Sandy, Mark and Helen Ch. 07


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Helen and I looked at each other in shock as she gasped out, "What's she doing? I can't believe this!"

"I know what's she's doing, but I can't believe it either after the way she acted with us before! She's asking to be spanked and she's going to get it! I think that she wants us, particularly you, to see her being spanked. There's no way around it. Look!"

They were struggling in the bed, a battle, of course, that Sandy couldn't, and wasn't intending, to win. It was a mock battle, and I'm quite sure that Frank recognized the circumstances. They had had these confrontations before, always with the same result – Sandy being spanked, being appropriately contrite afterwards and the subsequent loving being intense. It was fun to watch it play out. They thrashed about, Frank's cock erect and bobbling about, Sandy's legs spraddled open, her cunt prominently displayed with absolutely no thought of concealment. It was an extraordinarily erotic display. Helen's eyes were glued to the screen as the panties ultimately ended up in Frank's hand and, inevitably, Sandy draped over his knees.

"My god, this is something! You were right! Her bottom is amazing. It's so curvy and soft looking! Damn, I can see why someone would like to feel and spank that. Oh, here it comes ...'smack'... that was hard! Ooh, look at it quiver as he hits it!...'smack'...You can see where his hand hits – it sort of loses its color...'smack'...when his hand sinks in, almost white, and turns red almost immediately...'smack...Oh, it must be hurting – listen to her cries!"

It went on for four or five more solid 'smacks' with Helen giving a play-by-play account, before Frank stopped and pulled Sandy up to sit on his knee. She wasn't crying, but it was obvious that it had been an ordeal. The script for the mock battle played out, with her head resting on his chest as she contritely said that she was sorry and that he could have the panties. He said that he was sorry for hurting her and hugged her body close to him. It didn't take long after that before she was on her back, legs raised with Frank between them, his cock buried to the balls in her cunt.

I had watched this show before, but, for Helen, it was the first time that she has seen that intimate embrace. Of course, she had been right there while I had done the same thing to Sandy, but this was very different. She was seeing it from a distance as opposed to being beside us and directly involved. In addition, she was watching her sister and dearest friend engaged in adulterous intercourse with another man. To see her lie there and take that man's cock inside of herself was startling despite expecting it. I had had something of the same reaction when I saw, for the first time, Frank entering Sandy.

So, she watched with rapt concentration as the fucking mounted in intensity, listening to the slap, slap, slap sound as they came together, cock plunging into cunt. The movement became more frenetic as they surged against each other, ultimately resulting in very satisfying orgasms. When they finished, she stared intently as Frank's diminishing cock pulled out of Sandy and as he moved to lie beside her. Her eyes stayed glued to the TV, almost as if hypnotized as they snuggled together in their post-coital relaxing. I honestly couldn't tell you which I found to be more fascinating, the sexual intercourse or Helen's reaction to it.

Actually, we had not been completely inert as we watched the spanking and the following fucking. We were lying close to each other and I had begun fondling Helen even before the struggle over the panties began. My hands continued to roam over her as we watched the performance, and she joined in the action, stroking my cock as it got hotter. When the explosion was over and Sandy and Frank rested and quietly talked, I pulled away and moved over her as she eagerly spread her legs in anticipation.

I plunged into her very well lubricated cunt in one surge – no slow, bit-by-bit working in needed – and we began an urgent fucking session of our own. This was no gentle love-making. Instead, we both had bottled up our sexual energy as we watched the porn show play out in front of us and we were well down the road to orgasm very quickly. It was the same, almost liquid, slap, slap, slap sound that filled the room as we came together, she surging up at me as strongly as I pounded down into her. I had seen Frank and Sandy do the spanking-fucking clash before, but it still was extremely arousing. The big stimulus, however, was sharing the excitement with Helen.

She, of course, had never seen anything remotely similar to what was happening in front of her and I had been fascinated to notice that, as she watched, her hips were actually gently undulating in arousal while the action was still going on in the suite. As she admitted later, it was the spanking that really got to her. Seeing Sandy deliberately submitting to Frank and accepting his physical domination ran counter to her long time aversion to even being touched by men. Watching Sandy acquiescing to Frank's right to punish her – even in a semi-playful spanking – caused a reaction in Helen that she really didn't understand. One thing she didn't attempt to deny, however, was that it really turned her on!

