Ratter Ch. 05


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He turned to Seere and April. Seere nodded and April crossed her arms, apparently irritated that she was the only one not in shock. Michael and Wade looked at each other and left the room. Some things were just too weird, even for them.

"This can't be happening." Rane said.

"I know." Seere answered.

They stared at the girl twirling around inside the mirror.

"No, I mean this really can't be happening," Rane repeated. "It's not possible. Transfer of energy. There's not enough energy in a human to animate their reflection without interference from other sources."

"I know."

"It's not fucking possible."

"I said, I know, but what the hell is that?"

The reflection got dizzy and fell to the floor, still giggling.

Rane ticked off the process in his mind. The transfer of energy wasn't hard to understand, providing you had enough manipulation of the elements to pull it off. He didn't. Few did. "Well it's not manifesting so it might not have enough energy to do so."

"Or it might not know how." April added quietly.

"Is it meant to be acting on its own accord?"

Rane frowned. "Well it's only animated at the moment. Inside the mirror a doppelganger is a sentient being. Its energy isn't focused on the material necessities of having a body. Moving, breathing, everything your body does takes energy and so the manifestation ends up being nothing more than a reflection in physical form. Of course, this is just stemming from what I know of the process, this is completely out of my field."

"Could this have something to do with her powers?"

"No. If she was able to manipulate creational energy then a doppelganger would be the least of our worries."

Charity came out and stared thoughtfully at the mirror. "Dragon's blood."


"She was lying in a pool of vampire and dragons blood."

"Vampire blood alone wouldn't turn her."

"Dragon's blood increases the effect of powers, the power is in the blood."

"Wait, are you saying I'm a vampire now?" April glanced nervously at her reflection.

Rane place a hand on her shoulder. "No. The becoming of a vampire is a ritual, blood alone wouldn't do it."

Charity huffed and glared at him. "You're not listening! I didn't say she was turned." Rane looked at her, clueless. "Vampire 101 moron. What is a vampire's source of power?" she chided.

"The transfer of energy."

"Good. Now what's the primal rule in a war?"

"Stay alive." Seere answered.

"Oh my God, they're learning!"

"Miracles do happen."

Rane pressed a hand to his heart. "That hurt Ril, it really did."

"Okay, so the dragon's blood enhanced the vampires' natural ability to transfer energy and its main concern was staying alive. What does that have to do with April having a doppelganger?"

"The body always dies before the consciousness. It couldn't go back so it went forward."

Seere's turned to April. "Then the reflection…"

"Isn't just her."

They watched as the doppelganger tilted its head to the side and giggled. It drew back its lips and they watched its fangs grow.

* * *

"What do you mean you're going out?" Seere yelled at April as she ran around the room, getting herself ready.

"I'm going out!" She yelled back.

"April, your reflection is brushing your hair without you."



She picked a thick leather tie out of a box and pulled back her hair. "She's going to behave, right?" The reflection raised its right palm and nodded. "See?"

"It's half vampire!"

"I know. I can't believe I didn't notice before. I mean, one of her eyes is brown and mine are both blue."

"Vampires lie. It's a hobby. There's no way she…IT is going to be your reflection just because you want it to. If anything, it's going to make a night of working your nerves."

"Oh I already thought of that. We came to an agreement. If she behaves all night I'm going to move the TV in front of the mirror so she can watch."

He paused. She continued to brush her ponytail. "ARE YOU INSANE?"

Both April and the reflection stared at him in shock. "Did anyone ever tell you, you have serious anger issues?"

"When your reflection is a doppelganger, you freak out. Now that it's a doppelganger and half-vampire, you're acting like you're gonna take it shopping. Explain that to me."

"Well of course I'd take it shopping," both April's rolled their eyes. "It's my reflection, where else would it be?"

He opened his mouth to speak and stopped himself. Instead he just sat in a chair and stared. She finished applying the red lipstick and moved to the bathroom coming out wearing a pair of black pants and a long-sleeved red crop. He watched her pull her ponytail out of her shirt and slip into a pair of boots. "Where are you going anyway?"

