Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 07


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"Well, that's true," the pout was still present, "I guess."

"Well, I'm going to change that right now and give you my full and complete attention. Just relax and put everything out of your mind. You'll be in Dom-space in no time at all."

"Damn it! Stop saying that! There's no such thing and untie me. Now!"

"Wow!" She leaned over and kissed him. "You really don't know, do you? We've been together all these years and you really don't know. You've never realized. Do you have any idea how much that means to me?"

" Remember our discussion about confusion? It's still here and I have no idea what you're talking about. What don't I know? What means something to you?"


"Laci, stop saying that. You're not making sense. Just untie me. You're sitting there with no clothes and I'm going crazy and I've been horny ever since I left for Texas and I'm so confused I don't even know how long ago that was and I always know how long it's been since we had sex and now you're talking about something that still makes no sense and you're still not wearing clothes and it's making me hornier and crazier and I'd really like to do something about that sometime soon. Is that possible? Anytime soon?"

"You're not wearing clothes either. And even though you always look gorgeous, no matter what you wear, I always think you look better naked."

"Thank you and that's not helping. Untying me would help. Plain old sex would be good. I wouldn't mind a blow job. That would be really good. I could live with a hand job but we have to do something and I was serious about that really soon part."

"But all of that puts you in control and when you're in Dom-space, I'm in control. Don't you see? You take tying privileges all the time and I don't mind when you tie me to the bed. Sure, sometimes it gets a little frustrating because I love touching you but you're so amazing at giving and it's incredible. Then when I take tying privileges, you panic because you're not in control. At the same time, you enjoy it because I try to do everything I can to give you as much pleasure as you give me. So the controlling side of you is battling with the side that's enjoying it and you feel uncomfortable for enjoying it so you go into Dom-space. Even though you need to have control, you trust me enough to let me control the situation and the only way you can do that is by letting go and floating into Dom-space. That's why you think you keep missing things. You're not really missing anything. You know everything that's happening but it's all in your safe, little, trance-like Dom-space world. You totally trust me."

"What the hell kind of books are you reading? That's the craziest thing I ever heard. I don't believe it for one minute," he told her stubbornly. "Untie me."

"No. I'm going to prove it to you. Lie back and try to relax."

"What are you going to do?" He still sounded suspicious.

"What I always do," she told him.

"No. You never talk. I want to know everything you're doing. I want a complete narrative of the entire process. All of it. There is no such thing as Dom-space."

"You're making this a lot harder. Can I just touch on the major points or do you require a complete blow by blow job explanation?" she asked with a touch of sarcasm.

"Not funny. You said you'd prove it, so go ahead but you have to tell me what you're doing to prove it. If you're not up to the challenge just admit you're wrong and there's no such thing as Dom-space, then you can untie me and we can take it from there."

"You're challenging me? You're on, Master Donovan."

Uh-oh. She agreed a little too willingly. Why was he suddenly having second thoughts? "What exactly are you going to do?" he asked again.

"Donovan, I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do because it's always a little different but you challenged me to prove it so I'm going to prove it. Since I'm supposed to tell you what I'm doing, I guess I should recap a bit." She stopped to think. "Let's see..... I guess this really began when you got back and I started seducing you but I happened to glance at the chair and Virgil wasn't there."

"And that ended the seduction and started the great Virgil hunt because Virgil is so much more important. Virgil. Stupid name. Hate that name."

"May I continue?" She waited until he nodded sullenly. "Although no one has actually accused you of taking Virgil, it is fair to say you are the only one who hates him and it's natural for everyone to suspect you which may account for your guilt and for why you decided to come to the ranch today since this is almost the last place you want to be."

"The choice was this or buying a big pretzel. I chose this," he grumbled.

"The boys went on their hay ride and we came in here. You wanted to talk."

"And you wanted me to be a fly. Flies are annoying."

"Yes, they are."


"May I continue?" Another sullen nod. "That brings us up to when I started kissing you. You were enjoying it and starting to relax. Your shirt cuffs were still buttoned so it was easy to maneuver your arms and when you started to slip into Dom-space I tied the shirt and your wrists to the headboard. You had no idea because you were floating away."

"That's not proof. I don't believe in Dom-space. I was relaxed. That's all."

