Seduction, Submission and Surrender


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"Just shut-up and strip. I want to watch you strip for me." This was the first command Trig had ventured to give.

Trig waited anxiously to see Shawn's reaction to his order, but the younger man seemed to accept it and continued removing his clothes.

"No. Don't turn away. Strip for me so I can see you. I want to watch you as you undress."

Shawn felt a shudder of excitement as he heard these words, and somehow he understood that this was his turning point. If he obeyed Trig and stripped specifically for the pleasure of another man, he would be acknowledging and accepting that he was a queer. All of his thoughts, calculations, arguments and worries raced through his mind in a moment of time, and then he turned to face his man and slowly revealed his body for him. Not only did he bare his body to Trig's gaze, his actions also bared his soul to him.

When he was totally nude Trig said to him, "Look at your cock."

Shawn didn't have to look to know that it was as hard as an iron rod and pointing towards his belly, but obeying he looked down at it.

"I think that tells me all I need to know about you. That boner doesn't lie, so I don't want to hear anymore about you not wanting this, understood?" The firmness in Trig's voice and the way he took control of Shawn's doubts was such a relief.

"Okay," Shawn answered meekly.

"Good, let's get on with this. Shall we?"

The words could mean many things. Trig could simply mean they should get on with the shower. But Shawn knew the words meant far more than that. He knew that if he got into that shower with Trig he would be entering a whole new life. As he watched the larger man reveal his own beauty, Shawn began to slightly tremble with a combination of excitement and fear. Something in the way Trig was acting, and the tone of his voice told him that things had moved to a different level. For the first time Shawn admitted to himself that Trig was a much stronger and more mature man than he was. The realization made him feel somewhat emasculated. But as the last of Trig's clothes came off and he raised his eyes to Shawn's, the young virgin felt a peace and acceptance at what he now knew was about to happen. He knew in his heart that he would be taken sexually in that shower. In that moment when he could have refused, Shawn instead took one more step in his submission as he laid another piece of his own manly pride away and stepped toward the opening in the shower curtain that Trig held for him.

The two quickly let the warm water wet their bodies and then turned off the precious hot water lest it run out. Taking the bar from the tray, Trig first soaped his own body and then turned to soap Shawn. Oh how exquisite the sensation of Trig's strong hands felt to Shawn as he lathered the soap onto every square inch of his smooth flesh.

"Turn around and face the wall."

Was it a command, or a request? Did it matter? Without comment, Shawn obeyed and turned his backside to Trig.

Gently pushing Shawn so that he was leaning against the tile of the shower, Trig resumed his bathing all along Shawn's back, buttocks and legs. Then putting the soap aside, Trig spent more concentrated effort on the perfect bubble butt, and the hairless crack of his conquest. As he rubbed the slick suds up and down Shawn's crack, Trig reached further and further between his legs to fondle the sack holding the two precious jewels. In response, Shawn parted his legs wider to yield easier access to the strong manly hand bringing such pleasure and Shawn realized that one simple act made him feel like a girl must when spreading her legs for a man. Trig alternated from Shawn's balls back up to his tight little rose bud, and when he reached around with the free hand to slide up and down Shawn's hard sex, the young man sagged and nearly slipped to the floor. Trig caught him and pushed him up against the wall, moving his own slick soapy body tight against the boy's backside. Holding him there with his weight, Trig took his own cock in hand and pressed it into the crack of Shawn's butt and slid it up and down the length several times before he poked it between Shawn's thighs to rub his balls.

"How do you like this little boy?" Trig asked in a lust hungry voice as he humped his hard shaft between the smooth thighs in a simulated fuck.

"Answer me! How do you like it?"

"I like it...I like it a lot..."

"How 'bout this?" Trig asked as he placed the engorged head of his tool against the guarded entrance to Shawn's virgin hole.

Shawn gasped in fear knowing that he was about to be fucked. But despite his fear, he instinctively spread his legs even wider and pushed his ass toward the hardness pushing at his entrance in order to allow his man easier entrance into his body.

"Oh, so you want it eh?"

When Shawn couldn't admit it and say the words, Trig leaned hard into his back and demanded, "Say it! Ask me to fuck you! Beg me to bury my cock into your ass! Say it bitch-boy...Say it now!"

