Rise of the Roxo Girl


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"Just like that?"

"Well not quite Gloria. I had viewed perhaps 4000 images of models and upcoming aspiring models, looking for a new face. Some were promising but still I knew the search must go on. I was to dine with my pal and his girlfriend who walked in with her room mate and I just knew I'd found the Roxo Girl."

"Ah yes, now what is it about the Roxo Girl?"

"You and everyone must be patient Gloria. We have our campaign precisely timed."

"Miss Brooke, please give me something, just a hint with do."

"Sorry Gloria. "I have been told I'll be vaporized if I tell anyone. You must understand our client wants people to be manipulated like this to give bigger impact."

"Impact for what?"

"Oh nice try Gloria. Sorry but it's just watch this space. We have been filming and preparing for weeks so the countdown has begun."

"Are you happy with the campaign?"

"In every way Gloria, gloriously happy. I've never seen so much money coming my way. I'm on on-call on salary and will receive bonuses for everything I do to assist with the campaign but I will not accept money for this appearance because Americans have the right to know."

"But you haven't revealed anything."

"Just my name sweetie. Let's see where this takes me. Oh in case anyone is wondering, Gerald and I only have a working relationship. He's married."

"Oh dear."

"Yes Gloria. Mrs Setter is a very lucky woman."

Gloria signed off and everyone in the studio clapped... apart from the scowling woman in white.

Gerald accompanied Beau to the restaurant for early lunch and was tickled by the sight of the screaming female staff who rushed Beau, having seen the magazine advertisement.

"How did it go," asked Beau's agent.

"Excellent Gina, the filming went like a dream and the clip will now be saturating America."

"Ohmigod and so you revealed everything?"

"No and keep your mouth zipped Gina."

"Of course, I'm aware I have privileged information.

Early customers were asked to standby when all restaurant personnel, apart from some of the male kitchen hands, gathered in front of the restaurant's big TV screen.

Amazingly the piece about Beau was the third item screened.

The newsreader intoned, "Today's big story is not about murder or mayhem. It's actually about one of our citizens, a mystery woman, who has captured the interest of newshounds everywhere and the call went out to find her. Well this TV station is proud to have done that. Here is an interview by our very own Gloria Meek who's newsclip of her sensational uncovering of the mystery woman is today being screened throughout America.

The clip of Gloria's interview of Beau and Gerald with some extra voice-over then screened.

The waitresses and kitchen women cheered when the magazine image of Beau was shown and Gina called to diners, "That's Beau who works here as one of our cashiers."

Some women left their tables to join the group under the TV screen.

After it was over Gina said, "That is simply amazing Gerald. Everyone now wants to know more, pulling their hair out asking what the hell was that all about."

"Yeah tough," Gerald grinned.

That night at the theater most of the audience gave Beau a standing ovation when she ran on stage for her opening scene and media mobbed her during the interview and after curtain call. The producer informed the cast, "Sorry guys but we are booked in for another ten nights. Booking are going through the roof but it can be only ten more nights because the theater has to prepare for the upcoming ice skating show."

When Beau arrived home she found Gina watching a late TV show with two advertising gurus discussing with the presenter what product or service Beau would be promoting.

They watched the gurus and giggled.

"Probably a secret new Ford crossover vehicle," said one.

"It could be a new type of bra or judging by Beau Livingston's legs a new range of stockings," said the second ad man.

"You guys are well off the mark," said the presenter, fighting to keep a straight face. "It's probably a new type of toilet pan cleaner."

Walking along The Avenue next morning and just before turning off the city's main street to the diner which served better coffee than she could make, Gina boggled at the huge billboard. It displayed Beau Brooke dressed in an almost borderline baby doll nightie, with hand on hip and sucking her thumb. The text simply read, 'The Roxo Girl... isn't she pretty?'

"Ohmigod," Gina said, pulling out her phone.

About that same time, the son of an investment consultant to the rich and famous in New York riding a cab in from the airport shouted, "Jesus."

"Are you okay?" asked the cabbie, anxious not to have Bendon Shelford vomit over the back seat.

"Yes thank you. Catch an eyeful of that babe on that billboard."

"I do repeatedly sir. She's my wife's pin-up girl. Goes by the name of Beau Brooke."

"Where's she from?"

"Out west somewhere."

