Shifting Hearts Ch. 06


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He could tell that she was scared, pissed off, and aroused, all at the same time. He could not help but snicker as his mate tried to deflect his affections.

To further prove his intent, he leaned down and started to nuzzle the crook of her neck. Inadvertently, she let out a soft moan as he began to dispense little nips up and down her neck. When, with his long wolf's tongue he started to lick her neck, her arousal heat went up, the scent of which started to drive him mad.

Her moaning stopped, changing into panting, as he proceeded down along the rest of her body. As he neared her nether regions he swiftly shifted back into his human form, all the while ripping off her pants and underwear.

"Black, and red lace. Nice! But sadly, these have to go.

"Is raping me your idea of trying to persuade me?"

"Mates don't rape their mates. They either fuck them or make love to them, you silly goose. Now hush up. I am trying to concentrate."

She wanted to find a sharp rebuke of some sort, so badly, but the feel of Xavier's lovely hot tongue taking a long sensual lick, ceased all thought of that.

"You like that, sweet pea?"

When she shook her head no, a chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Don't lie. I know you do."

And he was right she could not hide her feelings, but she could fight them. Concentrate: this man has no effect on you. You will zap the shit out of him given the chance. Steady, and focus.... She tried to find her center, tried hard to find her magical power to contradict her feelings, but all attempts to summon anything that would counter the effect of his ministrations fell flat as Xavier worked his own magic on her. Deep down she could not fight this man and what he was doing to her.

"Awww," she heard herself cry despairingly, "what the hell?"

"Stop trying to fight me. You are only going to give yourself a heart attack. I refuse to have my mate die on me during sex." He smiled lustfully at her, and continued in between licks and kisses, "Just hush up, and relax. The sooner you comply, the sooner I'll get off you, doll. Trust me, you will like what I will do to you, just like this morning."

"I did not like what you did this morning. You assaulted me, and---Ohhh God what did you just do?"All words failed. Sallie felt icy-cool hot sensations tingling from her clit up to her spine, and the feel of his hungry lips suckling her left breast. Her breath got caught up in her throat when he put pressure on her breast. The sensation was both painful, and soothing all at the same time.

Xavier smiled to himself knowing that his hateful mate would more than likely yield to him.

"You like that, don't ya?"

She couldn't she lie ... she did. She enjoyed it so much, that she wanted to fight it.

He continued to massage her pussy in an up and down rhythmic motion with the tips of his fingers, while nibbling at her breasts.

"Oh hell. Xavier, I fucking hate you," she said with stumbled breaths.

"I know. This is so much fun. Now calm yourself, I want to breed with you."

"What?!" She got her answer when he suddenly grabbed a handful of her ass and plunged deep into her, causing her to scream and claw at his shoulders.

"Just relax darling," he grunted ecstatically. "The sooner you accept what's going to happen to you, the better. Now relax."

She did just that. She felt herself trying adjust to his girth, and width, and heat. She closed her eyes and chanted a silent pray for strength as he began to pump into her slowly.

She felt herself hum as Xavier did as promised. Once adjusted to him, she found herself enjoying him physically; but mentally and emotionally she still could not let go of her conflicted sensibilities.

He started to pick up the pace, moving his hips and a quick rapid motion. Her breath grew deep with arousal, and her nails dug into his skin. That only seemed to drive him on faster.

"Oooh, yeah, that's it, sweetie. I love it kinky," he said as his fangs extended. Panic grew inside, and her heart began to race.

Her eyes widened in fear as his fangs grew longer and deadlier.

"Xavier? Please...."

He quieted her by placing a finger to her lips, and without further notice he leaned down and bit her hard at the crook of her neck.

She let out a piercing scream that could have been heard throughout the compound. She felt pain at first, but soon that pain turned into pleasure, and she dug her nails deeper into his skin, as all the while he kept pumping into her at a merciless pace.

"Oh shit, damn it," she said as she tried to focus on not climaxing too soon. She wanted to be the dominating one. Or at least get some type of control, but that proved to be a waste when she felt him bite her harder, and whatever vestige of control soon evaporated, in its place an all-consuming sense of desire came over her as she let out another piercing scream as shivers went up her spine. After she reached her first climax, it did not take Xavier long to follow with his own; he let out little rough grunts as he reached his peak, and shivers went up his spine.

When they finally released they lay there for few moments trying to catch their breath. They laid there for what seemed like hours until Xavier rolled off onto his side with his back to Sallie.

Feeling drained Sallie turned onto her side with her back facing him,, and let out a breath of sadness, pain, and relief. She stared at nothing until she finally fell asleep.


He woke up the next morning with a huge smile on his face and turned over to gaze at his woman.

