Owning The Calligrapher


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I began to speak, "Now Ellen. You are no longer a free woman. You are not permitted to wear the clothes or symbols of a free woman. It is time for you to lose your clothes. Take off everything and drop it off the stage"

Ellen paused for a moment, uttered "Dear Jesus" and slid the smock off her swats shirt . Next she

kicked off her sneakers and pulled off her socks. With a look of utter dread and revulsion she pulled the sweatshirt over her head and dropped it off the stage. Standing there in her bra I realized that I was so right about her body. She had pert medium sided breasts in her bra and a flat toned stomach.She began rearing up as she lowered her sweatpants. Her legs were long and lean with just a bit more thigh than I like. She was wearing a pair of granny panties. She dropped the pants and then tried to hide herself with her hands.

I told her to continue and she was pure waterworks as she undid her bra and let her magnificent breasts free. When at last she slid out of the panties I noticed that her bush was wild and unkempt. A conservative woman like her probably never even trimmed it. Again she tried to hide herself.

"Hands at your sides and then turn around." I ordered.

As she spun around I realized that her ass was pretty nice there was a surgical scar behind her right knee. I approached the stage with a small box.

"Face me." I told her. Reluctantly she turned around. Her beauty was stunning, Put your jewelry in this box. She took off her watch and earrings and her class ring. She got rid of the scrunchy holding her pony tail and her lovely hair cascaded down to her shoulders. She wanted to hold onto her wedding band and engagement ring.

"Hand over everything," I commanded. "You no longer belong to Scott. You belong to me for 120 days and I get to decide what of what not you will wear."

The fight was gone from her. I wonder what Scott had said to her in that conference room. With resignation she twisted off her rings and placed them in the box.

I took them out and said. "I will keep these safe and with me always. They will be returned to you when your time with me concludes" I clipped them to my key chain.

"Everything else is going to be mailed home to Scott."

"What will I wear home?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to that besides it four months away. I'm sue will have earned yourself some clothing by then ."


"Yes from this moment on your privileges result from your behavior. With good behavior you will earn yourself fabulous outfits and some fantastic jewelry by the time you leave me. Bad behavior and you remain butt naked for four months."

"Now its time to get you cleaned up and properly prepared to be a slave. Follow me."

I led her to the master bathroom. It had, among other things, a walk in tub big enough to hold three and a shower stall with dual shower heads and twin temperature settings. I turned the water on and began filling the tub.

"I'm quite sure you have not had a shower or bath in several days, what with the prison and all. Here is what will happen. You will get into the tub. I will follow you in and I will bathe you. I am going to wash every part of you as well as your hair. I will shave your legs and armpits. After the shower we will retreat to the bedroom where I will shave off your pubic hair. Slaves are not permitted to have body hair. Like everything else good behavior can earn you the right to grow it back. But your behavior will have to be exceptional. After your shave. I am going to make love to you. I think that you know better than to resist. I have had a vasectomy so birth control is not an issue. Also from this moment on you will have to ask for permission to use the bathroom. Now I will reveal one of my kinks, I and only I will be permitted to wipe you whether it is number one or number two."

"Wha ... what?"

"Simply put slave I will be watching you piss and shit and I will be wiping you when you are done. This is non-negotiable and will continue for all four months. I will also be inserting and changing your tampons. Your hands will be used only to pleasure me, yourself and perhaps others. They will not be permitted to sully themselves in any other way."

"You have to be kidding."

"I am quite serious slave."

"Oh my God."

The tub was nearly full and I began removing my clothes.

"Get in the tub."

Ellen tried to avert her eyes from me as she stepped into the tub.

"You may as well look at me, slave. You are going to see me naked quite often."

"Scott is the only man I've seen "undressed."

"Well then we need to change that. At some point I am going to hire some nude male massage therapists for you."

"Oh please don't."

"Well that convinces me to do it. The more you dislike something the more I will impel you to do it."

I stepped in the tub and grabbed the soap and washcloth. She trembled with fear as i touched her but that gradually subsided. I lathered her back arms, chest and legs and between her legs. Then I reached for the razor.

"Give me your left leg." I said. "This is something else you need to get used to. I will be shaving


everything on you from now on. I am very good at shaving legs. I have had lots of girlfriends and I never nicked them once.

Ellen gave me her leg.

