Returning Home Ch. 05


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Chris had tears of joy and all the women in our group were crying including mom. I even think old dad had a tear in his eye. I know I sure did.

"You're right, Jess. That was better than the beast. I wouldn't have missed that for the world," replied Ryan.

The rest of the magic show was anti-climatic after that. I couldn't tell you any of his tricks. I just held onto Chris's hand and thought about the future.

When we got outside all the hugs and kisses went around. Everyone wanted to know when. I told them they would all know when we figured it out. We all headed back into the park and we took Molly and Robbie on rides the four of us could ride together.

Molly did ask me if I was going to be her and Robbie's new Daddy.

"I sure hope so," I replied to two smiling kids.


For the next month, everything was normal except for Chris and me. We were on separate shifts so I didn't get to see her as much as I wanted. She did sneak up to my room on Friday nights and we made love. We figured mom and dad knew but we did our best to keep it from the kids.

I talked with Bill and asked him if I could somehow get on the day turn. He said he would see what he could do. A month later, he gave me the good news. I'd be on day shift since one of the computer people there was transferring to another plant.

We decided to get married in about two months. I didn't want to wait any longer. Chris, Sue and mom were going to make all the plans. That was all right with me. Chris did ask me if there was anything special that I wanted.

"Yes, there are a couple of things. I want you to have the church wedding you never had. I don't care if you wear a white, blue or an orange dress. You'd look beautiful in a knapsack. One thing I would like is for Bear to be in the wedding party. I know he seems different but he really isn't. He's a great guy and a good friend."

I knew that Chris was worried about matching Bear up with a bridesmaid. She figured Sue and Dan, Ryan and Sharon, but now it would have to be Bear and somebody. She told me to give her time to work on it.

The following week I came home from work and I saw a truckload of lumber sitting on the far end of our property. I asked dad what was going on. He told me that he and mom decided our house was just too big for them anymore. They were going to build a small two-bedroom house for the two of them.

He mentioned that since I was getting married that they no longer had a need for such a big house.

"What about this house dad? It's the only one that I've ever known?"

Mom spoke, "We are keeping this house. A nice family contacted us about renting it and we accepted their offer. Dad and I still retain the rights to our barn with the chickens and rabbits but we did tell the lady she could have a pony or two when her kids were older as long as they maintained the property."

"Man, I can't believe you did that. Chris is going to be crushed when she hears that."

"Hears what Jess?" said Chris as she entered the room.

"Mom and dad are building a small house and renting this place out to a family with kids," I said. "They are even going to allow them to have ponies. They never allowed me to have a pony."

"You probably never asked them right. They told me yes without any hesitation."

I looked at Chris and then at Mom and Dad. "You're the new renter, aren't you Chris? This is going to be our house, isn't it? I feel so stupid," I said embarrassingly.

"You said you like surprises so I had one for you. Mom, Dad and I talked about where we might live after we get married. They realized we needed our own place but still wanted the kids to be close. So, they're building a new place about fifty yards away with a nice front porch so we can visit and they can see the kids whenever they want."

"What's this about a pony?"

"It's your fault. You took the kids to the zoo and then to Kings Island. You told Molly that someday she could probably have her own horse. I told you to watch what you say to kids," Chris said as she laughed. "It won't be till the kids get older."

I had to kiss Chris and then hugged my mom and dad. I had the best family ever.

On Sunday, we had our usual cookout. Chris told me to invite Bear since we needed to tell him about the wedding plans. He balked at first but when I told him Chris and I were getting married he said he would be there. Chris said she might have found a bridesmaid for Bear if he wanted to be in the wedding party. I asked her who it was and she told me it was a woman she worked with; her name was Ellen.

As our cookout started, everyone was coming in and soon Chris introduced me to Ellen. I didn't know quite what to expect seeing I'd never met her even though Chris did talk about working with her.

"Nice to finally get to meet you," said Ellen with a hug. "You sure are one lucky man to catch this one," pointing to Chris.

"I know, my whole family keeps telling me the same thing. Did Chris tell you anything about Bear? I want to ask him to be part of the wedding party; he's a great guy but a little different," I said with a laugh.

"She mentioned he's a nice guy and an ex-biker and rather big. Does that kind of explain him?" asked Ellen.

"Here he comes now," I said as he pulled up on his hog.

I walked up to him and he greeted me with his usual bear hug. "Where's the little lady? I want to hug her too," said Bear.

Chris came over and hugged Bear. "She sure is a looker, you done good Jess," he told me as he smiled.

He looked over at Ellen and said, "...and who might this little lady be?"

"Bear, this is my friend Ellen that I work with," said Chris.

"Nice to meet you Ellen," said Bear.

"Bear, I told you we were getting married and I want you to be my best man."

"What? Me? You're kidding right? Damn, Jess, What do you want a dried up old biker in your wedding party for, anyway? Surely there is someone else that can do it?"

"There is but I want you there supporting me. So, what's the answer?"

"Don't you have to have a bridesmaid who would be willing to be with me?" asked Bear.

