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"You do indeed."

"Come to bed".

She went back to the bed holding his hand and eagerly assumed her previous position. James looked down now on this fully female anatomy. Jillian's was gently bent over with arms straight. She looked back but just using her peripheral vision.

"How do you want me?" They both started laughing.

This final round James was ready for fucking. He was discovering that Jillian was quite the adventuress and a very willing partner. But now it was time to deliver on his earlier statement to basically fuck her silly but he would also stay true to his promise of not hurting her. And so he began.

He bent her over again in much the same fashion as before. With her bottom tilting up, he knew he could best control the tempo, penetration depth and coverage as he set about to give her a thorough rogering. He was turning now from being a sensitive lover and morphing into more of a sexual mechanic with a mission to exhaust his partner through feats of continuous fuckment. Her active participation was optional. He noted the time, 10PM. He would finish no sooner that 11.

He laid his semi hard penis in the cleft of her ass and began a slow back and forth action. The erotic setting soon manifest its desired effect with his erection fully staffed. Jill was relieved to find it was a technique to get him hard and not a precursor to anal penetration.

As he continued to push his erection through her cleft, the sweep began to include her warming slit such that she could feel the head of his penis run the length of her crack and begin to get stuck on the edges her pussy. But James would let it slip out and run back up her crack and then back to her pussy. The effect was building anticipation in Jillian. She tried to position herself so that with the next cycle she could catch his erection and feel what her body so now needed. But he was wise to her and pushed her pelvis lower so that his cock would not become engulfed yet. She was not sufficiently lighted.

This continued for minutes more with Jillian breathing hard and unable to suppress her gyrations. Still James continued.

"James...please. It's time. Fuck me. All the way in. Please..."

On the last repetition, he let his head edge into her quiff. But rather than pull out, he pushed still further. With a discernable snap, her channel aligned to the shaft and he pressed in with one fluid motion. He was fully buried. The shock caused Jillian's eyes to bulge open. She surprised herself further by exploding into an orgasm that squeezed and re-squeezed the entire length of James' shaft. He stayed planted whilst Jillian worked out all of her spasm shifting her body around his penis to eek out all of her orgasm.

She lost count of her body's orgasms. It was almost as if her reasoning self had been subsumed by her carnal self which was now making up for lost time. It had been almost two years that this side of her psyche had been buried. Two years!

She resigned herself to no longer being a responsive lover but rather became a recipient lover. While she had lost control of her voluntary musculature, her autonomic system continued to respond to his entrenchments and his control of his anatomy allowed him to assault her with impunity, only to back off resume as her body recovered.

As time slipped by, and with the last of countless orgasms, she felt James' seed finally flood her insides as he, too, crashed upon a far shore and simply lay atop Jillian as they fell asleep. Her body was done. Spent. Sated.

She awakened the next day in her own bed having no idea how she got there. Not only that, she felt as though she had been recently bathed. She pulled back her cover and saw she was wearing a diaphanous gown; one recently purchased. She was clean, clothed and cocooned. "James" she thought and smiled. She drifted back to sleep and did not stir again until the early afternoon.


Over the course of a month or so, through a friend, Jillian had met a man with whom she shared a mutual attraction. On this friend's insistence, they were set up for a blind date. She liked that rather than go to dinner, he asked if she might like to go sailing one afternoon. Normally she would have declined but because he was a known quantity and highly recommended, she said "sure."

She had arrived at the marina at noon right on time. As she sought the proper gangway that would lead to his slip, she wondered if she had brought the right things. It was a sunny day with light wind. She was wearing baggy shorts and flip-flops with a tank top. Under her tank top, her bra would peak out as she walked, not too much but just a bit. Her hair was up in a clip and help in place with a visor. With her aviator glasses, she thought this would be about right. In her back pack she carried a bathing suit (just in case), a white skirt and an extra shirt plus undies and sunblock. She thought she could either take off clothes of put more on depending on how things went.

With little difficulty, she located the end-tie where she saw about a 30' tri-hull bobbing in the water. Bent completely over and peering into a rear locker was just this butt sticking in the air. She had to admit that from her perspective, it was a nice butt. She wondered to what it might be connected.