"Gods you are beautiful, and you are all mine. Despite you being a witch, and a human." With one big hand he reached out to touch her, lightly stroking her skin and playing with her hair.

When she began to stir awake, he played with her some more, until she finally turned around to face him. "Get your hands off me, asshole."

"Why?" he asked with a wolfish grin.

"You know very damn well why. Get off me," she said as she sat up quickly. "Where are my pants? I am getting the fuck out of here."

"Your pants and underwear are over there, but retrieving them will not do you no good cause you are not leaving."

"Are you so sure about that?"

"Oh yeah, I am damn sure. Baby, whether you like it or not you are not leaving this compound, or my side. You are my mate, and you will have to deal with it. And don't try to do any of your magic hocus-pocus. That's not going to work. I made sure of that the morning I bit you."

"What?!" she asked in shock.

"I am surprised you witches don't know. Once a werewolf and a vampire get a hold of you and bite you, you are forever bonded to that wolf. So it was in your case, my little witchypoo. Your trying to use your magic on me, or against me, is useless. Honestly, I am surprised you have not tried to use your magic again since yesterday morning, which led me to believe deep down inside you like me, or like what I have been doing to you."

"Dude, what the fuck? You did what to me, how can you be so freaking vile?" She felt tears well up in her eyes as she stood there in disbelief

"I am sorry, sweetheart, well really I am not. But I am a wolf, an alpha wolf to boot, and you are my mate. Whether we like it or not, or whether my father likes it or not, you are the one for me, and I am the one for you. Maybe in due time you will realize it, but you are what you are. My little witchypoo."

Sallie threw her arms up in the air in disbelief, and started to pace the room. Oh god, I am stuck with this fucker forever. How can Isis betray me like this? Please Sal, don't cry, you will not cry. Stop it you pussy. But before she knew it, tears were running down her face.

She fell on her knees as the hot tears took over her. With each breath she let a harsh sob of pain, and sadness.

Seeing her this upset broke his heart a little. He wanted her to be happy with him. Sliding out of bed he padded toward where she'd fallen in a tearful heap. But the moment he reached her, a loud knock sounded at the door.

"Not now!" he called in a booming voice. He reached out to touch her as she wept.

"Get the fuck off me, monster." She yanked her arms away from him.

The knocking came again, and this time it sounded more urgent. "Alpha Russo, please, it's an emergency."

He rolled her his eyes in frustration. "It cannot be that big of am emergency, pup. I am busy with my mate right now."

Suddenly they heard a new, deeper voice from behind the door. "Boy, if you don't get your ass out here and address pack issues, you will no longer have a chance to get busy with your mate."

Xavier's attitude and mood changed upon hearing his father's voice. "Damn ... I guess it is important," he murmured in surprise, then raised it to respond to his father.

"Alright here I come, hold your damn horses." He looked back down at his crying mate with a great urge to say something before he could leave.

"Please just leave me alone, and go take care of your business. I cannot stand to even be in your presence right now," Sallie managed between sobs.

He looked at her, his gaze sad and wide-eyed. At any other time he would have done something, anything to calm her; however with both a crying, hateful mate and a bitching, overbearing father banging on his bedroom door about oversight of pack issues, he had no other choice but to leave.

"I will be right out. Look, Sallie, I am sorry that I lied to you, and I know that you hate – "

"Could you please leave! Just leave me alone. Go handle your god-forsaken pack."

Hearing the pain in her voice, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. Letting out a deep sigh he rose up from where he knelt by her, and headed toward the door.


Xavier stood gazing at the scene before him. How in the hell had the body gotten up there, in that position ... and up so damn high? he wondered as he watched his beta try unsuccessfully to retrieve the dead, bloodied werewolf from the tree.

"John! Johhhhnnnnnn!"

His thought process was broken by the screaming wails of John's mate, raining down with ear-shattering impact. He looked up to see her running in her human form toward them.

"Who did this?" she screamed loud enough to fill the woods with her cries.

When no one gave her an answer, he finally pursued it himself.

"What the hell happened?" he asked one of the betas in front of him.

Before either could respond, his father interjected from a few paces behind him.

"Well, ain't it funny that you finally asked, lover boy. While you were playing with that damn human, one of our own was murdered last night in the woods."

Hearing his father voice made his eyes roll in the back of his head. He wanted to turn around, but could not bear to look at him.

"Was it our own that killed him?"

"We don't know yet, that's why we came to you. You, as alpha, need to handle your alpha business, pup."

The sarcastic condescension was too much to bear. He turned to face him with an angry glare. "Maybe if you were a better teacher and father, I would be the best that I could. But I guess you failed at both, just like you failed at keeping my damn brother alive."

