Penny and the Lingerie Party

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Penny is invited to a lingerie party for larger size breasts.
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It was Saturday night and Penny's hubby was out with his buddies, this left Penny home by herself.

With her trusty laptop she quickly signed into her favourite social network site and, with a fresh cup of coffee by her side, got ready for a boring night alone.

Scrolling through her account made her feel even more bored as nothing held her attention for more than a few seconds.

Even the ads down the side of the screen seemed boring until she saw one for oversized bras. Penny had breasts that everyone loved to look at, admire, and compliment her on; her husband would suck them off her chest if he could, and he tried many times! He simply loved to swirl his tongue around her nipples.

What none of these men realised was that bras for larger breasts were uncomfortable and painful, in fact most stores didn't care to carry larger size bras!

So when Penny saw an ad for a 'larger sizes bra group' her interest was piqued, could this be real? Would this lead her to a place that would sell her comfortable underwear?

Penny clicked on the ad and a website opened itself.

After reading it Penny realised that it was a mail order shop that catered to larger sizes who, every four to six weeks, would send out a sales representative to your local area to showcase their latest range.

The next sales night was next Tuesday night and only a short drive away. With a no sales pressure guarantee Penny thought she would give it a try.

Next Tuesday night Penny parked her car just a short walk from the address sent to her. The street was lined with town houses with six metre high trees planted evenly along the pathway. Being so close to the cities CBD meant it was a nice area of town.

Penny nervously walked up to the front door and quietly knocked, somehow hoping that nobody would answer and she could go home.

But the door opened and there stood a very attractive Japanese lady, she was a tall, long straight black hair with a slightly chubby build – and very attractive.

"Hello, i'm Mikayo, nice to meet you." She said with a perfect Australian accent while extending her hand in a friendly manner.

"Hi ... I'm Penny" was the reply as Penny shook Mikayo's hand. Mikayo moved forward and gave Penny a big hug,

"Oh you are so beautiful!" Mikayo told her as she squeezed their bodies together.

Penny was a middle aged Greek woman with shoulder length hair and large breasts, and was happy to return the hug to someone who was so nice to her.

Mikayo broke the hug and moved aside, giving the hint for Penny to come in. Penny walked into a small but very comfortable town house, it was obvious that Mikayo lived here by herself.

As Penny walked down the hallway she noticed the prints of nude women; most of them displayed women from ancient times, surrounded by adoring men and women.

"Next door on your right," Mikayo told her. Penny walked through the door and was pleasantly surprised by the very stylish lounge room, but what really caught here eye was the two buxom ladies already sitting down enjoying a white wine.

They both turned towards Penny and smiled.

Mikayo walked over to the table and picked up a glass of wine for Penny.

"This is May..." Mikayo said as she pointed to a half Chinese, half Anglo Saxon lady. May was short with neck length black hair and brown eyes.

"...and this is Jessica!" Mikayo added as she pointed to Spanish looking lady. She was tall, dark and very attractive.

As the two ladies gave Penny a hug Penny noticed that all four ladies had one thing in common – big busts. For the first time she could remember Penny realised that her 20DD breasts were not the largest in the room, in fact they were almost the smallest!

"This is all we have tonight so we may as well get started." Mikayo said as she motioned for the ladies to take a seat on the lounge.

Mikayo stood in the middle of the room and gave her sales spiel. What it amounted too was that every two months she would have a party to show the latest underwear from the website that sold them online. You get to see and feel the underwear and, if you wish to purchase, you then go home and order online – it was that simple. The best part for Penny, and the other girls, was that this web site specialised in big breasts.

At the end of the sales talk the ladies were shown the latest range of lingerie and allowed to try some on if they liked what they saw.

After a short time looking through it all Penny picked up a black transparent negligee and went to ask Mikayo where she could change, but before she did she noticed that both May and Jessica were both stripping in the middle of the lounge room. They both had their new lingerie next to them and both seemed oblivious to the fact that there were others in the room with them!

Penny could not help but look at both of the ladies who were changing.

May was short and chubby but had large firm breasts; she didn't shave her pubic hair and let it run free, it looked beautiful.

Jessica was tall and skinny with breasts that looked like she would fall forward at any time, while men would find them attractive and sexy Penny knew the truth - that women find them painful. Still, painful or not, Penny imagined them in her mouth with her tongue rolling around the nipple.

Penny shook her head to get those thoughts out; she was married to a lovely man and together they had a great career. She wasn't a lesbian and didn't know why she had those thoughts.

But what about being bi-sexual? It wouldn't hurt to at least try.