"Do you have a girlfriend now?" She asked.

"Not currently. I suppose you will keep me busy for a while."

She blushed at that comment.

I did her left leg then the right, She complied when I asked for her underarms. Lastly I did her lovely hair with some very expensive and fine shampoo.

After the bath I gave her a huge towel to dry off in. She could not get it around herself fast enough. I had her sit down on a chair and I plugged in the dryer for her hair.

She sat in silence as I dried her hair. In a few moments I was done.

"Time to hang up the towel, slave."

"Could you please call me Ellen?"

"You lost the right to a name when you signed away your freedom. If you are a very good girl I will give you your name back."

I stood in front of her and pulled the towel away. At the same time I dropped the one I was wearing. She had no choice but to see me naked. Her eyes focused on my penis, Then she blushed again and turned away.

"Oh goodness."

"You have been forgetting to call me master. I will let it go today but tomorrow forgetting will result in punishment. Now, do you have to go to the bathroom?"

"Yes I do but please can I ... can I do it myself?"

"Absolutely not. The faster you get used to this the better off you will be."

I led her over to the commode, lifted the lid and forcibly set her down .

"You may as well go now.. slave"

When seated her face was at the exact level of my penis. She bent her head down to her chest and closed her eyes. At last I heard the tell tale sound of the trickle of urine. Ellen began crying as her bladder released itself.

When she had finished I had her stand up and then I wiped her. Nothing gets under a woman's skin more. The bathroom is their sanctum and not even their husbands are privy to what they do in there. Her bush was very thick. I was positive now, upon close inspection, that it has never seen a razor.

"This is awful." Ellen cried.

"It is probably better than prison. I have a few kinks more which i will reveal when the time is right."

"Are you a pervert?"

"I'll admit to being a bit of one. But I don't think Its anything you can't handle."

She gasped and said. "Please Mr. Summers be gentle with me. Scott told me to do everything you ask or he'll lose that money you gave him. If he loses the money he says he will divorce me. I don't want to do what you want me to but I don't want to loose Scott."

"You must love him very much." I said.

She began crying again and said, "More than anything. I know that he's not a good provider but he has so many other fine qualities."

I almost felt sorry for her. I read Scott from the moment I set eyes on him. He cares about Ellen as much as he cares about a dog or a cat. Less probably. He liked having her on his arm and warming his bed. He could care less about the woman she is or her needs. She is his meal ticket, now more than ever. Yet I'm sure Ellen is a totally submissive wife. Willing to do just about anything to make him happy and he has essentially handed her to me and told her to behave. Like giving a child to a sitter. It would be almost criminal to give her back to him. Maybe after four months she would see that.

"I will be gentle with you, so long as you obey me."

"Mr. Summers... master I promised my husband that I would obey you no matter what you asked and I will ... to the best I am capable of but please be kind to me. I so want to finish my time with you and start a family with Scott. He said that money could buy a house and that we could start a family. He said things would be better and that he'd be better. I want to believe that is true."

"Obey me and I will shower you with gifts. Expensive gifts you can keep or sell. A good slave can earn jewelry of all kinds. If you are a good girl you will leave with a wonderful new wardrobe. And If you are a very good and completely submissive slave I will give you double the money I gave Scott when you leave. Imagine how you and Scott could do with that."

She collapsed in a heap at my feet. "Oh Mr Summ .. master I will be good. I want a good life for Scott and I just be gentle with me."

I let her cry a while before I told her to stand up. After I put on a pair of satin boxers, I led her to my bedroom. The sight astounded her. The walls and ceiling are mirrored. The bed is round and large enough for four. ( I know that from personal experience.) Off to one side was Ellen's cage although she probably did not recognize it for what it was. The furniture was white as was the rug. A bear skin lay on the floor in front of the bed. Everywhere was chrome and polish. This room was the one my maids bitched about cleaning the most.

"Now slave, go lie on your back in the center of the bed. I'll be right back."

I touched a key pad and a chrome panel slid open. This was my private John. Private as in no other person was permitted to use it. I got a lot of good reading done there. It was my refuge from live in girlfriends and annoying house guests. It was white on white tile.

The items I had laid out were waiting for me. I filled a bowl of warm water, picked up the trimmer and the razor and headed for the bed. I set them down on the chrome sideboard. Ellen looked apprehensive.

