Sid and Melissa


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"Do you want to get her out of there?"


"This bastard's presidency is over; he will not be elected to a second term and may yet face articles of impeachment. He's finally been shouted down by those in Congress and his own administration who have finally admitted his incompetence. In any event, we're finally going to do what we should have done a month ago. An MEU is going to go in heavy and get out the officials, the government employees and consular staff. The 82nd and 101st are being mobilized should they be needed. Special Ops troops---some Delta folks, Rangers, Marine recon, SEALS and assorted volunteers---are going to go try to find the NGO and USAID people and extract them. A carrier battle group is moving into position off the coast to launch whatever air assets are required. I've got a plane standing by to take us from here to Bragg. Get your ass changed. The extraction task force leaves Bragg in three hours. If you really want to feel responsible for her actions---which is total bull shit---than do something about it."

Eight hours later, after a traditionally noisy and bumpy ride in a Hercules, Sid touched down on a primitive air strip just across the border from the revolution. He was no longer a soldier; to his surprise a three star at Bragg had approved his inclusion on the mission. It had been a very interesting conversation.

"Sid, I'm very proud to meet you. What goes around comes around. Back before you were probably even born, a scrawny little buck Sergeant hauled my busted up ass out of a shitty little country that we weren't even supposed to be in. I never got to return the favor. Thanks for bringing Mike home. He filled me in on your situation. You're in. I'm going to assign a very competent Master Sergeant to look out for your ass, although Mike assures me that you can handle yourself. Let's go get those kids out of that shit hole. Mike's staying here with me to watch the show from above; he's getting too old for this shit."

Within thirty minutes of touching down, they lifted off again in a flotilla of Army and USMC helicopters. Intel indicated that the USAID and NGO people had abandoned their distribution points and had fled to surrounding villages when the first rebel forces came through and captured their locations. There were still bands of rebels, more criminal gangs than anything, searching for the foreigners. Those that had been caught by the rebels had been brutalized or killed.

Sid's flight was headed for the village that would most likely have provided some degree of sanctuary for the group Melissa had been in charge of. In another thirty minutes, they were touching down in a clearing at the edge of the village in question. The crack troops fanned out and began to search each primitive dwelling. The natives had been fed, clothed and provided medical care by the foreigners and would have been quick to provide assistance had most not been dead or very nearly so. They had risked their lives to hide their benefactors and had paid a terrible price.

The big master sergeant stuck to Sid like glue as they went from hut to hut. There was sporadic fire as small groups of rebels attempted, unsuccessfully, to interfere. Sid's heart began to sink as they neared the last few huts. They had found a number of the NGO staff; none had personal knowledge of what had happened to Melissa.

Melissa had heard the gunfire. She assumed the rebels had finally returned to finish their task. She was tired, wet, cold, hungry and dehydrated as she huddled under a broken table in a dark corner of a small dwelling on the edge of the village. I guess this is it, she thought to herself. They'll find me this time. Since I'm a woman they will undoubtedly not kill me immediately but rather keep me around for a few days of entertainment. If I had a gun...a weapon...I could end it before they capture me. Hell, the lack of food and water might yet deny them their sadistic pleasure. I never thought this was how my life would end...there are so many things I wanted to do with my many things I never got to do. She began to slip in and out of consciousness.

Sid was giving up hope. There was only one dwelling left to search. If she wasn't there...

As he and the big Master Sergeant kicked in that final door and peered into the dark interior it was all Sid could do to fight back his tears. There was no movement, no sign of life. As they worked their flashlights across the dirt floor, Sid plaintively cried out her name.


Sid was calling to her from so far away. She wished she could have held him in her arms one last time...made love with him...they never had made love. She was slipping into delirium.


Oh, Sid, I love you so much, wanted to love you so much. As she began to slip under, she uttered his name and the thought that had been in her heart for so long. With the little energy she had left in her battered body, she spoke, possibly, it occurred to her, for the last time.

