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Katie's eyes widened even more. "No shit?! They're really..." she mimicked the motion.

"It's as good as official," said Peggy, nodding. "Patty says she can hear Tiff and Gwen going at it whenever Tiff stays over."

"Oh! Well, then. Good for them, I guess."

Peggy sighed. "Yeah. So, Patty and I were hanging out, but there's nothing to do in Swindon we haven't done a bajillion times already. And then she found some French boy to go have fun with for the week, leaving me with nothing to do." She mock-glared at Katie. "And meanwhile, you've been hanging out with horny boys all day! And you call me a slut!"

Katie laughed, and Peggy joined her. Tommy, meanwhile, just sat there, trying not to keep glancing at Peggy's nearly-visible breasts, with nothing to add to the conversation. Finally, Peggy looked over at him. "So! Tommy. This game you and Katie are playing. How does it work?"

"Oh! Um... well... have you ever played a Table Top RPG before?"

"Well, I've role-played while on a table top before," she said, giving him a sly wink. "I was the naughty school girl. Does that count?"

Tommy let out a nervous chuckle. "Not that kind of roleplaying."

"How about you two go downstairs and you run Peggy through the basics," said Katie. "I can sense your friends coming, I'll wait for them." She winked at Peggy.

"Sounds great!" Peggy got up and headed towards the basement. Tommy gasped as he saw, without question, that was indeed not wearing any panties, either. His eyes transfixed on her butt as he hastily got up and followed behind. His cock throbbed as he walked.

"You're gunna burn a hole in my ass if you keep staring like that," said Peggy.

Tommy forced himself to tear his gaze away. "S-s-sorry!"

Peggy reached the bottom of the stairs and started to turn to enter the main room. However, just as Tommy's feet touched the floor, Peggy's hand came around and clasped his balls.

Tommy yelped as an electric jolt of tingles shot through his loins. Peggy pulled him up by his testicles, but to Tommy's surprise, his entire body lifted up with them, as if he were lift as a feather. Peggy pulled Tommy into the basement room behind her, as if pulling a balloon by its string. Her fingers gently rolled his balls a little bit back and forth. Tommy's breath deepened as soothing, warm sensations flowed from her hands.

He wondered if Sex Mage girls ever just plain touched guys anymore, or if they always used magic every time, even when actually touching them. Peggy just giggled at the thought. She then sat down in the usually empty chair between where Tommy and Milo sat. As she settled in, she pulled him over her, placing his butt down on the table. His throbbing cock and balls were right in front of her face. Tommy gripped the edges of the table hard, and his feet came down on the chair's armrest.

Tommy's eyes widened once more, then scrunched into a wince, as Peggy leaned forward and closed her mouth around his cock. She lowered her head slowly, taking him in an inch per second, until her nose touched his abdomen. Tommy wasn't the biggest guy around, but he was a good seven inches, and slightly thicker than average. Peggy's small mouth and throat fit his entire length easily. She held him like that, make a few swallowing motions to rub the end of his cock. Her one hand continued to roll his balls, with the other came up, and lightly pressed and rubbed his taint, the spot just beneath his testicles. Tommy gasped and his hands clenched the table in a death grip. She wasn't even using magic to enhance the sensations, and already, he could feel a doomed orgasm welling up inside him.

He could also feel her thoughts invading his mind. He braced himself for the ephemeral invasion, that indescribably weird, yet not entirely unpleasant sensation, of a magical girl sifting through his thoughts. And yet, Peggy's mental touch was incredibly light, gossamer soft, like feathers tickling his brain. Tommy let out a soft moan as much from the pleasure of her mental probing as from the sensation of her hands and mouth upon him.

And then, suddenly, it all stopped. She pulled her hands and mouth off his genitals, sliding her lips off him with a soft pop, and withdrew her mind from his, leaving him shivering, lightly sweating, and gasping, right before his body reached the edge of orgasm. When he could breathe normally again, he looked down at Peggy, glassy eyed. She just smiled warmly at him, then leaned forward and gave the tip of his cock a delicate little kiss.

"Thanks," she said. "I think I got the gist."

"You, uh... you read my mind... that easily...?"

Peggy smiled and nodded. She pointed a finger at him, and floated him off the table, pulling out his own chair next to her and setting him down in it.

"I'm pretty good with telepathy," she said. "Most girls have to be fucking a guy for a few weeks or using their powers on him for a couple months, before they can see anything not related to sex. Me, I can do it almost right away, just holding a guy's dick. If I've screwed him at least once, I don't even need to touch him afterwards."

