Petra the Small Ch. 03


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They heard the soft noises as the other couples joined. They sensed as the others got closer to their orgasms. They kissed and heard Jenny moan and Jerry grunt. A few seconds later they heard Tom grunt and exhale loudly. Then Petra yelped and said, "God! God! Thank you God!"

They couldn't handle that and Andrea attempted to stifle a laugh but couldn't. One snort made it out and the room exploded with laughter. They all laughed and laughed for a long time.

Finally Petra got out of bed, went to the bathroom, ran some water and returned. She didn't return to bed with Tom. She went and sat next to Jenny.

Jenny sat up and they hugged.

"Thank you Jenny." Petra said.


"For all this. You gave this to me."

"Oh, that. You're welcome." Jenny kissed Petra.

It began as a normal kiss, a kind of gesture kiss, and suddenly as their lips touched it became a kiss shared between Life and Love. It lasted and their bodies exploded again. When it ended Petra looked at Jerry and asked, "Is that how kisses are going to be from now on?"

She was smiling as she asked.

"Except for the really good ones, yes." Jerry said and he leaned towards Petra and kissed her. The instant his lips touched hers she felt the juices flow and the contractions begin. As it lasted she felt completely connected and content. There were no thoughts about right and wrong, about how Jenny might be hurt of offended, or about Tom. She felt just as connected to them. When the kiss ended Jenny was holding Jerry's erection and her other hand was wet with Petra's juices.

Jenny spoke, "I felt you both. I was connected in that kiss. I went over the edge just as Petra did."

She was still touching them both and bouncing a little on the bed.

"I have to rest." Jerry said, flopping back onto the bed.

Petra and Jenny jumped off the bed and moved over to Tom who was dozing. Jenny slipped into bed beside him and snuggled against him. As he started to wake up she kissed him. His eyes flew open and he saw that it was Jenny kissing him, and he saw Petra climbing into bed with him as well. He melted into the kiss. He felt every part of Jenny's body, the fire raging in her vagina, the tightness in her nipples, and the heat in her lips. He was just as aware of Petra. Every body sensation she was having he was having too.

Somehow, even though in the world he was used to, it wasn't possible, he was aware that he was kissing both women and they were both kissing him.

He felt them moving on the bed and he felt his penis being invaginated. He was aware that he was in either Petra or Jenny, but he could feel both women and that both women could feel him. They moved and they reached orgasm together.

Jenny felt his body tense and knew he was about to orgasm. She knew he was in Petra, and that he felt like he was inside her too. She breathed in and they did too. She began to have contractions and the warmth spread thru her entire body, as it did in each of them.

When she opened her eyes a little later she could see Petra and Tom were both looking at her.

"I love you," they each whispered.

Then they fell asleep.

Shortly after dawn the light coming in thru the windows woke everyone. Sometime in the night Jenny had gone back into bed with Jerry. Jay and Andrea were on top of the covers with him sitting cross legged and her sitting in his lap. They were moving in a very subtle rhythm and a moment of watching told anyone that they were One. The others silently moved past them and into the bathroom. Petra turned on the showers and adjusted the warmth of the water while others took care of the morning evacuation of bladders. Jerry stepped into the shower with Petra and lifted her up onto the bench. She poured shampoo on his head and began to work it in with both hands.

Like the day before his face was inches from her chest. The day before he restrained himself, but not this morning. He opened his mouth and took her right nipple in, sucking gently and running his tongue around it. Petra didn't jump or pull back at all. She looked down saw Jerry's mouth on her nipple and shuddered in pleasure. The door to the outside opened and Harvey, Alex, and Roseanne walked in to join them. Harvey immediately walked into the shower and took Petra's other nipple into his mouth. She wrapped an arm around each man's head and held them to her chest.

Soon the others were sharing the shower and each other. Roseanne asked, "Are Jay and Andrea still asleep?"

"I'm not sure they slept at all." Petra said.

With that said the door opened and Andrea stepped into the bathroom. All those in the shower clapped. She bowed and Jay stepped in and bowed as well.

Roseanne asked, "Did you get any sleep?"