She moved back in front of the mirror and reached for a pair of small gold hoops. "I don't know. I was a little desperate to get Ryan off the porch before he saw the vampires, or the blood. The dragon and superwolf would have gone down well I think. If he'd seen the stoker wielding psychopath he would definitely have wanted a second date."

He smirked. "And I'm sure he's a real nice guy."

"He is!"

"Letting you go inside when it was obvious something was wrong. I cleaned up the glass this afternoon, there's no way he missed it."

"He was distracted." The smirk left his face and she bit her lip to stop the smile.


The doppelganger sat on the dresser chair and kicked her legs back and forth, enjoying the show. April smiled. "He was turning to look and I kissed him. He forgot all about the chaos inside."

Seere's eyes darkened and his mouth set in a straight line. She bit her lip harder and fixed the serpent around her neck.

"How was it?" Shocked stupid she turned to him. The corners of his mouth lifted in amusement. He stood and walked towards her and she spun back to the mirror, her doppelganger pointed to the compact and indicating her nose. Powder my nose? She raised an eyebrow and the reflection shrugged, moving back to the chair.

"Were there fireworks? Stars? Did the world disappear?"

She shivered as he traced his hand up her arm, and watched his reflection in the mirror, all dark eyes with a hint of a laugh. Like he knows he's so hot. She hid a smile and dulled her eyes to thought. "Well, no…" she admitted. She let him revel in triumph for a moment before adding. "…I've never been kissed like that."

His grin turned into a scowl. "Is that right?"

"Well, maybe in high school. My first crush, you know. But who can tell with all those hormones jumping around?"

His scowl deepened and a soft rumble came from his chest. This is too easy. "Then there was my first…well, you know, my first. Now he was a really great kisser. Not so good at the sex though. His friends started calling him 'Trailer' after I told them kissing him was like a movie trailer. Fun and action-packed, but once you're in the cinema, it's kind of lame."

He growled deeper and stormed out of the room.

"What did I say?" she yelled after him.

* * *

"Women," Seere muttered closing the door behind him.

"Anyone I know?"

He glared up at Ryan, "guests aren't allowed on the second floor." Well not you anyway.

"Oh, right. Sorry buddy, I'm just looking for April."

Seere narrowed his eyes and tried to channel up some negative energy. I. Don't. Like. You.

"You've found her!" April came up behind Seere, slinging a jacket over her shoulders. "Where are we going tonight?"

He flashed a smile "I thought we'd see a movie and then dinner at this great little place I found last summer."

"Am I dressed okay?"

"You're perfect," he traced her body with his eyes. Seere growled and she elbowed him in the ribs.

"We'd better get going then," she grabbed his hand and led him down the stairs.

Rane came out of his room and stood next to Seere, watching them leave. "Is it just me or is there something weird about that guy?" Seere looked at him. "Right, wrong person to ask. Char! What do you think of Smiley?"


"Yeah, Rimmel or whatever he is."

Seere laughed.


"That's the one," he winked at his friend and Charity hit him upside the head.

"He's a nice, decent guy and if you boys don't back off, I'll make you back off!"

They looked at each other and bolted down the stairs.

"Cowards!" Charity yelled after them.

Wade looked up from his book long enough to nod acknowledgement and mumble about Michael scouting the road.

"Physics, Wade? You don't even live on the same plane." Seere said.

"It's interesting."

"Sure it is," he jumped on the couch and put his feet up. A heavy book hit him in the head.

"Do something productive."

"Econometrics," he groaned, "got anything actually worth reading?"


Seere opened the book and stared blankly at the page, wondering how April could like a pissant like Ryan. It was going to be a long night.

* * *

Okay April, you can handle this. She handed the guy her ticket and walked through the doors. Dark cinema with a human lizard, what do you do? She started moving down the aisle towards the front row.

"April?" She winced and turned around. Ryan gestured to the back row, "why don't we sit here?"

Abort! Abort! For all that is human, run for your fucking life! She managed a wobbly smile and let him guide her to the seat closest to the wall. She almost ran when he draped an arm around her shoulders. Well, no mirrors. That's a good thing. Although she could have used the company. Eve. I think I'll call her Eve. Like 'evil' and she is made from some part of me. Yeah, Eve's good.