"Then why didn't you know I was tying your wrists together and to the headboard?"

"I fell asleep. Or maybe I blacked out. You hypnotized me." He sounded very definite. "I know! UNICORN DUST! You use magical unicorn dust to put me in a trance. That's why you need Virgil around. He's your dust pusher, isn't he?"

"Let me get this straight. You don't believe in Dom-space but you believe in magical unicorn dust? Seriously? And you think I spend too much time with Victor?"

"Makes more sense than Dom-space. Whoever heard of Dom-space? Doesn't exist."

Laci didn't appear to be concerned by his protest. Instead she had moved closer and was kissing him. "We'll see. To begin, I always start by kissing you. You happen to be a very good kisser. You never over kiss. You kiss just the right amount."

"And how do you know this?" he questioned. "When did you do a kissing analysis? Were you part of some worldwide kissing study?"

She chose to ignore his questions. "What I especially like is how you always kiss back, even when you're tied and confused. You happen to be a very sexy kisser." She continued to kiss him while she spoke. "I really enjoy kissing you."

"Exactly how many kissing comparisons have you done and when were you planning to tell me about them? Did any of them involve Trent?"

"Donovan, if I kissed Trent, it would be like you kissing Marian." Laci sounded annoyed.

"As I recall he wanted to sweep you off your feet. I haven't forgotten about that."

"Your selective recall is phenomenal." Her annoyance was growing. "That was years ago when I first met him, before he knew about you, before we were married, before he met Sara, and I've never kissed him nor do I intend to. May I continue? After I start by kissing you, I usually move to your neck." She demonstrated by nuzzling the side of his neck and immediately pointed out his reaction. "Attention to your neck always results in those little shivers. This is usually when I start moving up to your ears and one of those special little spots which always make you crazy."

"You know, Laci, you're making this a little clinical. It all feels quite nice but not particularly satisfying. It's almost like you're reading from a manual. And what does any of it have to do with Dom-space. This is only proving my point. It doesn't exist."

Her stare was so icy he was almost certain his shivering wasn't from her attention to his neck. He was also completely certain he didn't want to know what else she was thinking about doing to his neck. He was pretty sure wringing wasn't especially satisfying.

Doing her best to maintain patience, Laci continued. "Next I like to massage your chest. You have a great chest. Not hairy, very hard, lots of muscles. It's wonderful not only for massaging but also for snuggling."

"Does that mean you don't like hairy chests? Can't believe you never told me that. Guess that means you're not a huge fan of Trent's chest. Looks like he's got a weasel glued to his chest. Funny how whenever I think about weasels, Trent comes to mind."

Also funny how the look in her eyes made him think of the phrase 'shooting daggers' although in Laci's case it was more like shooting machetes or rapiers or scimitars. Big scimitars. Really big scimitars. A lot of them.

She took a deep breath and let her fingers wander. "Even though I prefer smooth chests, a man's happy trail is very sexy. Yours is very dark and soft and points straight to what lies at the end of the path. I always take time to play just a little bit before I move lower to explore further." She was gently caressing the soft line of hair.

"Explore? So for you it's like a treasure hunt and I'm the treasure? OUCH!" The unexpected and rather hard jab must have been an accident. She wouldn't have done it on purpose. Or would she?

"At this point," she was trying not to sound vexed, "I like to skip the obvious and move lower than you would expect. Now is when I turn my attention to your inner thighs. That area is especially sensitive so you seem to enjoy a few kisses and tiny nips." She started to demonstrate enjoying the effect of her gentle touches as he started to quiver.

"I'm going to have to interrupt," he announced. "This is one of the parts that's very confusing. First, I don't understand why you skip the obvious, as you put it, because I'm usually really ready for every bit of the obvious. Second, you never stick to one thing. Sometimes you kiss, sometimes you lick, sometimes you nip and I never know which one you're going to do. Why is it so hard to make up your mind? OUCH! That nip was a little hard, don't you think? OUCH! That hurts."

The man was setting and breaking his own nervous babbling records. Laci's frustration was growing but Donovan had issued a challenge and it was time to win that challenge and send him to happy, peaceful and quiet Dom-space. Story time was over.