"Sid, I will always love you."

They almost didn't hear her. They were exiting the hut when the big Master Sergeant said. "Wait, I heard something! There's someone alive in there!"

Rushing back inside, the two men began to tear the room apart. And there she was, hidden in a corner, crumpled in a pathetically tiny heap, alarmingly emaciated, covered in filth and not moving.

"Melissa!" Sid screamed almost at the top of his lungs. She groaned and her body shuddered...almost a death rattle. She was alive...barely.

I'm dreaming now, Melissa mused, Sid is with me, he's carrying me, carrying me to that final resting place.

"Melissa!!" Sid cried as he scooped her body into his arms and rushed out of the hut running for all he was worth to get her to the waiting choppers and lifesaving medical attention.

"Sid..." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. Her mind was a jumble. I'm so tired...just need to go to need to hang on any more...just let death take pain. No, no...can't do that...Sid wouldn't do that...want him to be proud of me...want him to know that I wasn't afraid...never gave up...not a quitter.

"Don't you dare die on me, young lady!" Sid commanded, as he reached the first chopper and the medics took charge, checking her vital signs, examining her for injuries and starting the lifegiving fluids flowing into her veins which would provide the only hope she might have for survival. A band of rebels had been spotted nearby. The good guys did not have sufficient force to engage them. It was time to leave.

As Sid held her hand during the flight back to friendly territory, the medic worked desperately to bring Melissa back from the edge of shock, a state that in her current debilitated condition, she would most likely not survive.

Sid was holding her hand. She could see his face so clearly. She smiled, her parched lips painfully cracked from the lack of water. That's the vision I wanted before I died, she thought to herself, his face, almost filling her field of vision.

"Oh, Sid, I'm so sorry...I wasn't strong enough...I let you down."

"Melissa, dammit, talk to me, baby, talk to me! God dammit I love you, stay with me girl, fight, fight with everything you've got inside you. Don't quit on me! Don't leave me!"

He kissed her parched lips and softly caressed her face, remembering another woman long ago that he had so desperately loved who had not had the strength to go live.

He's kissing me, kissing me goodbye... And then, as if in a fairy tale, but more directly because the medics' Herculean efforts were finally having the desired effect, her eyes opened and she knew in that instant that she was not in a dream...she was alive and he was with her. He had come for her; he was taking her home. She raised her arm and put it around his neck.

"I'm here baby, I'm okay...I'll be okay...I love you."

Melissa was far from okay. She had come within minutes of death, a combination of exposure, hypothermia, exhaustion and too long without food or water. Fortunately, she was young and strong and had a lot more fight inside her than her previous life should have given her. There were others of her team, those who had survived, in equally desperate straits. A DC9 evac jet had flown into the staging area during their absence with a team of doctors and nurses. The critically depleted aid workers were moved to that aircraft for the much speedier return to US soil. Flying nearly twice as fast as the lumbering C130, the DC9 would have its precious cargo at a US hospital in an hour or so---and they would have expert medical attention during the flight.

Sid returned to Bragg and was reunited with Mike who had followed the action electronically from afar.

"Sid, they decided to take her to the University hospital back home. They have experience there treating extreme exposure cases. She slipped in and out a couple of times on the flight back. They almost lost her; her heart stopped but they brought her back. She lost a lot of body weight, almost thirty pounds; her blood chemistry is all fucked up. The next twenty four hours will tell the story. If she's alive in twenty-four hours, in view of her youth and her physical condition before all this started, she has an excellent chance of making a full recovery, but it's going to be nip and tuck. She's in ICU; they've intentionally put her on the edge of coma in order to let her body heal itself. The plane is standing by; let's go home."

The news hit the public later that same day. The President had tried to take credit for the rescue which he had in fact postponed far too long. His story had not held up. The American people were furious at his inaction which had cost a number of lives and impeachment talk became more serious. The man who would become the next president had too much class to beat up his opponent, instead, rallied the country around the brave men in uniform who had executed the rescues and asked for a collective prayer for those selfless young people who had just be trying to make a difference for a people and a country that had so little.

