Sensations Escort Services Ch. 04


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Amber strode up to the chauffeur of the black stretch limo as he leaned against the car looking at something on his smart phone. "Hi Dirk." She kissed him on the cheek.

"Hi Amber. Where are we headed tonight?" He hopped to attention and held the door open for her.

"Baci's restaurant on Coastal Drive. Dinner date. After dropping me off you're on your own."

"Cool. How've you been? My God, you look great."

Twenty minutes later, a man many would call distinguished stood to welcome Amber to his table. He had salt and pepper hair, apparently stayed in shape, and based on the suit he wore, apparently liked Savile Row tailors in London.

As Amber approached, he stood and introduced himself, "Amber; such a pleasure. I'm Ron Bensen. Please join me." He moved to hold her chair and help her sit. The maître d' appeared and placed a starched white napkin in Amber's lap, and personally took her drink order.

Ninety minutes later, Ron Bensen slowly unzipped the blue sequined dress and carefully pushed it off the pixie's shoulders. He left the snazzy scarf around Amber's neck. The dress puddled around her sexy spike heels, leaving Amber in a blue thong, the neck scarf, a push up bra, and sexy five-inch heels.

Not long after that, Amber's mouth inhaled six inches of hard male cock, oscillating her head up and down and in a circular motion in her best application of fellatio that she'd learned over the past eight months. Each blowjob recipient at the start of her escort career had offered a small piece of advice. Together with what Edie and Kat were also learning, she pooled all these pieces of advice until she could deliver a pleasure with her mouth and throat that few in the world knew how to do.

Ten minutes after that, Amber pushed Ron down on his back and mounted his body with hers, assuring that she dragged the nipples atop her taut breasts across his chest, and then lowered her pussy to Ron's waiting mouth. He'd requested her pussy this way, and the pixie thought, who was she to turn down such a generous offer.

Ron did understand how to give pleasure to a woman. Amber allowed herself the luxury of two orgasms in the sixty-nine position. She then dragged her slick pussy down Ron's mature body until she slid her labia across his hardness. She rocked back and forth a few minutes, reached down, and guided the steely shaft into her body. Ron moaned, and started to thrust roughly up into the pixie, almost bucking her off of his body.

Amber held onto Ron's shoulders and threw herself back onto him as he moved up into her. The fuck was rough, but the kind of punishment Amber sought -- a cleansing of the morose feelings and self-hatred she'd developed during the week.

Ron tossed her around onto her knees and penetrated her from behind, thrusting hard into her as she rocked back equally hard into him.

"Spank me," Amber implored. "Punish me. I've been a bad girl, daddy."

The 'daddy' term turned on Ron Bensen like few other crude terms could. He responded by swatting each of Amber's cheeks with a flat hand a dozen times each until they glowed bright pink. Amber came. He repeated the slaps, harder this time, her ass brightening into a reddish hue. Amber came again, and deep inside she felt better, as though the punishment being meted out to her was justified.

"Oh, daddy. I'm so sorry. I promise I'll be a good girl. Now, please fuck me hard. Fill my tight little pussy with your cum. Fill me to the brim. I promise I'll be good for you." She grabbed his cock, sucked on it for a minute, and then re-inserted it into her pussy, sinking down until he was fully embedded inside her. Only then did she start the oscillations associated with what she knew would be a great fuck.

Amber could feel when Ron was about to cum, and she'd stop and do something to slow down his eminent climax. She spanked him. She told him a sexy story. She'd pull off of him and gently play with his cock. She paused, but talked dirty.

Eventually, as they pumped together in the spoon position, Ron grabbed Amber's hair and pulled back hard. Amber jerked back hard onto Ron's cock, and his orgasm arrived. The surges of cum pulsed into her small body from his -- powerful jets that blasted man cream deep inside her, and then Ron fell back beside her onto the bed panting.

"My god, you are fabulous. You're the best piece of ass I've ever had."

Amber chortled as she stroked his face and neck, "You're not too bad yourself." After a few silent minutes passed with nothing but panting punctuating the air, she asked, "You want to go again?"

Ron laughed. "No, I'm afraid at my age I'm a one shot wonder, but what a shot you gave me. Thank you." He glanced at the bedside clock. "My God, you've had me going for almost two hours. You are positively the best ever. Amazing."

"Well, thank you." Amber smiled and kissed him tenderly.

Amber went to the bathroom. When she returned, she was rubbing her sore ass. "You really know how to spank."

