Redwood Nine: Season 03 Ch. 10


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"Deputy Chief, Calaveras on the line."

Wayne excused himself and took the phone. He had a short conversation and hung up.

"They got the dog in a freezer at the vet's. They're holding him there."

"Thanks Wayne. We're going to take care of that first and then we'll be back. Any shit come your way over what we did?"

"Actually, they think I'm a fucking hero. All this shit is done and we came away clean. Stockton is dealing with the bodies and such out there, Calaveras is dealing with the ones in their area, so we have nothing landing on our doorstep."

"Well, that's a bit of good news. Bad enough we had to deal with it, without you getting involved more than you were."

"Can't disagree with you there, JT. No one was looking for a gun battle on our streets."

"Yeah, I'm glad that never happened. Okay, we're on our way there. Let us know if there's any changes, when we get back."

"I will. Take care, okay."

"You too."

Sombre faces walked rode out of the station and on to Calaveras, where the first of many holes would be dug, to lay to rest the loved ones of the tragedy. Wally drove his Chev and brought blankets to wrap Chase in. The vet was a bit surprised to see so many bikers enter his place and asked what he could do for them.

"We were told that you have a dog here, he was killed in last night's shooting. Name is Chase."

"Yes, he's here. Walter send you?"

"Yeah, he's a friend of ours. He's in the hospital and asked us to take him and bury him at his place."

"Walter is going to be okay, is he?"

"You know him?"

"Oh yes. I look after his herd. I saw Chase come in and it broke my heart to see what they did to him."

"How did he die?"

"They smashed his skull with a gun butt from what I can see. Poor fella died in seconds after. At least he didn't suffer much."

"Yeah, guess that's a good thing. Can't say the same for Walter. He's taking it all pretty hard."

"Yeah, guess he would be. Chase and him were together a lot of years."

"So, can we take him home now?"

"Yeah, yeah, come on around back and we'll get him loaded up for you."

Wally went out and drove around the back of the building, while the others followed the vet into the back. The vet opened the freezer and Chase was lying there, a sheen of frost covering him. Blood stains ran from his head, down his brown coat, marking his injuries. It saddened them to see him like that and reached into the freezer and lifted him out carefully. They laid him on the blanket and wrapped him in it, swaddling him like a baby. They carried him to the back seat of the car and gently laid him down. They closed the door and thanked the vet for all he could do and he had them sign for the body and sadly said goodbye.

The repercussions were fanning out like ripples in a pond, as the killings became public knowledge. It seemed to affect everyone, even if they never knew any of those involved. Those who were closer to it, felt the impact harder, having come to enjoy the club and having them in town.

The ride out to Walter's farm was more like a funeral procession, as the guys rode down 12th line. Many of the farmers and others in the area, heard the bikes coming and went to see what was going on. Tractors and pick up trucks began pulling in behind them, eager to know some news about their friend and neighbour.

JT gave them all he knew about Walter and the commune, letting them know the outcome of the raid. Tears were running down faces of men, who usually showed no emotion to things, but this hit home too close and too hard for them. JT told them of Walter's wishes for Chase and where he wanted him buried. Men went to the shed where Walter kept his tools and brought back shovels to the spot JT picked out.

They dug down and cleared out a good hole, so Chase could be laid flat out. The dogs in the trucks started howling as soon as Chase was brought out of the car and laid beside the hole. They sensed what was happening and whined out their own loss of him. JT was at a loss for words to say, so Henry Wiggins from the farm across the road, stood and said what was needed to say. The club picked up the four corners of the blanket and began carefully lowering the frozen stiff body into the ground.

Faces stared at it, the remorse of losing Chase wasn't as heartfelt, as the remorse of knowing one of their own had suffered such a loss.

"You boys did right by Walter. He'll be right pleased to see this. Chase loved lying under this tree and he'll be happy knowing he's resting there. If I can ask, what's going to happen with the old MacDonald place?"

"Henry, I haven't got a clue what's going to happen with it. Golden... Christi was the owner and I guess her parents are going to get it now. They wanted it sold before, so I guess it'll be up for sale soon, I don't know."

"Oh yeah, those people. Never much liked them."