"What are you thinking about?" Ryan murmured.

"Uh, popcorn?" She grinned and he laughed, handing her the container.

She'd never been so happy to see a horror movie in all her life. It allowed for minimal groping and only one uncomfortable kiss. Not from lack of trying on Ryan's part. It's just that every time she thought he was going for round two, she'd squeal at something on the screen and curl up against the wall. Because that stuff is so much less scary in real life.

They walked through the streets, enjoying the fresh air and each other's company. Ryan got quiet as they turned a corner. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

He looked at her, frustrated. Uh, oh. "April, are you trying to keep me from kissing you?"


"Every time I try to kiss you, you pull away." He stopped walking and she faced him, biting her lip. He chuckled and turned away, hurt. "I guess I have my answer."

She slipped her arm through his. "It's nothing against you Ryan, it's just that I'm used to being in control. Being kissed is still a little awkward." His eyes lit up. My God, I'm good.

"So kiss me." Fuck.

"You'd be okay with that?" Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"No. I'd really hate for a beautiful woman to kiss me Ril." Where did he learn my nickname?

She moved forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. He stood there. "You're allowed to hold me you know." His arms wrapped around her waist. She stretched up on her toes and kissed him. He tried to do his lizard thing and she bit his tongue. The kiss was…decent. When they stepped back, he had stars in his eyes and April was trying hard to seem the same. She just didn't know how she was going to tell him at the end of the night that a third date was out of the question.

* * *

"Wade, can you check my email?"

"Check it yourself."


"I'm trying to read Seere. Don't bug me."

He paused. "Please?"

"Fine!" Wade put down the book and flipped open the laptop. "Uh, Seere? There's something here with the title 'URGENT' caps and all, you might want to take a look."

Seere moved forward and looked over his shoulder, Rane did the same.

Seere, honey,

The cards say nothing, the runes are blank -- but the nightmares, oh the nightmare's I've been having.

They involve a girl. Pretty little thing. Fiery too. I'd love to meet her some day. If, of course, she's still alive by the end of the night.

The three boys exchanged looks.

Which brings me to a point of business. I have no information for you; all I'm getting is images and a mishmash of names. One in particular. Urien Alaster.

Now I don't know what you know about the vampire clans, but Urien Alaster is bad news in anybody's territory. I'm sure you've at least heard of him. I had the displeasure of meeting him one time. A silken tongue and a face of an angel. He can weave a pretty lie.

It seems he's been hired by an otherworldly being to be lion to your little lamb. It will be a close one, Seere. I see much blood on a cavern wall.

As I said before, the beast is hard to pick, and I know how you like your victims as clean as possible. So I've included a picture. Handsome devil that he is.



Wade clicked on the attachment and a photo came up. His eyes widened and Rane drew in a breath. Seere grabbed his keys and bolted out the door. Urien Alaster was Ryan.

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morghann21313morghann21313over 15 years ago
omg...what are you trying to do to us....kill us

loved the story but when is there going to be an update i'm actually dying from anticipataion here....well hopefully it'll be on the way soon!

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 15 years ago
Please! I'm begging for more!

Please tell me that chapter 6 is on the way!!!!! I'm trying to be patient but I just can't stand it! Update sooooooon!!!!

starry_nightstarry_nightover 15 years ago

April's doppelganger actually seems more like a friend and not a scary half-vampire (telling April to powder her nose before her date and being good to watch TV). Also, Seere's cute when he's jealous, haha. It's fun hearing April's thoughts with Seere and on the date. Can't wait for the next chapter!

evanslilyevanslilyover 15 years ago
Couldn't resist :)

I'm supposed to be revising--but when I finally spotted you'd posted another chapter, I couldn't resist reading it.

I'm so glad I did. :) Wow! Can't wait to find out what happens next!

SinfleurSinfleurover 15 years ago

Hey! You cant stop there! i was getting cuddled up in blankets with a glass of wine, loving how your posts are usually long and then... *sulks and glares*

Love your stories too much to stop now ;)

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