Laci wasn't saying very much but he supposed that was to be expected since she was a little busy. "Laci? You're doing that thing with your teeth. I know we've discussed this before and I keep pointing out that teeth and cocks are not compatible. Or they're not supposed to be. Somehow you seem to make them work together, however, your teeth seemed a little sharp earlier and I think some caution would be appropriate. Hey! DAMN! Oh, wow! What are you doing? That's good. Really good. Ahhhhh."

"Laci, you're flickering. I know flickering when I feel it but I've never been sure how you do it. Your tongue flickers faster than hummingbird wings and I'm not sure that's even possible but somehow you do it. You're hitting that spot, Laci. That spot. Ahh. Mmm. Could you slow it down a little? The flickering? I'm starting to get light headed. Laci? Are you listening? Oh, damn. The flickering is making me dizzy. Hmmmm."

"Laci, I'm starting to get confused again. Actually the confusion is ongoing. Can you explain why exactly I'm getting dizzy and lightheaded? What you're doing down there shouldn't affect my equilibrium up here. And how exactly did you get so damned good at flickering? When you enrolled in the kissing study were there also flickering lessons? Did you participate in a flickering apprentice program? Ohhh. Wow!"

There seemed to be clouds rolling in from every direction. Soft and fluffy they were enveloping him, relaxing him. He was drifting gently in the clouds. What a feeling!

"Laci, I can't see what you're doing. Is that still teeth? Maybe it's nails. I can't always tell the difference. See this is what I mean about how you can't seem to make up your mind. Is it teeth or nails and why can't you just stick to one or the other. FUCK! That feels really good and you can just tell me later if it was teeth or nails. Ahhhh. Is that blowing? Are you blowing on my cock? When you said blow by blow job, is this what you meant? You're back to teeth, right? Or nails? Ohhh. That feels really good."

More clouds. Wafting along, cuddled in clouds. Clouds were so peaceful, except for that moaning sound. Why was that sound invading his cloud tranquility? Was Virgil back? He was usually responsible for those moaning sounds. Little pervert.

"Laci, you're supposed to be telling me what you're doing and all I hear is moaning. DAMN! What the hell are you doing now? That's not teeth or nails. What is that? This is one of the parts you have to explain. I'm numb. My whole body is numb, Laci, and it feels great which I don't understand. How can it feel great if I'm numb? You're not supposed to feel anything when you're numb. See why I'm so confused. That's not nails. That's definitely not nails. Mmmmm. I don't know what it is but it feels really good. How are you doing that? I'm fine, so just keep doing whatever you're doing."

Every bit of his control was gone. It was drifting away with the clouds. There had never been this many clouds. They were everywhere and he was floating, flying. Soft, fluffy clouds. So many clouds surrounding him. Was this what people meant when they talked about cloud nine? There were a lot more than just nine clouds in his heavenly state. His clouds were special. His clouds were calming and blissful. He had the best clouds. If his hands weren't tied he'd be able to touch them. Maybe next time. For now he was just sailing along. The clouds were carrying him. Relaxing waves of clouds.

He was ready. His favorite clouds were rapidly rolling in. Thunder clouds. So many thunder clouds. They were gathering rapidly. Big and grey. Tempestuous thunder clouds, swirling and surrounding him. Waves of fierce grey thunder clouds washing over him. Dark grey thunder clouds crashing. The sound was getting louder and echoing. Now there were more clouds. They were surging roughly all around him. Stormy had been born during a thunder storm. Lucky horse. Damn. Laci was right again. She was always right. So this was Dom-space. Dom-space and thunder clouds. Hurtling through clouds and Dom-space. Finally. It was finally time. Thunder clouds needed a lightning strike. It was coming. He was coming. He was definitely coming. And there it was...the final flash. Damn that final flash was making him yell. Struck by a bolt of lightning while floating in Dom-space. Wow! He had invented Dom-space. Or maybe she had.

It took a while before he could get his eyes to focus. There she sat. Calm and unruffled, hardly a hair out of place. Judging from the way she was glowing it would seem she had also been struck by lightning. Maybe more than once.

Donovan's wrists weren't tied anymore although he had no idea when the Prom Queen and Goddess of Lightning had released him. His brain still felt a little like the cottony clouds. Must be all that magical unicorn dust. It was the only logical explanation.