"I don't think anyone did, from what I heard."

"True. Not a body around here, didn't find them heartless, selfish people."

"Yeah, heard what they did and that was pretty low in anyone's book."

"No argument there. What are boys planning on doing now?"

"No idea, Henry. Right now, we're just trying to do what we can to put all this to rest and take care of everyone. As I'm seeing it, it's up to us to come up with all the money to bury them all properly and I don't think we even come close to it."

"Look, you boys need any help, or anything, you let us know. We take care of our own out here. Always have."

"That's real nice of you, Henry."

The others standing and listening, voiced their agreement to help, giving the seven men something to feel good about. As they stood talking, several took the shovels and began back filling the hole, finishing the deed for them.

"You guys wouldn't mind if we took off? We have some people in town to see and need to get so much done."

"No, no, you boys do what you have to, we'll finish up here. Just let us know what we can do to help."

"We will, thanks Henry, thanks to all of you for everything you're doing, Walter will be happy knowing this is done and give him at least a bit of peace. I feel so bad for him."

"Yeah, loved that little girl. Talked about her like she was his own."

"She felt the same. Treated Walter like her own family."

"Yeah, gonna miss her."

"We all will."

JT and the others shook hands with everyone and cracked the solemn air with the sound of their bikes. They pulled around and headed out of the farm, making their way back to Charming. The faces watched them go, voices quietly wishing them well on their journey.

Charming was cast in a pall, the news coming to them and the people talking about it openly on the street. Hats were taken off heads as they passed, the club acknowledging the respect shown. They made their way to the clubhouse and sat in silence, each reflecting on their loss. The speaker blared out the ringing of the phone and JT ran over to get it.


"JT, it's Art. I just got the news. Is everyone alright?"

"The club is whole, but almost everyone in the commune was killed."

"Oh my God, no. Everyone?"

"Walter took a real bad hit to the head, Moon and Spirit are out of surgery and no one's sure if Star will pull through."

"Jesus fucking Christ. What the hell happened?"

JT was stunned to hear Art's use of language.

"You know we were having trouble with the Disciples, right?

"Yes, I heard."

"We thought they were pretty well finished after the last attack on them, most of them dead, or unable to ride. We found out they had some heavy guns come in and were planning a raid. We were locked down here and had everyone keeping an eye out for them. No one even knew they knew where we lived out there. They opened fire with assault rifles and machine guns and tore the place up with bullets. No one stood a chance. It was a slaughter house."


"Gone. Bullet right through her face. Went through Marlene first and into her."

"Mar too?"

"Afraid so Art. Gone, all of them, wiped out in ten minutes."

JT could hear Art cursing under his breath, coming to grips with it himself.

"So what happens now?"

"Now? We start burying everyone, Art. Nothing left to do."

"JT, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yeah, empty the bank of all our money and hopefully we can put them all to rest with some decency."

"Don't worry about that, JT, I can help you there. I'll talk to some people and see what we can put together."

"Art, I remember how much it cost for my mom and Jake when I buried them. This is tens of thousands we're talking about here."

"I know, just leave that to me, okay?"

"If you say so, Art. Look, I have to start making some calls and let people know what's happened. They need to know and I sure as hell hate to be the one to have to tell them."

"I don't envy you there, JT, that's a hard row to hoe."

"Tell me about it. Okay, you start doing what you need to do and I'll get busy making people's lives shitty."

"Okay JT. I'll be in touch shortly."

"Okay and Art, thanks, really. I appreciate anything you can do to help."

"I gave you my word, didn't I?"

"Yes you did and I can't tell you how much that means to me right now."

"I can imagine. Take care son."

The phone clicked off and JT hesitated making his next call. He took the slip of paper out of his wallet and looked at the number and dialled.

"Cacuzza Enterprises."

"Hi, it's JT, I need to speak to Gianni right away."

"Okay, one second, hang on."

The line clicked and Gianni answered.

"JT, what's up my boy? Everything settled?"

"Yeah, I guess. Look, Gianni, I have some bad news to tell you."

"I hate bad news, but tell me what it is."

"It's Mar, she was killed last night in that raid on the farm."

