Ryan Ch. 07-09


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"Thank you."

"I didn't do anything."

"Bullshit Erik. We both know Linds can barely work a computer much less install voice recognition. Just take the damn compliment."

Erik produces a small smile, "Thank you and no problem. Would you like one installed in your bedroom?"

Jumping at the chance, "Yes!" then receding back into myself, "If you are not busy."

Why am I acting shy?

"I'll have it installed by dinner."

Erik turns to walk away, "Erik."

He turns back around, "Yes mate."

I take a deep breath, "Thank you."

He smiles with a twinkle in his eye, "No problem babe. It is my pleasure."

His eyes turning black before walking away. I heave a sigh because if he stayed in that doorway any longer he would have smelled my arousal.

"Also, you should check out your bathroom!"

I look at the door, it's made from the same wood as the bookshelves surrounding it with a silver passage door lever. I walk and open the door to an all pure white bathroom with light gray rugs, towels, and toilet seat covering, and a calacatta Porcelain tile floor. The whole bathroom has silver trimming including the pure white countertop and sink handles. It's beautiful in here.

"Welcome Ryan Reynolds. Age 25, ethnicity: African American, height: 5'7, hair: black, eye color: brown, weight: 125 lb-"

Holy shit!

"... Mate to King Erik Northman of the vampire. Future Queen of the Vampires. Residence: 536 Waymen Way, Apartment B37. Known alias: Wanheda. Wanheda is a known assassin, origins at William Wright Academy; A cover for the top secret-"


The voice in the bathroom stopped.

"What type of program are you?"

I am a artificial reconnaissance interface, also known as ARI."

"I assume Erik built you."

"Your assumption is correct. I'm also being built into your bedroom by King Northman."

" Who's command are you under?"

"I'am under yours, Ryan Reynolds."

"Call me by my first name ARI."

"Of course Ryan."

"Does Erik have access to command you?"

"No, King Erik has programmed me to only follow your orders. He does, however, have access to the camera and audio."

Ha! Nice try asshole.

"Restrict his access to only viewing anyone that is not him, Lindsay Coleman, Dean Northman, Helheim Northman, Mara Northman, and Mariam Lockett."

"I have restricted his access."

"Are you connected to all the cameras in the castle?"

"Yes. I also have the capability to access private channels as well. I believe King Erik's intention wasn't for me to hack into his own private channels, but those are included."

I smirk, "Perfect. Notify me anytime you hear and or see anything unusual within the castle. Also, are you connected to my identification monitor on my room door?"


"Great, please only allow access to the list of people I have given you and also notify me of people attempting to access my door whether they are on the list or not."

"Would you like to be notified when you are away from your office or room?"

"If you can, text the notifications."


"Thank you ARI, I'm going to get ready for dinner."

"Have a great dinner Ryan."


Shit! I'm late.

I walk briskly to the dinning hall, nodding my head at people on the way. Once I reach the head table I stop to, once again for the last few nights, watch the beautiful vision in front of me. Mara is sitting next to her father, in between his and my chair. I slowly walk to my chair, "Hello princess." She looks at me and smiles before turning back to her food. I look at her father, "King Erik."

"My Queen."

"Sorry I'm late."

"No sorry needed, please sit and enjoy your food."

He sounded so weird and for some reason tonight, I didn't want to hold a grudge, be angry, nor sad. I just wanted to eat with my family tonight.


As I'm working on my delicious desert, I feel the burning stare of my mate. I turn to him, allowing my arousal to show in my eye. I bring the under-side of the spoon to my mouth, before sticking my tongue out and licking the ice cream off it like I lick his dick. Erik eyes dark and I smirk, getting the rise out of him that I wanted. When he catches on to my teases, his jaw clenches. I know he wants to snatch me up and fuck me on this table and he would have if his sister and daughter weren't in the room. Spidermonkey and Princess is your only saving grace because he would have fucked you in front of the rest of these people. I turn my head back to my desert and eat it regularly. I love ice cream. I think I gonna steal a tub of it tonight. I get an alert on my phone from ARI.