"As I said, slave, you need to be hairless everywhere. Have you ever been shaved before?"

Ellen sighed and said "No. Scott suggested it once but I don't think its lady like."

"Ellen. I used her name for the last time for the foreseeable future. "You are no longer a lady. You are my slave. My private fuck toy. Once You are shorn I will be making love to you. After that I will have my chef cookd up some dinner after that I will prepare you for bed."

I told her to slide over to me. I moistened her bush and then started up the trimmer. This particular model was portable and had a hopper to collect all the hair. In my trophy room are quite a number of satin bags of muff collected from girlfriends and lovers past. None had been taken from a slave however. Ellen bit her lip and tensed up as I set to work. The trimmer took her down to fine stubble. Her snatch was glorious. I could not wait to dig in! I set the trimmer aside and used a washcloth to wet her sacred grounds. I applied shaving cream and gently, tenderly removed the stubble. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed that Ellen was staring at the process in the ceiling mirror. For once I could not read her emotion.

I used the washcloth to remove the last of the shaving cream and announced. "All finished., what do you think?"

Ellen sat up,looked at her hairless snatch ran her hands over it and said. "I look like a whore. ... m master"

"Well I like it that's all that matters."

I took a serious look at her. "Now we come to the issue of sex. I am going to fuck you shortly. I use the term fucking now rather than making love because you are not my lover. You are my property. I will be gentle with you tonight but in the future I will get increasingly adventurous with you. Every part of you will submit to me. Your cunt, your asshole and your mouth. The place where you most need to please me is in the bedroom. I expect that much that I wish to do will be new to a conservative Christian girl like yourself but it behooves you to learn quickly and to submit readily, Neither one of us wants to see you forced and I don't want to do that. Do you understand me?"

Ellen looked deeply into my eyes and said. "I understand sir."

"Good. Stand up and pull down the covers on the bed. ''

Ellen did as asked. I slipped out of my boxers. Tonight I would be as gentle as a bridegroom. I would break her in slowly. She got into bed unbidden and waited for me. I pulled the covers up to her neck and then disappeared under them. I immediately began to eat her out. Her pussy was the tastiest I had ever had. So smooth and warm from the shave. To my surprise I soon began to get a response from her. She was breathing heavily. Sensing an opportunity I thought days or weeks away I quickly slid into standard missionary position and started working on her with my penis. She was dripping wet as I came deep inside her. She had not had an orgasm but the experience had been undeniably pleasurable for her. It was a start to her submission I could not have dreamed of.

"That was excellent." I told her.

Ellen, aware that her body had betrayed her, mumbled disgustedly, "Your welcome."

I reached over to the night stand and withdrew an item from the drawer.

"This is for you." I announced. Sit up and turn around. Still confused and befuddled by her body's betrayal she did as instructed. I l parted her hair and secured her slave collar. It was leather with a stunning large opal at the throat. Beneath that in neat script were the words "Property of Dale Summers."

"You may under no circumstances take it off. Only I have the key. There are times when I may remove it from you but only I may remove it. Most days this will be your only adornment. It ties you to me like a wedding ring. It will be removed permanently when your time of service with me is over."

Ellen's hand went to her throat and tried to pull it off. "Please Mr. Summers is this necessary?"

"Slave, It is your collar. It demonstrates my ownership. Its necessary and it stays."

"Come, put on this robe, I am taking you downstairs to the kitchen for dinner ."

I gave her a very tiny robe. One that revealed more than it concealed. I phoned ahead to the kitchen and had Carl whip something up. In time she would of course be naked in front of all the help but I thought that she had had enough humiliation for one night.

I put a bathrobe on myself and led her down the stairs to the kitchen.

Carl was in good humor as we entered the kitchen.

"Carl, this young woman will be our guest for the next few months. I know that she has not had much to eat today and is very hungry. Can you make us something tasty in a short amount of time?"

"Of course boss. And may I say that your new house guest is very attractive."

After some small talk Carl spun his usual magic and shortly had a scrumptious meal set before Ellen and myself.

Ellen was indeed very hungry and ate with gusto.

After eating I led her upstairs back to the master bathroom and confiscated her robe. I had her brush her teeth. I keep a ready supply of spares for the many ladies I have over. I had her wash her hands and face, Then I sat her down on the toilet and despite the objections in her body language she complied with my wishes and let me wipe her. I'm sure her first crap under these same circumstances would really piss her off.

