Part of the Plan


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"I am like a hypnotized pet," someone said. It wasn't until the wave of pleasure swept her up that Buffy realized it was her voice. The sensation rolled down her spine and for a moment she closed her eyes to savor it. For just an instant she lost sight of herself, lost her focus on hypnotized pet. She dove away like she was being fired upon.

Her clothes lay forgotten behind her as she too crawled to elly until her snatch rested against elly's ass. Gently biting elly's neck to keep her still hypnotized pet began humping her fellow pet. She wished she had hands so she could play some more with elly but pets walked on all fours. Ma'am had said so. So instead she pressed down until elly's nipples barely scraped the floor, that helped.

Landing on the floor rubbed her tits against the carpet, which happened to be just enough to set her off. "Oh yes," Buffy purred as she arched her back. Her hips were pumping against the floor as she continued to babble, "fuck me Ma'am, please fuck your fuckpet."

Breathing hard she came back down to Earth. "Fuck," she summed up. 'I can't do this, I gotta put an end to this now, today. If I go through this tomorrow too...' She shivered at the not-quite thought out consequences. Made all the more frightening because she couldn't muster up true apprehension. The anticipation gave it too sweet a flavor to really call it that.

'I can't do it, but Restrainer told me to go undercover tomorrow and...and...and I just can't say no.' She thought she might gather enough of her wits to deny Restrainer here in the privacy of her room but once she was confronted with Rachel. Once she looked into those eyes Buffy already knew she would cave. 'This case is doing something to me, changing me. I have to put a stop to it, but Ma-Restrainer told me not tooooo.' Her mind became very quiet as an idea struck her.

'Restrainer didn't actually order me not to do anything tonight, she just told me what we were going to do tomorrow.' But Restrainer had made clear that she thought trying to bust into that club tonight was a bad idea. Her stomach got queasy at the thought of disappointing Restrainer but the faint panic she felt at the prospect of staying like this was enough to remind her that she shouldn't give a damn about what Rachel thought.

Resolutely she got up and padded over to the closet to retrieve a uniform. She had completely forgotten about the red collar still wrapped around her throat.


Rachel was back in her regular clothes staring at what she had been wearing to the club. "I can't believe I let myself be swept up like that," she told no one in particular. "I went way overboard on the whole 'Mistress and Slave' thing." She nodded. She had actually forgotten for a while that they were just playing a part. "I should apologize to Buffy, tell her I just...'

Now Rachel blushed. 'Tell her what? That I enjoyed watching her crawl across the room like a bitch in heat? That my dream of a house with a white-picked fence now suddenly includes a naked Animes lounging on the patio floor?' Her blush deepened as her imagination provided her with the image to go with that last thought.

"Right," Restrainer said as she got up. "I'll just stick to saying I'm sorry and maybe I should offer her to put her outfit in the washer." She pinched her lips. 'While not saying anything on why hers needs to be cleaned. Yeah, that would be for the best.'

Having made up her mind she quickly strode out her room and to Animes' door, knocking on it without pause. "Animes, it's me. Can I come in, are you decent? I just wondered if I could put your clothes in the washer." There was no reply. She knocked again. "Animes, I know you haven't gone to sleep yet and... we need to talk. I need to talk," she amended.

"Are you alright?" She asked as the silence continued. In the back of her head, suspicion began to rise up like a fogbank. "I'm coming in," and so she did. The room doors hadn't come with locks and neither of them knew how to install them. So it really was only a mutual agreement that kept them from barging in whenever they felt like it. And right now Rachel didn't feel like honoring that agreement.

She easily found the clothes she had planned on washing for Animes. They were lying on the floor but of the feral superhero herself there was neither hide nor hair. "Oh, she didn't." Spreading the puddle of clothes out with her toe Rachel noted that the collar she had given Animes wasn't there. Nor anywhere else in the room.

Her apologetic mood was now truly shattered and the suspicion had evaporated in the blazing sun of certainty. 'That idiot is going to the club. After I told her not to! She's always been a loose cannon but this is remarkably reckless even for her.' She sighed. 'And who is going to clean it all up? Well, this is going to be the last time. Forget apologizing, it's time for groveling.'

Running out of Animes' room she was already shedding off her clothing not caring where it landed.


Prowling around the club Animes sought for a stealthy entry point. A place she could slip in without triggering any alarms. Her logical target were the windows just below the roof so she scrambled up the wall using her claws. She had been around three-quarters of the building already and doubt began to creep in once more. 'Maybe I should have waited. It wasn't like I didn't enjoy it.'

She was on her back resting on her elbows as elly's tongue assaulted her pussy. 'Sooo good. Would Ma'am like it if her pet had a tongue-stud too?'

She shook her head to dispel that thought. That almost caused her to miss that opening she had been looking for. Her keen eyes picked out the broken wire that told Animes she could sneak in there. It was dark inside but that didn't deter the feral, she didn't need much light to see. She had already noticed from just looking through the windows that this floor was above the club but she couldn't tell anything else. It seemed to be just a bare corridor with all the rooms on its left. No way to look inside of them from where Animes was now.