"John?" she asked just loud enough to be heard.

John jumped at hearing his name and as he rose to turn towards the voice, bumped his head, knock his sunglasses overboard, and managed a mild explicative all before introductions.

Holding the top of his head, he managed to walk to the side of the boat, hop onto the dock and said,

"Well here's to rather inauspicious beginnings". He was still rubbing his head but managed to extend his hand to Jill. He spoke with just a slight but highly refined British accent.

"So sorry that the first word you heard from my mouth was not my best work." A genuine smile took over his mouth and with this better opening, Jillian actually laughed.

"So glad to meet you John. I have heard so many good things about you."

"Likewise. Please come aboard. Have you sailed ever?"

"A bit, yes. I spent many afternoons in college crewing in local regattas. Generally, I was part of the afterguard but I managed to find my way to most positions."

"Splendid" John exclaimed. "This will be far easier. It's always so nice to have someone on board who can actually stick the pointy end of the boat in the right direction. Here, let me help you."

John took her hand as she stepped over the life lifeline and onto the deck. The boat barely reacted; one of the great benefits to a multi-hull.

John was somewhere in his 30s. He was tanned, tall and appeared capable. Jill liked that he had bumped his head and made light of it. She knew that a man whose ego was easy would be a fun person with which to hang.

"I've got to go over the side and find my glasses. The alternative is that you provide me with a similar pair." His rueful smile followed. "About here would you say?"

"Just aft of the winch" Jill responded and actually walked over and pointed.

"Brilliant" was his response. He grabbed a light line from the same locker from which he'd just bumped his head. To this he attached a heavy winch handle and let it drop straight down from where Jill suggested. He fed the line out until it touched bottom, lined it up to where his sunglasses should be and tied it off to the lifeline.

"This should give me a place to start looking so I am not grapling in the dark if you will."

"Maybe a couple feet out from there?" Jill offered.

Kicking off his flip-flops, and pulling off his tee in an 'arm crossed' move, he was over the side in a quick and seamless motion.

After a minute or so, the bubbles had all dissipated. Jill was looking over the side for any trace of him. Nothing. She began counting seconds in her head and peering into the water searching. Still nothing.

After what she assumed to be about 2 minutes, she went below, stripped and changed into her bathing suit and was about to go in when up popped John. He was wearing his sun glasses as he broke the surface.

"Can't seem to find the bloody things. Are you sure this is the spot?" He said this with an impish grin on his face. All Jill could do was laugh.

Swimming to the dock, rather than use the ladder, he simply placed his hands on the deck, gave a kick, flexed and popped out. As he did so, he did a half turn such that he was sitting there at the end of the maneuver.

"John, I was getting worried. You were down for at least two minutes! I was all set to see if I could recover the body." She laughed.

"And yet you still managed to change in spite of your concern? Nice to know style takes priority over human life" he offered.

She could sense this would be a fun afternoon. Since he was wet, she decided to join him and simply went head first over the side to cool off and swam straight to the dock where John took her hand and pulled her up and out. They were sitting side-by-side now.

"Jill, did I already say I am delighted to meet you? If not please know this know."

"I think you managed to slip it in sometime during the recovery operation...but now we will never truly know. Likewise by the way."

As she said this, she stood and said, "so how fast is she?"

Their natural ability to play off each other was evident. Combining the chatter in close quarters would prove to be more fun than either had had in some time.

Since they were both wet, John left his shirt off now clad just in shorts. Jill stayed in her suit as well. The sun was quickly drying them and the day was gorgeous.

Both now with sunglasses dawned, each could run their eyes over the other without being obvious. There is nothing worse that enjoying beauty so why was it considered bad form to do so?

As most sailors were, John was already tan...pretty much all over. While Jill's leg's shared a similar state, her back and tummy would need sunblock.

"Jill would you get on the tiller while I cast us off? We'll be heading straight out the channel. Remember she has a wide beam so give her plenty of room."

