Returning to Your Roots


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Ruth was not sure which way to move her hips as my finger plunged in and out of her ass hole and two fingers on my other hand explored her g-spot in the front. In the end, she just bent forward and lay across my shoulder as her orgasm ran on and on. She kept pace with my finger in her ass by going up and down on her toes.


She was mostly dead weight as I rinsed the soap off Ruth's body. Getting her out of the shower took even more muscle. I got her back dried and then sat her down on the commode seat so I could dry the front. By the time, I had most of her front dry; she was coherent enough to give me a hand.

Somewhere about then she whispered, "Holy shit!" and shook all over.

"That good, huh?" I asked.

She nodded sharply and giggled. "The white boy done broke the black lady. Get me to bed so I can die."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Worn out and over stimulated but not broke by any means," I told her. "You'll sleep like you're dead but you won't die."

Ruth groaned and tried to stand up. I gave her a hand and helped her into her room and into bed. She mumbled something about locks, dryers, and door as I covered her up. She was asleep as I headed back to the bathroom to dry myself off.

I took the clothes out of the washer and tossed them into the dryer. Once I figured out how to set the timer, I started them to drying. I checked the screen porch lock, locked the back door, and locked the front door. I was yawning as I crawled into bed and cuddled up behind Ruth.


The sun was up and very bright as I opened one eye and looked around. I'd had the weirdest dream of my life and had a hard-on that hurt. What my one eye was showing me did not make much sense. I seemed to be in a room I had never seen before. My second eye snapped open and I sat up straight in the bed.

"Oh shit," I whispered aloud. "That was no dream." Then I wondered where Ruth was. I did not hear anything, so I crawled out of bed and went to the bedroom door. I opened it a crack and listened again. I could hear Ruth's voice from the living room. I wondered who she was talking to and then it dawned on me she was talking on the phone.

Feeling a little more confident that there was no one but us in the house, I eased down the hall and peeked around the corner into the living room. Ruth was sitting curled up on the couch and as naked as I was. She saw me peeking and grinned at me as she waved.

I stepped out into the living room. Ruth's eyes went immediately to my rampant member and her eyes got wide as she licked her lips. About then, she said into the phone, "Yes ma'am, Mrs. Baxter, I'll take very good care of him and make sure he gets to work on time. I have to work tonight myself."

She hung up the phone and grinned at me. "Your grandmother and mother said to tell you good morning. I'm to take good care of you, which I see needs doing again several times from the shape your dick is in."

I grinned as I walked across the room toward her. "I thought I was having a very erotic dream when I woke up in your bed."

Ruth chuckled. "I was teasing you and licking that beautiful dick of yours as I considered having it for breakfast when I woke up. Then I remembered that I needed to call your grandmother."

I stopped in front of her and wiggled my hips, causing my dick to sway back and forth. "So what did you decide about breakfast?"

Ruth grinned and whispered, "I decided to go to the store for some milk, eggs, and a box of condoms but to hold me over until I get back...." She left the sentence hanging as she reached up and wrapped her fingers around my hard dick.

She nibbled at the head of my dick with her full lips and white teeth. I groaned and flexed my hips forward. She looked up at me and smiled broadly. "Slow your little ass down and let me enjoy my breakfast. In fact, you sit down here on the couch and let me get comfortable so we can both really enjoy it."

I sat down and she turned around to face me and lay down with her head in my lap. She pushed on my right leg until I moved it over and then she put her left elbow down between my thighs. She rested her head on her hand and grinned up at me as she wrapped the fingers of her right hand around my shaft.

"Much better," she whispered as she pulled the head of my dick over to her mouth and licked it like an ice cream cone. When she sucked on the head and swirled her tongue around it, I groaned softly.

She took her time alternating between sucking on me and licking my shaft. My balls were tight and my dick was so hard it hurt by the time she swallowed me and started to bob her head in earnest. She was whimpering and moaning as she did. Remembering her coming as she sucked my dick earlier, I reached over and teased the smooth skin of her mound.

