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"You're still wearing my shirt?"

"Barely, yes. I told you you were going to have to take it off. Do you want it off me? If you do, you will have to take it off like I said."

"No. Just making an observation. I don't have the strength to take it off you right now."

I don't remember anything after that of our conversation. I must have drifted off. The next thing I know, I wake up to find Penny sleeping in my arms, now completely naked, and curled up to me like a little puppy. She was so warm and soft against me. I began to stroke her hair.

She roused a little from her sleep and gave me a hug.

"Thanks." She said.

"For what?"

"For what!" She slapped me, "for the sex, you idiot!"

"Ah... okay. Thank you too."

"Your welcome."

We lay there for some time lazily stroking each other. Nothing sexual, just reassuring and enjoyable.

"You are good," she said again.

"So are you."

"And we are good together, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I responded back.

We were quiet some more.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I replied.

"Would you be willing to do this again?"

"Now?" I asked. "I don't think I can go right now... give me a little time..."

"No, stupid," She slapped me again, "Do this again some other night."

"Sure, anytime, you're great."

"I'm not looking for a boyfriend, you know." She started." I'm just looking for someone to spend time with... someone I can have fun with... like now, on a whim. Maybe someone to go to movies with, or have a dinner with, or to just call and talk with? Someone I can call whenever I need a man, you know? Someone ready for me when I want to make love, fool around, or just fuck. Someone that won't mind not being my boyfriend but enjoying all that I offer. I'm looking for someone..."

Her speech trailed off. She was trying to come up with something succinct and to the point. I had the answer and blurted it out.

"You want a fuck buddy." I said.

She sat up and her glorious breasts swayed with her movement. I felt a little stirring.

"Yes, a fuck buddy! That's great! What a great name!" She laughed."Wanna be my fuck buddy?"

"Certainly." I said.

She laughed again and gave me a big hug. Her warm breasts pushed against my naked chest and her nipples poked me. I felt my cock begin to grow.

"Now, I will be your ONLY fuck buddy, yes?" She whispered in my ear.

"Yes. Only you."

"No, I am serious. I'm your only woman while we do this."

"Sure, Penny." She looked me straight in the eye and talked to me slowly.

"I'm the only thing you will fuck or we don't do this."

"Yes, Penny. The only woman," I asked, "What's going on?"

She paused and I could tell she was thinking. "As you probably noticed, we didn't use a condom or anything..." She began.

"I just assumed you were on the pill or something," I got a little spooked there. "You are on the pill, right?"

"Yes, hon, on the pill. Definitely. That's not what I am trying to say."

I could tell something was going on and I didn't know what. I reached out and touched her hand. "What then?"

"I'm allergic to latex and can't use condoms." She paused. "If we do this, this fuck buddy thing, its like this all the time. No condoms, no dental dams, no nothing between us. You will have me, if you know what I mean, completely every time."

"Really? Bareback all the time?" I said and must have looked a little scared.

"Bareback... you have a name for everything, don't you? I'm on birth control and so I'll know when it isn't safe to have sex. But when we do, there will be nothing to protect us from each other and I want both of us to be safe. Hell, I'm thinking of asking you for an HIV test." She paused and looked me straight in the eye.

"A little late for that, isn't it, Penny?" She looked a little guilty and so I reassured her. "Do you want me to take the test? It's no big deal. I'm clean and I've done it before..." I let the sentence trail off.

"No." She said. "Offering is enough. But, I will swear off all other men if you promise to do the same for me."

"Ok, " I said, " I will swear off all other men as well." That earned me a hit with a pillow.

"I'm serious." She said earnestly, the usual sarcasm gone. She was looking down while speaking. "I don't want a boyfriend, just got rid of the last one, but I need a man sometimes, and..."

I reached out and pulled her head up so I could look into her eyes.

"You want someone you can call on when you need a man? When you want a man or when you just want to be ... whatever?"


"I'm your man." I said. Hell, I don't have a girlfriend and don't see one coming around anytime soon and she wants a almost no strings attached lover? Duh! Of course, yes!


"Yes. I promise you will be the only woman I bed for as long as we decide to do this. But you have to promise me something as well."


"No calling once every two months for a few moments of fucking and then you are gone again. We need to do this a lot -- make it worth both our whiles."

"No problem," she said. "I will probably be in this bed about 2 or 3 times a week!"

She leaned back, put a pillow under her head again and laid there for a moment. My shirt fallen down when we had talked and did now almost cover her below mid thigh. She was swimming in it. It was so big, it almost hid the possibility of her beautiful breasts inside. She closed her eyes for a second and then opened them quickly.

"So we have a deal, right?"

"Yes. We have a deal."

"You are my fuck buddy?"

"Only if you are mine." I responded.

"I am."

"What about natural condoms, don't they make them out of sheep or something?" I asked.

"And have some dead animal parts inside me? Hell no... disgusting."


The talk had sort of got me a little excited and she noticed. She reached out and began to play with my near flacid penis. It took her some time before it began to stir in her hands.

"You ready to go a second time?" She asked.

"Well, it may be a bit early, I need to gather my strength." Shae let go of my cock and lay back on the bed and spread her legs.

"Then how do you feel about a little cream pie?"

I smiled. "Only if it is my cream. How do you feel about tube steak."

"Yours? Yummy." She winked at me and made a show of licking her lips.

"Wanna 69?"

"Only if you are on top." She said.

"The whole mass of the guy thing again, right?"


I moved around to position my cock, now more livelier than a few seconds ago, in front of her face. She moved to pop just the head of it in her mouth to give it a little suck and let it go.

"I was right... you are yummy." She said.

I made a show of dipping a finger into her sex and licking it as well.

"So are you." I said.

"Then lets eat." She teased.

"Lets." I moved around to position myself in the classic 69 pose so she could suck me as I licked her.

I felt her hand on the base of my cock, directing it to her mouth. I could feel her breath on it as she moved her hand along it, coaxing it to hardness.

"You know what I like better than a 69?" She asked slightly muffled from underneath me.

I was just about to dip into her sex, but pulled back. "No, what?"


"71? What is 71?"

"You'll see." She said. But, I didn't care. Her warm, wet mouth engulfed my hardness and I pushed my face down into her wet sex filled with cum. She was yummy.

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WittonWitton5 months ago

Great characters-too bad this was a one-and-done

Five stars, obviously

Sman4444Sman4444almost 3 years ago

Really enjoyable read. Funny, quirky, delicious- fuck buddies are great! Enjoy them while you can! It’s been a long time since you wrote - have you had anymore?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
big dick

I have read a few stories where the guy didn't have a 9 or 10" dick. My complements on a good story.

You see, most of the stories the guy has this enormas cock. Thats not the real world.

Nice to know some of us are normal


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Very nice

It's a great story and I enjoyed reading it. I'm hoping for a sequal!!

lizzie_love69lizzie_love69over 16 years ago

Wow! That is one of the best stories I've ever read on here (and I've been around for a long time!) Can't wait to read what you write next!

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