Things slowed down a bit after that first burst of sexual energy. Downstairs, Frank and Sandy lay together, nude, discussing what had happened since their last rendezvous, including all about her sister moving in, a sister he had never heard about, of course. Upstairs, we lay together, also nude, discussing what we had just seen and, of course, Helen's feelings about it and about Frank. It was, obviously a weird situation!

Her reaction to Frank was positive. "He's nice looking and is in pretty good shape. He's only the third man that I've seen naked, so I may not be a good judge, but," giggling, "he seemed to be adequately equipped! He and Sandy certainly fit together and, even if you two hadn't told me, I would have known that they had been intimate for some time. They're just so comfortable with each other – no awkwardness between them. If I didn't know the story and just saw them together, the way they react to each other, I might have thought that they were married. Aside from brutally beating Sandy," she said with a grin, "he seems to really care for her. Yeah, if my sister is going to have a lover, he seems like a good choice!"

I laughed at her, responding, "I'm sure that Sandy will appreciate your acceptance of her lover! I don't know how much you two have talked about their feelings but I'm sure that she told you that she feels sort of bad for him. From the way she described it, it was very touching when he told her, when they were alone on the Cape, that he would love to ask her to marry him, but that he would just have to accept that she is permanently committed to her marriage and me. She loves him as more than a friend and really hopes that he will find someone else and get married for he really seems to be a good man."

"Oh, he really should. He's good looking, intelligent, a good position as a professor and, apparently, very thoughtful. He's bound to find someone."

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we arrange for Sandy to introduce you to him? You look like Sandy, have bigger tits which, despite your history, is a virtue, and, in general, are almost a carbon copy of her. You're even in Spanish and you've taught in college. You're officially, at least, an unattached divorcee. You're a perfect match and, most likely, his love for Sandy would easily shift to you!"

"You know, everything you said is true, but it really wouldn't be fair to him."

"What do you mean? If he fell in love with you, it would permit him to be less fixated on Sandy."

"Yes, but he would be in the same situation, loving a woman who was already committed. I may be 'officially' an unmarried divorcee, but, in reality, I consider myself to be married to a man with whom I'm in love. He would be far worse off, rejected by two women, rather than one!"

That declaration was totally unexpected. I really had been kidding about suggesting that she join with Frank for I was sure that she was part of our family now, but I was stunned with the fervor with which she declared her commitment to me. We began a love making session that was even more passionate than the intercourse that was taking place in the suite at the same time!

When both couples erupted in minutes of each other, the evening was really over. The two down below turned off the lights and curled up together for sleep while, upstairs, we prepared for bed in a more normal manner. Nonetheless, in a short time, two sets of lovers were happily asleep together.

When a man is sound asleep in bed with another woman and his wife comes in and cries out, "Wake up, you two!" the prognosis for a pleasant morning normally is not good. That is what happened to Helen and me as Sandy jumped onto the bed beside me, but her good mood was shown by the kiss she planted on me as she shook me awake. Leaving me, she did the same thing to Helen before announcing to our groggy senses, "Come on! I'll get breakfast started while you two overcome your night of wild sex!"

Shocked to a modicum of alertness, I turned to a drowsy Helen and managed to say, "Ok, dear, we'd better get going before she comes back after us. She obviously had a very good night and is on a high."

Helen managed a wry smile, answering me with, "We had a very good night, too, but I could have enjoyed a little more sleep and a less boisterous wakening. But, our mistress calls!" A quick kiss and she was off to her room while I did the necessary preparations for having breakfast – which suddenly was very appealing as the smells reached me.

When we appeared in the kitchen, we were greeted by Sandy's beaming smile as she informed us with, "You sleepy heads! It's after nine and you're just dragging yourselves down here while I've been up since before eight! I've been up, been fucked and made breakfast while you two were just wasting time!"