Ruth never missed a beat on sucking my dick but she raised her knee upright. I brushed a fingertip over her large swollen clit and the whimper was now a soft moaning. I watched Ruth's face as I rolled her clit around gently. Her dark lips wrapped around my very white dick were just as erotic now as it had been earlier. I groaned as the head of my dick touched the back of her throat.

Our moans and groans mixed and increased in volume as she sucked and I rolled her clit around. Briefly, I wondered which of us would come first and then I realized it did not matter, as it would set both of us off. A minute or so later, that is exactly what happened. I was coming, she was coming, and we were coming, all at the same time.


My head was laid back and I was so relaxed I could not move. I could feel Ruth's head laying on my thigh. My softening dick was still in her mouth and she nursed on it gently. A minute or so later, she rolled her head away from my dick and sighed deeply. I smiled and sighed back at her.

With a chuckle, Ruth said, "If it wasn't for the condoms, I'd go back to bed."

"I'd go get them but somebody broke the white boy," I replied without moving.

Ruth laughed and shook her head. "You ain't broke, just drained dry."

I blew out a ragged breath and whispered, "Ain't that the truth."

We lay there for several minutes and then Ruth groaned as she rolled over on her back. A moment later, she sighed and said, "Fuck breakfast, I had enough for both of us. Let's go back to bed. As drained as both of us are, we couldn't do anything if we had condoms."

I chuckled and leaned my head forward to look at Ruby's face. "Are you carrying me or am I carrying you?"

"Yes," she whispered and then yawned.

I yawned back and leaned my head back against the couch. "That's what I thought," I said lazily.


I awoke with a start. I was still sitting up on the couch but Ruby wasn't there. I yawned, stretched, and then sighed. "This could get to be habit forming," I whispered as I stood up. I walked across the room to the kitchen. She was not there but our clothes from the night before were folded neatly on the table. My wallet and stuff were there but the wad of bills were gone.

With a glass of milk in hand, I checked the bathroom and the bedroom. Not finding her, I wandered down the hall and across the living room to the front door. I peeked through the curtain on the little window at the top of the door. Ruby's car was not in the driveway. That answered that. She had decided to go to the store after all.

Looking at the clock on the wall above the TV, I was surprised that it was a little before two. We had to be at work at five. I finished the milk and stood up to carry the glass to the kitchen. I was rinsing it out as I heard the front door open. I sat the glass in the drain tray and headed that way to see if she needed any help.

I was halfway across the dinning room when I realized she was not alone. I skidded to a stop about the time Mary Ann stepped out from behind Ruth. Ruth turned sideways and bump the door closed with her hip. Mary Ann froze with her eyes wide and her mouth open.

Ruth turned around with a grocery bag in each arm and grinned as she saw me frozen in my tracks. "I told you I didn't break the white boy. I only deflated him a couple of times."

My mind went to the blowjobs that had deflated me and my dick was on the rise instantly. Mary Ann groaned softly and then groaned again louder. "He, uh, seems to recover nicely," Mary Ann said a moment later.

"He sure does," Ruth agreed and then headed my way. "So keep your grubby little paws off him."

"But...." Mary Ann whispered with her eyes still on my now fully hard dick.

"We've already discussed that since we didn't have any condoms," Ruth said with a wink as she went past me.

With a glance at Mary Ann, I hurriedly followed Ruth into the kitchen. I went straight to the table and grabbed my pants. Ruth laughed as she sat the sacks down and shook her head. "You don't need to put those on just yet. We've got a couple of hours before we need to leave for work."

"But...." I said as I looked at her and then looked at Mary Ann as she came into the kitchen.

Ruth dug in a sack and tossed me a box of condoms. "Those should keep you out of trouble. Not that I'm forgetting about my butt."

"What about your butt?" Mary Ann asked Ruth.

