'm not talking permanently, just for this summer. Cammie needs to be able to function without always trying to shield her sister."

Deidre looked at him, thinking of the twins she said, "Darius, they've never been separated. What if they can't handle it?"

"Then we adjust, but I think they need time to grow into their own person. Even after this summer, they need to do separate things. It's alright for them to be together, but they don't have to be together all of the time." He explained to their mother.

Darius looked up at the ceiling. "I can't allow Rory to hurt her sister. She's the dominate one, and Cammie will end up paying. Dee, in this, I know what I'm talking about."

Deidre sat down along with Cynthia and Jason. They talked and reached a decision. When the girls finished school the next week, Darius and Cynthia would get Camorra for the first month of summer. She'd stay with them, and Darius would have her work in the garage with him. At night, she'd spend time with Cynthia. She'd call her Mom every night and call her sister daily. At the end of the first month, they'd switch girls. But for two months, the girls would spend time apart.

Before long, Darius called and asked Nick if he and Jasmine could drop the girls off at home. The girls walked into their house to face four parents. The adults explained their plans for the summer.

"No, no, no.!" Rory screamed. "You just want to be rid of me. Momma, I-"

Jason tried to calm her, "Rory, sweetie-"

Rory turned him, "Shut up, Jason. I hate you. You're not anything to-"

Deidre gasped; she'd heard enough as did Darius, "Camorra Rose Granger, that's enough. Go to your room this instant." Deidre demanded.

Rory looked at her sister, "Come on Cammie." She said as she stood to storm out of the room. Cammie stood to follow her sister.

"No, Cammie, sit back down." Darius looked at his defiant eleven year old daughter and calmly stated. "Rory. Go to your room, now."

Cammie sat quietly with tears in her eyes, she always went with Rory. Rory needed her to help her calm down. Cynthia sat by her and embraced the little girl. She promised her that it would be alright.

School would be out in a week, but after Rory's outburst, the adults agreed that she would go home with her Dad that night. Darius would drive her and her sister to school over the next couple of days.

Darius walked to her door and knocked. Then he opened the door and saw his preteen daughter sulking. "Camorra, pack your school clothes for this week as well as some everyday clothes and sleep wear. Cynthia and I are taking you home with us." Darius smiled, knowing his daughter. "You'd better not start screaming and wake that baby."

Rory was stunned, because her Dad knew all of her tricks. How would she get away with anything with him and Cynthia?

"Baby girl," he smiled, "you have ten minutes." Darius told her and then went back to the front room.

Camorra came out of her room carrying her bag. Her sister hugged her before she left with their dad.

Camirra stood in the window and watched her dad ride away with her sister with tears streaming down her face. Deidre's heart broke for her so she hugged her daughter to reassure her. "Cammie, it'll be alright. You should go to bed sweetie."

"Okay, Momma. Goodnight Momma, goodnight Jason" she whispered as she gave each of them a tight hug. Her heart was breaking, she'd never been away from her sister and she didn't know if she could handle this.

Jason hugged her, "I'm sorry, Cammie. I didn't-"

"Jason, it's not your fault. Rory was mean to you." she exhaled. "Maybe Daddy and Cynthia can help her stop being so mean."

Meanwhile, Darius and Cynthia arrived home with a ticked off eleven year old in the backseat.

Darius got out and opened the door for Cynthia and Camorra. He retrieved her bag and showed her to her room.

Camorra opened her mouth to complain when Darius stopped her. "Cynthia, baby," he said to his wife. "I need to talk to my daughter. I'll come to bed in a few. Don't go to sleep." He whispered.

Darius stepped out and let Rory dress for bed before walking in. He sat on her bed and spoke. "Rory, I love you and your sister more than my own life. That's why I'm going to help you. I can't let you keep acting like this."

"Daddy, Cammie can't sleep in a room by herself." Rory whispered tearfully. "I'll tell Jason. I'm sorry. Can I please go home now?"

"No, and you know crocodile tears don't work on me." Darius informed his little girl. "This is for the best. You'll see." Then he kissed her forehead and told her to go to sleep.

For the first and only time, Camorra and Camirra were separated. And both girls cried themselves to sleep.

Darius stood outside Camorra door and listened to her weep. He knew being separated from her twin would be hard, but he also knew that they needed to develop individually more.

Cynthia met Darius in hall."Is she alright?" Cynthia queried.

Darius loved his wife. She got him and didn't judge. He had told her about his childhood and the shit he pulled. That's why Rory's behavior bothered him. He was not going to let her continue the way she was heading.

"You know what, she'll be fine. She just used to having her way." Darius reminded himself as he spoke to his wife.

Cynthia wrapped her arms around her husband and they retired to their bedroom. "Well, Mrs. Granger, your husband needs you and he will not be denied." Darius teased his wife.

"Um, Mr. Granger, I have no problem taking care of my husband, but he'd better keep the noise down." Cynthia whispered tongue in cheek, "His young daughter is here, sleeping."

"Ummmm, really." Darius responding as he peeled away the few layers of clothes that stood between him and his wife.

"Well, wife of mine. Let's see how quiet we can be." Darius whispered covering his wife's body with his. Then he kissed her. Soon, he was sliding in and out of her hot sheath. Darius loved making love to his wife. He couldn't believe his fortune, yet he would be forever grateful.

The first month was the hardest. But Darius took it in stride. The first morning Rory lashed out spewing hate filled words, he knew exactly how to handle it. Darius made time everyday to talk with Rory. Nothing she wanted to discuss was too silly for him. He recalled being that age and thinking he had to be the leader. He recalled how daunting that feeling could be. So everyday at work, they talked.

At the end of the first month, Rory didn't want to go home. At Dad's house she had her own room and Cynthia listened to her. She missed seeing Cammie everyday, but she discovered that she liked quiet, when she was alone, she could draw and it was quiet. Cynthia surprised her and gave her an artist kit, complete with canvas and easels. She didn't have to be in charge all of the time.

During the day, she helped Dad at his garage and they talked. She stocked shelves, made sure the cooler stayed full of drinks, she even answered phones when the shop was extra busy.

One day she was sweeping the driveway when a girl walked over, and introduced herself. She lived down the street and she got to hang out with her for her last two weeks. Robin was eleven and her family had just moved to town. One day they walked to the park and met even more kids.

Rory had made new friends and discovered things she didn't know about herself. At the end of month one, Rory wanted to go see Cammie, but she didn't want to leave her new friend. She explained to Robin that she was moving back home with her Mom and her sister would be here. She hoped she and Cammie could be friends too.

Camirra Lace was a different child once she was away from her sister. Deidre realized that she talked more. She didn't mind watching the baby. Some evenings, she'd play hoops with Jason, and like her Dad, she was good.

One Saturday, Deidre suggested that Cammie walk to the park and see if any of their friends were there. Cammie froze. She'd never gone to the park without Rory. It was then that Deidre realized how dependent she was on her sister. So for the first few days, either she or Jason walked with her.