Surprisingly, it was Helen who replied, saucily, saying, "Mack and I are just a loving couple who watched a pornographic TV production, had a nice session of married sex and gone to sleep, only to be jarred awake by a wanton performer from that obscene program. You can't expect us to be bright and shiny after that shock!"

"Uh huh, and your eyes were glued to that program while the actors worked extremely hard to entertain you! I want you to see this!" Standing up, still wearing her negligee from last night, she stepped back and pulled it open, revealing that she wore only a bra under it. "Please note that there are no panties! I lost them last night in an epic struggle, the purpose of which was to sacrifice my body to show you the act you wanted to see! For your pleasure and excitement, I let myself be spanked! Here is the evidence of that sacrifice!" With that, she removed the negligee, turned her back, revealing a nicely reddened behind. The color had faded somewhat, but the signs of that "brutal beating" was still there. "I'll do anything for my audience!"

We sat there, stunned, for a few moments, not because of her being spanked – we had seen that – but at the audacity which she made the announcement and showed her evidence. Helen was the first to react, dropping her fork, hurrying around the table and embracing her sister. "Oh, honey, that was so sweet of you, particularly after we teased you so much. I knew that you let him catch you hiding your panties so you could be spanked for us! You really looked beautiful and sexy and it was very exciting! Thank you so much! Ooh, I love you!"

I joined the embrace, and made similar admiring and loving comments and, before we calmed down, there actually were tears of happiness in the eyes of both women. It was an amazingly emotional moment. I was pleased to tell them that the entire evening from last night had been recorded and that we could view the whole performance later – including this morning's activity since the camera was motion activated.

We settled back down to breakfast and Sandy then made an apology for her vigorous way she woke us that morning. "I could have gently awakened you, but it was more fun to jump in the way I did – I guess I was a bit high and anxious to show you my signs of valor! Actually, I would have just let you sleep but, Helen, you and I wanted to attend that recital and it starts at 11:00 AM, and we need time to get ready.

They attended their recital and decided to have lunch at Friendly's, setting up one last, unexpected event having to do with the night before. They had ordered and were waiting for their food, when Helen looked up and whispered, unsure of her news, "Isn't that Frank?"

Sandy turned around, trying not to be observed, and replied, "My god, yes! Maybe he won't see us. It might be a bit embarrassing after last night. Nope, he's seen us." Frank came up to them and looked, first at Helen and then realized that it wasn't Sandy he had seen.

Turning to Sandy, he commented, obviously without thinking, "Damn, Sandy, when you told me last night that you had a sister living with you, you didn't say that you were twins!"

Sandy ignored the faux pas, pretending that last night hadn't been mentioned, and simply said, "Helen, this is my dear friend, Frank Jackson. Frank, this, as you guessed, is my twin sister, Helen." Having no real choice, she asked, "Will you join us?" He, of course, accepted the invitation, Sandy moved over to sit beside Helen, and they had what turned out to be a pleasant, quite convivial, lunch. There was no more reference to last night!

Helen commented that she had heard a great deal about him from Sandy, all of it good, leaving him to wonder just how detailed that information had been. He learned that Helen had just been divorced and he replied that she would be surrounded by suiters once the word got around. Sandy noticed his eyes going to Helen's tits and laughingly joked, "Yes, she has certain attributes that tend to attract attention!" That comment seemed to lighten the atmosphere and their conversation became easier. So for an hour they talked about Spanish, career objectives, Helen's desire to teach again, etc. Very easy and friendly – no awkwardness at all.

The only jarring note was when they were saying goodbye, Frank casually said to Sandy that he would see her at the fall Northeast conference and she broke the news. "I'm sorry, Frank. I should have told you that I won't be teaching the fall semester or going to the conference. I'm expecting a baby in September."

Sandy and Helen told me that for a moment Frank looked as if he had been hit on the head with a mallet. It had to be running through his mind that he had fucked a pregnant married woman last night. Even more, he had spanked her after wrestling her panties away from her! They said, however, that he rallied quickly and congratulated her on the news with some very sincere best wishes. At that point, Helen, thoughtfully, visited the ladies room to leave them alone for a few minutes. They stepped outside where his comments were much less formal and much more affectionate and included a brief, loving kiss. As they finally parted, Sandy looked at him meaningfully and said, "We can get together at the MLA meeting next spring!"