"What is this lack of information about... the Roxo Girl. What is Roxo?"

"No one knows sir. My wife says she is watching this space."

"What space?" asked Bendon, frustrated by the lack of information.

"My wife doesn't know sir."

Bendon sighed and looked at the high-rise skyline of his beloved city, pleased to be back home. He'd been to Geneva, doing business for his father.


Beau and Gina her agent-designate were sprawled on sofas in the lounge nibbling pretzels allegedly created for the diet conscious woman and sipping dry-as-a-bone Martinis.

"When can you tell me about the launch?"

"Now darling. The first ads appear on TV tonight in a few minutes from 9:30 when impressionable young people are supposed to be in bed asleep after a tough day at kindergarten, grade school or high school.

"God you are cynical. I was no longer impressionable when at high school."

"None of us possessing half a brain were darling. It comes under some rules TV stations and their advertisers must comply with. Until I became involved with the ad agency I wasn't aware TV stations may screen bared tits but never a penis, even if limp, except on a statue of merit."

"Go on, is that why I feel penis-deprived watching TV?"

"It certainly is darling. The big announcement is due on this station at 9:45. A few stations, mainly in the Bible Belt, have refused to accept the announcement.

"Is the president of the client company making the announcement?"

"Something like that. God you made this Martini so dry I'm thirsty. Let's go out and eat at a restaurant with a big screen. You can tell them to stop the music videos and play Channel 9 that will be unveiling the mystery of the Roxo Girl at 9.45."

"They won't be influenced by me."

"Just tell them my name darling. Apparently I've become quite well known."

Gina requested the TV be switched from music video to Channel 9.

"You have to be kidding," the hard-faced woman owner said. "Everyone will complain."

"My client has requested it."

"Oh yeah, so who's your client young woman?"

"Beau Brooke."

The woman peered at Beau who smiled.

"Jesus," said the woman in awe. "It really is the Roxo Girl."

They were shown to a premier table and given a bottle of quality complimentary wine.

At 9:43 the owner announced, ""Sorry guys we are switching from music video to TV for a big announcement."

"What about the President?" a drunk yelled.

"No bigger than that," said the owner confidently. "In a few minutes the mystery surrounding the Roxo Girl is to be unveiled. We are privileged to have Miss Beau Brooke here with us this evening."

Even the guys appeared interested, looking around for Beau who pulled back the hood of her jacket and waved, causing a big stir through the restaurant and several female patrons rush over to say hi, some saying Beau had become the greatest Roxo Girl ever and that caused Gina to whisper to Beau, "Do older women have anything between their ears?"

The restaurant stilled at 9:45 when the TV continuity announcer said, "We now have a special advertisement to run that will surely excite huge interest."

Beau appeared on-screen in a snappy pinstriped business suit, white shirt and pink tie with yellow spots and a skirt stopping a foot above her knees.

"Good evening America. A few of you know me as Beau Brooke that incidentally is the name my parents gave me. Others of you will know me as the much-publicized Roxo Girl and others will have no interest in my mission and me at all and that's fair enough. Well here goes."

"Roxo is the relaunch of a condom. My task as the Roxo Girl is to encourage women to insist their dates pack condoms, any brand of condom in fact and we'll leave it to the guys and gals to judge which brand. It's a very personal choice isn't it? I also see no reason why wives shouldn't have a preference for their husbands to wear a condom. It's really no big deal. From tonight, with the mystery about me unveiled, I be exclusively promoting Roxo-wear. I guess you can all understand my brand loyalty because they are paying me to promote the product. Good night everyone and thanks for viewing this. We have some great ads coming up for you, ads that my director says are hugely entertaining. I certainly am having fun doing them. Saucy but nice is our intent."

Beau faded out and the brand name of Roxo-Wear filled the screen.

A few people clapped but the restaurant was mainly silent.

"Oh god," Gina sighed.

The first Roxo ad then ran. It was a variation of Beau's jungle ad. It showed Beau in a jungle clearing with a real hunk of a guy packing two rifles and with crossed ammunition belts over his chest.

"Bruno I can believe you're come all this way without packing protection?"

"Er just a few times without rubber will be okay won't it?"

"No Bruno. Go back to base for your Roxo-wear. No hunk should be without them."

"B-but it's a two-day hike back to base."

