Silver Moon: A Change Ch. 08


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She smiled. "Your pack has eaten and was shown to their rooms so they could settle in. Also I have assigned a number of staff to show them around and my staff have been given a copy of your rules to read. All of them have agreed to it though I have a feeling that some of your pack are going to be getting some offers tonight. I know a number of clan members were actually looking forward to seeing a well-run pack." She gave him a sly look. "You might be getting a few offers as well just to warn you."

Dan growled. "So not what I need, maybe I should hang a sign around my neck that says 'no thanks'. Think that would matter?" Actually to be honest he wouldn't mind taking Sheliae back to bed but he wasn't going to ask. Now maybe one or two others he might consider. He hadn't been celibate since she had left but he hadn't been playing the field either.

"Probably not, they would assume you were saying that to something else." She teased him as she led him to the kitchen and pulled out a large plate of sandwiches and wandered over to the table and set it down. "If you want something to drink feel free and I would love a beer and so would Jon. He will be here shortly."

He did that and settled down at the table across from her and grabbed a sandwich and it quickly vanished as did a second and third. When Jon walked up he nodded to him and kept eating. After the third sandwich he paused. "Sometimes I hate being a lycan because of how much we have to eat and I wasn't really hungry till we got here so lunch was pretty sparse for me." Now that he was feeding his wolf he was starting to calm down even more from earlier.

Jon grinned. "My wife wouldn't say that since she would be able to eat what she wanted..." When he reached for a sandwich she smacked his hand in revenge and then smiled.

"Oh, tomorrow I would like to take you to the ancestor's house. Geoff has been lighting some joss for your family each day first thing in the morning and I thought you might like to do that as well." She looked down at the table for a moment. "I think it would greatly help you Danilo." She didn't know why but it just felt right.

Dan started and looked down for a moment. "Thank you and I think I would like that." He might be healing but it still hurt badly and it showed in his voice. Sheliae had done wonders but it wasn't an instant fix. "I will have to thank Geoff for doing that for me even though he barely knew me when he offered." To be honest he had forgotten about it and damn it he wasn't going to cry. The sentiment did matter and hurt at the same time.


The next morning they were in the ancestor's house. Dan could feel swirls of power but something was keeping him from really panicking. They had come here that morning and he had done as they had and pulled off his shoes and bowed and clapped before walking into the room. When he did he could feel power flowing through the room. On top of that he could feel his family and his eyes started to tear up.

He moved forward towards the altar and didn't really look at the joss as he slowly picked out three sticks. Dan inserted it in the small sand box that held the joss while it burned. The first stick was Sandlewood for Nang, the second was honey suckle for Allie and Lily of the Valley for Ana. The smoke from the ignited joss slowly swirled up towards the smoke stained ceiling and the tears flowed. He didn't care that he was an Alpha he was also a person and he really missed them.

"Relax Dan, their spirits will be revealed shortly." Alyson sighed and looked at her husband before leaning against Dan. "Please believe me they will take care of you Dan." Alysson could feel the spirits swirling around the room and there was more power flowing around the room than she had felt before.

He still tensed up and suddenly there was a presence in the room that he hadn't felt for a while. "Nang, are you really here?" Tears continued to flow out of his eyes and his voice was rough with emotions. He could feel her in his mind and faintly in his spirit where she had been when she was alive. There was another very faint presence but again his wolf tromped on it. Now was not the time for him to feel his new mate.

"Yes my love as well as our pups. I know that we aren't with you but we can feel you and we love you. It will be some time but you will be with us again. Please live life to your fullest and love as you can." Her voice throbbed as she spoke. In a way she didn't like the idea of sharing him but they were in different worlds and it wouldn't be fair to her mate.

Dan fell to his knees and started sobbing. "I miss you my love and I miss our pups as well. I want you back in my life." His tear filled eyes looked up he looked at the shadow in the room. Nang was there though she was a shadow and around her legs formed their pups. All the anguish that he had been feeling came to the front.