Ruth grinned. "The white boy showed me a few things and now he has me wondering what a dick up my ass would feel like."

Mary Ann shivered and looked at my dick. "A long slender one feel delicious but his might be a little large to start out on, uh, with."

Ruth took the sacks Mary Ann was holding and put them on the counter. "He's your cousin, remember?"

Mary Ann nodded and then sighed. "I don't want to marry him or have his kids, I just want to take him for a test drive."

Ruth laughed. "Be careful what you wish for. He's blown the top of my head off so many times I can't count them. And we ain't even got to the main event yet."

Mary Ann groaned softly and then shivered. "In that case, you better marry him or everything female in town will be all over him when word gets out. And it will get out as you damned well know."

I was following the conversation back and forth but I did not really believe what I was hearing. Ruth must have noticed the look on my face because she grinned and started to unbutton the front of her housedress. "Either he's embarrassed to be the only one naked or we've scared him with our talking," she said as she did.

Mary Ann looked at Ruth and what she was doing and then back at me. "Then we're going to scare him worse when we both get naked."

Ruth laughed. "I don't think so, he'll be too busy trying to look at both of us at the same time to get scared."

"Uh, what's going to keep me from getting scared," Mary Ann said with a laugh.

"I'll hold your, uh, hand," Ruby said with a grin.

"My hand is about the only thing you've never held," Mary Ann shot back. When I did a double take at what she said, she grinned and added, "That got his attention."

Ruth looked hard at Mary Ann and frowned. "And you have a big mouth. I wasn't really ready to spring that on him yet."

"I think he would have gotten a hint when he was sucking on one of your bodacious nipples and I was sucking on the other. Or when I was kissing you with the head of his dick between our lips."

I must have groaned at that last because both of them grinned at me and then Ruth whispered, "Our lips won't touch around the head of that thing but...."

"It sure would be fun trying," Mary Ann said finishing the sentence.

I did groan then.

Ruby laughed and shook her head as she tossed her dress to me. "I need to put these groceries away." Looking at Mary Ann she winked and said, "You still have your clothes on."

"We only have two hours before we have to head for work," Mary Ann said but her hands were on the buttons of her blouse. "Oh, what the heck," she added as she started to undo the buttons. "Letting the girls out is always fun."

She did not have a bra on and the blouse opened up wide as she undid more buttons. By the time she had it all the way undone, both her nipples were peaking out. Where Ruth's breasts were half melon shaped and stuck straight out, Mary Ann's were pear shaped with large upturned nipples. I found myself licking my lips as she took the shirt off.

I looked over at Ruth's breasts and licked my lips. I looked back at Mary Ann's and nodded. "I can see where you could call it a draw." Then my eyes dropped to Mary Ann's shorts. "But maybe I should judge for myself on who has the best ass."

Ruth laughed. "He definitely is an ass man if I've ever seen one."

"When I'm in the right mood I love something up my ass but... ass man or not, that thing ain't going there," Mary Ann said with a grin. "Not unless there is a hell of a lot of preparation done first."

"He did a little of that last night or rather early this morning in the shower and blew the top off my head," Ruth said with a grin. "A finger up my ass, two fingers rubbing my g-spot, I did know if I was coming or going and really didn't care."

"G-spot? He knows where the g-spot is?" Mary Ann said quickly. "If he does, that makes four guys that know."

"He found it the first time with his tongue," Ruth whispered and Mary Ann groaned. I just stood there with my mouth open as I followed the conversation back and forth.

A moment later, Mary Ann wiggled out of her shorts and tossed them to me with a big grin on her face. "I know which end I want to test drive first, in that case."

Now I stood there with my mouth open as my eyes wandered over her naked body. I ended up looking at her ass and then Ruth's ass. I groaned softly and shook my head. "I would have to call that a tie also," I whispered a moment later.