"Fine, let's continue but you're not sleeping in my tent Bruno."

"Damn, take one of the rifles to protect yourself Roxo Girl. I'll be back in two days raring to go."

The closing shot showed Beau sniffing into a lacy handkerchief waving to her man disappearing into the jungle."

"Roxo should be in every guy's back pocket, permanently," she sighed.

The restaurant rocked in laughter and the owner switched back to music video.

"Ohmigod that was brilliant darling," Gina smiled, patting Beau's hand. "Did you hear them laugh? They felt caught up in it. I'm asking Denis to switch to Roxo if he wants my butt again."

* * *

In New York Bendon was at his parent's apartment spending a quiet evening with them. They watched the promo and then the commercial.

"God what a slut even if she's very beautiful."

"I'm intending to bring her home mom."

"Oh, do you know her?"

"Not yet but you saw her face and body and she obviously has a brain and humor. She's the woman I've been looking for mom. It's her or no-one."

"Well fetch her home Bendon. Most of your father and my friends are unlikely to have much idea what she's on about unless they're into anal."

Bendon was shocked. He had no idea his mother knew about, um, that sort of carry on. God who was educating older people? His father looked at him and winked.

* * *

The next evening at his apartment, cuddling one of his regular girlfriends, Bendon watched a news item of the Roxo Girl touring the plant that produced Roxo-wear.

Two elderly female plant workers stepped forward and presented Beau with flowers. She hugged and kissed them both.

"Gosh, she's so nice. I was under the impression she was such a slut."

"I have an open mind Dakota," Bendon said loftily.

"God you're speaking as if you fancy her. You'll have no chance. Half of eligible American males plus two-timing jerks will be out to get into her pants."

Dakota failed to see the panic jump onto her boyfriend Bendon's face.

Next morning after Dakota had gone home he called a pal in advertising.

"Al do you have a directory of guys in ad agencies."

"Yeah pal but if you want advertising you come to me."

Bendon said he wish to locate a guy called Gerald Setter. I recall his name but have no idea where he's located, out west somewhere."

"Just wait a minute till I searched my electronic copy of our handbook."

"Bingo here we are. He's creative director at a two-bit outfit in some place I've never heard of, Shaun City. Here's the address."

* * *

Gerald's PA said, "Is this about advertising sir."


"Then may I ask about the nature of your business?"

"No but I wish to meet with Gerald over lunch at the most exclusive restaurant in your city at 1:00 tomorrow."

"Sorry sir but I regret..."

"Baby here's my personal website address linked to my father's web pages. Just take a look and call me back huh? My number will be now in your phone book."

"Certainly sir."

Cilla opened the web page and gasped. She printed it out and the father's main web page and took that in to Gerald.

"What's this crap?"

"A big time guy from New York who wants to take you to lunch tomorrow."

"What for?"

"He didn't say."

Gerald sped-read the pages and said. 'Jesus. He could be offering me a big time corporate position."

"Perhaps but my instinct tells my this is about Beau."

"Well let him join the line of hopefuls."

"My instinct tells me this is the guy Beau dreams of."

"That's crap. We're running an ad agency here not an instinct manufacturing plant. Go finish your finger nails."

"Mow you listen to me Gerald Setter. You have exploited that darling Beau to the extremity of your talent, knowing in a month or two she will have outworn her freshness and therefore public acceptance. You must lunch with this guy and find out what he can do for Beau."

"Fuck her senseless would be my guess."

"Mr Setter!"

"Oh god, sorry Cilla. Please call him and book for two at the Sean Club for 1:00 tomorrow. Give him the address. He can get himself there."

"Very well and I accept your apology. Really Gerald you ought not talk to me like that. You know I'm Baptist."

"Yes and once again I apologize."

At lunch the next day Gerald said to the guy in an obviously very expensive white suit and dazzling red tie, "You are saying you want Miss Brooke in New York and told she is your protégé and you're have her placed in work of her preference."


"May I ask why?"

"Because I wish to court her with the intention of marrying her but there's no rush to do that."

"I bet."

"Excuse me?"

"I meant I bet Beau would like to go to New York and having a patron."

The guys got along well after than and Gerald offered to drive the visitor to the airport.

"How long are we from the airport?"

"Twenty minutes if we get a good run."