"What? Mar is dead? How?"

"Those assholes went out to the farm to get us and we didn't even know they knew about it. They came with machine guns and rifles and shot the place up bad. Only four survived and one is clinging to life as we speak."

Silence was all that JT heard, as Gianni took the news in.

"Everyone else is dead, even your girl?"

"Yes. Bullet went right through Mar and took Suzy out as well. One girl, Gloria, she tried holding her breath in the tub and was so afraid to come up, she drowned. It's all fucked up out here, Gianni. I just had to call you and let you know about Mar."

"I will see you soon. I'm coming out there and see to this personally. This is a very bad thing, very bad."

"The worst, Gianni. I don't think it gets any badder than this, at least I hope not."

"Did my guys do their job like they were supposed to?"

"Oh yeah, they were awesome. Even the two chiefs decided to let them do their thing and left them alone to do it."

"Good, that's good. Look, you guys do what you have to do, I'll be there tomorrow and start handling things for you."

"Oh Gianni, I could use all the help I can get right now."

"I'm sure you do. Take care my friend and I will have Jimmy accompany me as well. We need to take care of things, so they can get back to normal."

"Normal is not something I see happening, not after this."

"Do not worry, JT, we'll make it so it feels that way, as best we can."

"Thanks Gianni, I don't have a clue on what to even start doing."

"See you about this time tomorrow, JT. Take care my friend."

"You too, Gianni. Thanks again and sorry to have to tell you the news."

"That's okay, someone had to and I'm glad it was you and not some fucking cop."

"Yeah, okay. See you tomorrow."

"Ciao JT."

JT hung up and sighed deeply, the worst phone call over with and thought on the next. He tried to think of how to get a hold of Free and his people, knowing they had to know what happened to the commune. Everything had gone shit side up on him. Nothing of what it was a year ago, was happening now. Their desire to be an honest club that just rode together, had turned into a club that was no different than the other ones people despised. Crime had tainted them and made sure the stain was permanent. There was no chance of going back and starting over, it was what it was and dealing with it was all they could do.

JT hung his head in his hands and wept. The tears poured easily from him, the loss of loved ones and the loss of a dream tore at his soul. He felt all the blame landing on his shoulders, to bear the weight of that burden and it was more than he could take. Too much had been lost, too much taken away. He was left with an emptiness inside and the only thing willing to fill it, was regrets. Regrets about his decisions, regrets about actions taken, regrets about lives ruined.

Piney pulled into his parent's driveway and stopped his bike. Despite objections from everyone to riding, his stern face and determined will to deal with whatever pain he had, told them he would ride, or die. He got off and rubbed his shoulder area, the ache of holding the throttle and steering, giving him a cramp he had to work out. Mary dashed from the door, racing to him, holding her large breasts from bouncing around too much.

"Piney, Piney we heard it on the news. What happened? Who got hurt?"

He held Mary to him and comforted her, as he looked at the door and saw his parents, tears streaming down their faces. It tore at him to know he had to tell them almost everyone was dead, but in consolation, at least they already knew. Out on the street, people walking on the sidewalk passing by, stopped in surprise, as wails of agony came out of the Winston house.

No matter what part of Charming you lived in, the news struck a sad chord in every person's heart at the loss. Not a person had forgotten what the club had done for their town and its people, trying their best to keep trouble away and keeping it the town they had grown to love. Some remembered times together, meeting them and getting to know them. Small boys cried in their parent's arms, ones that the club had shown personal attention to and taken them for short rides in their laps. Four girlfriends gathered together and personally wept for the guys they spent one day of being lovers with. They felt like real women after being with them and gained the confidence to be who they wanted to be.

By the time the evening news came on, the events in Stockton came to them and nary a soul could deny who had done it, despite the newscaster saying they had no leads. It was done and in their hearts, they thanked the club once again for taking care of their town.

The chief was talking to the mayor and they both agreed that a terrible loss had occurred Neither could deny the cost paid by the club, was of their own doing and felt the need to repay them in kind for it. They hung up and calls were made by both of them, their decision beginning to reach out and be put in place.