Later, back in my master bedroom I revealed her cage. As I suspected she had not noticed it when she had first entered the room. It was in one corner. There was a pad on the floor and wooden bars slid out of the top from a height of about five feet and locked into place in slots that surrounded the pad.

"Slave, this is where you will sleep until you have earned the right to spend the night in my bed. Like a pet, you will be caged whenever I decide that it is appropriate.

"Mr. Summ ... master, please don't cage me like an animal."

"OK if you want to spend the night in my bed get on your knees, give me a blow job and swallow my cum."


"I told you once. You will have to do it eventually. If you do it tonight you receive immediate benefit."

"But, but I don't even swallow Scott's ... seed."

" I suppose that is my answer. Into the cage with you. Perhaps a night behind bars will change your thinking."

With resignation Ellen laid down on the center of the mat and I locked the bars in place. She could stretch out full length but she could not stand up. I pointed out the buzzer for her to use to alert me if she needed to go to the bathroom. The pad was actually rather comfortable. The stress of the past few days and the things I had done to her this day got the better of her and she was soon fast asleep.

I felt confident that a few days at most of sleeping on that pad in the cage would bring her around to giving me a blow job.

Once I was sure that she was deeply asleep. I put on a pair of silk pajama bottoms and went to my movie theater I brought along a shipping box. I gathered up Ellen's clothes and neatly folded them. On top of her clothes I placed the box of her jewelry. Her purse and cellphone I locked away in a cabinet I dashed off to my office and ran off a nice note to Scott, thanking him for being so understanding in regards to his wife. I let him believe the fiction that I had allowed her to keep her wedding and engagement rings as reminders of him and his love for her. I sealed the box with tape addressed it to Scott and weighed it. The UPS man would pick it up tomorrow. A bit later I returned to my bedroom and emptied the hopper of the trimmer into a pink satin bag. It would find a place of honor in my trophy room. I had a feeling that this bag would mean the most to me in the months and years ahead.

Before I turned in for the night I went to my control room and replayed the tapes of Ellen stripping off her clothes for me. The next 119 days ahead appeared to be destined to be full of many delights.

The End

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danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 5 years ago
Lots of potential future chapters.

This story still has legs for a few follow up chapters. I found this story more of an introduction to series with different ways it could fall.

What if the master fell in love with the wife/slave?

What if the husband suddenly came to his senses and seeks revenge going to rescue his wife? etc.

This story has an interesting beginning and is written with style. That being said, it would be interesting to see what the author would put down in chapter two.

ramonbrookramonbrookover 9 years ago
I just stumbled onto this story

And love it! Yes the legalities of it are a little far fetched, unfortunately not that far fetched! I could see where someone with unlimited resources could believe he is a god or as you have said l, a KING!

While I understand that Ellen loves her husband, she is wrong about him, HE IS A SCUMBAG! And I would think after 120 days as a slave she would discover this on her own! While Summers is a pervert and a little demented, I see him becoming infatuated with Ellen and even falling in love with her. Maybe becoming a better man and changing his way of life!

Between Dales change and discovering her husband does not really love her(maybe he cheats while she is away), she starts to have feelings for Dale and is falling in love him and him with her!

Why didn't you ever write more to this story! It's a gem!

verbicideverbicideover 9 years ago
2 stars

While in general I found the story to be predictable, boring and pedantic, not to mention full of "legal" idiocy, the fact that a piece of shit that uses his wealth to destroy people for fun, calls another, honest person "crud" is amusing. It honestly is too bad none of these stories end with the wife putting a bullet between the eyes of their abuser.

joodlejoodleover 10 years ago
Please continue

As unrealistic as some will say this is, it is hot. It is a hot setup to a series that I would love to see finished. Will you continue?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
The other days?

Please let us know about the 120th day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Implausible premise, misused language and poor grammar. Need I say more? I think not, which gives us something in common.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
This is about as stupid as a story can get.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
A joke

The entire legal premise backing for this story is a childishly conceived joke and undercuts any merits to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Will you please write more. I want to know how it ends. What happens in 119 days? Does she go back to her husband? Has she fallen for her enslaver...do tell!!!

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