Parting Shot


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"Think you're getting it out of your system?" Marcy teased.

"I suppose so, yeah," Paul replied. "Feels good!" he chuckled. It was strange how he never really realized how badly he wanted to play with Marcy's tits until she'd offered him the opportunity. He thought he'd managed to put them out of his mind, aside from that persistent little itch to steal one more decent glance. But now that he actually held one of them in his hand, it felt like he would've gone crazy if he'd repressed himself much longer.

"So you get what I'm saying?" Marcy asked once she'd settled into a comfortable position.

"Uh... yeah, I guess. You're saying... that I... what? That I should come on stronger?" Paul replied, clearly distracted.

"Hmm... kind of," Marcy sighed, seemingly frustrated by the different wavelengths they were obviously on.

"I guess what I'm saying is that with real life shit, you can't make it all some carefully mapped out plan, you know? You can't just make a list like, 'This is what I'm gonna do Monday; This is what I'm gonna do Tuesday...' and so on.

"You gotta be more in the moment than that. Be impulsive; follow your gut.

"If you get the feeling that things are going your way, then press your advantage. A guy like you can do that without being an ass about it. If you're wrong and doesn't pay off, well then, so be it. But don't pretend like the opportunity isn't there just 'cause you weren't anticipating it."

Marcy was definitely giving Paul some serious food for thought, so much so that he all but forgot about the whopping breast in his hand.

"I'm not saying, 'give up on the thoughtful stuff,'" she continued. "There's plenty of room for that: you know, putting some effort in to impress, showing that you care, going for a mental connection. That's all good.

"But you've got to follow up all that strategy with some action, you know? Like, when you actually get together with her, you need to really be *there* with her.

"'Cause it's that stuff that happens in the moment that's where all the magic happens. That's when you feel most alive; when you enjoy it the most. Trust me, if you wanna get with a girl, you need to be a part of that moment. You gotta let her know you're there with her, sharing it with her, so she can see how much she enjoys being with you. You can't do that if you're running off some battle plan.

"Sorry," she giggled, shaking off her pensive torpor in an instant. "Am I making even less sense now than I was before?"

"No," Paul croaked. He didn't lift his gaze to meet hers, but his voice was so insistent and sincere, Marcy instinctively believed him.

"Good," Marcy responded happily, sounding very satisfied with herself.

It was a lot to take in. Marcy had given him a brand new perspective on his difficulties with Kathy.

Although he understood the essence of her advice, he felt more confused than enlightened. He needed to 'stop thinking so much' about his advances towards Kathy? How was he supposed to do that? How do you stop thinking about the very thing you are trying to do?

It all seemed moot right now, anyway. Even if Marcy had handed him a sure-fire, easy-to-follow recipe for winning Kathy's adoration, Paul had doubts he'd actually go out there and use it. He felt like he just wanted a little distance for now.

Then, for no apparent reason, his solemn musings of Kathy faded quickly away, like a flame that had exhausted its candle. He became acutely aware of the tenacious stiffness of his cock and he once again took notice of the sizable mound of soft, feminine flesh in his hand. An uncanny sense of serenity rushed through him as he gazed deeply upon the smooth, tanned skin of Marcy's upper breast and watched the pores and sparse freckles undulating due to his rhythmic squeezes.

"Damn! I have got a fucking amazing knocker in my hand!" he suddenly appreciated.

Paul absolutely adored tits. He'd never admit it aloud, but as far as he was concerned, they were the most fantastic creations on God's green earth. Admiring them via pictures and videos was easy enough in this day and age, but actually being able to feel their sweet consistency with his own hand was all too scarce a privilege. In this case, it was an extra special blessing, as these were no ordinary breasts. Fondling such an exquisite pair was literally a pipe dream from his teenage years that had miraculously come true.

Paul gazed down at her other breast; hiding deeper in the shadowy 'hinge' between Marcy herself and the mattress, where it was more difficult for him to reach. Its bulk rested majestically upon the mattress in a way that barely compromised its regular shape. He stared at the dainty little nipple at its center; so seductively pink and covered with the silkiest, softest of skin. All he could think about was how satisfying it would be to suck on that scrumptious little gland.

"'Be in the moment!'" he privately reiterated Marcy's earlier advice. "'Be impulsive!'

"Well, no time like the present!" he reasoned. With that, he cupped and lifted Marcy's left breast - the one he'd been fondling - and dove hungrily upon it, taking the nipple and much of the surrounding flesh in to his mouth. Only after he'd already begun suckling did he wonder if this was a step too far. A surge of adrenaline made him quiver as he worried that he might be about to get slapped. But even the risk of rejection couldn't deter him from feasting upon that supple breast.

"Hey!" Marcy reacted. She was certainly surprised, but she didn't seem upset at all. Paul cautiously took it as a sign of consent and continued suckling.

"Looks like you got the message after all," Marcy told him warmly.

Paul was uncertain how to take those words. Was that big speech of hers really about his failed love life? Or had it all been just a veiled effort to persuade him in to one more casual fling? Who was in control of what was happening right now, him or Marcy?