Chapter 6 Pillow Talk

"Are you feeling better?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. It usually takes a while before I'm coherent enough to know. How do you always manage to do that to me? By the way, have you ever worked an oxygen tank?"

She looked at him with puzzlement. "I don't think so. Why do you ask?"

"Presuming you continue to do what you do, as I age I'm sure I'm going to need oxygen on a regular basis. Maybe you can take another class. Could come in handy. Not to mention something else to add to your very well rounded resume. Journalism. Kissing. Flickering. The Care of High Maintenance Dominants. Oxygen Management. CPR."

Laci smiled and her sunbeams shot everywhere. "I think you're in luck. Just the other day I heard Jeremy telling Victor he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. I guess it could be very helpful to have a doctor in the family."

Donovan glared. "Thanks. Your sympathy is very much appreciated. I'm still waiting for an answer on the flickering apprenticeship question and I didn't take Virgil."

"I know you didn't." She snuggled into his arms. "I believe you without any hesitation or reservation even though every bit of evidence points to you."

"So then, where is he?"

"I'm not totally certain but I have my suspicions and I'm sure he'll be back soon. Until then I'm going to focus on you," Laci assured him, "and Matthew and the rest of our crazy family and my job and our home and Trent's wedding and you again."

"How the hell did you ever manage to fall in love with a neurotic Dominant who can't control his own controlling tendencies, has tying privilege issues, doesn't even know about Dom-space when he's flying into it and has a horse and unicorn phobia?"

"You forgot gets insanely jealous for no reason."

"I stand corrected," his glare was back, "and don't pretend Trent isn't in love with you. And what about Victor? He's always had a crush on you. And how about that damned horse? Even Frank Harding. He was worse than scum but the bastard had good taste."

"You seem to forget that I didn't fall in love with a neurotic Dominant. I fell in love with you. And in all fairness, you may have always been finicky, fastidious and a bit persnickety, but I think a good many of the neurosis came along after we met."

"That's true," his pout was back. "And I'd still like to watch you take your clothes off instead of always missing it."

"Most of the time you don't miss it because you're the one removing my clothes, but your request is duly noted. Next time I'll take my clothes off before I sprinkle you with magical unicorn dust."

"Thank you. And how do you know about that spot on my body? I can't even blame Victor for that. He knows almost everything about me, more than he should, and even he doesn't know about that spot. Or, at least, I don't think he does. Which one of your Prom Queen, Lightning Goddess incantations did you use to find that spot?"

"Lightning Goddess??"

"Don't ask. And you haven't answered my question. Is there some on line guide to 'Driving Donovan Insane'? I should know if there is. Did you download it for reference? I can probably blame Victor for that. He probably put it up and figured out a way to get paid for every view it gets."

"Maybe I spoke too soon about your neurosis."

"Not funny, Laci."

"Don't you worry and overthink things just a little too much?"

"Look at it from my perspective. I'm a Dominant. I thrive on control. When I'm training I am in total and complete control. When I'm working I am in total and complete control. I even manage to maintain a certain amount of control when Victor is around and that's no easy feat. But I have no chance against you. Why is that? If I see you, if I hear you, if I touch you, if I even think about you, I go from being a reasonable, responsible and in control adult to a babbling, nervous wreck. Why does that keep happening? It's very disconcerting. I'm your husband. I should be someone you can depend on, not an overwrought maniac."

"Don't you think you're feeling just a little sorry for yourself? When have I not been able to depend on you? Was it when you've been there to support every decision and choice I've made? Was it when you went out of your way to reunite me with my father? Maybe it's the way you put almost every bit of your time, energy and heart into caring for our son. Do you consider that undependable?"

"No. I guess not." His pout wasn't leaving yet. "How come you never fall apart?"

"Because I have the easy part. Donovan, you transition between two completely different worlds. In your Dominant world, you have total and absolute control. You have order and routine. You have everything in its proper place. That's what feels comfortable. Then you step back into our world which is always unpredictable and about as far from order and routine as possible. Raising a child is never predictable. Dealing with Victor won't ever be orderly or routine. Usually you manage very well but sometimes your worlds collide and it takes a little while for you to regain your balance. I doubt any man could handle it any better and I know you handle it better than most."