He fired up the engine, hopped off to the dock, untied all lines and shoved the boat away. As he pushed one final time, he hopped back aboard, engaged the drive for Jill, watched her handle the tiller momentarily, cocked his head sideways and with a slight smile, set about to get the boat ready to hoist sails.

Jill was standing well aft, tiller in hand. She had it raised high so John could move around without constantly stepping over. She watched the experienced hands fly through the steps necessary to get under sail: Center board down, sheets led, gaskets below.

" we get into the bay can you turn her head-to-wind and I'll jump the main halyard."

"Sure". She looked up to see what the wind point indicated reconnoitering for the maneuver. John watched to see how she was going. As he watched he reached his arm into the hatch and switched on the instruments. With a chirp suddenly Jill had massive amount of data flooding across various instrument faces. John saw that in spite of this she preferred to gauge the wind using the simplest and most accurate method...the wind indicator at the top of the mast. "Well done" he thought.

Jill knew she had the advantage. She could see John moving around the boat, and her eye followed his motion. Just her eyes as she did not wish to be obvious. She liked his sinewy build. All his parts seemed to go together quite well. His shorts did a good job (too good?) of concealing his finer points but she warmed as she watched. The only word that came to mind was 'nice'. She arched her brows continually as she surveyed the views both on and off the boat.

In the bay, and with no traffic she yelled, "coming head to wind" in a maneuver that would keep wind unloaded from the main sail to make it easier to achieve full hoist. "I'll ease the main sheet once I come 'round".

This said she swung the boat 180 degrees, in the direction they had just come and simultaneously eased the throttle. She watched the wind point and finally ejaculated, "head to wind, main sheet off".

It was now John's turn to jump the halyard at the mast. Basically, he was reaching as high as he could, grabbing the line that was attached to the top of the main and yanking it down in a series of repetitive moves. Each time he did this, the main rose another 3 feet.

Jill watched this action as John's body would stretch and basically complete a pull-up. His back muscles bulged as well as arms, chest and even butt. Yes, John was nicely built. Thank heavens his sunglasses went overboard she thought.

"Nicely done Jill. You can fall off to course and give her some main sheet. I'll finish up."

In a few moments, John had the deck clean, had fine tuned the main and was now sitting back with Jill in the rear lazarette. They continued to motor with the main providing some additional drive. They sat across from each other, legs up.

"We'll clear the channel, head upwind and then I'll unfurl the jib, sound good?

"Aye-aye skipper" Jill conveyed with smile.

"Do I detect sarcasm?"

With two crew who knew how to sail, handling the tri-hull was a delight. As they cleared the jetty and were now in open water, the boat responded to the swells. But with 3 hulls, the boat sailed flat and dry. She was pointing nicely with Jill demonstrating a fine ability to point her high but no too.

John let loose the jib and trimmed in. The 30 footer leapt up to 10 knots. Not bad for a small waterline boat with recreational sails. Jill could not contain her smile and she positively beamed.

John trimmed for conditions, shut off he engine and collapsed the prop.

"Let's continue upwind for now. We're going to head to a small island and park in the lee and have lunch...sound okay? We want to steer about 270 if possible."

"John, this is perfect. I can't imagine a better afternoon." Her face conveyed more than her words as she looked at the tell tails and compass all at once.

"Can't point high enough on this tack so I'll foot off for now. We'll slip in a few tacks as we head out."

John saw that she had gone through a series of mental calculations, quite correctly. He was impressed. Now that the boat was cutting well, John went below and grabbed a tube of sunblock and came back up. He scootched behind Jill, squirted lotion in his hand and simply rubbed down Jill's back. He said nothing and went below again.

Jill thought how sweet his action had been and she admitted to herself that she liked him touching her even though she really just met him an hour ago. She looked down and saw her nipples had nicely responded. Perhaps they were already stiffened due to the breeze? His humor and confidence were winning her over. Here she was on a boat, alone on the ocean with a cute guy she barely knew and she was wearing next to nothing. What was she thinking? Was there a naughty fantasy hidden somewhere in here?

John had corked a good chilled Spanish wine. From the companionway, he held up two plastic cups plus the bottle and asked, "will you join me?"