"Bendon pulled out his phone and said to a guy he called Philippe he'd be ready to take off in twenty to thirty minutes, no later.

At the airport there was a security vehicle waiting for Bendon.

"Good talking to you Gerald. You've been responsible for giving Beau a great start to her career. I'll continue your good work. Lovely lunch, bye pal."

Gerald watched mouth open as Bendon was taken out to the waiting Lear Jet 40XR.

Two days later Gerald lunched with Beau.

"Our marketing penetration campaign appears to have peaked last month as we knew it would. The client will soon wave us goodbye or else commission us to try someone else and a new theme. You did say once this theater talent scout was interested in you."

"Oh yes, I'd almost forgotten her."

"I suggest you give her a call."

"But she was talking about taking me to New York."

"You've outgrown this city darling. It's either the extreme West Coast or East Coast for you now, or perhaps Chicago."

"I have always wanted to go to New York."

"Get your agent to make the call Beau. We'll release you from your contact at the end of next month when it will be two-thirds the way through. Your monthly pay check would stop then too if you agree to cancellation as provided in the early exit clause."

"Right, I'll agree to cancellation. You have been such an inspiration to me Gerald. I love you like a father."

"That's a mighty big tribute Beau. Thank you."

That night Beau said to Gina. "I'm heading to New York at the end of next month. Come with me as my salaried agent."

"Can you afford it?

"I've saved some pay checks and have received huge bonuses. Of course I can. I want you with me darling. You start as soon as you leave the restaurant. It can be early as you like. In the meantime could you give that women theater agent a call. I think she ought to visit us and begin talking details. She'll want a cut. Could you find out how the system works. That's your responsibility darling. Just bill me an hourly rate when doing this work until you go onto full salary."

"God I hope this works out." Gina sighed.

"Gerald says I'm on a roll. We must believe him if we are to succeed."

There was no party, no farewells. Gerald's advice was Beau should just fade off the planet until she emerged in her new role to take people by surprise.

At the airport Beau presented Gerald with a very modern gold watch.

He boggled. "Christ this must have cost big bucks."

"You invested in my career darling; now his payback time."

Beau kissed Gerald and his wife. The women had become quite close friends.

Before leaving the airport Gerald called the private phone number he'd been given.

"Hi Bendon, Gerald Setter from Shaun City."

"Oh hi. Good news I hope?"

"I think so, Beau and her agent Gina Livingston are about to leave for New York. They are booked into the The Alex for five nights, giving themselves time to find an apartment to share."

"Oh, are they...?"

"I'd think definitely not. Just great pals."

Three weeks later Gina returned home. She'd become homesick and didn't like New York but Beau appeared to be thriving despite Martina Gates failing to contact them as promised but fortunately Beau had not handed over any money.

On their first night at the hotel a guy called Bendon Shelford introduced himself and asked to sit with them. They were already eating so agreed and he ordered champagne. But Bendon made no progress with Beau and never would; she just didn't like him. On the other hand Gina though he looked good enough to go to bed with but alas she wasn't invited.

"I'm sorry pulling out like this," Gina said, when announcing her desire to return home. "This is not working for me. Thank god you are only renting this apartment."

"It won't matter. I think it's time I found a guy to sleep with. It's been too long."

"Is it the truth you and Gerald...?"

"Yes the absolute truth."

"His wife didn't believe your denial."

"I know she didn't but we agreed to not talk about it again and began to get along very well. I find it easy to make friends, female friends."

"Well just tread carefully if you decide on a male darling but I know you are just not right the right women to sleep with other females. I would have."

"I know that darling and thanks for not pressuring me. God it's so invigorating being in Manhattan. I feel it all happening around me and wish to be caught up in it."

Gina said, "Those are the very reasons I want out of here."

* * *

The day after Gina left Beau felt lonely and knew she could lose her confidence if she didn't get going. She went to an Internet Café to look up booking and casting agents and was overwhelmed by the selection available and thought they would all be over-run with wannabes. It was so depressing.

Walking along the street she saw a sign saying Theatrical Agent, 1st basement level. "Oh god, not the 72nd floor in an executive suite," she signed.

The old lady in reception said, "Sorry miss we at Geoffrey Blake only handle referrals."

A fat guy in his mid-forties came out of the office behind the woman and stared at Beau.