"She has one," said Ellen, "if you don't mind cleaning up a bit. I'm willing to stand up with you."

"Chris, I can't wear one of those monkey suits," said Bear.

"Only Jess has to wear the monkey suit, I mean a tux. The rest of you just need a suit or sports coat," said Chris. "The bridesmaids are all wearing nice dresses.

Bear looked over at Ellen. "Are you sure about this? I sure ain't the pick of the litter."

"Bear, as long as you let me cut that hair and trim up that beard I think you'll look quite stunning. Just so you know, many years ago I was a biker broad. I even have the hidden tattoos to prove it. I outgrew it and have two wonderful children and now I have three grandchildren. I've been married and divorced twice. I'm not a pushover and I'm not your lay for the night. So, are we partners in this wedding or not?"

Bear gave her one of his patented hugs. "I like you already," he said. "Bring on the wedding."


In the next couple of months, we were all busy. The women worked on the wedding plans and I put in some extra hours at my job. Chris and I had a couple of hours in the evening to be together with the kids. We did a lot of hugging and kissing but the real action came on Friday nights when we could sleep in a little the next morning.

Chris had asked my dad if he would walk her down the aisle. I know she had thoughts about her father and brother and it still hurt her. She loved my family but we all have our own hidden thoughts.

Dad agreed to it and got a hug from Chris. I told her I was walking down the aisle and I wanted a hug too. I got it along with a kiss and a big smile.

Mom and Dad's house was moving right along. The builders said it wouldn't be done before the wedding but wouldn't be much after. It didn't bother us because we liked having them around.

The wedding was getting near. Bear called and said Ellen asked him to come to the Salon and get his hair cut and beard trimmed. I told him I'd go along and Chris could cut my hair. Mine was rather a normal cut but Ellen had a job on her hands with Bear. The funny thing is they got along so well together.

When Bear was finished, he looked like a different man. He couldn't believe it himself when he looked in the mirror. He gave Ellen a hundred dollar tip, but the smile he gave her was worth a lot more. I think a love interest was beginning to develop.


It's was now time for our rehearsal. All of the wedding party was there and before we began, I asked Chris if I could see her in the foyer for a minute. "Sure, Jess, what is it?"

"There is someone I want you to meet and I thought it would be better in private."

"Who is it Jess?"

"Just come and see," I replied.

Standing in the foyer was her brother Ray, his wife and three kids. "Hi Chrissy, mind if we attend your wedding?" asked her brother almost in tears.

Chris ran to him and gave him a big hug. She had tears running down her face. "How did you know? What made you come?" asked Chris.

"Your fiancé called and talked to us. We can talk about all that later. I want to introduce you to my wife Sharon. These are the three little ones Mary, Mark and Susie. Kids, this is your Aunt Chrissy. She's getting married tomorrow," said Ray.

Chrissy leaned down and hugged her nieces and nephew. She also hugged her sister-in-law that she had never met. "I can't believe you are all here," said Chrissy. "I'm so happy."

"We can talk later but there is something else you need to know. We didn't come alone," said Ray.

Chrissy looked up and her father came out of the side room with his wife. He had tears coming down his cheeks when he said "Hi Pumpkin." That was what he had called her when she was little.

"Oh my God!" said Chris with her hands over her mouth. She went to her dad and put her arms around his neck as she cried.

She looked over at me and asked, "Jess, am I dreaming or is this true?"

"It's true, Pumpkin. We're here to see you get married. This is my wife Glenna. I'm so sorry for not coming to see you sooner. Ray told me about your hospitalization a few months ago. We can talk more about that later, but right now I think you have a wedding rehearsal to go through."

We all walked into the church and a crying Chris made all the introductions. Mom, dad, Sue and Dan had already meet them. Ray met them at his mom's funeral and the rest met them earlier in the day. Everyone was so happy as we started the rehearsal. When it was time for the bride to walk down the aisle Chrissy looked up and her father was with her. My dad was smiling at Chris.

After the rehearsal, we all went to the restaurant to eat. It was there that Chrissy had time to talk with her brother and father. Her father kept apologizing for not being there for her. He mentioned that he and Chris's mother never got along but that shouldn't have stopped him from seeing her. He regretted it now and wanted to make amends and see his grandchildren as well.

Ray told us that after his mother's funeral that he did go see Chris in the hospital but she was talking out of her head and didn't even recognize him. He felt bad that he had to leave her but figured he'd stay in contact through the auctioneer firm that he had hired.

He had called a couple of weeks later and Kyle told him she was still in the hospital. The next time he called, they told him she had left the hospital. A disconnected phone at her home kept him from contacting her there. Eventually he got hold of Kyle but he said that she had moved and he had no forwarding address.

"It wasn't till Jess called us and told us that you were getting married and he wanted us to attend the ceremonies that we found out where you were. I didn't forget about you Chris; I just wasn't sure where you were and even if you wanted a relationship with me.