"Love to. And can you bring up the sun block? I should probably do my front to."

His head disappeared for a moment and then he bounded topside as a swell exaggerated his steps.

"Here Jill. Try this. I brought a leash for your sunglasses too. If you lose them here, it's a bit of a different story out here I'm afraid. Mind if I attach it?

"Please". She took the cup and sipped. "Wow, this is nice...what is it?"

"It's a Spanish Alberenyo. It's light but still interesting don't you think?"

He placed his cup in a holder, reached for her glasses but before removing, opened his eyes wide as if to say 'okay'? She thrust her head forward and he eased them off her face. She sipped and watched. His hands were nimble with his long fingers quickly addressing the task.

"Here you go"

He handed them back and said, "would you like me to do your front of should I take the helm so you can lather up?"

She laughed and said. "I better do this one thank you."

Jill moved over, replaced her sunglasses, swung the leash over her neck and found the tube of lotion. A part of her wondered if he would have really done her front. She smiled inside at the thought. As she squeezed a dollop onto her palm, she rubbed her hands together and began on her tummy in a slowish manner from side to side. She reloaded but this time used just one hand to stroke above her breasts. She could see that her breasts were bouncing just a smidge and wondered if John could see. If he did, he did not let on. Hmmm. She could have turned away but why? She let her fingers dance inside the cups knowing full well it was a provocative move.

The boat sailed so sweetly with the wind that there was almost no need to tune the sails. To find lay line, just a few tacks were needed. Jill showed her skills in the tacking maneuvers but in her tiny bikini, facing John, and bent over the winch, as she grinded, the effect was for her breasts to sway first one way then the other as she spun the winch handle around. She turned away on a few tacks as well. She still had to bend over this time pushing her tush towards John. Either way, her anatomy was exposed. This caused John to deliver a few sloppy tacks and he wondered if Jill knew she was causing these? Clearly she was intelligent so he assumed her acts were intentional. He stayed seated while his anatomy normalized.

Sailing quickly has one lose inhibitions. You simply must as there is little room for cover-up. Sailors were a comfortable breed.

She wondered if she had been too obvious? The day was turning out so well, far better than she could have ever imagined. The combination of water, wind and sail was having an effect on her.

The island was drawing near.

"There is a bay on the other side. It will also place us in the lee so we can have a nice pick-nick. Sound good?"

It was almost rhetorical. Of course it was good.

"Jill, be a doll and take the helm. I am going to make ready the anchor. "

As the boat rounded into the bay, John furled the jib to reduce speed and readied to drop the main.

There was another boat already at anchor. Jill steered away as she wanted seclusion. So did John.

With a few hundred yards now separating the boats, John dropped the main such that the boat slowed and drifted. He then dropped anchor, fed out 30 yards of line and tied off to the cleat. He then fired up the engine and then very slowly reversed the boat until he felt the anchor set. He shut down and was done. Once the swim ladder was out and he took one last pull from his cup, he said, "Jill, I'm going overboard to use the restroom. Yours is down below when you need it. Marine head and all...I am sure you know how to use it."

He jumped over headfirst and swam submerged for perhaps 20 yards. When he looked back at the boat, Jill's form was entering the water as well. Moments later, she popped up next to him.

"If it's all the same, I'll use this restroom too."

They hovered in the water and talked mostly about the island which was now a short swim. John said he was going to check that the anchor was set and disappeared for a minute. When he surfaced, he simply said,

"All done?"


"Me too. Can you swim to the beach with me?"

"Swim?...I'll race you!"

Jill took off underwater with a splash. John saw a powerful dolphin kick as her body went completely submerged. He stuck his head under and even though the image was blurred, he saw her sinusoidal form moving away at a competent pace, her arms back at her side. He took off to catch her but stayed on top as now she had a sizable lead. In pursuit, he kept his head down and used a powerful free style gait taking in air only every fifth stroke.

Soon he sensed bubbles in front of him knowing this was Jill's contrail. Following these, he would not need to navigate and could keep his head down. Jill would need to look at her target every now and again; a task that would slow her progress. He closed the gap quickly.