"Sorry, but you did ask for it." After a second he added, "There's an envelope for you on the desk. I hope I can call you again."

Amber said, "Thank you. If you don't get me, you'll love Edie or Kat -- my roommates."

Ron swung his legs onto the floor as Amber pulled her dress into position and zipped herself into it. He said, "You'd be a tough act to follow, but let's see who's available the next time I need some company in this town."

Amber collected her belongings, tossed the envelope into her shoulder bag without opening it, and then went and kissed Ron on the forehead. "Bye. I hope I see you again one of these days. Really."

"You will."

Amber caught a taxi back to the campus apartment, arriving about midnight, early by her standards. Kat was still out, but Edie was awake.

"How'd it go?"

"Good, I guess. I got spanked for the first time."

"Ouch. I didn't think you'd allow that stuff."

"I asked for it. I felt I was punishing myself for my rotten mood the past week."

Edie held her arms out, "Come here, Am." Amber sat on the bed beside Edie and allowed Edie to cradle her. "Amber, you don't need to punish yourself or apologize to anyone, including yourself, for having feelings about Mike or anybody else. We picked a tough road to riches and love. Wait and see; I bet Mike comes back to see you. I certainly would if I were him. Just give him time -- lots of time."

Amber sighed and held onto Edie. After a while, she stood, shed her dressy clothes, and slipped into a nightshirt. Both girls went to sleep, not even aware of when Kat slipped into the room about three a.m.

* * * * *

A little over a year later, the three girls reveled in the party atmosphere of their college graduation. The parents and siblings of the three girls had come to campus for the ceremony, a situation that required the girls to load their expensive cars with their expensive wardrobes and hide them in an off-campus parking facility. As far as their parents knew, and consistent with the way they grew up, the girls had led an austere and simple campus life.

One of the discussion topics that concerned each girl was how to pay their parents back for the sacrifices and money spent getting them through college. They'd agreed that when they got jobs they could begin to funnel money from their now abundant bank accounts back to their families without raising unwanted questions.

At a dinner to celebrate their graduation, the three girls also found pleasure in sharing their advanced education plans with their families. The girls would be staying at the college pursuing graduate studies on 'scholarships' and other work-study programs: Kat and Amber working on MBAs, Kat with a marketing focus and Amber with an information technology focus. Edie had majored in English, but had decided to seek a further degree in creative writing and electronic publishing.

After their families had departed the campus, the girls moved into a beautiful up-scale condominium they'd bought jointly on the edge of campus. With fat bank accounts there was no need to scrimp, but they had explained to their parents how they had planned to look for affordable places. No one bothered to pursue the matter further.

When the relatives had left, the girls also could return to their profitable and hedonistic existence. Thanks to repeat business, the girls were booked three or four weeks ahead for as many nights as they wanted to make themselves available. When a client knew of a special event they needed one of the girls for, a booking several months in advance was not unusual.

Moving into the summer MBA and MA programs, the girls were careful to not overload on courses so they could work. The girls were not signing up for 'gut' courses where they could get an easy 'A,' but they were watching the reading and homework workload, particularly in courses where weekend workgroups or papers might be required.

A month into the fall semester, Amber and Kat came back from the business admin building where they had most of their graduate classes. Just inside the door of their flashy apartment, Amber's phone rang.

"Hello, you've reached Amber." Amber's voice spoke with strength and certainty, despite her natural tendency to introversion and shyness.

"Hi, Amber. This is Mike Winslow. I hope you remember me. We went out a few times and then I had to go to Europe on what turned out to be an extended assignment. I have felt bad about not ..."

Amber's heart leapt into her throat and her heartbeat doubled in seconds. "Oh, God, YES, MIKE. Yes, I remember you very well. What's up? I haven't heard from you in such a long time. I thought you'd forgotten all about me."

After a silence, Mike said, "I'm coming into town in three weeks with Brad again. We were hoping that you and Kat might be available for the weekend. Speaking for myself, I've missed you a lot -- a whole lot -- and would love to see you again. I have some apologies to make to you too for the way I left and my lack of communication."

Amber's eyes closed as a small fantasy flashed through her brain. She asked, "Is that the weekend of the tenth? Let me check with Kat."

Amber muted her phone and turned to Kat in a voice that communicated that the situation was urgent and dire, "Kat, it's Mike. He and Brad are coming to town on the tenth and want you and me for the weekend. Please, can you make it? Please."

Kat smiled, "I have someone named Peter Garmin that Saturday night, but let me see if I can cancel or delay him to a week day." She picked up her phone and started texting.

