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But the dust spell was all that was needed, apparently, because a giant spider lunged down from the ceiling, scrambling towards the group. Combat was now engaged.

Immediately, phantom tongues curled around the boys' cocks and began to slowly rub and squeeze them. Tommy, who'd already picked up his dice, gasped and shivered at the sensation, startled by its intensity. He dropped his dice on the table.

Katie leaned over and chuckled, jotting the number on her pad. "Oh, gosh, that's a two! You take your turn last."

"Th-that shouldn't count!" said Tommy. "You didn't even say what we're rolling for!"

"Sorry, cuz, no mulligans in this game!" Katie chuckled. "And, obviously, you're rolling for initiative right now."

Milo, Matt, and Dawood each rolled their dice, tossing a pair of d6's on the table. Once the order was set, the battle was on. Katie's phantom tongue teased the boys as her monster fought their characters. Although Milo was able to keep steady, Tommy, Matt, and especially Dawood, trembled and stuttered as they tried to explain their actions and tried to roll their dice.

The game used two d6's for everything, so at least that part was simple. Katie was more annoyed with having to apply the modifiers that altered the results, and soon, made Tommy do all the math, content to keep track of the baseline roll results for her little side game.

The fight took a full fifteen minutes to resolve; true to her word, every time one of the boys miss a strike against the monster, or the monster did damage to one of their characters, she made the tongues rub them more intensely, until they reached the edge of orgasm. All four boys were blocked from cumming, of course, instead resulting in an edging that left each one breathless for a moment. But the tongues never stopped licking and squeezing through the whole fight.

Dawood was practically a hair trigger, and Katie had to actually stop her spell a few times just so he wouldn't edge even when he rolled well. He kept his silence, though. Matt, however, after no less than three deep phantom licks caused him to drop his dice sooner than expected. Twice, such fumbles resulted in bad rolls and a whimper-inducing edging. Finally, Matt couldn't take it any more and he protested, "Q-quit cheating!"

Katie pouted. "I'm not cheating! It's not my fault you can't hold onto your dice!"

"Yes it is! You're using your powers to manipulate the rolls!"

Katie laughed at that, and she picked up her own dice, giving them a significant squeeze. Matt gasped and shrank back into his chair, doubling over as a phantom hand firmly squeezed his testicles. "I can't affect the dice, silly boy. They're just plastic. I can't move them around with my thoughts like I can your balls." Another squeeze, and Matt yelped. The other three boys flinched back, expected to feel the same squeeze, but the spell targeted Matt alone.

"Y-you have to be! I've never rolled this crappy before!"

"Sorry, dice leaves your hand, physics does its thing," said Katie. "It's not like I've won every roll, myself. Now, shall we keep playing?"

Matt's face was red with exertion and frustration. "I-I just—I—" And then he yelped again, this time as the phantom tongues curled tightly around his cock and pulled in a rhythm he'd never felt before, but which shot him right to the edge in an instant. Matt let out a series of gasps and fell out of his chair, hips bucking as he edged again.

Dawood let out a soft little moan and his own hips jerked as he edged as well. He was so wound up, so over stimulated, so sexually hazed by the whole situation, that just watching Katie's power over his friend, and just feeling even the lightest touch of her power on him set him off. Katie smiled as the two boys bucked helplessly under her power.

Milo and Tommy looked away, mortified, there own cocks flexing as Katie's Magic slowly caressed them. Tommy had to fight not to give in, and even Milo had to force his breathing steady to keep himself under control.

When Katie eased the magic off just enough to let Matt and Dawood get control of themselves, they resumed the fight against the giant spider. Several more edgings occurred before the creature was finally beaten, and Katie released the boys from her phantom tongues. She gave them a few minutes to catch their breaths while she totaled up their roll scores.

"Just so you all know, Tommy's currently in the lead, and I'm right behind him. You guys better start getting lucky!" She laughed at the double-entendre, and then picked up her dice again, giving it another meaningful squeeze they all could feel.

"Alright, then, let's continue. You cut your way through all the webbing to reach the next chamber..."

So it went for nearly ten straight hours, Katie leading them through the long, winding cave system. Every section had a monster to fight or a trap to detect and try to disarm, or a puzzle to solve to reveal a hidden path. Aside from a couple healing potions found on the body of a fallen warrior in one chamber, the journey yielded no loot. But Katie was more than generous in dolling out edge after edge after edge, jotting down numbers on her notepad all the while...