"I think maybe a little," Andrea answered. Then she stepped into the shower and three people started washing her. One poured shampoo and the other two used soap on her. When Jay stepped into the water other hands cleaned him as well. Within a short time everyone was clean and refreshed. They stepped out of the showers and Tom shut off the water. Petra didn't take a towel but walked out the door and stood facing the sun. It was warm outside and a gentle breeze dried her skin. Andrea followed her outside and joined her drying process.

"I can't believe how my life has changed in the last couple of days," she said.

"Pretty amazing, isn't it?"

"God, I thought I was in love a week ago. I had no idea."


"Petra, can I ask you something?"

"Yes. Anything."

"How was it when both Jerry and Harvey were holding your nipples in their mouths?"

"That's easy. It felt like being fully and completely loved. They weren't just sucking my nipples. They had every cell of my body in their mouths. I could feel their hands, their penises, their skin, every part of them focused on loving me."

"When I saw them I flooded. I just finished making love with Jay for the hundredth time and suddenly I saw you and flooded. It was as if I could feel their mouths on my nipples too."

"Maybe you could."

They stood silently for a long time. They saw the sun rising over the house and saw some birds off in the distance. To the north a jet made a white track across the sky, headed west. They saw all that but none of it registered. Their thoughts were inside.

When they were dry and their thoughts complete enough the sound of breakfast intruded on them and they walked around the end of the bunk house and to the big breakfast on the table. Once everyone was seated and eating Andrea spoke.

"I don't want to go back to Santa Fe. I don't want to put clothes on. I want to spend every day naked and making love."

Jay's head nodded.

Jerry spoke, "Good. That shows that you have begun letting go of some of your old beliefs. Now, let's look at some new beliefs you can test. How about knowing that at every moment you are naked. Not just your body but you are naked. Clothes are a metaphor for the masks we wear, the façade we show other people, the persona we made up to protect ourselves, and now we don't need it as much."

"And now I can be naked with everyone in the family because I know who you are and I know you know who I am," Petra said.

Every head nodded.

Harvey spoke up, "See how this fits. Can you believe that at every moment Alex is loving you, physically, emotionally, and spiritually?"

They nodded. "And can you believe that I love you?" More nods. "And can you get that every member of the family was here expressing love with us last night and this morning?"

Jay said, "But they don't know it."

"Don't be too sure. Some people in the family have developed a strong sense about what others in the family are experiencing. We can check in with them tonight as they help us unpack the truck."

"Harvey's right. He's also right that we need to get on the road if we're going to get home before dark. How about if the ladies get us all packed and the gents get breakfast cleaned up. Then we can load the vehicles and head off, leaving these two to get back to whatever they were doing before we arrived."

Jerry stood and started gathering dishes. The ladies conferred for a moment or two and the headed for the bunk house. Petra and Roseanne stripped the beds and gathered the towels and took them to the laundry room in the house. A big washer held all four sets of sheets and pillow cases, and a smaller washer held the five towels. When they got back to the bunk house everyone was packed. The men arrived and carried the bags out to the vehicles. They put all the suitcases in the van to give more room in the Honda and the truck. Everyone hugged Alex and Roseanne, the two who were still nude and who were staying. Then Harvey spoke up.

"Who is riding with whom?"

Andrea asked, "Can I ride with Petra? At least for a while?"

"I think we will need a pit stop in about two hours and that seems like about Las Vegas to me," Harvey said. "How about you two ride in the Honda til we get there?"

They nodded and headed for the Honda. "How about ..."

Jerry interjected, "Harvey, so far I've driven the truck. How about if you drive the truck ..."

"And I drive the van," Jenny said enthusiastically.

"I'll ride with Jenny in the van," Tom said.

"I'll ride in the truck with Harvey," Jay said.

"And that leaves me riding in the van. Perfect." Jerry said.

Jerry handed a radio to Jay and went over to Petra in the Honda and gave her the other radio. Jay looked at the radio for a few seconds and switched it on, just in time to hear Andrea say, "Let's get this show on the road!"

He hurried to the truck and climbed in the passenger door. Tom got in the van as shotgun and they were off. The truck led and stopped at the gate where Harvey opened it and then they all got on the two lane highway and headed south. Two hours and twenty eight minutes later they pulled off I-25 and found a place to eat. All of them used the bathrooms, had a quick lunch, gassed the vehicles, and were back on the road in less than forty minutes. Harvey herded the big truck onto the highway and when things calmed down he got out his cell phone and handed it to Jay.