Standing in that corridor Animes took a deep breath, then smiled. While there had been a number of females up here, it was nothing like what had been in the club and she could just pick out that odd non-smell of Mesmeri. The supervillain's attempt to fool her nose had been smart but obviously hadn't worked. She blinked as she suddenly realized that she hadn't tried tracking Mesmeri from the crime-scene with her nose. 'Because it wouldn't have worked obviously,' she argued.

Shrugging the whole thing off Animes stalked towards the only door in sight. She didn't open it immediately, instead she went stock-still to soak up every sound she could trying hard to discern what she might expect once inside. Nothing, she could hear nothing. Obviously it was soundproofed like downstairs.

Readying herself she opened the door as quick as she could without making a sound in the process. The room was as bare as the corridor but beyond it was another door, a steel one and Mesmeri's scent lead straight to it.

A surge of savage satisfaction took hold of Animes. Finally she could come to grips with all the confusing feelings this case had saddled her with. And pound the living daylights out of her until she was once again herself. With a roar she launched herself at the door not even considering the possibility the door would hold.

And it didn't because at her first touch it swung open, obviously not locked. With an oomph Animes landed rather clumsily turning it into a roll that ended with her on all fours, ready to jump every which way.

This room had some sparse furnishings consisting of a simple bed, a desk with a laptop and an executive chair. That chair held the one person who reacted in any way to Animes' entry.

Looking up from her book Mesmeri didn't seem surprised at the intrusion. "And my fourth accomplice has finally arrived. Welcome Animes."

"Accomplice?" The superhero couldn't help but exclaim. "Fourth?" And her eyes darted to the bed and the three naked girls on it. Their bodies were glistening with sweat and she had no problem making out their breathless whispers as they pleasured each other. She had already taken note of them and noticed they looked familiar... 'Those three! The ones that looked so out of place in the club.'

"Yes, my fourth accomplice. These three helped me get Kristelot's book and cover it up so no one should take note of it until after I made my escape. While you, you bought me the time I needed to gather the complete set."

Animes shook her head in denial. "I've been trying to stop you, not help you. Because I don't help criminals, I put them away," she stood up.

"But you did not, now did you? You did not think to track me down and who was the one that let herself be captivated by those lovely lights? Just when I needed something to keep Restrainer occupied while I made my escape?" Mesmeri got up as well, carefully laying down the book on the seat she had vacated. All the while the three girls on the bed continued with their activities. The sounds they were making started to grate on Animes, made certain memories flare up.

"My accomplice you are. Unwilling, unwitting and utterly unthinking." She raised her had, pointing her palm at Animes. "Because here you are, without a plan, without back-up and without any idea how to stop yourself from giving in. From staring at those pretty lights that will melt your pliable mind into a bubbling puddle of devotion. And you so want to melt, do you not?"

The heroine was frozen on the spot while her heart thumped in her chest. It was just like their last encounter, but so much worse. There was no Restrainer to rescue her this time and part of her was already melting. A strangled peep came out of her in answer of Mesmeri's question. Even Animes didn't know if it was a denial or a plea for Mesmeri to fire away.

"But you are not in the proper position to receive your reward. If you want to see those wonderful lights you need to kneel, you want to

get rid of that pesky uniform. The one that keeps your beauty from my admiring eyes."

"Yesss," she hissed as her knees hit the bare concrete floor. Her hand easily parted the self-sealing fastener of her uniform only taking a detour to tweak one of her nipples. And during all of this her eyes didn't move a millimeter away from Mesmeri's palm.

"Oh, I see you already went to the trouble of collaring yourself for me. Did you secretly dream of becoming mine? That you would be remolded into my personal fuckpet perhaps?"

This remark stopped Buffy's hand from going lower. 'Her fuckpet? No, I'm Ma'am's fuckpet. I belong to nobody. Only to Ma'am. Except Mesmeri wants me so...' She was being pulled in three directions at once, it was all so confusing. 'Did it mean Ma'am had mindfucked her too? That would be so very hot, so very wrong. I'm Mesmeri's accomplice, just like Elly. Elly is a hypnotized pet.'

Buffy whined, her sex only getting hotter as the conflicting thoughts whirled around in her head. "I see you do require a final push. Open those eyes for me, big and wide so the light can penetrate nice and deep."

"I don't think so," an angry voice came from behind. Purple energy enveloped Mesmeri's hands and bands of that same energy appeared on her legs. Before Mesmeri could do more than be surprised her hands were forced behind her back and it was her turn to kneel. Another band of purple energy now appeared around her waist trapping her arms against her sides.

'Those are forcefields,' Buffy's befuddled mind provided. It was only now that she placed the voice, it was Restrainer! Relief washed over her, leaving her feeling weak and jittery. All she was capable of was staying put.

Restrainer herself strode over to Mesmeri. "Hello dear." Mesmeri's voice was still calm and confidant. "I see you are angry, but that is unnecessary. Just one quick peek at my lightshow and you will feel so much better. A quick peek cannot hurt you, now can it?"