ARI: Ryan, there seems to be a secret meeting taking place tonight at 10pm. King Erik is holding it and has forbidden anyone from telling you about it.

I resumed eating my desert. I didn't want anyone to know there was something.

of the hall in which the meeting was being held.

"Good Evening everyone. I brought you all here tonight because I have a confession to make; I have not been the king you all need me to be."

All around the room are a bunch of people whispering and gasping at the statement.

Where the fuck are you going with this Erik.

"I have not been the king I need to be for my Queen nor the princess."


"As many of you know, I have a daughter- the Heir to the throne and that she isn't the Queen's. I did not save myself for my mate, my queen and I bestowed the biggest betrayal onto her by not being protected with the mother of my heir. My Queen, being the strong woman that she is, gave me another chance to which I had misused again. My queen was willing to love this child as her own," he smiled, "has loved this child as her own."

"I had chosen some unnecessary sense of tradition over my mate instead of making a new one. Like I pledged to you all and her. And for that, I am deeply sorry for depriving you of your queen, a new and approved rule.

I not only failed my Queen, but Princess Mara as a father. My queen had already proven that children are born innocent in the world and deserving of love. I, however, had not proven that to myself. Despite what my queen was willing to do by bringing the princess into our lives, I had fallen short of my Queen's wishes and what I as a father should have been doing from the beginning."

Everyone is quiet.

"I would like to take this time to ask you all for forgiveness for not being the king I was supposed to be."

One lady stepped forward, looking around at everyone else, "I think we all forgive you my king, but what drought these revelations on? Did the queen force you to do this? Why isn't she here?"

A lot of people started whispering again.

"No! I chose to do this meeting myself. The Queen doesn't even know we are meeting right now. And with that I'm ordering everyone to keep this meeting a secret from the Queen."

It was at this moment that I made the decision to not fight my mate. I won't be stubborn about us anymore; it's time that I forgive this man. I love him.

Before I could reseed further into the darkness and slip out the hall, Marcus Svärd steps forward and yells, " King Erik Northman, you have become weak! You dare choose a Queen who can't handle the consequences of your unfortunate infidelity. She should bow at your feet for even allowing her to be your Queen. And the said child of this infidelity should have been terminated. In fact we should still terminate it- ekkk."

Before anyone could blink, I was behind Marcus with my hand squeezing his throat.

"Hello Marcus, long time no see."

When everyone realizes it's me, they gasp and start whispering about how I knew about the meeting. They start looking around at each other, trying to figure out who told the Queen.

"You all can calm down, no one told me about the meeting directly, I just happened to hear some people whispering about it."

"Now, I hear Marcus, that you are talking about terminating. You must be talking about this 80's rat tail on your big ass head."

I can hear a few snickers behind me. Marcus tries to snarl at me, but I increase the pressure on his throat.

"Because if you were talking about harming the princess, we have a problem."

By now, my voice had dropped down a few octaves. I can feel the fear coming off him and a few others in the crowd.

"Queen Ry-"

"It's Wanheda."

Marcus swallows hard, "Queen Wanheda-"

"Let me stop you right there because nothing you say will excuse what you already have said. But let me tell you something." I pull him closer, leaning into his ear. I whisper low enough to get my point across, but loud enough for everyone to hear, "If one hair is out of place on the princess' head, I will strap you to a chair and force you to watch as I pull every single tooth out your son's mouth. Afterwards, I'll slice pieces of meat from his body, places that will hurt tremendously, but keep him awake, alive and alert." I smile seductively, "then I'll feed it to you and your wife."

Marcus is sweating and the smell of his fear is prominent. I can feel myself becoming aroused by the bloodlust and the fear I smell off this pitiful man. I lean in to catch the sweat that is sliding down the side of his face. I laugh at his pitiful attempt to move away. Awww look at the stink face he is making.

"Mmmmmm, I love the taste of fear."


I heave a sigh and turn my head slowly to my mate, never letting go of Marcus. When I look at Erik's face, I can see a torrid of emotions, but mainly anger— probably from licking another man's face and amusement.

"Let him go."

I whine, "But I want to play. Marcus wants to play. See," I turn back to Marcus, "You want to play, right Marcus?" I squeeze his neck tighter; it's almost at its breaking point.