"I wa... want you to fu... fu... fuck me Trig... I n...n...need it...I beg you... fuck me and make me your bitch-boy...please fuck me...please, please fuck me...yes, please fuck me!"

Oh what a release Shawn felt at saying the words. Finally it was over. All of the fears and doubts were gone as he begged his man to enter him and breed him. For the first time in his life Shawn felt in place with himself and the world. So what if his place was under another man to be used as some men might use a woman. So what if that meant his ideals about his own manhood were nothing but illusions of a false dream blown away by the wind. So what that he would be subservient to another man's desires. None of that mattered anymore because he had found a sense of peace that surpassed all of his doubts and fears.

Spreading as wide as he could in the confines of the shower, Shawn opened himself for his deflowering. But to his surprise, and disappointment, Trig relaxed the intensity of his embrace and kissing him gently on the ear he whispered, "There, now it's over. You've given yourself to me... but you're not yet ready to take me into your little boy pussy. But, have no doubt that your surrender is still just as real."

As he was whispering these words Trig was nibbling at Shawn's ear and continued with, "Oh yes my sweet, you opened for me like a bitch in heat and all I had to do was push...just push, and you would have been mine." To emphasize his words Trig thrust his stiff cock into his boi's crack again and pressed his full weight onto the slim young man he held in his arms.

"So don't fret my little one, it won't be long before you feel my strength inside your body. You just need to get used to something big and hard up your pretty little ass before I take you...'cause when I do, you'll enjoy my cock all the more as it slides inside you for the first time." Then with a seductive laugh Trig added, "Plus, the wait will make you crave it all the more."

Laughing again, Trig dropped one hand to wiggle his little finger up Shawn's hole while with the other he roughly manhandled Shawn's sex. Then with lust filled passion he added, "Yes, you will crave'll come to need it so bad that you'll you get on your knees and beg me to fuck you!"

Turning Shawn wrapped his arms around the strong shoulders and neck of his man a kissed him deeply on the mouth. As their stiff cocks played and kissed, so too did their tongues dance and embrace in a joining of souls.

"There is something more I want from though," said Trig breaking the kiss.

"Whatever it is, just ask. I'll give you anything."

"Be careful what you promise before you hear what I want."

"I've already given you everything I have. I've already given you my body and promised you my virginity. What more can I give?" Shawn asked as he lovingly stroked his man's cheek.

"I want your submission. I want to set you free. Are you really ready to give me everything?"

Shawn didn't quite know what else he could give so he asked, "What do you mean? What more can I give?"

"I want you to accept being a slave to my every desire from now on. Can you do that? Are you ready to call me Master and do everything I ask of you regardless of what it might be?"

Shawn quickly began to answer, but Trig stopped him and said, "Think about it for a minute before you say yes. This is for real. If you want to be with me you will have to do whatever I tell you. So think about the worst thing you can imagine I might demand and ask yourself if you could do it before you answer."

Shawn was in a quandary. He had just been taken to the heights of discovery about himself, his sexuality and, it seemed, even a discovery of life itself. He was riding on a wave of euphoria at those discovers and he couldn't really imagine what Trig might ask that would be so hard to obey.

"I don't understand Trig."

"Shawn can you accept me as the Master of your life? Try saying it and see how you feel."

"Yes, Master I can say that."

"Shawn there's a thing called a sub male. You've read about them in some of the books we read. Do you understand what that all means?"

"Oh, now I get it!" Shawn said with a smile. "You want me to be your boi, like a sissy boi. Is that what you mean?"

"Are you ready for that Shawn?"

"Yes Tri..." The slap on his ass stopped Shawn in mid sentence.

"You will not call me by my name unless I give you permission! From this moment you will address me as Master. Is that clear enough for you?"

"Yes Master, I understand. And yes, I submit to you as my Master." Shawn said this even though he was surprised and puzzled at the change in Trig's tone and attitude. But he also realized that oddly, he was willing to do the very things being asked. It was if Trig somehow knew what he needed and desired even more than he himself did.

"Kneel before me."

Shawn got onto his knees before his new master, and Trig turned the warm water back on to rinse the soap from their bodies. When the short reserve ran to cold Trig turned the water off and faced back toward his sub.

"Kiss my feet."

