Rob and Lori Ch. 02

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He'd had enough.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/01/2009
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September found us in college. Lori went for Information and Systems Technology and I went for Business Management. We managed to make it almost all the ay through our freshman year before Lori's strong will surfaced again. There was a concert that Lori wanted to go to, but it was on a Friday night and I had already committed us to attend my mother's birthday party. Lori knew this almost a month ahead of time and never gave any indication that she didn't plan on attending. Three days before the party Lori told me that she had tickets and we were going to the concert. I reminded her that we were already committed to mom's birthday party.

"There will be other birthday parties for your mother Rob, but how likely is it that Bob Seger will ever be in town again. I'm going to the concert Rob."

I just shrugged and said "fine."

The morning of the concert Lori called me and said, "We need to get there early to make sure that we get a good seat. What time do you want to pick me up?"

"Why would we need to get there early?"

"There will be thousands of people there Rob."

"Not likely. It is only going to be immediate family and a few friends."

"What are you talking about?"

"Mom's birthday party."

"We are going to the concert Rob."

"No Lori. You are going to the concert. I am going to my mom's birthday party."

She hung up on me.

Saturday I was at work unloading a semi trailer with Harley Neubert who worked at the store part time. We had the trailer half empty and took a break. As we were sipping coffee and sharing a box of Hostess chocolate donuts Harley said:

"You and Lori on the outs again?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"Saw her at the concert last night. She was with Randy Combs and they didn't seem to be able to keep their hands off of each other."

I shrugged, finished my coffee and then got back to work unloading the trailer.

Given the way that Lori had hung up on me I didn't expect to hear from her for a couple of days so it came as no surprise when she didn't. Monday at school I was coming out of the bookstore at the Student Union and across the hall in the cafeteria I saw Lori and Randy Combs sitting at a table. I don't think either one of them noticed me as I walked out of the building.

I didn't share any classes with Lori so I didn't see her at school, but Thursday after classes when I went to work Lori was waiting for me outside of the store.

"You haven't called."

"You hung up on me. To me that meant that you didn't want to talk to me."

"I was upset."

"Not my problem."

"You know I wanted to go to that concert."

"And you know that we had already committed to the birthday party before you found out about the concert."

"I don't want to fight Rob. Are we still going to Bev's party Friday?"

"I'm going. I asked Clarissa if she would go with me and she is supposed to call me and let me know."

"Clarissa? What the hell is going on here Rob? You are supposed to be going with me."

"I thought that you would probably be going with Randy Combs. Everybody who saw the two of you at the concert said that you couldn't keep your hands off of each other and then when I saw you with him in the Student Union cafeteria I figured that you and he had something going so I gave Clarissa a call."

I looked at my watch and then said, "I'm late for work. Got to go" and I walked into the store and left her standing on the side walk. I hadn't called Clarissa, but Lori didn't know that. I skipped the party and went to the movies.

At the store on Saturday Harley asked me why I had missed the party and I told him that I hadn't felt well.

"Lori was there" he said. "She came alone."

I shrugged and he said, "Randy was there and he came alone too."

"Harley, I don't give a rat's ass about what Lori and Randy do."

"They didn't do anything. She wouldn't dance with him and once I heard her tell him to go away and leave her alone."

Given what Harley had said about what had gone on at the party between Lori and Randy I called her on Monday and asked her if she wanted to go out on Tuesday evening and she said yes. A couple of date's later things were back to normal between us.

The rest of our freshman year and all of our sophomore year slid by with no problems and we were starting to think about life after college. The subject had never been brought up verbally, but I think that Lori and I both just assumed that we would be getting married. I think the fact that we never talked about it had something to do with our next rocky patch.

It was halfway into our junior year and my dad was finally comfortable enough with me to start taking time off and leaving me to run the store. That meant a lot of Saturday and Sunday work for me and since the store hours were from 8 am to 9 pm it also meant a lot of late night Fridays. Mondays and Thursdays didn't enter into it because it was understood that school took precedence and evenings were for study and I had school the next day. But Friday - Friday was a killer! It, along with Saturday nights were prime date nights and when dad took a weekend off Friday and Saturday nights were off the board for me as far as dating was concerned.