"Near the screen on the left is a button. Press it once and you will see a speed dial list. I want you to call the first six names on that list, not counting Jerry. When you get them or their answering service you let them know that we will be at Jenny's home by five this afternoon. You don't need to tell them anything else."

"Got it!" Jay said, and the calls began. He reached all six people and they didn't need any other information from him and all six said they would call their list. When he was done he looked at Harvey and asked, "What was that all about?"

"Now they will make calls and the family will be at Jenny's on or about when we get there. There will be arms to carry stuff in and put things away and prepare a family dinner and clean before we get there and when the moving is complete someone will deliver this truck to the rental place."

"I had been thinking about the seven of us unloading this truck tonight. I wasn't looking forward to it."

"Now you are getting some idea about the power of an intentional family. There are no burdens that are not lighter when shared. I'm just guessing but I think this entire truck will be unloaded in less than two hours."

"Are you serious? Two hours?"

"Not only will the stuff be out of the truck but all the boxes will be unpacked and everything put away in two hours." Harvey smiled at the prospect. "And, the instant we are done dinner will be ready."

"This I will have to see."

"Well, don't blink."

Harvey kept smiling. His smile and his Hawaiian shirts were sort of a trademark. They rode on in silence for a few more miles then Harvey had an idea.

"Get on the radio, would you please? Ask Petra if she and Jenny have discussed where everything goes in the house."

Jay hit the button on the radio and asked the question. The answer came back "No."

Harvey put on his blinker and pulled to the shoulder of the highway and stopped. Then he got out of the truck and walked back to the van. Jenny rolled down the window and Harvey said, "You and Petra have about an hour or so to completely plan where you want everything in the truck put. There will be twenty or more people waiting for us when we get there. You two will be directing traffic and coordinating the whole project. That means that you can't drive anymore and you need to be in the same vehicle with Petra and she can't be driving either. I recommend that you and Petra ride in the van. Tom drives the Honda. Jerry drives the van."

Jenny traded places so that Jerry was driving the van. Then she dug into her bag and pulled out a notebook and a pen. Harvey explained the plan to the pair in the Honda and Petra came forward and got in the van and sat in the back with Jenny. Tom had taken the driver's seat in the Honda after kissing Petra. Two minutes had passed and they were back on the road.

Jenny and Petra listed everything in the truck from memory and decided where each box and each item would go. The list took up five pages of the notebook. Jerry never said a word as they worked. He focused on the traffic and following the truck safely. Tom held a safe space between the van and himself.

He and Andrea did talk.

"I've been learning a lot from Petra," Andrea said.

"Yeah, me too. I thought that I would be teaching her a lot but her mind works so quickly that sometimes it surprises me."

"She seems to really understand unconditional love."

"I think she just heard it, accepted it, and now is it."

"How could she let go of all that indoctrination we all got as kids?"

"I just don't know. Maybe she didn't get as much of it as the rest of us."

"Yeah. Maybe that explains it. She seems to really understand all the talk about God and Life and Love too."

"It is all one conversation. I think of it as if there is a sentence that uses one of those words then it probably can swap with one of the other two."

"OK. So when I hear someone say I love you it doesn't make sense to me if I change it and say I God you."

"There is a word, a really old word that Jerry told me about. It is Namaste. It means the God in me recognizes and honors the God in you. If I say I love you I am saying I am the God in you and you are the God in me, and we are One. If I would say I God you it may sound strange because we aren't used to hearing it, but it means that I recognize that we are connected, we are each and together God."

"I was taught that God had expectations about how we should behave while here on Earth. That there were Commandments. No. That there are commandments."

"When you step back and look at that, does it work for you?"

"I don't know."

"What about the quote of Love thy neighbor as thy self?"

That shows up in both the Old Testament and the New. In Matthew, the twenty second chapter if I remember correctly, Jesus says, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self. He also says that that commandment and the one that says Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, and mind are the two greatest commandments."

"So loving is important!"