When Shawn began to lower his lips to obey, he realized that there was still some pride he had not yet given up because this was a very hard thing to do. But as his lips contacted his master's feet he realized that this too felt right and good for him.

"Lick them."

And again Shawn obeyed.

"Good boy," Trig said in a kind voice as he patted the damp curly hair of his boy. "Now sit facing me"

When Shawn had complied with Master's demand they both could see the erection sticking up between Shawn's legs. That alone was enough to erase any doubts either of them might have had about Shawn's sincerity and acceptance of his new role. Shawn was now turned. The old Shawn no longer existed, or more accurately the false Shawn no longer existed. Instead a newly liberated man knelt before his master. It was a man who now knew and accepted his position in the grand scheme of life and he was satisfied and happy at the discovery.

"Shawn, look at me."

As Shawn looked up at his master he saw that he was holding his penis toward him. Then without warning Trig let loose his stream of piss directed onto Shawn's own manhood.

"Accept it," said Master as his flow strengthened, "lie back and let me mark you."

Doing as Master had said, Shawn lay back against the back of the tub as Master washed his scent over his body. Oh how wonderful the warmth felt.

"Oh Master...I love you. Please mark me as yours..."

As he moved the golden stream upward to Shawn's face Master said, "Now we shall see, open your mouth."

Another large step in his surrender took place in that moment. Shawn had already been willing to give up his virgin ass to win a man's love, now he was being asked to give up the last of his pride. As he felt the warm liquid reach to play on his nipples, Shawn opened his mouth to accept this next humiliation of submission. Shawn watched as the nectar flowed from his master's manhood. And just as the warmth played over his neck, he closed his eyes and realized that he would cherish anything that came forth from Master's magnificent member.

As the moment ended, Trig said, "Get up and suck it."

On his knees in a shower with another man's urine dripping from his face and body, Shawn again obeyed. Taking the swollen tool into his mouth for the first time, the sub was in his rightful place at last. His joy was to serve and pleasure his taskmaster, and he went at it with a vengeance. First cleaning the last drops of piss with his tongue, Shawn then opened his mouth wide and started sucking. He knew he wouldn't stop until Master relieved his need.

If somehow Shawn wasn't a converted queer by this point, his first mouthful of man flesh confirmed the complete resignation to his place. The taste and feel of the smooth skin was so different from what he had expected. Forgetting for a moment about Master's pleasure, he stopped sucking and began to lick the length of the shaft and explore down among the heavy testicles. He was worshiping this symbol of his domination and his sensitive tongue was the best tool to explore and become intimate with every texture and taste of his Master's strength. With every lick from his tongue he took one more step to total capitulation and surrender.

Finally Trig needed his own release and forced the servicing mouth back to its job. With increased urgency he began fucking his boy's mouth just like a man would a woman's pussy. With increased force he pushed the fat meaty head further down Shawn's throat until tears were streaming from the boi's eyes and he was gagging for breath. But still the young man kept sucking. He was determined to please his man and finally he knew he had succeeded as warm ropes of thick man seed flowed into his mouth. And still Master kept fucking him as more bursts hit the back of his throat. It was impossible to keep up as the nectar of Master's strength and manhood flowed from deep within his own body and into Shawn's. Trig emptied so much pent up need that Shawn couldn't swallow it all and it became smeared inside Shawn's mouth and all around his lips and face. By the time Master finished his ejaculation the novice cock sucker had cum smeared not only on himself, but all over Master as well.

Trig sagged backward against the shower wall, his eyes closed and heavy breaths lifting his strong muscular chest. Shawn was mesmerized at the sight of his Master, like a wounded warrior in his moment of weakness. The still swollen but softening shaft of his domination was before him with Master's seed glistening on the smooth flesh. And this time Shawn did not need to be told what to do, it was if the true person was coming awake from a long sleep as he leaned forward and began to lick the mess from Master's glorious weapon. As Shawn continued to tenderly clean the smeared cum from this symbol of strength and power, Trig gently pressed the young man's cheek tightly to his groin and stroked his soft curly hair.

"Stand up", Trig softly commanded.

When Shawn had obeyed, Trig pulled his boi to him and kissed him deeply and passionately for what seemed like eternity. Both men seemed to understand what that kiss meant. For one of them it was the kiss of a man taking his rightful possession. For the other it was a kiss of surrendering. But as the kiss lingered it became even more for both men as they floated in the aura of the joining of two souls in love.