Lori was not a stay at home girl and after several weekends of my not being able to take her out she started going out to things alone and when she was alone guys flocked to her. If she went alone to a dance when it ended there were always parties and always someone who would ask her if she wanted to go to one. I began to hear rumors of Lori and some guy dancing "real close" or Lori and some guy holding hands or making out in a car. It bothered me, but I had not asked Lori to marry me -- I had not put a ring on her finger -- and I had really never asked "Lori, would you go steady with me." What we were was a couple who just kind of came together and for the most part stayed together. I had no real claim on Lori or her time, but that did not mean that it did not bother me. I could not stop Lori if that is what she wanted to do, but I didn't have to like it.

After working three weekends in a row I finally got one off. I had not spoken to Lori in several days and -- my head being full of the rumors I had been hearing -- I wasn't sure that I wanted to talk to her right then anyway. There was a party at Sam Janke's Friday night and I went alone. I got there early and helped Sam move all of the living room furniture into the dining room to make a dance floor and then I got myself a beer. I'd been there maybe twenty minutes when I saw Carol Murrey walk in alone. I went up to her and told her that she had arrived just in time.

"I need a dance partner."

She looked around and I said, "I'm alone tonight."

"Oh goody" she said and offered me her arm and I led her out onto the makeshift dance floor. We were dancing when Lori walked in with Randy Combs. She saw me there dancing with Carol and stopped in her tracks. She obviously didn't expect to see me there and she looked like she wanted to turn and leave, but I had already seen her with Randy. I looked at her for several seconds and then looked away and ignored her for the rest of the evening.

By the time the party started breaking up I had a date with Carol for Saturday and I saw Lori watching as Carol and I left the party together. I had no idea what she was thinking and frankly I didn't care.

Carol had driven herself to the party and so we agreed to meet at the Denny's on Coleman for coffee and a bite to eat. We were sitting in a booth next to a window and I saw Randy's F-250 pull in. Lori and Randy got out of the truck and headed for the restaurant and then Lori spotted me sitting there with Carol and she turned and went back to the truck. Randy called after her and she apparently said something to him and he turned and looked toward the restaurant and then he went to the truck, got in, the lights came on and they drove away.

Sunday I was in my room working on a term paper due on Tuesday when my mom hollered at me that I was wanted on the phone. It was Lori.

"Why didn't you call me and let me know that you weren't working Friday night?"

"What would have been the point? I've heard about you and the dances and parties you've been going to while I was working and I've heard all about the things you've done after those dances and parties so I naturally assumed that you already had a date set up for Sam's party. I went to the party on the off chance that you would be there alone also, but we both know how that turned out, don't we?"

"That's not fair Rob. It isn't my fault that you spend your weekends working. I'm too young to sit at home and stare at walls al weekend waiting to see if you can find some time for me."

"Well Lori, let me see if I understand this. You saw me at the party Friday so you knew I had the weekend off. Knowing that why didn't you call me yesterday instead of waiting for tonight? Could it be because you already had a date for last night too? Like maybe going to the movies with Randy? Or maybe that was some one else I saw going into the Rialto last night?"

"I didn't know you had the weekend off and I had already made the date."

"So you were lying to me three weeks ago when you said that you weren't dating; just going to dances and parties alone? Thanks for calling Lori." and I hung up on her.


Monday it was back to school and work after school. I kept an eye out for Lori so I could make sure to avoid her. She called and left messages for me to call her but I never did.

I dated Carol a lot, but there was nothing there and we both knew it. It was strictly a friend's relationship. Not even a 'friends with benefits relationship, just friends.

About three weekends after I saw Lori at the party I was working at the store when a voice called out "Hello stranger." I looked up and saw Sue Cochill. She stepped forward and threw her arms around me and gave me a kiss that curled my toes. We made a date to meet at Denny's when I got off work. The first thing she asked me after I slid into the booth across from her was:

"Are you in a relationship now?"

"Unfortunately no." I explained where I was at with Lori and Sue said:

"Can I put in my bid?"

It turned out that because of finances she'd had to drop out of Cal Tech and she would be transferring back to our neck of the woods at the start of the next term.

"So how about it? Can I apply for the open relationship job?"

"If you are silly enough to want the position I'm certainly silly enough to let you have it."

From then on Sue got all of my free time. As a bed buddy she was as hot as she had been before leaving for California. Actually she was hotter. While she was gone she had gotten turned on to anal which was a "no-no" before she left. For the rest of my junior year, almost all of the summer vacation that followed it and into the start of my senior year Sue and I were an established couple. I saw Lori around, but avoided her and outside of a Christmas card mailed to the store during the holiday break she made no attempt to get in touch with me. I did see her at dances and parties, but I was always with Sue and Lori was always with someone -- usually Randy -- but even there I stayed away from her.