"He is not a toy Wanheda. Let him go."

When I didn't listen, " Släpp taget!"

I feel my panties get a little more wet, "mmmmm, I love when you speak your native tongue."

I look up at Erik and he is giving me this look. I suck my teeth and roll my eyes, "fine," I turn back to Marcus, "until next time kitty cat."

I let him go and he stumbles backwards as he reaches blindly for his family. I giggle and blow kisses at him and he flinches.

"Everyone dismissed. We will see you all at training."

The hall is now empty and it's just me and Erik left. I run the rest of the distance between us and jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around him. I grab his face and kiss him in a dominating kiss.

I pull back when I need air and look him in the eyes, "I forgive you."

Chapter 9:

-What it takes to Impress Wanheda-


I slowly open my eyes. Fuck Im sore. Although sore from activities that ended a little over an hour ago, I needed to get up for training. I tried to lift up, but I realized there was a dead weight around my waist, keeping me trapped. I shook it, "Babe, get up." I receive silence. Again I try, "Babe, it's time to get up." I hear a little grumble, but he still stays in his position, not moving. Fuck this. No longer caring if he wakes up, I move his arm swiftly, but before I can fully rise from the bed, I'm pulled back, halfway underneath Erik.

"What are you doing Sweet P."

I jerk and clinch from the zap towards my pussy. God. The old name he used to call me after the first time he ate me out.

Ignoring my growing arousal, "We gotta get up for training."

I feel his hand sliding up to my boob, kneading it.

I push his hand off, "Stop babe, we have to get to training."

He slides his hand back up, "let's get a quickie."

I laugh, trying to push his hand back down, "We don't have time for a quickie right now. I don't know about you, but I need a shower."

"We can do it in the shower."

I laugh even louder, "That's even worse. Look, I'll make it up to you later."

I kiss him on the lips before getting up for training.


I'm sitting in my office, eating my food and going over progress reports when I feel my mates presents beyond my closed door.

"What do you want, babe? I'm busy."

Next, I hear my door open, close, and lock before the air on the left side of my body is disturbed by the speedster known as Erik. All the while, I continue with reading the reports. It looks like little Katie needs some extra training.

"You said that you would give me my quickie later. It's later now."

In a blink of an eye, my desk is cleared, I'm bent over my desk with my pants down, and Erik's dick plunging into my pussy.


"Shit! Take it Sweet P."

Erik leans over me and stabilizes his hands above my head on the edge of the desk; using it as leverage to pound into me harder.

"Yes! Please, may I cum?!"

His answer is to chuckle darkly.

By now my thighs are extremely wet, I can feel my orgasm rising, "Please sir! May I cum?!"

More silence. I can feel the soreness of my hips bumping against the desk, the feel of his dick hitting my spot over and over again. I feel the overwhelming need to cum, but I don't; not without daddy's permission.

"Please! Please! Please sir! May I cum?!"


I immediately start to shake as I cum all over his dick. My juices flowing down my thighs into my pants. I try to grab or push back at something, anything, and nothing. I don't know what I want to do; push him away, keep him in me, or what.

With my fingers finally settling in my mouth, "Thank you daddy! Thank you daddy! Thank you!"

"You're so very welcome Sweet P. Now, I'm gonna finish you off. You ready for my cum, slyna?"

"Yes daddy! Your little cum slut is ready."

Erik speeds up his already brutal fucking. Mmmmm so fuckin good.

"Here it comes baby."

He slams deep into my womb and I can feel his cum gushing into it. I cum again; laying there shaking on his dick.

Erik strokes his dick into me a few more times; painting my insides with his cum, before there is no more. As he pulls out of me, I get an aftershock to my pussy, making me have a mini orgasm. I whimper and jerk.

He chuckles darkly, " My little slyna."

Without cleaning me up, Erik pulls my pants up. I know I should be disgusted, but I love when I'm wearing or walking with his cum in or on me. The first time, We were at a ball and Erik in his infinite wisdom decided to have a quickie before they introduced us. I remember walking down the steps so embarrassingly aroused. Everyone could smell him on me, but they didn't know that while I was talking to them about some of the programs I wanted to implement, I had his cum sliding down my legs underneath my ball gown. Anytime my eyes caught Erik's, I saw his little smirk; knowing that his cum was making a mess of my legs.