Penny pulled her shirt off and let her breasts out, ready to take her bra off. She stopped suddenly and was startled when Mikayo hugged her from behind and offered to remove her bra,

"I saw how you were looking at the other two," Mikayo whispered into Penny's ear, "it seemed to turn you on. Have you ever felt a woman's touch?". Penny froze but managed to just shake her head slightly side to side, 'uh-uh' was the only noise she could made.

Mikayo moved in behind Penny while undoing her bra. Penny closed her eyes while Mikayo moved her hands underneath Penny's bra straps until finally her hands rested underneath Penny's breasts, holding them up, while her bra hung open.

"Do you like?" Mikayo whispered into Penny's ear, 'uh hu' Penny moaned.

Mikayo slowly kissed Penny on the neck. Penny moved her head in order to give her new lover unrestricted access to that part of the body, she also closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride.

When Mikayo realised that she had no resistance she moved her hands up and caressed Penny's nipples; Penny felt a small, pleasurable, shock wave through her body from the touch of another woman.

Mikayo kissed up her neck and slowly made her kisses towards Penny's mouth, Penny turned her head around and gladly kissed her on the lips. Penny thought that it maybe taking things too far by kissing deeply but the way Mikayo massaged her breasts gave her a heightened sexual thrill and she quickly got over her inhibition.

Penny stuck out her tongue and Mikayo gladly accepted it into her own mouth, they stood in the middle of the room kissing each other deeply as Mikayo tweaked Penny's nipples.

They must have kissed for two minutes before Penny could feel another person breathing right next to her. Penny withdrew her tongue and opened her eyes, standing in front of her was Jessica.

"Don't have her all to yourself!" Jessica told Mikayo as she leant over and gave her a kiss on the lips. Penny was not concentrating on either of those two ladies though, her attention was on May who was sitting on the lounge, naked, with her legs apart masturbating. May noticed Penny looking at her,

"What? You two hot together! You both beautiful! Make May feel nice ..." May said with a large smile, she moved her body around so Penny could see her playing with her own labia.

Jessica grabbed Penny by the back of the hair and forced her tongue into Penny's mouth; Penny felt Jessica's body squeeze against hers. Penny couldn't move backwards as Mikayo was still holding her tightly from behind, still massaging Penny's breasts.

Where as Mikayo kissed gently Jessica was the opposite, she wanted to make it known who was in charge.

Jessica kept kissing Penny with passion while Mikayo moved her hands down Penny's body; Mikayo sexually massaged Penny as she did this but the intention was definitely known, this was it – Penny was going to experience everything with a lady tonight!

Jessica moved her tongue from out of Penny's mouth and sucked at her lips while Mikayo kept sliding her hands further and further down until she got to the top of Penny's underwear.

Penny knew that it really was the border of no return that Mikayo was touching, this was her last opportunity to make it all stop. Penny had no intentions of stopping this though; the sexual electricity in the air was too much and Penny wanted it.

Jessica kissed Penny on the front of her neck while Mikayo kissed her on the back of it; as she did this her hands moved over Penny's panties and rubbed against her pubic hair. Penny let her head fall back while she enjoyed Mikayo's sensual touch. Things only got better when Jessica licked down from Penny's neck towards her nipple, when the tongue touched Penny's breast it was better than any man's tongue had been.

Jessica finally reached Penny's nipple and began to run her tongue around it, it was electrifying; Men try to suck it off but Jessica gently licked it by rolling her tongue around it.

While Jessica licked her magic Mikayo was gently rubbing Penny's pussy through her panties when she suddenly moved her hand to the top of the panties and then pushed her hand down inside. Mikayo's fingers found Penny's pubic hairs and gently rolled them around her fingers, the gentle pull of the hairs gave Penny a pleasurable feeling.

Jessica knelt down so her face was looking straight at Penny's panties, she reached up and put her hands on Penny's hips and with a flick her wrists the panties were down around Penny's ankles.

Penny's private parts were now exposed for all to see.

Mikayo moved her hand down past the pubic hairs and found the clitoris. With a gentle rub Penny knew that Mikayo had done this before, she had hit the jackpot straight away. With Mikayo rubbing the magic G spot and Jessica licking her pubic hair area it wasn't long before Penny had an orgasm, it wasn't mind blowing but it was enough for her to lose her balance. Mikayo giggled as she held her up.

Penny moved towards the lounge that May was sitting on. Mikayo held her left arm while Jessica held her right; Penny was still trying to catch her breath.

May jumped up from the lounge to give Penny room to lay down. Penny sat down just as May walked into another room.

Both Mikayo and Jessica sat down at the ends of the lounge, Penny between them. As soon as they sat down they moved towards Penny, Penny could feel their breasts on her arms.

Jessica put her hand on the back of Penny's head and turned it around so their eyes looked into each others, then Jessica closed her eyes and moved forward, putting her tongue into Penny's mouth.