All four boys lay back in their chairs, exhausted. Even though Sex Magic also healed and refreshed a man when spells were used on him, there was only so much a guy's mind could take before he was completely frazzled. And yet, all four could not help but gaze hopefully at Katie as she tallied up the scores.

She turned and gave a bright smile to Dawood. "Congrats, Dawood! You got the highest score by 50 points!"

Dawood's eyebrows raised. He couldn't help but grin and say, "Really? Really?" He was excited as a kid at Christmas.

"Really!" said Katie with a laugh. "Now, take your pants off."

Completely caught up in the moment, and in the deep ache of his balls, he didn't even hesitate. He slid down his shorts and leaned back in his chair, gripping the arm rests tightly. His little diamond-hard cock pointed straight to the ceiling, and his breathing sped up, as if the mere anticipation of being allowed to cum was enough to shoot him to the edge. As wound up as he was, that was probably exactly the case! Katie smiled at him, lingering on the moment, savoring the intensity of his need for a few more seconds.

And then, with a thought, she opened his orgasm block and commanded him to cum. Dawood shrieked like a girl as his whole body locked up, hips bolting upwards, as an utterly huge burst of cum geysered up from his cock. The first three shots actually hit the ceiling! The other boys had intended to look away, but they were startled into watching, stunned by the sheer volume and force of semen being launched from his cock. It didn't seem possible that such a small young man with his below average cock could produce so much cum. They figured Katie had to be doing something with her magic to make it happen!

The only magical assistance Katie was lending, however, was that rather than fall to the ground, the semen floated in the air, creating an increasing web of wet streaks building above Dawood's body. Even Katie was shocked at how much semen was coming out of him! She probed a little deeper with her magic senses to see if perhaps Dawood's mother was causing an artificial boost in his semen production to worsen his blue balls.

Nearly twenty seconds of body wracking clenches later, and Dawood had pumped out enough semen to full a small glass! Dawood collapsed, unconscious and boneless in his chair, body twitching in after shocks. There was enough semen floating above him to fill a shotglass. Katie concentrated, and all the semen slowly started globbing together into one ball of the stuff. Matt and Tommy watched with morbid fascination. Milo, however, tried, and failed, to not think about the time an ex-girlfriend had floated his own cum into his mouth, making him swallow his own load. Katie caught his eye and grinned, winking at him. Milo blushed in shame, looking to the side, knowing she'd caught his flash of memory, and instinctively dreading what she was going to do with his friend's load.

But, she wasn't going to do anything like that. At least not for now. She floated the semen over into the bathroom and dumped it into the toilet. "Milo, would you be a dear and go flush that for me?" Milo complied, eager to get out of the room for a moment.

Matt and Tommy let out breaths they hadn't known they'd been holding. Matt nudged Dawood's arm, and the short guy let out a moan and slowly came awake. He looked completely dazed for a moment as he tried to orient himself. Then his eyes snapped open and he stared at Katie in awe. "Thank you," he said breathlessly. "Thank you so much!"

"Aw, no need to thank me, you won fair and square!" she said with a grin.

"Dude, your Mom's not gunna be pissed at you for that, is she?" said Matt. "You said she said you couldn't—"

"She said I couldn't." Dawood slid back into an upright position, then seemed to realize with a start that his shorts were still around his ankles and hastily pulled them up. He winced as they pressed against his tender genitals, but they felt much better than before. "She said if I could convince some girl, it was fine, but every girl I've asked just laughed at me for..." He looked to the floor and let his words trail off. Having a small penis. Being too short and scrawny. His mother controlling his orgasms. Katie could read all those thoughts, but the two boys were left to guess.

Milo came back, having dawdled in the bathroom to try and get himself under control again. Katie smiled up at him, and for a brief moment, she tried something she hadn't even thought of until now: causing a phantom sensation along his tongue to trigger his taste buds. Combining the effect with a memory, she made him, for an instant catch the taste of semen. Milo coughed and flinched back, wide eyed, and prepared the gag, but then the taste was already gone. He wasn't sure if he'd actually tasted it or just imagined it. He almost glared at Katie, certain she'd used a spell, but didn't want to risk her doing it again.

"Well, then, I guess it's time to say goodnight," she said. "We'll see you guys tomorrow, still?"