It needs to be said that whenever I did see her my heart beat a little faster, I felt a stirring in my groin and I ached to have my arms around her and hers around me. But!!! I was not the kind of guy who could or would put up with her actions. In every case where the two of us had problems it was Lori who instigated them. All I did was refuse to sit in the corner and wait around.

The first day of school after the holiday break I came out of class one day to find Lori waiting for me.

"Can we talk Rob?"

"About what?"

"About us."

"I wasn't aware that there was an "us" Lori."

"My point exactly Rob. There isn't, but there should be and the only way to make it happen is for us to sit down and talk. I know you are between classes from eleven forty-five until two so can you meet me in the cafeteria for lunch at twelve?"

I was curious as to what she had to say so I agreed to meet her for lunch. It didn't start out well. When Lori started with:

"I don't know how we let it slip away" I interrupted her with "We didn't let it slip away Lori, you did. You jump and do things without thinking ahead and then expect everything to be just where you left it when you decide that whatever you left to do is over with. It goes way back to when you couldn't wait for me to get off work so you went to the dance with Leroy and then screwed around with him and then expected to pick right back up with me. When you decided that we needed to see other people for a while you went off and did it until you decided to come back to me and then you expected me to be there breathlessly waiting for your return and you were surprised when I didn't jump at the opportunity.

"My mother's birthday party -- to hell with you Rob I'm going to the concert -- and then you spent a week fooling around with Randy Combs and a week after that you are asking me why I haven't called. Do I need to go on Lori? I'm not some one you can park at the curb when you want to go and do something. There might be guys out there that you could do that to, but I am not one of them and by now you should realize that. That is the situation now. Because I had to work you decided that you weren't going to sit around so you started dating so instead of sitting in a parking space and waiting for you to come back and get me I dated and now I am in a relationship. So here you are expecting me to drop it because you all of a sudden want to come back so there can be an "us." Can you give me one good reason why I should listen to what you want?"

"Of course I can give you a good reason Rob. I always -- always -- come back to you because I know where I belong. And you always allow it Rob. You bitch and whine and stall for a while, but you always end up back with me. We both know where we are supposed to be Rob. With each other."

"For someone who feels she is supposed to be with me you sure spend a lot of time with Randy Combs."

"Am I supposed to just sit at home and stare at walls waiting for you to finally get some time off and call? I'm young Rob and I am not going to stay at home and watch stupid television shows or play solitaire. I go out with Randy a lot because he is one of the few who ask me. Too many guys see me as yours so they stay away. Randy keeps asking because he is hoping that I'll get over you. I've told him it isn't going to happen, but he keeps trying."

She was right of course. I did know that we had a special connection and I did eventually always get back together with her, but I didn't know that my feelings for her would carry us through the long haul. I also had some strong feelings for Sue, but I didn't know if they were long haul feelings either. But!

"None of that changes the fact that right now I am seeing someone else. Someone I really like and before you say anything stop and think about the fact that I wouldn't be dating her if you hadn't started dating on the weekends I had to work late."

"Okay, okay I get the point, but keep me in mind Rob because I'm not going to go away. To ease your mind I will stop dating Randy. That will probably be the best way to make him realize that he doesn't have a chance at replacing you in my life. But you do need to figure out what you are going to do Rob. We are almost at graduation and life is going to change big time when we have to move into the real world."

She got up, kissed me on the cheek and walked away.


I worked from three-thirty until seven and then I rove over and picked up Sue. As soon as she was in the car she said:

"I saw you this afternoon with Lori. Am I a short-timer?"

"She wanted to know why I hadn't called her lately."

"And you said?"

"I told her that I was in a relationship that I had no intention of ending."

"Right thing to say to me Rob, but not really true."

"Why would you say something like that?"

"Because I know me and you don't."

"And what does that mean?"

"I like you a lot Rob and if you were a bit different I would love to have you with me forever, but we don't have a future."

"If I were a bit different? What do you mean by that?"

"You are a nice guy Rob, but you don't have the mindset that my permanent man would have to have."

"I still don't understand what you are saying."

"To put it bluntly baby I'm a slut. I love cocks. Big ones, small ones, white ones, black ones, brown, yellow and even a green one if I could find one. I can usually stick with one guy for about a year and then I start wanting to try something different. Since I won't cheat that means that I will break up with the guy I'm seeing before moving on to something else. What I'm saying here Rob is that a permanent significant other would have to be willing to share. He would have to be open to what they are calling "an open marriage" nowadays and we both know that isn't you Rob. Bottom line lover is don't let something pass you by on my account."