JT woke from an uneasy sleep, nightmares haunting him throughout the night. He walked to the shower naked, not caring about his state. He felt the hot water soak him and begin to wash away the horror. He let himself go, urinating on his own feet, as he leaned against the wall for support. Every second seemed to add to the misery of loss, as he knew their time was growing farther apart. Another memory, another moment in time to remember. More and more kept adding up and he wondered if it was possible to remember them all. That gave him a moment to think and he wanted to go back to the farm and find all the pictures he could. He had no idea if the house would remain standing after a strong wind, the framework so badly damaged.

He sat at the table silently, the rest of the club taking turns getting washed. Chico put a plate of eggs and toast in front of him and a coffee to the side. He patted his shoulder and JT smiled woefully at him in thanks. He thought of Marietta out at Berkeley and if she had heard about it all. At least some of the people survived. He thought of Star on life support, holding on to whatever threads remained between here and there. Life and death were so close together. He used to think of them at vast distances, but events had changed his perception. They seemed to go hand in hand at times now.

He had everyone gather around and told them of the need to go to the farm to collect what they could. Wally patted his bike and got in the Chevy, knowing it was the vehicle of preference for their needs. JT saw the waves and recognition to them, looks of sympathy clearly on everyone's faces. All them of them seemed to want them to know they were with them, sharing in their pain. The hearts of the club members felt a surge in spirit, feeling the love being shown.

Love, how beautiful a feeling to enjoy. JT remembered feeling it with Suzy. How he felt at one with her, someone who cared about him and his happiness. He loved making her happy, his heart felt so much better when he saw how happy she was, her smile bright and wide on her face. Love, just another memory now.

They pulled down the lane and a sheriff was there in his cruiser and got out.

"You must be the club that was involved."

"Yeah, we are. We're just here to pick up a few things. Pictures and stuff like that. Make sure no one comes and takes it from us."

The sheriff nodded, knowing how many friends they had lost.

"Sure, just be careful, not sure how safe it is to walk around. Hey, I just wanted to say sorry and express my condolences to you. This was a tragic loss for you all, I can well imagine. I heard through the grapevine how things went down after, good for you. Bastards deserved what they got and more. I have a daughter about their age myself. I'd be looking to put a serious hurt on them too, if it was her they got. You guys take your time, I'll make sure no one bothers you."

"Hey that's real nice of you, thanks sheriff."

Just then, Tinkerbell came out of the barn, hearing the voices she knew. The guys looked at her eyes and they knew she had felt the loss as well. She came over slowly, nudging at the guys with her head, like she was taking stock of who was left in her herd.

"What you going to do with her?"

"Don't really know, Sheriff.?"

"I can go over and see if one of the farmers over by Walt's can come look after her."

"Hey, do you know Henry Wiggins? He lives across the street."

"Oh yeah, I know Hank. You think he'd take her?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. He said he was going to look after Walter's stock for him, until he was better."

"Then I'll head over there now and talk to him. I could hear her mooing in the barn and she sounded sad. She seems to like you guys."

"Oh yeah, she's sort of like the family pet. We let her roam around freely and do her thing. She doesn't go far, because she loves being with us. Gives the sweetest milk too."

"Yeah, I heard they do that when they're happy cows."

"She's a happy cow alright, well, used to be. Not sure how sweet her milk will be now. She's going to miss the girls and sitting with them in the circle."

"The circle?"

"Oh, it was a circle of love they used to do over there in that circle of daisies, just over there."

"Oh yeah, I see it. Sat and did some love thing, did they?"

"Yeah. They would sit and meditate on love and bring it here and surround us with it. It worked, asked any of the guys."

The sheriff looked at the other members and they were nodding and agreeing with him.

"No kidding? That's one of those hippie things they do these days, isn't it?"

"You could call it that, but it's just people getting together and wishing nothing but peace and love to be with everyone."

"Yeah, not such a bad thing. Don't know much about that stuff, just what I see on the news. Make them out to be radicals and troublemakers, but from what you're saying, sounds like the opposite."

"Just have to get to know people, before you judge them, I guess."

The Sheriff looked at the club and realized they didn't hold true to the image the media created about them.