Amber went back on the phone, "Mike, we're going to try to rearrange our schedules to make it. Kat's trying right now to switch something around."

Mike said, "We have a Friday night banquet again, but after that the weekend is wide open. We want to be with the two of you. A lot has changed in my life I'd like to tell you about -- Brad's too for that matter. I should tell you that he was very taken with Kat, but like me he has been so busy the past year he's barely been home. He was over in Europe a lot too. We'll tell you what's been happening when we see you. For us, it's been a very good year or so -- truly exceptional."

As they talked Kat came and stood in front of Amber with a grin. Amber pulled away from her cell only half listening to Mike as he talked. Kat said, "I'm free for the whole weekend. No problem."

When Mike finished talking Amber said, "Kat can make it too. Where should we meet you?"

"Email me your address and I'll have a limo pick you up about six o'clock. We'll be arriving about then, so the limo might pick you up and then come and get us, if that's all right with you." Mike provided the additional contact information Amber needed.

Amber laughed, "So we'll meet you at the airport?"

Mike chuckled, "Sort of. You'll see why I say that if it works out that way. If plans change I'll let you know, but things look pretty solid right now."

Twenty days later, Kat and Amber got into a black stretch limousine outside their chic apartment. They were dressed to the nines, and had their weekend bags with them. The chauffeur took their bags and treated them with the utmost respect and deference. He explained, "We will be going to the airport to pick up Mr. Winslow and Mr. Brody. The drive will take about twenty minutes, and then when they are with us, we'll be a half hour into downtown for the gala you're all going to."

The limo whisked the girls up the Interstate in the direction opposite to that for the main airport. They gave each other questioning looks but neither said anything but both wondered where they were headed. Eventually, the sleek car pulled into a large general aviation airport and pulled up next to the small terminal building. The men weren't there.

Kat and Amber got out of the limo and followed the chauffeur to a low fence overlooking the parking area for aircraft. In the distance, the driver pointed to some bright aircraft headlights in the sky headed for the airport. "That's probably them. They were to land about now."

The women attracted attention from the few other people standing around the area. They were again dressed to impress, including tall heels, designer dresses, meticulously applied makeup, and plunging necklines that revealed a lot of skin. Amber's white dress was almost see-through, and suggested to questing eyes that she wore nothing beneath it and had a figure worthy of many fantasies. Kat wore a maroon wrap, that blew in the light breeze often revealing her long legs, and to the careful observer, her bare hips indicating that apparently she also wore nothing under the dress.

The trio watched a large corporate jet draw nearer to the airport, and finally flare for landing, touch down, apply reverse thrust with the loud engine noise, and then taxi at a rapid pace right to the area where they were standing.

Seconds after stopping as the whine of the engines spooled down, the aircraft's interior stairway deployed, and Mike and then Brad appeared in the doorway talking to one of the pilots. They saw the girls, grins broke out across their faces, and they ran down the stairway and towards Amber and Kat. They were already in their tuxedos ready for the gala.

Amber had steeled herself for this moment. She'd been internally indecisive: should she be reserved and shy as she had the first time they met, or should she follow her instincts and throw herself into Mike's arms and smother him with kisses. She hadn't seen him in almost fifteen months; did he still even like her? He did call her and asked for her. She wondered for those seconds what to do.

The men surged through a small gate in the fence and came up to the women. Amber's instincts won out. She launched herself at Mike and he caught her just as their lips came together. Tears of joy ran down her cheeks and when she wasn't kissing him her smile was a mile wide. Kat had also given Brad an enthusiastic welcome.

The chauffeur collected the men's suitcases, and then the four got into the limo for the drive to the city.

The chatter in the car resulted in the men postponing talking about the changes in their lives until later. They assured the girls that all was good -- even great. Brad turned the conversation back on the girls, catching up on the last year and a quarter of their undergrad completion, and the start of grad school. Mike expressed his admiration to Amber and Kat for their pursuing an advanced business degree. Amber was pleased at how many details about her life he remembered.

At the gala, they were swept up into the chatter, glitz, and hubbub of the charity event. Again, the foursome sat on the dais with other distinguished guests. The men were honored again for their generous support their company had rendered to the cause.

After the meal, Mike asked, "Do you mind if we don't hang around. We're a little beat and jet-lagged, and would just like to relax with you both."

A few minutes after dinner and the mandatory speeches, the foursome slipped away to curbside and the waiting limousine. Minutes after that, they walked through the lobby of the Four Seasons on the way to the men's suite.