Tommy nodded dumbly at her, not sure what to say, or if there was even a point in talking if she could read him that easily. She reached up and put a hand on his head, almost petting him like a dog. "Did that feel good?" she asked.

He nodded, still speechless.

She just smiled back warmly. "Good. I know Katie's been awfully mean to you. She can be a real bitch, huh?"

In the four years he'd been living with Aunt Claire and Katie, Tommy had only ever seen Peggy a handful of times, and had barely ever spoken to her. Why the hell was she being so nice to him out of no where? Was this some game she and Katie were playing?

"No game," she said. "I just think you're cute."

Tommy blushed, for once, not from sexual embarrassment.

And the moment was broken as Katie came downstairs with Milo, Matt, and Dawood in tow. The three boys blinked in surprise at seeing Peggy, who grinned back and waved as Katie introduced them all. Her grin widened as she watched each boy realize, one by one, that they could almost see her breasts right through her dress. Each of their cock clenched when they noticed.

"Alright, you pervs, take your seats!" said Katie with a laugh.

Dawood pointed to Peggy. "Wait, so, is she playing, too?"

"Of course!" said Katie. She then clapped her hands together. "Oh, yes! New rule! If either I, Peggy, or Tommy win the roll total, then both Peggy and I get oral from one of you guys." She glanced at Tommy. "I guess this time, we can just pick which guy we each want."

"Or we can each take two," said Peggy with a wink and a chuckle. "One of mine will have to be Tommy, of course."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Tell you what, if you win specifically, you can pick two. Slut."

"Whore!" said Peggy, and the two laughed again.

The four guys stood and sat where they were, their dicks positively throbbing at the possibilities. Katie motioned them towards the chairs.

"Wait!" said Peggy. "Why is Tommy the only naked one?"

Katie glanced at her cousin. He gulped under her gaze, and prayed Katie was going to finally let him get dressed. He should have known better, of course.

Katie turned to the boys. "Strip," she said.

Matt and Dawood's eyes widened, while Milo just gawked at her. "Come on!" the older guy said. "Can't you give us that much?"

"Hey, it isn't like I'm telling you guys to suck each other off," said Katie. "But you've had ample opportunity to see Tommy boy butt naked. I think you should return the favor."

"Please don't make me!" said Dawood, his hands already positioned to cover his crotch.

Katie rolled her eyes. "Peggy and I can see it already, Dawood. And your friends already saw it when I made you shoot a couple days ago."

"That was... it..." Dawood hadn't care in that moment only because he'd been out of his mind with the need to shoot his load. But afterwards, his head had been cleared enough to get self-conscious about it again. Dawood gave her a pained look. "It didn't use to be this small, honest! My mom shrank it!"

"No one cares," said Katie. "Any real Sex Mage knows size doesn't matter at all these days. One inch or twelve, you all produce energy just the same! What matters now is you boys freeing your poor, achy tackles!" As she said this, she let the magic flow from her, forcing the boys' cocks into diamond hardness.

Matt was the first to break, knowing it was helpless. Milo grit his teeth, but knew quitting now would just make it worse. Aside from Tommy, he had now gone the longest without cumming, and between the long game and his "friend with benefits", his balls were quickly reaching an unbearable state of blueness. He started stripping as well, making a point to look away from the other guys as much as possible. Dawood, despite Katie's reassurances, held out the longest. But the way Katie made him hard, reminded him too much of his mother's unrelenting force when she wanted to discipline him, and trained instinct told him the longer he held out, the literally harder she would make it for him. He finally cracked, and stripped quickly.

When all three boys were naked, Katie smiled, then cranked up the pressure to nearly double. All three boys let out cries and dropped to their knees, cocks darkening with tension. And then, just as suddenly, she cut the signals off, leaving the boys to fall back, gasping. Their cocks stayed hard, but returned to normal tension once more.

"My game, my rules," said Katie. "I thought you'd have learned that by now."

"You said we weren't going to have to get naked!" Milo said, glowering.

"And now I'm saying you do," said Katie. "Shall we get to playing or not?"

Matt and Dawood quickly sat down, scooting in as much as they could and leaning forward so the table would afford them some level of pretend dignity. Milo followed a minute later. However, the tall boy's cock was large enough that, standing erect, the tip pressed against the bottom of the table, forcing him to sit so that the tip just barely crested the tables end. Katie and Peggy gave him an appreciative look, and Dawood, who couldn't help but glance, lowered in his head and blushed crimson, mortified.