The two finally forced themselves apart, and as they did two pairs of eyes joined in a similar exchange of vows. As the men gazed deeply into one another's depths, each acknowledged both the love and the rightful order between Master and sub. And both felt a deep peace settling over them. It was a peace that both had been searching to find for a very long time.

"Come, let's get dried off. We need to go over to your place and move your stuff over here."

"Yes, Master." Answered Shawn, relived that he no longer had to worry about making the decisions. He had a man now who would do that.

But for some reason 'Master' now had a hollow ring to Trig. He had succeeded in his goal of subduing his quarry. He had forced Shawn to submit before him and call him Master. But Trig suddenly realized that he had failed to anticipate his own feelings for the precious young man who was so willing to give himself into his care.

Making a quick decision he said, "Shawn, you've shown that you're submitted to me. I don't doubt your commitment or your submission. You know it and so do I. But I also know that you love me...and...and I love you too."

Trig was stunned to hear these words of love coming from his mouth. He had been caught off guard by the swiftness of his own emotions as he acknowledged his love for the young man standing naked and wet before him.

But gently pulling his young lover back into an embrace he added, "I want you to call me by my name... and...and... I need you to call me...My Love...I need that way more than I need you to call me Master."

Trig finally realized that the feelings he had for Shawn were far different than those he had shared with Master Sgt. Keller. The needs he and Shawn shared together were much more complex than those he had experienced with Sgt. Keller. He no longer had a desire to be like Sgt. Keller and forcefully dominate the young man who had so meekly given his all. He knew that Shawn's submission was born of love and a true desire to please him. From this moment forward both he and Shawn would be walking on undiscovered ground.

This seduction began out of lust for the body of a beautiful young man because that is all Trig had learned from his own Master. But in the process he had been struck by an unforeseen arrow that buried itself deeply into his own heart. Understanding dawned for the first time that true submission is given out of love and trust. What he had experienced with Sgt. Keller was born more from lust and fear. But what Shawn had offered him was sincere heartfelt submission, a submission too precious to accept with casual disregard for its value. Trig also reasoned that if true submission is born of love, then the one accepting that submission must do so in love as well.

All of these truths came to Trig in a moment of understanding from someplace outside of his own willful thought. And just as Shawn had felt the relief of discovering his own proper place within himself, Trig too was surprised to feel a relief at the realization that he was in love. And the acknowledgment of that love was like the beginning of a new day shining its light into the darkness of his heart. It was the brightness of re-born hope lifting the gloom, just like the first rays of dawn driving the darkness of the night away.

Shawn was overcome with his own emotions at Trig's confession of his love and as tears welled up in his eyes all he could say was, "I love you Master...I love you more than anything in the world!"

Smiling his own love in return Trig whispered, "And I love you. Now let's go get your stuff moved in here. And I think I should take you out tonight for a celebration on the town, don't you?"

"You bet!"

"And tonight, my love, you'll be sleeping in my bed. How's that sound?"

Shawn paused for a brief moment to savor just how wonderful those words did make him feel, then he replied, "I feel like I am in the perfect place for the first time in my life. I can't believe that I'll be in your bed tonight...and every night. Words can't even begin to describe how good sleeping in your bed sounds."

"Good, then let's get dressed and get going. Because tonight, my young friend, you will begin to learn what else I have in mind for your pleasure!"


Alas, the end of the story, but I hope that your own love may never end...yukonnights

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 = 💥💥💥💥💥 (5), 👍👍!

Tinkertaylor99Tinkertaylor99over 2 years ago

Loveed time! I was so hard I almost burst without a single touch

liz33ndliz33ndabout 5 years ago
I really enjoyed this

I like your style of writing and the way he let him suck his cock

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Absolutely the hottest and one of the best stories I've ever read...including my own!!

Beautiful story!

The characters were so real and so well developed in a short story.

The feelings and passion were so hot I felt like I was in the room and felt as if I could smell every cock and crotch!

Here's the most winning thing the end...I cried!

Yep...I frigging cried!

You got me...this is the passion, love and dedication I want!

