Perverted Censorship

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America doesn't understand what perversion is.
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The dictionary defines 'perverse' as 'being turned away from what is right and good.' I am a flag waving American vet, but in my country it has often been acceptable to be perverse. Carnage and sex come to mind.

When I was nine, my mom and dad used to press a quarter into my hand and send me off to Saturday matinee. I saw wonderful westerns, mysteries, war stories, sci-fi serials, religious epics and cartoons. I learned about weapons, fighting, dying, suffering, sacrificing and that evil men or an angry God would kill hundreds on a whim.

As the years passed, blood, gore and horror movies became the rage for teenage viewing. "The Thing" cured me from watching horror movies. I had months of nightmares of the severed hand moving under the dim light or the dead dog falling out of the bin.

Luckily I had been exposed to a lot of non-filtered ideas. My father was career military. When I was fifteen, I had spent more time in foreign countries than in the United States. My years in Germany, France and Okinawa had left my young mind with a well-informed, healthy interest in sex. The first girl I ever asked for a date, matter-of-factly told me she had to work that night. She worked in a souvenir shop in Naha, Okinawa, during the day. She was fourteen and a hooker some nights. She and her mom did what they had to do to survive. In fact they did rather well, on their standard, and accepted what they did. I liked them both, sought to understand and did not judge them.

From my would-be date, uncensored shows, watching midwifes work and being around people who accepted sex as openly as eating and going to the bathroom, I learned my own definitions of perversion. I returned to the U.S. totally out of sync with its society. "Naughty magazines" weren't naughty. They were crude but the women were untouchable, titillating, beauties and the sex acts were familiar to the world. I learned to stay quiet when friends would bring out their well hidden, secrets from under their mattresses and from behind boxes in the garage.

At first I wasn't sure if my buddies weren't just playing a macho game. Sometimes even smart people do things that are ignorant and bigoted. Surely, they knew women were not inferior cum sluts to be dominated and taken. Surely, they knew that women were not here just to be subservient to men. Surely, they knew and understood the "third sex" concepts accepted around the world for centuries. Surely, they knew different cultures and races were wonderful, equal and exciting. Surely, they knew the arrogant twists and turns that men have made in their religions. Surely, they knew enough anatomy to know that the hymen is a "Maybe" external structure on a girl. Surely, they knew that nymphomania was a horrible, torture for a woman and not something any man would want to run into. Surely, they knew that a six-inch dick was what they were meant to have. Surely, they wanted to soar into the world of beauty, sex, diversity and awe.

Until well after college, most testosterone driven conversations bored me. I relished in the soft warm different feel and smell of a female's skin. Seeing pleasure in my woman's eyes is the greatest feeling in the world. If it took toys, fingers, tongue or dick anywhere on her body to put a smile on her face, so be it. I could not as a child, and cannot now, understand where all the guilt about sex came from. I could not understand ideas, like: Girls had to be tricked; men were after only one thing; "That's dirty;" rape; "I never pay for sex" or "It's a sin."

In my mind, sex is God's greatest gift to mankind. It is a toy, a communication device, a medicine, a way to relax, a way to make babies and the most fun we can have. Men and women both love it, equally. It can be bought and sold like maid work. It can be just for fun or it can be almost a religious experience. Mostly it is just beautiful.

Viet Nam forced me to see carnage for real, not just as the fantasy and shock of "Texas Chain Saw Massacre." The sights, sounds, pain and smells of real human butchery is far different. Once, I came across a beautiful young girl, dying, almost nude with much of her brain showing. She reached for me, just needing to feel the touch of another human. I held her until she died. I didn't know her religion, political bent or sexual preferences. I thought again, if back in the US, anyone could watch the horror of this beauty dying on the news, but those same people could not see her happy, complete as a woman, making love, except on tapes condemningly labeled "Porno" and "For Adults Only." Are we saying, children can see the worst humans have to offer but cannot see the best?