A slap to my ass brought me out of the memory.

"Thank you Sweet P." He kisses my head, "I'll see you at dinner." I am still laying bent over my desk when he walks to the door.

He stops just beyond the door, "oh and later, we are gonna talk about you not wearing underwear. I love you Sweet P."


"Come on! Last stretch! Let's go!"

"Move your asses!"

Soon, everyone is in front of me hunched over, either to throw up, breathe, or both.

"You all are supposed to run that trail 10 times over without all this huffing and puffing. You need to push harder. If you don't want to do this, just leave because what I saw today was a bunch of shit!"

There is silence and the smell of guilt mixed in with sweat. I expected them to be better at this shit by now. I don't know who is coming, but I can feel it in my bones. Someone is out there and they are on their way.

I focus back on the pathetic group in front of me.

"Get the fuck outta my face!"

They all scurry away. I turn and start the walk to my office. I think about the feeling I've been getting lately. I haven't told Erik yet because I don't have anything concrete, but I have ARI continuously scouting for irregularities here and all around the world. Not only that, but something is dark here. I thought it was that dickhead, Marcus. But ever since my chat with him, he has been a doting husband, father, and loyal warrior to the throne. There is someone else; I have my suspensions, but I will hang onto them until it's time to strike.

Once I reach my office, I open my door to see two little monsters asleep in my chair with what sounds like a disney movie playing on the laptop. Awwww my princess and spidermonkey. I walk to the desk and close the laptop quietly. I squat down and caress their faces. I grab onto both; balancing them on each arm, with their heads laying on each shoulder. As I pass my doorway, I whisper, "ARI, please close and lock my door."

Without a word, I hear my door close and lock itself. I round the corner and see Erik coming my way. He quickly tries to step forward to grab one of them. I step back in a show of keeping both of them in my arms. Although his face says I'm being stubborn, he nods his head in agreement. I continue on to my room with Erik following me. There is total silence as we finish the walk. Once I get to my door, it instantly opens for me. I walk towards my bed and gently lay the girls down. Once they are tucked into bed, I turn to the bathroom to take a shower. I can feel Erik following me. When I reach the bathroom, I turn the shower on and undress. All the while Erik says nothing to me. Still not facing him, I step in and stand under the shower head as the water loosen up my muscles. Erik, after undressing himself, steps in behind me. He grabs my face towel and pours soap onto it, lathering the towel. Next thing I feel is him washing my body gently with it. God that feels good. He starts with my back, massaging as it goes. I feel a pop before warmth spreads across my lower back. Gods and Goddesses, thank you for gifting my mate with great hands.

"I guess training wasn't that great today?"

His hands move beyond my butt to my legs rubbing and massaging.

"Mmmm. Today they were pitiful."

He chuckles, "Will they ever have what it takes to impress the great Wanheda."

I sigh and turn around to him, "Just for that you just lost you chance to fuck me in this shower right now. Get out."

He chuckles as he tries to resume washing me, but I push him.

"Get out. You know that I only agreed to coming here in the first place if we do it my way and you mock me."

"I'm sorry mate."

I roll my eyes and attempt to turn away from him, now washing my own body.

He stops me, "Hey, hey." He turns me back and lifts my head up to him with both of his hands on my cheeks, "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean anything by it; I'm a dick. I know that it took a lot for you to come here and I'm grateful that I didn't have to drag you back."

"Smug bastard."

Although I failed, I tried to turn away from him. He laughs, "wait. I mean it. I would have dragged you back here if you said no, but more importantly that I'm grateful you are doing this."

He leans forward and kisses me once, twice.

"You're still not getting any pussy."

He pulls a laugh deep from his chest, "I know baby. Come on, let's rinse you off."

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missexotic88missexotic883 months agoAuthor

I apologize for the accident. I have resubmitted the correct part to Ryan. Edited version should be out in a few days.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Repost of 93 days part 6

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