Tommy cleared his throat. "Okay, so, um, let's go. We were about to break into the vault, right?"

Katie grinned. "That's right!" she said. She picked up her dice, and the boys flinched as they felt her hand upon them once more. No matter how much she did it, it effected them as intensely as the first time. "So, I believe Tommy was about to use a device to break in. Roll to see if your hack succeeds..."


The game went on as usual, except that now, Peggy joined in the teasing. Twice as many little stimulation spells, double the sensations while an encounter was going, and twice edgings, as Katie decided mid-encounter that misses and HP loss now meant both girls each got to make the boy edge.

Peggy spent the first hour writing up her own character and joined in as a new addition to the group, a Rogue Explorer/Biomancer, who used healing to restore the other players. She, of course, did not have to suffer constant teasing and edging, even when she rolled badly. Except, she never actually seem to roll badly, and her only role in any combat was the hang back and cast support spells, so she never put herself in a position to take damage.

And yet, for all the healing help they had, both Dawood and Matt's characters got killed in an encounter anyway. Peggy, unfortunately, didn't have any resurrection abilities on her character yet, and there were no artifacts with such abilities available, either.

"So what do we do now?" said Dawood.

"We weren't gunna win anyway," muttered Matt. "These dice are bullshit!" He looked at Katie accusingly. "You swear you aren't manipulating the dice?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "I told you Sex Mages can't effect regular objects."

"Some Sex Mages have real telekinesis!" said Matt. "How do we know you're not hiding that ability?"

"Do you really think I'd have let you win a couple days ago if I could do that?" said Katie. "Luck's just not on your side today."

"Hey, Katie, think fast!" said Peggy. She threw one of her die at Katie's head. The other girl, startled threw her hands up, but the little cube of plastic beaned her on the forehead anyway.

"Hey! You bitch!" said Katie. She picked the die up and threw it back at Peggy with surprising speed, who blocked it with her arm, letting it clatter onto the table. Despite throwing it rather hard, neither girl was hurt; thanks to all the lust energy in the room, they barely even felt the hit.

"See?" said Peggy. "If she could use telekinesis on anything, she would have blocked that. And me, too, for that matter."

"Whatever," said Matt. Despite his powerful orgasm two days ago, Katie riding his face just yesterday as she pounded away at his cock with teasing magic, and the double-whammy of torment from her and Peggy today, had gotten his balls back to aching in no time! What was even the point of getting to cum if Sex Mages could just tease you back to insanity in no time flat?

Katie and Peggy both laughed, reading that thought. "What's the point indeed!" said Katie. "If you want to quit, go right ahead. But if you drop out now, you're walking home naked!"

Matt and Dawood both gawked at her, while Milo sighed, but held his tongue. Tommy gulped. He was lucky enough to already be home, at least. He felt Peggy's hand brush against his thigh and he looked back at her. She gave him a little smirk and a wink, and he felt her magic tingle through his mind again. He heard her voice in his minds ear: I can always take you for a walk, if you like.

Tommy gulped again and blushed, and Peggy giggled as she saw his thought of her walking him on a leash, while he followed behind, naked on all fours.

Katie, meanwhile, was smiling calmly at the other two boys, waiting patiently for them to make a decision. "We'll stay," muttered Matt.

"But do we make new characters or what?" said Dawood.

"They won't be able to get involved until the dungeon's beat," said Katie. "You're almost at the end, though, then you go on to the next city—"

"No," cut in Milo. "Let's just go until we're all dead. I'm done with this."

"Such a grump!" said Katie, frowning at him. "Won't your not-girlfriend punish you if you quit early?"

"It's not quitting if we just go until our characters get killed," he said. "Then it's just game over."

Peggy smiled sweetly at him. "I'll do my best to make sure you're extra healed!" she said.

"Hahaha, nice loophole," said Katie. "Alright, fine. If I'm being honest, three more days of this sounds a little too tedious. But! If these boys aren't going to play, they may as well make themselves useful!"

The two boys looked at her with a tinge of worry. "Dawood, you're going to be my seat cushion," she said. She stood and pointed at her chair. "Come sit."