All people like to watch people. Watching sexy, attractive people is more fun than watching sloppy, ugly people. Seeing smiles is better than seeing frowns. For me seeing naked women is infinitely better than seeing a bloody, dismembered body.

Don't make the mistake of labeling me a bleeding heart liberal. You couldn't be more wrong. Just as there are rogue elephants and mad dogs there are people in both categories. The only way we currently know how to protect ourselves and our society from those deviants, is to eliminate them. I would go so far as to say sometimes people follow rogue beliefs that cannot be rectified. If one group claims the right to kill all blue-eyed people on sight, I disagree that they have that right, even if they have a nation or a religion backing their thoughts.

My friends might ask, "Who are you to hold such judgmental opinions about another? Can't another culture decide to rid itself of blue eyed people, mistreat its population, demand religious agreement and kill who it wants?"

My answer is easy, I am a guy who likes sex and people, especially women, and who doesn't like horror movies or seeing bodies hurt and bleeding. So it is not advisable to hurt my wife or kids, to abuse children or rape women in front of me. Even if your country, your religion or your on personal sick belief says it is all right.

Now ask me two other questions.

"Is it alright to call war, bigotry and carnage perversion?"

My answer would be, "Yes, that is perversion. It is not what is right and good."

"Is it alright to enjoy looking at naked people, enjoy sex, enjoy watching people have sex, decide for yourself what is right sexually for you and choose not to judge the sexual decisions others make?"

Again my answer would be, "Yes." But I would add, "That is the way it is supposed to be, that is not perversion."

I do wish the news, my country and the religions of my country understood that.

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bottovarnisbottovarnisalmost 3 years ago

I agree with your opinions here and I thank you for stating them. I was one of the opposition during Viet Nam and never showed any military person disrespect. I do appreciate the service even though I disagreed with the situation. It is odd that we can see all kinds of bloody messes but very little real sexual expression. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
re: my story "nablus"

you were seriously offended about a porn story on a porn site in which people write about fucking their nephews?

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Not in my backyard?

I realize that I have neglected to relate to the Censorship part of the title.

That part of the essay, as some have indicated was much less compelling.

People could enjoy idiosyncratic fantasies to their heart content, in private. People do the same in public; both as producers and as consumers of depictions of violence to satisfy sexsual needs. Freedom of speech is too dear to risk it by considering censorship. But make no mistake; THERE IS a price to be paid. Let’s not be naïve about it. One can, and one does normalizes and desensitizing people to harsher and harsher types of violence - including rape. Humans are very adaptable, they adapt to the worst things on earth – is that desirable though? What can we do? IMO – Condemn what we think is shameful. It's our freedom of speech too.

Dear author, let me furnish you with an example. Case in point: could you acknowledge some difficulty with a story which was recently posted in Literotica by the name of “Nablus”. It describes two Israeli soldiers raping a young Palestinian woman, all along describing her and her people as “rats”. After her rape they throw her naked out of their vehicle to get dressed on the road. Two previous readers thought this was just an awesome story. I was deeply offended by the rampant bigotry; and of course the rape itself. The language the rapists use, was used to describe Jews in the holocaust (esp. the term: rats) and by this author it is used to describe Palestinians (as if it being used by the Israeli soldiers). To the two readers who posted their comments, this story was a venue for sexual pleasure. For me (and hopefully others) in addition to being offensive and nauseating it presents another threat. If this type of text is so great don’t we have a little problem? Doesn’t it normalizes the worst manifestations of human beings? Doesn’t it indicate that we are already on a slippery slope? In some countries the most entertaining and arousing show is to watch public executions.

If you read the story and feel it was ok –think. What would be your reaction to, ,say, stories, which glorify white masters raping black slaves? Or how about stories about raping American women by "Jihadists" still undisturbed? Would we still maintain ‘Each to his/her own pleasures’ response? Or is it again the "Not in my back yard" reaction?

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
What about consenting adults?