The air grew silent and heavy between them as they stared each other down.

Everybody quietly stepped closer to watch.

"Ha ha, boy, you got balls, you know that?"

"Hmmm. This is the first time you have ever said something nice to me."

"Hey!" They both turned their heads toward John's crying mate.

"Stop it, please. My mate has been killed, and all you two can do is argue."

Shock registered on both their faces: no lower-ranking wolf had ever rebuked them during an argument.

"Look. I am sorry for yelling at my superiors but please, you have to understand ... a wolf has been killed. A Salvatore Russo pack wolf has been killed. Now is not the time for bickering. Please."

"She's right, you know. As a member the pack and as your beta, I know you two have your differences, but please, can you put those aside so you can get to the bottom of things? Again this is a simple request from a mere beta, not a demand," said one of Xavier's betas.

Xavier took a breath. Both wolves were right, and to have them bickering like two cats right now, while a dead body hung from a tree, was asinine.

"Okay. You are right. Okay, let's start with the basics. What happened, and who did it?"

"See, that's the thing. We don't know. We don't know who killed him. All we know is John said he needed to run last night, and this morning we found him hanging up in the tree," the beta elaborated. There's no scent, no trails, no nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"We are positive we have checked everything, and every lead."

Hearing that only made matters worse for John's mate as she fell in a heap on the forest floor, unable to stop shuddering and sobbing.

Seeing the crying woman made Xavier's mind grow cloudy with distress. Shaking his head he commanded, "Cut him down. I don't care how long it takes; get him down, and then send the body to the morgue to have an autopsy done. And if anyone sees anything funny, sketchy, or weird, let me know. If anyone needs me, I will be in my office."


"My life is shit, right now. Just complete, and utter shit." Staring up at the ceiling, Sallie finally wiped the last tear from her face. She had cried until she had no more tears left to shed. Now all she just lay in the middle of her kidnapper's floor, wallowing in her pain.

She heard a light knock on the door. "Go away, you asshole, and if you are a fucking dog, your ass can fuck off too." The knocking came again but this time it sounded more persistent.

"Young lady, I can assure you I am not your tormentor, nor a dog. I am a fellow witch come to check up on you. Is that too hard to understand?"

Sallie shot up on the floor with a shocked look on her face at the sound of the sweet Southern voice.

"Umm ... who are you? And what the hell are you doing on this compound?"

"I can assure that I will explain everything if you just let me in. Trust me, I won't bite."

Sallie opened the door, and there stood a woman in her 50s, smiling and holding what looked like a basket loaded with ... all kinds of snacks.

"Hello, my name is Francine. I assume your name must be Sallie Mae?"

"You can assume right. Um, may I help you?"

The woman threw her head back in laughter at the question.

"No, sweet child. The question is: can I help you, doll? Please, may I come in? I brought you snacks."

At the mention of food Sallie's tummy did a summersault. She forced a smile on her face.

"Oh what the hell. Come on in, my new friend. Have a seat wherever the hell you want."

She noticed her limp as she walked into the room and over to the bed to perch on one end. Closing the door, Sallie turned to face the woman with a hungry grin, unable to disguise that she was famished. "So ... what type of snacks are in the basket? And what can we talk about?"

"I am so glad you asked, dear. I have Slim Jims, Nutty Buddys, Crunch'n Munches, Cheetos. Take what you like." The woman sat and watched as Sallie grabbed a bag of Cheetos, ripping it open.

"Wow, you must have been starved."

"Yeah, I was. The bastard who kidnapped me, was neglectful enough to not feed me, and I have been stuck in this room all day and night. Thanks." She finished the first bag and reached for another, perking up a bit. "So, how did you get here? And why are you here?"

"Wow, so soon with the interrogation, dear. By the way, slow down when you eat."

"Oh sorry, I am just so hungry."

"It's okay, dear," the witch responded amiably. She thought for a moment. "Okay, where do I begin ... ummmm." She scratched her chin. "As you can see I am a witch, just like you. I came from a very small town, and belong to an even smaller coven due to the size of the town. It's in Texas. My mother and father are both human witches, and as to why I am here ... I just needed a change of events. Living in that old small country bumpkin town became a little dull, so I decided to come here to Georgia for a new life and new surroundings. And came here to this compound because they needed a new witch, and I got hired right on the spot."

"Ha. Well, I can tell you there is nothing much going on here expect for asshole dogs, and evil batty vampires. Us witches here, along with the humans, virtually get no type of respect. The vampires, werewolves, and even some demons run this city."