There were pictures and even film of some of the rescues. Sid had not even been aware that reporters or service journalists had been present. All three of the major news magazines splashed a wire photo of a soldier, his face unrecognizable under combat camouflage, tears streaming down his face, running through a village, carrying a woman identified as one of the NGO directors, toward a waiting chopper. The military had been, "unable" to identify the soldier in question and no one stepped forward to claim credit. The AP photo later won the Pulitzer prize. Melissa would later be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the incoming Chief Executive for her brave efforts to keep her people together, safe and alive, often going without food or water so that others might live.

Melissa did not regain full consciousness for almost a week. She spent the next month in the hospital. The doctors said she was a "fighter". They said someone with less grit and guts would have expired. Gradually, her body began to take on weight, her skin color improved and at the end of the month, she was ready to go home. Sid and her parents had spent every possible moment with her throughout that month. When she was discharged, her prognosis was excellent. She'd need to take it easy for the next six months and gradually work her body back to its former state.

It was during that month that Melissa was in the hospital that Sid knew that he could never let any harm come to this young woman for the rest of his life. He'd lost the other woman he had loved, his mother, and he was damned if he was going to lose Melissa. He loved her; he was so damn proud of her. She had been so very brave and had taken care of so many. Now she needed someone to take care of her, or so he thought.

Sid and Melissa spent a lot of time together over that six months. They kissed and they held each other. They slept in each other's arms, sometimes at her parents, often at his house. He treated her like fine china, afraid that she might shatter; the day came as the six month anniversary of her discharge loomed when she would have no more of it.

"Sid! Enough! I'm fine. I'm all better. Stop treating me like a fragile, petite flower. That's not who I am, anymore...not who I'll ever be again. I feel fine, bluntly, I'm horny as hell. I love being in your arms but, I need to get laid. And you're the only man in the world that I want to have make love to me, now---right now---and for the rest of my life."

In spite of his misgivings, Melissa could be very persuasive. The two lovers were soon naked and exploring each other with an insatiable hunger. When it was time, when he entered her body for the first time it was, for both of them, a sublime and magical moment. It just got better every time they coupled over the ensuing days.

"You're not on the pill, are you Melissa?" Sid said one morning after another month had passed.

"No." She said, emphatically with no question in her voice.

"You know what happens to girls who fool around without birth control?"

"Yep. The nasty brute who knocked 'em up has to marry them."

"Are you pregnant?"

"I haven't checked, officially, but it's pretty damned likely. A woman knows those things; if so, it happened in the last week."

"Hmmm..." Sid said, unable to stifle a grin. "I just might have something here that's just your size." He said, slipping the elegantly simple ring on the correct finger.

"I love you Melissa. I don't have a proposal speech prepared but I had planned to ask you to marry me today...pregnant or not. Will you marry me?"

"Did you ever doubt it? Of course I'll marry you. I've been in love with you for a very long time. I was never sure that I was your kind of girl...that we would ever have a future."

"A long one, I would hope, with one proviso---you find another line of work! Next time...I don't want there to be a next time! I almost didn't get there in time. I almost lost you. I can't go through that again." Sid said.

"You never could have respected me if I'd just been another country club debutante. Sure, to some degree I made those trips and did that work to prove that I was worthy of your love but just as much I did it to prove something to my self. And it was, for the most part, the most rewarding work I could ever imagine having done. But guess what? There are lots of people right here at home that need help."

She paused, then went on. "I got a letter in the mail, yesterday from the new President of the United States. He asked me to help start an aid group right here, a domestic NGO, so to speak, in our country, working with people in Appalachia, in the inner cities, and in the poverty-stricken small towns where industry has deserted them. It will be private, funded by donations but sanctioned by the government. My role would probably be more in the realm of advice and coordination. I don't think it will pay very much but raising a family on one pay check can be pretty tough these days. I told him I was seriously expecting a marriage proposal in the next few days and I wanted to start a family so it would have to be decidedly part time and the day would come when I would need to retire and become a full time mommy. You do want children, don't you?"