In adherence with the “Ockham's Razor” principle, requesting simplicity in explanations let me ask: What about the principle of: consenting adults? why indeed not keep this discussion simple? Or am I missing something? I thought that the criterion of consenting adults covers pretty much what we want to include in ‘non –perverted sex’ or with less Victorian loaded connotations, acceptable? respectful? Or even simply - true sex?

It’s simple but maybe that is its strength. If one side does not or could not be considered as being capable of consenting - including being too young; psychologically or mentally disabled, than what takes place is not sex, but a form of violence. All the rest is indeed perverted in the sense that it is moving away from consent between two equals.

satyricon.21satyricon.21over 17 years ago
in a perfect world.............

.......... this would be a perfect statement. in britain the definition of perversion is the alteration of anything from its natural course and, pornography is something intended to pervert or corrupt.


remember that here in europe, at least 90% of prostitution is controlled by organized crime: the girls are coerced, threatened, raped, till they agree to be put out on the street like slot machines.

and because europe is more relaxed about sex, we don't do anything about this: even in germany and holland, which have legislation in place that is designed to protect, this form of abuse is widespread

is this perversion? or pornography? or both? your essay is thoughtful but incomplete.

obviously, the american reaction to janet jackson with a pasty on her nipple was completely incomprehensible to the european mindset.

equally obviously, the apathetic attitude of some europeans is incomprehensible to many americans. (i've lived on both continents and i know.)

the TV violence is another story. it's not designed to pervert and corrupt, but it sure as hell influences and coarsens a lot of people. violence as entertainment doesn't transmit the reality of pain and hurt: it preaches the virtues of violence as a viable solution to a problem.

which of course is true. violence solves a lot of problems, always has, always will, because it's an easy option.

fucked up world, and kinda depressing: you try to do do something about it and you're just shoveling shit against the tide.

glad you wrote tis, glad to read the comments, glad you've got the balls to make people think a little.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
The obvious is hardest to see...

I went to Europe for a month last year, and lived with some people I knew over there. In other words, I didn't get the tourist view, I got the to see life for a normal citizen. It was amazing, coming from a moderate american town, to see the prostitutes on the streets at night and the strip clubs and the sex shops all in the middle of town, right next to grocery stores and apartment buildings. I saw kids who looked like they grew up there and, surprise surprise, weren't sinful sex maniancs. Hell, much of Europe is known for having great lovers, largely because they accept it and like it and work at it, so everyone's first 20 times isn't 30 seconds of intense yet akward pleasure. So, I haven't seen many of the things you have, but I have definately seen the mindset you advocate and how much better it is than endless fear of sin. Thanks for the excellent piece, even if most people here already agree with it.

StealthskajiraStealthskajiraover 17 years ago
Thank you!

Just want to say thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Beautifully written

Someone else here said you are preaching to the choir when you write something this articulate and heartfelt and post it here. That's okay. Keep preaching. Reading stories on this site is wonderful and there are many wonderful writers, but sometimes we need to be reminded about the things you brought up. Bravo.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Your Closing Wasn't Closed Enough IMO

On a broad scale what you advance is not only admirable but the way most people should be and think.

However, without some definition, I can't buy into the total "not to judge the sexual decisions others make" statement you made.

This was akin to saying don't judge the decisions hunters make while knowing full well that some consider humans to be their prey. Women or men to be their prey. Children to be their prey. When does the season open and whats off limit in a humane way - in a respectful way.

It is hard for me to embrace all but ignore basic human respect in all matters - hunting as well as sex.

Even and thankfully this site won't tolerate under 18 and beastiality because they unpardonably violate basic human respect. Also, it is hard to ignore the sexual offender lists and basic human rights and expectations.

So in broad principal yes, but not without qualifications and thats the rub isn't it. Who gets to be the supreme decider? You, me or basic human convention. Perhaps in some way had you included the word "Respect", but even that can be interpreted to some's purpose can't it.

Thank you writer for provoking thought on a sensitive issue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Simple Comment from a Simple Man

Thank You!

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