Dawood gulped, hesitating. Then his cock jumped as he felt a jolt of a spell, and he scrambled out of his seat and onto Katies. Katie sat back down, sliding back against him. His penis was pressed firmly against the cloth of her shorts, snug between her ass. His face was pressed against her back, enveloped by her hair. The skin of her legs and arms brushed his, sending electric tingles all throughout his body. Dawood gasped and huffed as this much contact with her, with a female body period, threatened to make him hyperventilate. Katie sensed his thoughts, that he'd never so much as kissed a girl yet, only been played with by Sex Magic. She smirked and snuggled herself back against him. His penis flexed against her covered ass, and he tried to buck his hips. However, her magic seized him, freezing him in place.

Matt, meanwhile, looked to Peggy, wide-eyed. Peggy smirked at him and beckoned teasingly. Matt gasped as magic tingled ran up and down his cock. He started to stand, but she held her finger up. "Ah-ah!" she pointed down. "On the floor. Beneath the table."

Tommy and Milo instinctively scooted back as Matt, a worried look on his face, slipped beneath the table. Once under, Peggy's legs reached out and touched him. Magic flowed from her toes, and Matt felt her power grip his whole body, flatting him out to be ramrod straight, arms on his sides, then flipping him onto his back and floating him so that his face was beneath the seat of her chair, his feet beneath the chair opposite. With his groin beneath the middle of the table, Peggy rest her bare feet on his hips. He let out a small whimpering moan as his cock throbbed to fullest tension, bobbing between her feet. She didn't touch his cock, however, just framed it with her feet, keeping two inches away on either side. Instead, she slowly pumped a flow of arousing and stimulating energy, freezing his body in place. All he could move was his cock, which continued to flex in failed attempts to orgasm.

Both girls sighed with satisfaction as the boys' desperation flowed into them even stronger through direct contact. Milo and Tommy shared a glance and swallowed hard. "Well?" said Katie, a little breathy. "Where were we?"

"We, uh, just destroyed that flying robot," said Tommy.

"Oh, yeah. Right. We're coming up to the final chamber," she said. "If you can make it through here, you'll have solved the monster infestation problem, and gained the final treasure for the dungeon. And then you can move onto the next part, I guess."

"Fine," said Milo. "I charge in and throw a bunch of fireballs around."

"Oh, you're just trying to get killed aren't you?" said Katie.

"Who cares?" said Milo. "I'm not going to win the roll total anyway."

"You don't know that," said Katie.

"Do I hit anything?" said Milo.

Katie rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes, you hit the walls of the chamber. The vault door has closed and sealed again, releasing a fire-suppressing gas. The gas eats up the oxygen in the room. You three have five minutes to escape or suffocate to death."

"Perfect," grunted Milo. Then he let out a shuddering gasp as he felt a hot, wet, smooth sensation envelope his cock and squeeze. A phantom pussy started fucking him in ways no human woman could move. He gasped and gripped the table.

Tommy, likewise, felt a similar sensation, shuddering. Peggy reach over and pat his leg, lessening the intensity for him, even as she snuck a thread of magic and spiked the sensation stronger for Milo. Milo let out a choked gasp, eyes widened.

"Come on, man, what do you do?" said Katie. She set her elbows on the table and leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand, looking at he resistant boy expectantly. She wriggled her ass a bit against Dawood's cock and the boy let out a long moan as his cock jerked against her ass.

"I-I-I try to hack the door open again!" gasped Tommy. He rolled for the effort, but got the lowest possible score, a two. This resulted in a botch; not only did he fail, but he failed such that there was a backlash result that made it worse.

"Ooh, too bad! You not only fail to hack the door, but your device breaks!" said Katie. "Sorry, cuz! Nice effort for trying, though." She winked at him, and Tommy cried out, jerking in his seat as a surge of magic made him edge. His cock clenched hard and his balls ached for several seconds, the cum roiling in his balls. As he started to come down, he braced himself for Peggy's follow up edging, but she just gave him a small smile and pat his leg again.

Milo, barely able to hold his dice, rolled to try and blow up the gas vents in the room, trying to seal them off. The roll succeeded, but Katie declared there were five vents in total. Milo rolled several times to try and hit them all, but kept missing half the time. Then, time was up, and the characters started losing HP every second. Peggy decided to pour all her rolls into healing Milo, extending his HP until she lost all of hers, just to draw it out for the stubborn boy. Katie, meanwhile, just hammered Milo with sharp, quick edges until his character was dead, not even bothering with Tommy.