Restrainer didn't even slow down. "No, I don't think so." Bypassing an apparently stimied Mesmeri she snatched up the book the supervillain had been reading. "Got the book but what did you with the..." She stopped after opening the book, apparently surprised by something. "This isn't Kristelot's book, what did you do with it?"

With two quick steps she was besides a still struggling Mesmeri. Her suit had fasteners similar to Restrainer's so she didn't have any problem getting it off. But it didn't reveal the short mop of black hair and the mature appearance that they both knew. Instead the locks were blond and they were faced with a far more youthful visage. The girl was wearing earbuds and her expression even now was rapturous.

It wasn't the face either Restrainer or Buffy had expected but they did know her. "Sparkler! What the hell are you doing here impersonating Mesmeri?" Restrainer asked. Sparkler was a fellow heroine who was based in Bay City. Capable of using light attacks to confuse opponents she wasn't supposed to be able to do the kind of things Buffy thought Mesmeri had done. Or impersonate a supervillain for that matter.

Sparkler ignored her, still struggling futily against the forcefields. Perhaps thinking that she hadn't heard her, Restrainer plucked out one of the earbuds and held it to her own ear to find out what the supposed superhero was listening to.

It was faint from where Buffy was but her enhanced hearing helped her to make out a few of the words. "Mistress loves you...She trusts you...don't disappoint Mistress...obey..." There was more and it was Mesmeri's voice speaking the words. Buffy took another look at the hood and saw some device were the mouth should go. That solved the mystery on how Mesmeri had gotten her new power, she hadn't.

Buffy barely heard Rachel's whisper, "so she got to you."

Something in Rachel's voice made her feel very uncomfortable. She didn't know why, the League had the expertise to deprogram Sparkler so no real harm was done. Trying to break the silence she started talking. "Thanks, I was really worried..." She began to stand up but stopped midway as Restrainer suddenly blocked her view of the bound criminal.

Her body radiated anger. "And you, you stupid girl." Bending over she grabbed the ring of the collar and lifted Buffy's head up a little. Automatically her leg folded back under her so Buffy was kneeling again, her face was upturned and very close to Restrainer's.

"You knew it was dangerous, you knew Mesmeri had a weapon you couldn't-no, you didn't want to defend from and on top of it all you didn't have a plan. Did you want to end up like Sparkler?" Not giving Buffy the chance to respond she continued, "it's always like this, you expect me to do all the work but fancy yourself as the leader."

"I...I..." Buffy wanted to say more but seeing Restrainer act like this shook her to the bone. And it was a pleasant tremble at that.

"Well no more. You are incapable of restraint, but I am not. I'll just have to provide it for you. And you want that."

Buffy couldn't think, only respond. "Yes, Ma'am."

The other hand came down and stroked her hair. "Good, you're just like Elly."

Her eyes widened as Buffy felt those words resonate within her. 'What is she talking about? I am just like Elly.' The world got a little blurry for a second. 'That hypnosis stuff, I am a hypnotized pet, isn't that supposed to be gone. And even if there isn't, I am just like Elly.' The world wasn't just getting blurry, it was getting comfortable too. Like a fluffy cloud. 'Isn't there some induction or something, I am a hypnotized pet, staring at a watch and the like?'

Thinking of staring brought her experience in the club to mind. Focussing on Elly, staring so hard at her. Her whole world vanishing as she relaxed in place. Until she let go and Buffy was just like Elly. Something clicked into place. "I am a hypnotized pet," she answered.

The hand kept stroking her and she purred in approval. Hypnotized pet liked petting, her owner had said she did.


"I am a hypnotized pet," one of the superheroes said. Her dreamy voice floated through the speakers. The angle of the camera wasn't very good but that didn't matter to Mesmeri all that much. Neither did the fact that she lost one of her more valuable acquisitions.

'It's not like I can't get her back on a later date.' Oh sure, the League would return her to normal, probably even add some defenses. But what was the use of reinforcing the walls if the foundation was weak? At heart Sparkler was a girl desperate for love and having been given a taste of what Mesmeri could provide she would come running back at the first reminder.

At least she put the goods in the mail. Too bad they haven't arrived yet, it would have been so much sweeter to watch this with Kristelot's 'Submission' in my lap.'

On the monitor the one with the purple hair was now whispering into the other's ear. The micro-phone couldn't pick most of it up, something about a tongue-stud? She was still petting the kneeling woman with one hand but the other was busy in the brunette's crotch. Well, to be precise it was the brunette that was enthusiastically impaling herself on the purple-head's fingers.

"Still, who would have thought this would happen? Outcome G-2." She smiled. "Guess I did but think it likely? No." Leaning back she beckoned one of her retainers to come. "But I am very happy with this one. It offers so many possibilities. And with a few more encounters she might just be perfect for 'the more the merrier'. Oh yes, right there dear. Only your tongue for now, lets draw this out."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Excellent as usual

Very nice. I've been a fan of your stories since the first and they keep getting better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Superheroics + Mind Control + D/s = awesome

Very good, would love to see more.

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