"Definitely!" said Dawood, looking at her almost enamored. He was going to be dreaming about her tonight for sure.

"Yeah," said Matt. He didn't want to admit it, but he actually had more fun than he wanted to say.

Milo scowled slightly and said, "Probably not."

"Aw, come on, it wasn't so bad, was it?" Katie pouted.

"I don't want to mix my gaming with Sex Magic! The whole point was to get away from it as much as we could for a week!"

"You can't just blow the Magic off, luv," said Katie. "It follows you wherever you go!"

"It's bullshit!"

"Your penis doesn't think so."

Milo opened his mouth, then jumped as he felt a deep, hot lick along his shaft.

"Come on," she said. "Come back tomorrow. Please?" Another phantom lick and he huffed as his cock, still hard, flexed in his shorts. She could sense he was still resistant, the thought of his "friend with benefits" coming to mind, knowing he could always get relief and sex from her. Unlike his younger brother and their friends, his chance to cum anytime soon wasn't riding on obeying her request.

"Forget it," said Milo, crossing his arms.

Katie's pout stayed for a moment, but she sighed and shrugged. "Alright then," she said. "I guess I can't make you." As she said that, she sifted through his thoughts for a bit of information. "You miss out if you must."

"I will," he said firmly.

Matt and Dawood stood, the latter still a bit shaky. The five went upstairs, Katie seeing the three boys out. Dawood thanked her profusely once more, Matt gave her a lingering gaze, as if with renewed appreciation, and Milo just made a point to stay stoic.

Once the door shut behind them, Katie turned to Tommy and smiled. "See? That was fun, wasn't it?"

Tommy frowned and looked to the floor. "I wanted to do my own game," he muttered.

"Yeah," she said, nodding. "But you've got a dick and I've got the Magic. So, tough break."

Tommy grit his teeth and his hands clenched. He looked up at Katie, like a little kid about to throw a tantrum. "It isn't fair! You can't just do that to me! To us! I worked hard on that game, and you just took it over! Just like you took over—" His voice hitched, as if saying the words was too much.

"Your penis," said Katie, nonchalantly. "You can say it. I took over your penis."

"Just because you have the Magic doesn't mean you have to be a bitch!"

"No, I don't have to. I just want to." Katie glanced down at his cock, still stiff. It occurred to her that he was almost always hard these days. "But part of you sure loves it!"

Tommy blushed and turned away, the last tiny attempt to hide his cock from her eyes and maintain the barest modicum of dignity. Katie giggled as this did nothing to stop her from "seeing" it, and of course, presenting his bare ass to here was hardly more dignified anyway.

"Don't sweat it, cuz," she said. "Just for putting up with me, I have a very special treat in mind for you."

Tommy looked back over his shoulder. "You do?"

Katie almost laughed again. Boys were just so ridiculous. For all his whining and blustering about her control of his cock, his heart still leaped with hope at the mere implication that she might let him blow his load.

Not that she had any actual idea in mind at the moment. But she supposed she owed the poor guy a little bit of compensation for taking over his whole week. Still, she had a whole week to go yet. "Yes," she said. "So, be a good, obedient boy for me, and I'll do something nice for you at the end of the week, even if you lose the roll total every day."

Tommy swallowed hard, his mind whirling with ideas. Katie decided to let him stew over them. "Anyway, I'm off to bed," she said. "Try not to dream about getting manhandled by sexy nuns again tonight." She giggled as his cock twitched at the thought. She then went upstairs to her room, pulled out her phone, and dialed the number she'd plucked from Milo's mind.


The guys were back late the next morning, all three of them. Dawood looked more visibly relaxed than the others had seen in a while. Katie scanned his mind to see his mother had been quite surprised he'd managed to get off, but hadn't punished him further for it. However, he still had two more months before he could help himself again.

Katie grinned widest, however, as she saw Milo reluctantly come in behind the other two. She noted the psychic tension of his balls was higher than when he left last night. "Well, well, well! I didn't expect you back."

Milo sighed. "My... friend with benefits... came over last night. She sensed me getting teased and saw everything you did. She thought your idea was funny. So she said I had to keep playing, and I couldn't cum this week unless I won. She says she's getting some great ideas from you. And if I tried to quit, she'd punish me."

"Goodness! Well, give her a nice, deep kiss from me next time you see her!"