"Honey, it's like that all over America. But I will say that, I'd rather be here than back in Texas, for reasons of my own. I mean ... yeah vampires and werewolves hate our damn guts, and the century of witches before us kind of screwed us over with limited and wacky powers, but if you try to look on the bright side of things, things do not seem that bad, dear."

Sallie stood there, and rolled her eyes, while shoving a Cheeto in her mouth, scarfing it down.

"Bright side? What Bright side, lady?!" She spewed out Cheeto crumbs as she talked. "Take me, for instance. I have been treated like complete shit for the last six years, by my sick, son-of-a-bitch, werewolf boss. I quit; then the next day, this man claims I am his mate and kidnaps me. I escape again, just to get kidnapped by some big, fat, smelly, dog, owned by his equally sick, twisted, demonic, werewolf cousin who scares the living shit out of me. That's one scary bastard. And did I mention the fucker hit me? Uh huh. There is no bright side in my situation, lady."

"Well if you keep thinking negative like that, then there should be no bright side, dear. Yes, when I first came here have been treated like shit, but that soon passed as some of the wolves got to know me a little better, and I did everything they told me to do with a big bright smile on my face. Whatever jokes they did throw at me, or whatever insults they spoke at me, I either threw back a nice witty comeback, or just shrugged it off."

"So you are the witch version of an Uncle Tom?"

"A what? Aha!" the woman let out a harsh laugh, evil-sounding enough to scare just about anyone who heard it.

As she burst out laughing, Sallie stepped back and sat down in the middle of the floor away from the woman, thinking Damn, I think this old bitch is crazy. What I said was not that funny.

The woman came down from her laughing tirade.

"I had no idea being called an Uncle Tom of witches was such a compliment," Sallie observed.

"Oh sweetie, with any other witch it will not be, but with me I guess it is. On the surface of late I don't think of things like that in such a negative manner. I try to stay positive, and think positive. These werewolves are not going to change anytime soon, so I figured I'd make it the best way I know how. You can too, if you just try."

"But lady, either you are oblivious or deaf. That man kidnapped me, bound me to him, and lied about it. He treated me with disdain, and is forcing me to be his mate. I don't know how many times I have to explain it."

"Oh, you can explain as many times as you want, but what I am saying to you is this: stay positive. Trust me dear, everything happens for a reason. Me being here at this compound is for a reason, and I trust it's a damn good reason too."

While Sallie sat there pondering her words, the woman stood up and limped over to her. She bent and kissed her on the forehead. "Trust me when I say I am here for a reason, and hopefully in due time you will know what that reason is. Okay?"

The woman was making Sallie uncomfortable with her nearness and overpowering aura. "Okay. Let's just say I believe you, Uncle Tom," she said, trying to bring a little defiance back into her voice. "You are here for a damn good reason."


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I have read this story 13 times! I am always on edge waiting for the next chapter. I am in love with this and can’t get enough.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I hope you are doing good?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Loving the character development in this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I'm so glad you will be updating this. I was afraid it was abandoned. It's my favourite story on here.

Queen_VickiQueen_Vickiover 6 years agoAuthor

There will be an update coming soon,along with other new stories that i am working on. Thanks, and much love to all of my readers. XOXOXOXO.

AfetishlovaAfetishlovaover 7 years ago
Ummmm. . . update?

This is a really interesting story. I hope this is leading to some kind of witch/wizard rebellion with the wizards attacking the king and a were wolf mysteriously killed. I hope X learns his lesson and gets his a** kicked by a few witches and actually apologizes. Hopefully when the weres and vamps see that the witches won't be kicked around any more they will treat them with reepect. Also what's the deal with that shifter Roger. He was great until he ditched her. Is he ever coming back? Maybe after X gets beat up by witches Sallie could leave him for a while and screw Roger just to pour salt in the wound. (hehe. I'm really vindictive but X started it). Aoso I hope Ermmando dies. He's a real tool.

I hope you finish the story some day!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Absolutely love this story I just have to read it over and over one of my favorites please continue it can't wait to read more

thundersglorythundersgloryover 9 years ago
Still waiting

Love the story, and the progression of the plot and characters. There is still a lot left to be answered and more to the story. I really hope this story gets finished one day.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Please finish soon.

I keep checking to see if you have posted any updates. I really like this story and can't wait until it's finished.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

First of all I want to say that I think you are a great writer. Yet I can't help to feel that Sal is so weak I mean she tries to be strong but Russo has been such an asshole and Sal only feels the brunt of his ways. It's like he gets to be the victor ad not reap anything he has done all the while Sallie is only a weak human with no power and must submit to his ways, I was really hoping for a stronger heroine and for the playing fields to be a bit more even. :0(

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