After thinking about it, he figured that Marcy's advice had probably been sincere. If she'd only been interested in fooling around with him, it would be more like her to just be direct about it. After all, she'd practically just barged in to his room last night and told him, "I want to fuck you."

All the same, Paul realized that he wasn't the one in control right now: Marcy was. She was *always* in control. She was just so sexy, Paul couldn't help but be captivated by her; he couldn't help but desire her with every fiber of his being. Marcy had a hold over him that he just couldn't break.

Not that Paul minded, though. He didn't need to be in control; he was enjoying himself.

He loved her tender breast with unguarded passion. He plowed its yielding skin with his teeth, lapped the erect little nipple with his tongue and freely suckled upon entire mouthfuls of woman. It was a gushing testament to his lifelong adoration of the female form, specifically the bust.

Marcy moved her leg and inadvertently bumped her thigh in to his cock. Once again, he became acutely aware of how hard he was. Suddenly, her tits weren't enough anymore. There was something he desired even more.

He slid his other hand down through the tight gaps between their bodies, navigating Marcy by touch until he found her warm crotch.

He reflected on how sexy her bush was as he ran his fingers through it. Most girls he'd seen in porn were completely bald down there. There was a definite appeal to that look. But he had been most impressed last night when he discovered the generous crop of hair Marcy had on her privates. It made her seem more womanly, more sexually mature than the multitude of hairless teases he'd seen before. Yet, just like every other aspect of her appearance, there was elegance to the way Marcy kept her nether regions. The nice, wide landing strip showed off how lusciously rich her hair was down there, but the ruler-straight edges spoke of a sophisticated woman who was in charge of her own sexuality. That was so Marcy: she didn't just flaunt what nature gave her; she flaunted it like an expert.

He watched her face carefully as he touched her labia, looking for any sign that the move might be unwelcome. The soft smile that her mouth curled into eliminated all his remaining doubts. This was happening: he was really going to fuck her again! In retrospect, he figured that sex was all but inevitable once you start titty-playing with a girl you're naked in bed with. But then again, pretty much everything about their time together over the past 24 hours flew in the face of what one would expect.

Paul massaged her privates with diligence and confidence, employing all the guidance she'd given him the previous morning. It wasn't long before his fingers were practically swimming in her juices. He noticed the movement of her breasts increasing as her breath quickened.

The stiffness of his rod was driving him crazy. He needed to let it taste her so badly. But he didn't want to be too eager, like he'd been last night. This was shaping up to be such a great experience, he didn't want to spoil it by being impatient.

He rolled Marcy over on to her back without his fingertips ever leaving her pussy. Now he could finally reach her right breast. The poor thing hadn't had any attention all morning and had none of the spritely perk of arousal that her twin displayed. Paul lunged upon its relaxed little nipple and began suckling in earnest. At the same time, his fingers changed their game and began testing the depths of her slit.

He did his best not to disrupt the foreplay as he propped himself up and edged closer and closer to her. Judging by the board grin on her face, whatever he was doing was working. He had to stop suckling her tit when he finally swung his leg over to position himself on top of her, but he was able to keep up the masturbation.

Their eyes met as he leaned over her. There were no words, but the hot, heavy breath said it all.

They came together in a passionate kiss, while Paul's fingers danced furiously upon the threshold of her sex.

It was too much; he couldn't deny himself the pleasure of Marcy's womanhood any longer.

He removed his hand and lined his erection up with her opening. Marcy's hand seemed to come out of nowhere and gently grasped him by the shaft to help guide him in.

The first push was amazing: feeling the tight, smooth flesh sliding down his cock. He saw something in her eyes as he penetrated, something indescribable but beautiful. The slightest shimmer of a tear of joy and a quickening of her pulse. It felt like he'd just watched her complete her metamorphosis from intelligent human being to primal sex kitten. All he could see in her was a hot, naked animal that wanted nothing except to be hammered by a nice, hard cock. Paul was most happy to oblige.

The furious, messy kissing resumed as Paul began thrusting vigorously. The old cast-iron bed frame began to squeak in a distinctly coital rhythm. It wasn't subtle and Paul suspected that the others would be able to hear it.

"Who the fuck cares?" he thought to himself, while Marcy sucked on his bottom lip. "Whatever it's going to cost me later for this hot pussy, it is totally, totally worth it!"

Marcy had to come up for air eventually, but Paul was still hungry, so he took to mouthing her neck, just below her left ear.

"Hey!" she sighed after catching her breath somewhat. She placed her hand on the side of his butt and grabbed it so firmly it disrupted his rhythm.

"Easy there, tiger! There's no hurry. It isn't a race," she scolded him sweetly.

"Sorry," Paul sheepishly panted, as he slowed the pace of his hips to half of what it had been before.

He leaned in for more kisses and Marcy reciprocated, but they had lost the fire they'd had before. He moved down further and began to mouth her jaw.

"Well, technically, I 'spose it is a race..." Marcy corrected her earlier remark. "But you'll be a lot more popular if you come second in this one."

Paul chuckled.