Apparently, his eyes lit up at the clear indication that their affair would continue, and he simply replied, "Count on it!"

There was one final discussion about Frank that was significant. When they got home, Sandy remarked that Helen and Frank had been very friendly and Helen replied that he seemed to be an extremely nice person, both while the three of them were together, but also the way he had acted with Sandy the night before. Sandy said that she had been really impressed by what she saw as the chemistry between the two of them, particularly the way Helen responded to his interest in her plans. Then, probably not surprising, Sandy made the same proposal that I had made last night – perhaps Helen could replace Sandy as Frank's love interest.

At that point, Helen stopped her and called me into the room. "Sandy just suggested that I might replace her in Frank's affection, the same thing you proposed last night. Now, I am touched that both of you are thinking about me and my future and you want the best for me and, I assume, for Frank. I told Mack what I thought of the idea and I'm going to make it as clear as I can to both of you! Frank is a good man and I hope, as you do, that he finds someone who he can love as he loves Sandy now. However, that someone is not me!! It may not be sanctioned by any government or church, but I consider myself to be married to a man with whom I am in love, namely Mack! My dearest friend and sister and I both love the same man and Sandy is wife number 1 and I'm wife 1A, but as long as you two will have me, this is what I want! This is my home with the ones that I love! Is that clear?"

That statement, loudly and firmly made, erased any further thought of a Frank-Helen romance and led to a long period of hugging and kissing. The idea of Helen with any other man, or woman, was never raised again.

Following her pronouncement and the emotional interlude afterwards, Helen continued, "Ok, now that we have settled the question of palming me off on Frank, why don't we look at that recording you made of some far more interesting activities!" We retired to the bedroom, undressed and lay on the bed prepared to watch our own porno film, staring that well-known and sexually experienced actress, Sandra MacAndrew!

It was fun (and sexy) watching it with Sandy whose running commentary was occasionally amusing and frequently erotic. The scenes of the spanking were even more arousing when she watched herself in action. "That was lousy acting, wasn't it? I was so blatantly making sure that he caught me! He had to know that I was faking it in that 'struggle' – how phony! I might as well have just asked him to spank me. I hope you two appreciate what I was doing for you!"

"Oh, sure! Just for us! Remember, I've seen you do that little act before and you wanted to be spanked because it turned you on! If we had a close-up, I'll bet that your cunt was dripping!"

"Now, don't be mean! Look, he's turning me over. You can see that I really wasn't struggling, preparing to be beaten to assuage your perverted need to see me punished! Damn, I do look cute, don't I? I look so small and vulnerable – innocent and defenseless! What a brute he is. Look at the way he's abusing me. That hurt! Forgetting how it hurt, it is fascinating how the flesh seems to give way as his hand smacks down and rebounds as it raises back up! Now, the fun part! Pitiful little mistreated woman, dejected and remorseful, clings to the man who has just beaten her! What an act!

"No, damn it, it really isn't completely an act! I honestly did feel pleasantly submissive and meek. It's a funny feeling as I watch myself, but it was, in a way, real! I would expect to be furious at being mistreated that way if it weren't an act, but maybe I still would feel submissive after a real spanking. Or, maybe, I would be gleeful that my act had been a good one and that I had conned him into feeling manly and powerful by controlling me when I actually had manipulated him. Whatever. I do have a feeling that my reaction would have been the same even if it had been an actual, hard spanking – submissive and docile. It's a weird feeling for an independent-minded woman. Still, even if it hurt and my response hard to understand, I'll admit that it excited and aroused me! And I know that you two enjoyed watching what I still insist was a sacrifice for your pleasure!"

"Well, honey, I've never been in that position, but, regardless of your feelings or your motivation, you really did look cute! Your bottom looks so curvy and is so bouncy when it is spanked – very sexy!"