"So, here we are two thousand years from when it was said. How's it working?"

"Not very well, I'm afraid."

"You're right. Are the Catholics Christian? They say they are. Are the Protestants Christian? They say they are. Was Jesus speaking guidance to the Christians. Both groups would say yes. Neither group has been listening. Have the Catholics and the Protestants ever had a war against each other?"

"Yes. Lots of them."

"And they both read the same words of guidance from Matthew. Something isn't working."

"But how can we fix it?" Andrea looked really puzzled.

"Sometimes when a car is not working we are forced to make a choice; trade it in on something new or fix it. Each person in the family has to decide if they fix their beliefs or scrap them and start fresh."

"So you have done what, exactly?"

"I grew up in a biological family that said they were Christians. I don't know if they ever identified with any denomination but on those rare occasions when we went to church it was always a Protestant church. I was so not satisfied with what I heard in every one of those churches that I never went after I left home as an adult. I read, I listened sometimes to the churches I saw on TV, but I just didn't get it."


"So I decided they were all off base. I read the Bible and what the ministers were saying that it meant wasn't what it meant to me. I read the Book of Mormon too, and the God it talked about was different from the one I read about in the Bible. I could understand how some people would be or could be Catholics, Mormons or Protestants, but it wasn't working for me."

"So, what didn't work?"

"The God I read about was a paradox. On the one hand he was all knowing and all powerful, and loving. On the other hand he was jealous, angry and seemed to punish people a lot. All the Christians said that if you weren't one of them you would rot in hell. They couldn't answer what happened to the people who lived and never even heard about Jesus. Would it be a loving God who would have someone born in Tibet in the third century A.D. and lived their life without ever hearing about Jesus and therefore they would spend eternity in hell? I wouldn't buy that at all."

"That's what the church I used to attend said too."

"I decided that the God I would think about and sometimes pray to loved all of us, and loved us equally. When I decided that I noticed that the prayers I said changed. Before, when I prayed, it was to ask for stuff. Oh God, help me find a good wife. Oh God, help me get a better job. Oh God, let her say Yes."

"Now how do you pray?"

"Prayer now is a reminder to me to focus on the Oneness, to see the divine in everyone, to always aim at being the change I want to see in the world."

"Who do you pray to?"

"I pray to life. I may use any of the three words Life, Love, or God and I may even use the words that refer to me. The purpose of my prayer is not to get a God out there somewhere to give me something. The purpose of my prayer is to remind myself of who I am, who you are, and to remind me of the possibilities."

"The possibilities?"

"Yes. How things are today is not how they need to stay. How things have been does not need to be how the future is. Tomorrow does not need to be a repeat of yesterday."


They didn't talk any more until they were in Santa Fe. Andrea had lots to think about.

Tom focused on the road and getting to Jenny's home. When he made the last turn and could see Jenny's house he also saw that there were about fifteen cars parked somewhat near the house. The space directly in front and the driveway were open.

He parked the Honda in front of the house, leaving space behind for the van so they could get the back doors open and unload the luggage. The truck was backed into the driveway with assistance from one of the women standing in the front yard.

Within five minutes the truck's back doors were open and a stream of family were carrying items from the truck past Jenny and into the house. Each box or item was not just put in the room where it would reside, the items were unpacked and put away. Petra scurried around inside the house letting people know where to put things and telling them how great they were for helping so much.

When Jerry parked the van he looked at his watch. It read 5:11pm. When the last box was carried into the house and taken into Petra's bedroom Jerry looked at the watch again. It read 6:57pm. Jerry smiled. They had moved her in in just under two hours.

Jerry walked into the kitchen. Food was prepared and set out buffet style on the counter. There were three salads, three vegetables, two different types of chicken (baked and grilled), baked potatoes, iced tea, water, some juice, and two desserts (chocolate cake and berries in whipped cream). Everyone was loading plates and finding places to sit. The chatter was about everything. Some were talking about the stuff Petra had brought. Some were talking about the sooner-than-we-thought wedding plans. Some were talking about plans for this weekend. When Jerry had his plate loaded he wandered into the living room and saw that there was a conversation going on between Andrea, Jay, Petra, Tom, Helen, Carol and Sabrina. He sat near them.