"Ow! I just got a cramp!" he replied facetiously. "Guess you've got the lead."

Marcy grinned broadly and giggled.

"Don't worry. We're both gonna win," she replied in a whispering growl.

They locked lips once more. Only this time, the fire had returned. Marcy began to rake her fingers aggressively through his curly hair. Her other hand wrapped around his back and held him quite insistently.

Paul kept to the moderate pace Marcy had set him on, but he made up for it by humping her more forcefully than before. With every thrust, he pressed her shapely hips deep in to the mattress beneath.

Her pussy was sheer paradise. It teased him non-stop with its toothless bite and stroked every hungry nerve in his cock each time he pushed inside. Not to mention how it stroked the profound urges that laid much deeper. Paul wished this wonderful dance would never end and yet ironically, the ending was what he wanted more than anything else.

Paul felt Marcy's legs wrap around him and close against his butt, attempting to lock their sexes together so that he wouldn't be able to pull out even if he wanted to.

The kisses stopped; this time it was Paul who needed to take a breather. Marcy kept going, leaving Paul swooning. The tender lips dancing across her cheek added to the myriad of delightful sensations he was caught up in.

He kept grinding away, his hips running on automatic. His pace smoothly increased, but not to the point of being impatient. He happily persisted, even as his thighs and stomach began to ache and his body roasted like an oven. But eventually he succumbed to the sweet kiss of Marcy's womanhood.

A dizzying lethargy came over him just as his loins began to thunder. His upper body collapsed on to Marcy as dead weight, while his crotch pressed firmly against hers on sheer reflex. He felt her soft tits cushioning his pecks and he relished it.

As his cock gushed triumphantly in to Marcy's lithe, young abdomen, she serenaded him with an erotic song of breathy, wanton moans. At that moment, a single thought took root Paul's mind: he was so glad he had come out here to the North Carolina backwoods with his friends.

It turned out this vacation was exactly what he had needed. Not the quiet, isolated woods, the horseplay in the lake or the ambitious amount of drinking he'd done; but this right here - cutting loose and getting it on with a random hot girl.

The truth was, it wasn't college that he needed a break from. What he'd really needed a break from was his friend-zone limbo with Kathy. For years he'd kept himself tied in knots over the relationship he so desperately wanted with her. All those moments when he felt that distance between them, all those times he watched in anguish as some other guy got close to her - they took their toll.

The assignments and exams, the piddling other social dramas, shortness of cash; those kinds of troubles would come and go. But this thing with Kathy had been pulling on his heart strings non-stop for the better part of a decade.

Paul had come on this trip hoping it would improve his relationship with Kathy. Though it hadn't played out the way he had intended, that was precisely what had happened. With Marcy's help, he managed to stop dwelling on Kathy for a little while and start caring about himself. He gave himself a chance to have fun just being a guy. He finally tended to that quintessential masculine need to put his cock inside a gorgeous, gorgeous woman and release the sperm he'd been repressing for eight years.

It seemed counter-intuitive, but Paul couldn't deny that his head was in a much better place now than it had been beforehand. He felt liberated; rejuvenated. All he had lost for certain was a good measure of his frustrations and self-pity; things that had only been souring his friendship with Kathy. Guilty pleasure or not, these casual flings with Marcy had been a diversion he'd sorely needed.

The vacation had been great and it wasn't even over yet...

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story

Interesting characters that keep you guessing what will happen next, and a lot does!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
One of the absolute best!!

I don't usually comment, and when I do it's usually a correction or a criticism, but I have to say that this here is one of the best stories I have read on this site. Well crafted characters, slow build-up and character progression. I'm impressed and satisfied. Hats off to the author!!!

PS: Would love a part 2!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
would. love a part 2

There is enough character development here for a part 2

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 7 years ago
Very good!

Nice job presenting the characters, building plenty of tension, then holding the peak. I felt for Paul early, then wondered which direction he'd take. It was easy to see how slimy and disrespectful Brad was.. and it didn't take much to show that Joe was a dumbass. I think it might have played stronger if the reader knew earlier, that Paul felt grind-zoned, or if there was a way to show whether Kathy was a tease or actually interested in Paul. Behavior says tease, but there isn't much about her.

tazz317tazz317about 7 years ago

were fire at him, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Passion, but not consumated

Excellent passion! Totally hedonistic pleasure! Very good descriptive language!

The downside for me was the vengeful hatred of Marcy's desire to torture Brad, repaying his (inexcusable) grossness with more of the same. Also, I really worry about Paul and Marcy in a cabin in the woods while Brad has that loaded rifle. It could so easily turn out very, very badly. Marcy's passion was consummated, but Brad's was only getting more intense. That kind of guy can see a rifle as a penis-substitute, and pumping a girl full of lead as the next best thing to pumping her full of jizz.

I guess I'm glad you stopped where you did, Spinner!

PS - Why do girls have to have huge tits in these stories? I've had some really great sex with girls whose tits are almost non-existent! It's like they make up for the lack by intensified passion... :-D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Needs a 2nd part

This story needs a 2nd part to tie up the loose ends. Great story. Loved it!!

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