Penny responded to Jessica's kiss and also felt a mouth engulf her breast, Mikayo caressed her breasts as well as sucked them.

Penny closed her eyes and enjoyed all the sensations.

What happened next surprised Penny, so much so that her eyes shot open and she pulled away from Jessica's kiss. A small vibrator had been put on her Labia, just where a woman likes it.

"You like?" May asked as she knelt in front of Penny, controlling the vibrator.

"Oh..." was all Penny could respond with.

"Have you ever sucked a breast?" Jessica asked in a low sexy voice. Penny didn't really grasp the concept of the question as the vibrators interrupted her concentration. Jessica didn't wait for an answer anyway and promptly pushed her nipple into Penny's mouth, Penny took a second to work out what was happening but once she realised that there was a beautiful woman's breast in her mouth she began to suck it.

After a minute she released the breast from her mouth, only to see May putting on a strap on. It was a nice eight inch black penis, and being ribbed made it look more intriguing.

"Have you ever sucked a ladies vagina?" Jessica asked with a sly grin while Mikayo was helping Penny to kneel in front of Jessica.

Penny knelt in front of the seated Jessica and saw her neatly trimmed pubic hair. While Jessica sucked on her own finger she spread her legs so Penny could see everything that was between her legs. Penny was fascinated, it was the first time she had ever had a close look and it was magnificent.

"Stick your tongue out and lick it." Mikayo whispered into Penny's ear.

"Like this" Mikayo said as she leant over Jessica's leg and licked the Labia, she then looked back to Penny,

"She loves it."

Penny moved in and started to lick in the way that Mikayo had shown her, Jessica made a small moan so she knew she had done something correct.

May moved in behind Penny and massaged her bottom, then stuck her hand between Penny's arse cheeks and gently rubbed her vagina, Penny was wet and ready to go.

May held herself steady and gently prodded Penny's vagina with the strap on, she soon found the opening and slid it in a little bit which made Penny jump; then she started to slowly move it in and out, each thrust going deeper into Penny, Penny was quickly used to it and moved back and forth in time with May.

Penny was in heaven, she was licking a pussy that smelt divine while having a strap on inside her that was being controlled by a lady who knew what women wanted ... and that's a good, long, controlled fuck.

Penny never thought about what Mikayo was up to but she soon found out, a small vibrator was being rubbed on her arse cheeks; and it slowly moved towards her butt hole.

Penny had never had anal sex before and it worried her, but then she realised that these three ladies had touched her in all the right ways all night so she started to relax.

Mikayo finally moved the anal vibrator into her arse, it was only the size as her little finger so there was no excruciating pain that she had expected. In fact it was a lot more pleasant than she thought it would.

Mikayo finally pushed it in about the length of Penny's finger.

So Penny was doggy style, in the middle of a lounge room, surrounded by three sexy ladies. One sitting in front of her being licked, one doing her from behind with a strap on and the other moving a vibrator in and out of her arse. It was only a mater of time before Penny experienced her second orgasm of the night.

After several minutes the tidal wave of an orgasm overtook Penny, she stopped licking Jessica and rested her head. May and Mikayo picked up the tempo until Penny collapsed on the floor breathing heavily.

Penny rolled onto her back in order to regain her breath.

"You liked?"May asked.

"Yes... Yes I did like it." Penny said with a grin when she could finally talk.

The ladies all lay together for another five minutes, basking in the afterglow of Penny's fantastic orgasm.

Finally Penny collected her clothes and dressed, said her goodbyes and left.

Penny got home and found an email from Mikayo inviting her to the next party. Without a second thought Penny answered in the positive because, after all, the lingerie was nice and comfortable!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
The Clitoris

The clitoris region spans a large area that connects to the G spot.

Have a read of this:

Anabelle_WAnabelle_Walmost 9 years agoAuthor

20DD breasts in Australia means size 20 around the body directly below the bust (20 = 93-97cm), DD is around the breast (DD = 115-117cm).

As for the clitoris, it is the area that I personally stimulate when masturbating. I have heard discussions on exactly where it is but that is the closest that I know.

And men that attempt to tell me that the G spot doesn't scientifically exist are never welcome in my bed :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Nice story, but I was confused by one thing you wrote

"Mikayo moved her hand down past the pubic hairs and found the clitoris. With a gentle rub Penny knew that Mikayo had done this before, she had hit the jackpot straight away. With Mikayo rubbing the magic G spot and Jessica licking her pubic hair area it wasn't long before Penny had an orgasm"

Are you implying that the clitoris is the G spot?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Location: Adelaide, Australia

Aussie = 20D or DD USA = 42D or DD

playman64playman64almost 9 years ago
Very hot

Very hot, enjoyed reading and masturbating to it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

20 would be the measurement around the rib cage under the breast. It is way to small for any one not a child.

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