Mary Ann laughed and backed up to where Ruth was putting stuff away in a cabinet. She rubbed her ass against Ruth's for a moment and then whimpered softly as Ruth rubbed back. "It's been like three weeks for me so it wouldn't take much to..." she whispered and then squealed sharply as I stepped forward and pinched both her nipples.

Her hands came up to mine as she tried to back up. Ruth was pushed up against the counter and tried to turn around as Mary Ann tried to pull my fingers away from her burning nipples. I was surprised how firm her nipples were as I gave them a little twist. Mary Ann gasped and Ruth laughed as she saw what was going on.

"He made me come right off the bat chewing on my nipples last night," she said as she slipped her arms around Mary Ann's waist and cupped the bottoms of her breasts.

Mary Ann groaned loudly and stuck out her chest. Ruth was chewing on her earlobe as I released her left nipple and sucked it between my lips. A moment later, I was lightly chewing on her rubbery stiff nipple. Mary Ann let out a little yell of surprise and then her hands went to the back of my head as she moaned long and loud.

Then it was my turn to be surprised as Mary Ann backed up a couple of steps. Then there was a tongue on the fingers still holding her other nipple. I continued to chew on the nipple in my mouth but glanced to the side to see Ruth grinning at me. I quickly released my grip on Mary Ann's other nipple.

Holding eye contact with me, Ruth sucked in Mary Ann's big nipple. From the way her mouth was moving, I could only assume she was chewing on it. From the loud gasp and then yell from Mary Ann, I had that assumption confirmed. Then I could feel her lower body jerking as she started to come.

Then Mary Ann was chanting, "No! No! No!" repeatedly as she went right on coming. Her lower body might have been jerking but her hands held my head and Ruth's head tightly to her breasts as they did.


Ruth and I were literally holding Mary Ann up by the time she tried to push our heads away. I let her but held a deep suction on her nipple as I did. It popped out of my mouth with a gasp from her. Ruth saw the reaction and did the same. Mary Ann gasped again and then groaned as she leaned back against the counter harder.

With a grin in my direction, Ruth said, "That took the starch out of her."

I grinned back and whispered, "It's probably running down the insides of her thighs."

"Probably and if it is, I'm going to clean it up while you try out one of those rubbers from behind me," Ruth whispered and then shivered hard. "And I don't mean in my ass."

Mary Ann whimpered softly and then groaned as Ruth spoke. Ruth grinned and said, "By the time I get through with her and you get through with me, she won't be riding any face. We'll be lucky to get her awake in time for work."

"Who's going to wake you and me up?" I asked with a like grin.

"My alarm clock, I hope," Ruth shot back as she took Mary Ann's elbow and guided her toward the kitchen door.

I grabbed the box of condoms off the table and followed the two women. Things were going to be very interesting in this little one horse town for some time to come, I thought as we headed for the bedroom. A good job, Ruth, Mary Ann, and a whole list of cousins, what could go wrong?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Detals Details DETAILS😃

Glorious details😊 And u knew just how far to bring us, so we could hang off the damn cliff😄 HoneyGirl is captivated😄

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

That was one sweet tale. Dialogue like real people, women with wit and a man with a head for for good oral. There was even a little background to give everything a bit of spice. TexRad you are an artist, Sir. Truly an artiste.

dinkymacdinkymacover 9 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
a fun beginning

how much further will you take us?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Stepped in shit, now he's growing roses

Yes he may have left school sudden but he still seems to be learning and not just bartending. And there is very little wrong with kissing cousins.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Texas Towns

Moody Texas is in the Waco area, and nowhere near Athens or Baxter Texas

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great Dialogue

This is one of the finest yarns I've read. Great fast flowing dialogue. More please

txcoatl1970txcoatl1970about 11 years ago
XXXcellent Romp

You pulled off a rip-roaring yarn this time with great set-up, well-drawn characters and plenty of Texas flavor to it. Outstanding story that makes me eager to what else is in store!

liquid_yellowliquid_yellowabout 11 years ago

Definitely calls for more chapters!

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