"So what you are really telling me is that I'm the short-timer here. We've been seeing each other since November and that's what -- ten months? And about a year is all you manage with one guy? Coming up on time to dump me I guess."

"Not really. I think you would be good for more than a year, but the truth is that I will eventually want to try another guy and like I said, I won't cheat so I would have to end it with you before I could go after him. Unless of course I'm wrong in thinking that you wouldn't be open to sharing."

"No Sue, you aren't wrong. Sorry, but I'm just not wired that way."

"Pity. You would most definitely be my choice for a significant other if you could handle it. So, where do we go from here? Stay with it for a while longer or knowing the outcome kiss each other goodbye so you can work on getting back together with Lori?"

"Talk about being between a rock and a hard place. Even with what you have told me I don't want to end it, but on the other hand Lori did just come up to me and make overtures that could get us back together. She is ready now, but if I stay with you will she still be as ready when you cut me loose? I will tell you this. If you had not just clued me in as to what you and the future have in store for me I probably would have tried to put a ring on your finger in the next month or so."

"Look on the bright side lover. I just saved you the cost of that ring. So what are you going to do?"

"Make our last night together a good one."

The next evening I called Lori and made a date for the next day and by the end of our senior year we were engaged and six months after graduation we were married.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Another story just filling in the blanks in JPB "insanity pattern. We all know how it ends

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

Without reading the remaining chapters,I think marrying her is asking for trouble.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This guy sounds like a regular Charlie Brown... just keep believing Lucy is going to hold that football for you one of these football seasons.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 2 years ago

"I always -- always -- come back to you" - She wouldn't have to "come back" if she didn't leave.

francemanfrancemanabout 2 years ago

wow! all of JPB's stories are nearly identical.

the flighty woman who keeps going back and forth.

And the stupid man who waits for her to throw him a bone, and hopes she'll change.

Damn JPB, I hope you choose your cars better than your wives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

On the standard crazy woman scale of 4 to 10 (all women are at least a 4 crazy) Lori is an 8 crazy.

Rob is an idiot for continually getting involved with Lori.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Kinda boring reading the same argument over and over at least 4 times...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

@Anonymus: "I still bet money that Lori and Rob get married and she cheats on him."

I'll bet about that too. Gold ol' Bob, soooo predictable. It's like he has a pattern and he just fills in the blanks each time he writes a story.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

JPB absurdities. 19-year-old girl says she is a slut, she does not cheat but stays with a guy for a year and then she moves on? When did she start, as a 12-year-old? Apparently "Rob" did not notice anything when she was in his high school.

JPB just makes up bullshit like this and then builds a tower of absurdities on top of that.

Another BS is "we both know it is not for long term" bullcrap he uses often. As far as I know about women, they are always ready for a long term unless they are whore/sluts. No regular woman will sleep with a guy without emotional attachment, again ... unless they are whore/sluts which means one should probably stay away from them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Rob is written as an idiot so far. I guess some people like to be miserable.

skruff101skruff101over 3 years ago

She shits on him from the, what was it, the eighth grade, and every time they get back together because they have a so called connection, hate to say it but the connection is a leash attached to his collar.

It’s gonna end badly and he only has himself to blame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
She read JPB stories

"You bitch and whine and stall for a while, but you always end up back with me. "

Perfect way to explain most of JPB LW stories.

I still bet money that Lori and Rob get married and she cheats on him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

He's pathetic!

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

This one won't end well , but it will end.

Bebop3Bebop3about 5 years ago
He knows who and what

Lori is, but this is a JPB story, so I'm sure they will eventually hook up, get married and she'll cheat on him.

Chances are pretty good that he'll tolerate the infidelity for a while and enjoy a creampie or two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Tedious and a bit stupid

What a tedious story of an on-again/off-again relationship. No likable characters. Not one of JPB's best. --JRZ

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

All these "people" are truly fucked up! They should all be in counceling or a padded cell!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

This guy can pick some fucker up women. Buy a Dog, they are more loyal.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Lori is a cheating slut

Why would anyone keep taking the stupid whore back?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

How did Rob graduate 6th grade? Is he really THAT stupid? Doesn't he know, deep down in his heart, that Lori will cheat on him? She already told him that when she strays he always takes her back. Didn't that send up a BIG red flag in his mind??? Marrying her was like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. Sooner or later the ground is going to arrive and then it's going to be SPLAT!

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