Milo swallowed nervously, and a flash of memory from last night crossed his mind. Katie caught it before he could tamp it down: his girlfriend sucking him, collecting his pre-cum on her tongue, then kissing him deeply, then doing it again, for nearly two hours. No wonder his balls were already so full! Katie giggled at the thought, and Milo blushed, knowing she'd seen it.

"Well, then, let's get back to it!" she said. She turned and led the three boys downstairs, where Tommy was already waiting. Still naked, of course.


The second day went much like the first, constant teases and edgings throughout various encounters. Matt ended up winning the roll total, and Katie made him explode just like Dawood, shooting his cum into the air, then floating it to the toilet for Milo to flush.

The third day was the same, except Katie won this time, with Matt as the runner up. She took Matt up to her room and kept the door open, even as she had the boys stay in the living room. They had to hear her shriek and cry in orgasm as Matt licked her. With every noise she made, they all felt a tremor of her magic through their cocks, coaxing then to full tension, tickling their nerves until they were squirming in their seats. When she howled in orgasm, all the boys gasped and jerked as a powerful tremor of magic radiated from her, making them all edge at once.

When Matt finally came back downstairs, he was diamond hard, a little dazed, and his face was still wet with her fluids, which she said he had to let air dry. The three boys hurried themselves out while Katie showered, leaving Tommy to ache on his own.

By day four, however, Katie was already getting bored with the routine. and decided to change things up. Tommy was surprised when that morning, he and Katie had another guest. He blinked in surprise as he came downstairs to see Katie's friend Peggy sitting on the living room couch with his cousin. Peggy grinned and giggled, seeing him naked.

"Hi, Tommy!" said Peggy with a little wave. The petite girl was dressed in a cute white sun dress with yellow flowers, her blonde hair done up in ringlets, tied up in twin tails on either side of her head. She was a few months older than Katie, already twenty, but she looked a few years younger.

Tommy's eyes widened as, letting his eyes linger on her, he noticed the faint hint of her nipples through the thin material of her dress. He realized with a start that she wasn't wearing a bra! His eyes glanced a bit down, but he couldn't tell if she was wearing panties are not.

Both girls laughed, and Katie turned to her friend. "You slut!"

Peggy, still laughing, said, "Oh, man, you have no idea how hilarious it was this morning! Grown men bugging out because they can sort of see my tits, then looking at my face and panicking when they think I'm still in junior high or something, then getting that spark of relief when they think I'm too young to have the magic, then panicking again when they realize they're about to fantasize about an "underaged" girl and other women might catch them. Then I'd wink at them and jolt their little cocks, and then they'd panic all over again!"

"Oh, god, if I looked as jailbait as you, I'd do that all the time!" Katie laughed.

Tommy was frozen halfway down the stairs, his eyes were still lingering on Peggy's chest. Her bust was modest, but swelled enough that there was no mistaking the hard nubs of her nipples beneath the thin material of her dress.

"My eyes are up here, Tommy!" said Peggy, pointing to her face. She tried to sound stern, but couldn't keep a straight face, grinning with amusement.

"S-sorry!" he said. He tried to go back upstairs, but an invisible rope of magic instantly snagged him around the base of his cock, tugging downwards.

"Come on, there's nothing to be afraid of," said Peggy. "I don't bite. Much!" She winked and Tommy jumped when he felt a little nip on his butt. Reluctantly, he came downstairs.

"So, Peggy wants to join in our game!" said Katie.

"R-really?" said Tommy, coming down and sitting down on the recliner.

"Yep!" Peggy said. "I was getting bored out of my skull at home! I was looking forward to snagging a handful of beach studs and having my way with them this week, but our friends had to go and cancel the trip."

"What did happen?" said Katie. "I still haven't heard anything. Is Tiffany okay?"

Peggy frowned, then said. "Well, you didn't hear this from me, but Patty said that Gwen said that Tiffany's Mom got called in for questioning over that weird witchcraft murder thing that happened in London."

Katie's eyes widened. "No way! That Cult thing?"

"Yeah, she wouldn't tell me anything else. But, you know, Tiff wasn't going to go on holiday with that going on. And Gwen wasn't going to leave Tiff, since, you know..." Peggy raised the index and middle fingers of both hands like a pair of scissors, and slid them together back and forth a few times.