I had to delete all of my cookies and for some reason now I can't log in...

my user name on here is funandbold...I've posted several stories on here...but now mine pail in comparison!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
It can happen like that ?

This story is so well written. So many layers and it all unfolds to blend into a beautiful

well thought out plot. The older man laying his trap and the young not yet queer boy is slowly broken. He has no idea till its to late what this REAL DOM man has in mind for him. In the end they both wanted each other. No hurry no rush. The boy goes from crush to captive to queer, submissive and in love...!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
A shiver of excitement right here:

"He knew in his heart that he would be taken sexually in that shower. "

Love this story. Very nice, thank you.

yukonnightsyukonnightsabout 7 years agoAuthor
Thank You

A big thanks to all of you guys who took the time to write and let me know this story touched you in some positive way. All of us know that the best sex... the best D/s... the best life... comes when love is also present. I hope we all find our portion of that !

Know that your comments made my day brighter ~ yukonnights

excraiexcraiabout 7 years ago

I loved this story. I am Shawn. I'm the submissive one

dacoach44dacoach44over 7 years ago
Very Erotic

I recall with great pleasure when my man first put me in missionary and fucked me!

jackstudjackstudover 7 years ago

The story turned me on. Submission comes from Love

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Moving and Sexually Compelling

I am no literature critic but see here a talented writer who beautifully expresses his emotional and sexual passion. I could easily put myself in the place of either of the characters. Very well done. I envy your creativity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


I don't know if you will even read this as I've notice that your last story was in 2009, despite of, I just wanted to leave you a comment.

I got to be honest, towards the beginning, I just wanted to leave this story because it seemed so depressing how that sergeant took advantage of Trig. Therefore, it most have been very traumatic for him. And because he experience such events, he took those events and applied to Shawn.

And as read even more, I saw that Trig wanted Shawn to experience the same events. However, I saw the psychology in Trig. Despite going through a dark past, he didn't want such a thing to happen Shawn.

As a reader, I believe Trig was taken into a world that he was not destined to be a part of. He has always been a masculine man and I'll even say that he was born straight. But because he went through a sad experience, he was sexually stimulated by a man and no longer had a desire for women.

Despite being taken by a man and feeling helpless, he didn't succumb of what was embedded to him psychologically. Therefore, as a reader we saw how he is very dominate.

But what makes this such a beautiful story, is that Trig knew from the bottom of his heart that he was never meant to be a dominate man that takes advantage of people but simply a man that wants to please a man like a straight man pleases his woman. Not in the sense that who is the man and woman in the gay relationship, but merely wants to penetrate and protect from his true natural instincts.

And when Trig told Shawn about being a submissive, Shawn took it voluntarily. Shawn didn't experience abusive trauma that will lead him to a helpless state and feel worthless. He accepted the offer because he wanted to. He fell into the arms of a protective man, someone that he felt safe with. Therefore, Shawn felt natural to open up his heart to the man right in front of him and be lead in such a tender and loving way.

Just when I was about to give up, Trig gave his confession. And all I have to say is that I started crying. That is when I knew you created such a beautiful work of art. You displayed Trigs' real love towards Shawn. Furthermore, you exhibited that this story was not a disturbing story where writers simply write to release their fantasies but a work of art that showed so much emotion and depth. Therefore, your realism of everyday life shows that their are people out there in the world that have experience trauma in their life but they don't let such things effect them or loved ones.

I haven't found a favorite writer here but today I have found my favorite writer and that is you. I want to thank you for writing such a beautiful tale that displayed such emotion and love. I will hold dear to your two leading characters and carry them with me.

I hope you never stop writing and bring loving stories with in depth characters. :)

BluMoonChildBluMoonChildabout 15 years ago

Well now, I have to say in the words of Piglet, "D-d-d-d-d-DAMN!" Powerful, sexy, heartrenching, the list goes on. I have never been pulled into a story like I was pulled into this one. Don't stop.

Calit69Calit69about 15 years ago
A well written story

A top score for a very well written piece A plausible plot, nice logical flow sexually stimulating=+erotic and a nice touch with the romance as opposed to the fuckfest with the first experience. Will read your other submissions Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
love is hot too

so nice to read a story that is about more than just sex - but the sex was hot too!!! I appreciate that you wrote about two men in love - that's what the world needs to know is that gay men fall in love too!!

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