"After Jess called us, Dad and I decided it was time to be a family again. We want you and your kids in our lives. We figured your wedding would be a good place to start. Just so you know, our wives told us that we were wrong in not contacting you sooner," said Ray.

We never mentioned Kyle or the tough times Chrissy had. It was over and nothing would change it by bringing it all up. The main thing was Chrissy was reunited with her family. Molly and Robbie had a chance to interact with their other grandparents and a new Uncle and Aunt.

I kissed Chrissy goodnight. I wasn't allowed to see her the day of the wedding until we were at the church. I stayed with my brother Bill and his family that night. I couldn't sleep at all. I was so nervous; I was getting married the next day. I thought about my life and all the changes in it since I came home.

I had my coffee in the morning and put on my tux. Linda, my sister-in-law, said I looked great. She and Bill got themselves and their three kids ready and we headed to the church.

It was filling up and I greeted so many people. Glenna, Chris's stepmother and Ray and his family all sat near the front. Her dad would be walking her down the aisle. Just the thought of them reuniting made me feel good.

Everyone was in their seats and the organist began playing. I went and stood at the front of the church. The doors opened and my mom and dad walked down the aisle and sat in the front row. Next came a groomsmen and a bridesmaid walked in together. First was Sue and Dan and they were followed by Bear and Ellen, and last was Ryan and Sharon.

The men were all dressed in suits. I have to say that Bear looked great. The bridesmaids each wore a nice gown of their choosing. They all looked very beautiful.

Next, it was supposed to be the ring bearer, which was Robbie. When he saw all these people, he froze. Behind him was Molly saying, "Go on Robbie, you have to go now."

Robbie froze in his footsteps. I walked over to the aisle and knelt down. Robbie looked at me and I said, "Come Robbie, come to Daddy," holding my arms out to him. He came running down the aisle to me holding the pillow with the ring attached to it.

I picked him up in my arms and held him. I had the real wedding ring in my pocket. We just pinned one on the pillow for tradition.

Molly was next and threw flower petals. I have to say she was truly a sweetie. The music changed and everyone stood. On the arm of her father, Chris walked down the aisle in a beautiful mint green formal dress. She looked like an angel. You could tell her dad couldn't have been more proud.

When they got to the front of the church, her dad stepped over and stood next to his wife. I put Robbie down and he ran over and sat on my mom's lap. I stood next to the love of my life. We've come a long way in a very short time but I knew we were meant to be together.

Soon the minister said, "Now I pronounce you Husband and Wife; you may kiss the bride." I kissed her so long that Bear said, "Hey Jess, save some for the honeymoon." Everyone laughed.

We headed to the hall for our reception. It was great! Everyone danced and enjoyed it. The food was wonderful and our families got to know each other. When it was time to leave, Chris said goodbye to her family. They vowed to keep in touch. We all had computers and agreed to see each other at least twice a year.

We kissed Molly and Robbie before we left. We were only going away for three days. Chris promised the kids that she would call them each day. Mom and dad were going to take care of them.

We spent our days touring Cincinnati and making love at night. I honestly have to say that Chrissy was the best lover I've ever been with. She opened herself up to me and said she would do whatever I asked of her.

I told her to keep her red bush. It turned me on and I loved rubbing my face in it. I ate her out because I know it always turned her on. She had no problem returning the oral sex favor.

When we returned home, we slept in her bed. Damn we were good together.


It's been almost a year since we got married. Everyone says we act as if we are still on our honeymoon. The kids both call me daddy. We take the kids with us most everywhere we go. We are a family.

Mom and dad are in their new house and we see them everyday. On weekends, everyone still comes around for our cookouts.

Chris's father and brother e-mail us regularly. We drove out to see them between Christmas and New Years. They come and see us at Easter. I can't tell you how many times Chris has thanked me for inviting them to the wedding.

Bear and Ellen are seeing each other regularly. They are talking about getting married in the next few months. Bear has kept his new look and he and Ellen join us at our outings once in awhile.

That leaves Kyle. About four months ago, we got a call from the auction firm stating that after Chris had filed a complaint against Kyle that they kept an eye on him. He tried the same stunt with another widow only this time the police caught him. They charged him with embezzlement and illegal drug possession.

He was on crack when they arrested him at his home. The auction house said that they were sorry that they couldn't do anything for Chris. Unfortunately, he covered his tracks by having Chris and Ray signing 'Power of Attorney' papers.

One last thing, Chris came home with a pregnancy test kit. She went in the bathroom and when she came back into the bedroom, she showed me the blue positive line. I smiled knowing that we would be having another pair of little feet in the house in about six months.

Life is great when you have the right person to share it with you.


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NitpicNitpicabout 1 month ago

One word,Infantile

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great throughout the 5 chapters! 5+

woodrangewoodrange7 months ago

the only good thing about a Kyle is that you get to smash them, great story

SackettheartSackettheart7 months ago

Another great story. 5 stars. It's unfortunate but there are assholes out there like Kyle who will take advantage of those suffering. I guess living a happy life is redemption and revenge enough.

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