A concierge met them at the door to the suite with access cards, and an expression of gratitude for staying with them at this location. He told them their luggage had arrived and already been placed in their suite.

As they entered the suite, Mike explained, "I've spent about half my nights over the past two years or so at one of the hotels in this chain. I'm on their Frequent Guest Program, so I don't have to check-in or sign anything or even checkout. It's all been handled months ago. My secretary makes the arrangements, and this is the result." He gestured at the posh suite, even nicer than the one they'd been in a couple of years earlier. Amber noticed their luggage had long ago arrived and was sitting in the corner of the room.

Brad said, "Hey, I'm up for a nightcap at the rooftop lounge; anyone interested?"

Mike, Kat and Amber nodded, and so the four of them went to the elevator and to the roof.

Seated with another glass of wine and brimming with curiosity, Amber asked, "So, what are the great changes in your lives? You've stalled us long enough; what's been happening?"

Brad nodded to Mike, who started, "Well, I am now the Executive Vice President of Marketing-- this has meant a lot of travel, particularly within Europe and some places in the Middle East and North Africa. We have growing business in Europe, with some supply chains that extend into countries in those areas."

"Oh, Mike. That's wonderful. That's what you'd hoped for."

Brad interjected, "There's more."

Mike blushed, "Well, we didn't really have an international operation before, and we sort of opened things up for the company."

Brad interrupted again, "What he's trying to say is that he made the company a huge shitload of money overnight, so they let him keep some of it. He got a multi-million dollar bonus about two months ago."

Amber and Kat were thrown back in their seats. Amber emphasized, "Multi means what?"

Mike said in a low voice, "Twenty-five million."

"Holy shit."

Brad urged Mike on, "Keep going, Buddy."

Mike said, "Well, the jet you saw is part of the package too. We have to travel a lot so that eases the burden as we're putting other deals together."

Kat turned to Brad, "You said you've had a few changes in your life too?"

Brad nodded, "You're right. I got the COO position I wanted. Mike and I are a good team, so we worked together to orchestrate the international thing -- he was over in Europe wheeling and dealing, and when I wasn't over there with him, I handled the financing and legal things stateside. We were working sixteen hour days seven days a week. The largest deal made about two billion for the company overnight. Our market cap went through the roof. Mike didn't mention it, but he also got stock and stock option bonuses too. The two of us are trying to buy up a lot of the stock so we have controlling interest in Wonderland Industries."

Kat said, "And you got a nice bonus too, I assume."

Brad nodded, "The same as Mike, plus I get to use the toy airplane too." He grinned.

After a silence, Mike said in a low voice, "I also completed my divorce. I had to remain squeaky clean while it was in process, and that was one of the reasons you didn't hear from me. I didn't want anybody to discover you and put pressure on you about me."

Amber just nodded slowly, trying to digest what, if anything, all of this meant for her. Deep inside, she threw up another wall around her heart, knowing for sure that these two men outclassed her now that they were in the upper echelon of the country's business executives. Somehow inside she knew 'rich guy-poor girl' combinations didn't go very far.

After their drinks were gone, Brad orchestrated the departure of the group for the men's suite. As they had before, some romantic jazz was put on in the suite's main room, the lights dimmed to a level that encouraged amorous behavior, and then the seductions started.

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WoodencavWoodencavover 1 year ago

Great storey, enjoying it so much. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

OGHMNWOGHMNWabout 2 years ago

Wonderful Hot Erotic chapter and the timeframe in the story is moving quickly. Thank You and looking forward to reading the remaining chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Nice. Female Viewpoint.

nicely done. Captures the girl's emotions as to her romance. Interestingly, one of the hazards of the high end escort is marriage

dozendozenabout 7 years ago
An interesting story, *****

Only one little criticism: "do something to slow down his eminent climax." I assume that you mean "imminent"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Looks like I see this ending with all three girls finding the men who will be their husbands by the end of this series; or Kat and Amber marrying Brad and Mike with Edie becoming the last to remain an escort or Brad and Mike's friend from the first chapter becoming Edie's soul mate.

While many of your past stories included incest, and I am usually drawn to those sort of stories, this one seems to be more about the romance between friends looking to expand their love, maybe forming an intentional family of the 3 guys and 3 girls. Given the apparent mood direction of this story it does not seem likely that they will add anyone else to the group.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago
Hope I am reading your mind...

...and hope this is going where I think it is!!!

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