"As many as you are comfortable with, dear heart. And just so you keep that pretty little butt of yours safe and on American soil I'm fine with it."

"Speaking of my pretty little butt..."

"Well, we're not teenagers, and we've already missed the birth control window so..."

"So why would we want to do something so nasty, perverted and sinful?"


"Let me tell you a quick story about a mother-daughter chat I had several years ago when I thought you were about to tap my little ass the first time." Melissa told him the story of the chat that night and the activities the following day with her mother.

"Your mom and dad?"

"Pretty regularly, I gather, so, I have been practicing, and I did bring the right lube, so, if you think you're up to it..."

Sid flipped Melissa over, and began to work her, too his surprise, already lubed little hole with his tongue. Melissa reveled in the absolute nastiness of what he was doing to her tight little pooper. Before she new it, she felt his hot cock slip into her rump and she knew her mother had been right. Oh, yeah, I could get used to this. Sid was gentle, making love to her with his lips as he plunged to the very depths of her body. And then he came inside her. Her mother had been right again. She absolutely came unglued when his hot fluid bathed the insides of her even hotter rectum. She came, almost unable to stop as she screamed his name in ecstasy.

Melissa had prepared for this day; there had been no pain and the fullness of Sid's fat cock had been the most amazing thing she had ever experienced. Sid had been concerned that she might be sore. She wasn't at all and as a result, enticed him to possess her anally one more time that afternoon. The second was decided less tender and romantic as Sid thrust inside her from behind and above but it was every bit as satisfying for both of them.

"You're mine now, forever, no other man's." He had whispered hoarsely in her ear as she felt his dick harden in anticipation of dumping another hot, sticky load in her fine little rear.

"Make me your woman baby, I'm your little bitch any time and any way you want me."

Several hours later, Sid and Melissa shared the news with her parents.

"How soon do you expect to pull this off, kids?" Melissa's mom asked.

"Soon, mom, soon. After everything that's a month?"

"Well that will be a challenge but miracles can occur as we've recently discovered. We'll get working on in!"

Later that evening they told Mike. Sid asked him to be his best man. The Major could not keep the tears from his eyes as he looked upon this young couple that had become so very important to him. His mind began working as he contemplated what he hoped would be a unique wedding gift.

Sid was left alone for a couple of days to deal with the exploding business as both Mike and Melissa had to travel out of town. Sid was not sure what Mike was attending to and assumed that Melissa had a meeting of some sort involving the new domestic relief organization. In fact, Mike and Melissa were traveling together.

While the press had never ferreted out Sid's involvement in the rescue, they had discerned the identity of the frail women being carried to the waiting chopper in the photo and, much to her chagrin, she had become somewhat of a celebrity. She had done a couple of national interviews rationalizing that it would give her an opportunity to talk about the new organization.

"Have you talked to them?"

"I have on several occasions. I fear that, as is too often the case, there has been a major lack of communication here. They somehow seem to believe that Sid doesn't come see them because he resents the burden their existence put on his young life. We know that nothing could be farther from the truth. They're not angry---they love their older brother and feel a real debt to him. They're just a little hurt, that's all. It's time to meddle, hon! We both love this guy to death and if we can put this family back together, well that would be a pretty neat wedding gift. His little sister is the least bent out of shape; I implored her to put together this meeting and she agreed. We're going to meet the three kids---and the two boys' wives at the sister's home."

As Mike and Melissa knocked on the door of the home in which, Bethany, Sid's little sister lived, Melissa was nervous. We can't fail, she thought to herself.

Introductions were made all around; Sid had a brother named Kevin, the one closest in age to him and Daniel, his youngest brother. Mike sensed that the two wives were potential allies as was Bethany, but was still unsure of the two brothers. Where to begin?