Outside on the back porch his new pack had gathered and the low keening was starting and all of them were starting to pour their love and affection for their pack leader. It was the love of the pack and not the individuals. Though they didn't realize it they were also pouring power into him in an attempt to heal him and the pack.

The nearby Kitsune clan members heard the keening and the loss it proclaimed and started a low fox keening as well. A few of them had experienced the loss of a mate or kits and they keened much louder than the other. Power was slowly gathering again and they didn't realize it was being fed into the Alpha as well.

"Dan we will be here when it is time for you to finally come to us. We love you and care for you and always will. You have a purpose in this world and you will fulfill it. We will be waiting for you to come to us." Her ghost fingers stroked his cheek and he curled over in agony. She and their pups wouldn't see him till he moved on. There would be others that moved on as well but she couldn't tell him when or how long it might be.

"I want my family back and my pack back. I know that I won't have my family back till they have reincarnated or till I die but I want my pack back." Tears were definitely flowing down his face when he said that. He didn't realize it he was pulling on the power of both his pack and Mari's new clan. He didn't know he was doing it but he wanted something of his former life back with him and in this world he was pulling on power he normally shouldn't have been able to.

As he was pulling on the power he was still on his knees and was curled up with is head on the cool wood of the spirit house and it added to his desire. Before he realized it there was a surge of power that was beyond what he had ever felt or seen before. There was a sudden snap of the power and suddenly it was gone. For him it was only seconds and an eternity.

Alysson was more than shocked when she felt a major drain on her powers and the powers of the clan. The drain was more than she had felt before and almost drove her to her knees. As she was struggling to contain the loss there was a sudden snap and the drain stopped but she could feel a change in the spirits but Dan reacted before she did.

Dan stood up and staggered outside and was shocked. There in front of him was his pack and before he could really do anything Mary looked at him, screamed and launched her body at him. The fact that she was going to take him out didn't matter. What did was she had her alpha back in her mind and she could feel his pain though it was lessened. It wasn't as bad as it had been but was still there. As he stared at them all of them were there including the children of the lycan/human couples.

Dan tried to brace himself for the lycan that hit him but she was crying too hard to really understand and he ended up on his bottom. "Oh god, oh god." He lost it and clutched Mary as close as possible. Part of the pack scrambled over to him while others were simply stood there in shock. A few even changed forms and were standing there snarling at all the strange wolves and other strange scents. All Dan could do for several moments was to glory in the feel of his bonds with his first pack.

Alyson had staggered out of the ancestor house with Jon's help. She was sort of staring at him and Mary and ended up looking at the sky. "Oh god, this is going to be interesting." Intesting in a bad way, or a complex way that was going to take the spirits to untangle though she was hurting as well from the massive power drain.

Though it took him several minutes to recover he finally was able to stand up and his face was a mass of conflicting emotions. The pack was starting to tense up because they had no idea what had happened to them and he knew that he had to put his foot down. "Enough. Calm down and I will explain as best possible." He looked around and started moving through the pack and passed out hugs, a few kisses, and shoulder bumps.

As he was greeting his old pack his new one was sort of gathering in a circle around the pregnant women and cubs. They could all smell that most of the people who had just appeared were lycan's as well and it really bothered them. At the moment they didn't realize that it was his old pack though he appeared to know them. Maric was standing at the front of the pack as a good Beta should. At the moment he wasn't sure what was going on but Dan didn't seem to be in trouble and was crying and greeting the new lycan's.

He knew that Alysson was going to have something to say to him about this, whatever this was. At the moment that had to wait since he had to calm the pack down. From looking at them most of them had been at work or school. Being seated at work and suddenly appearing here was going to be a big shock and especially when they discovered he didn't know any way to send them back. God he felt horribly guilty for what had happened.

Dan eventually handed Mary over to Ben and looked at the rest of his old pack and gave them a tired smile. "I have a new pack and this is going to be interesting." He looked at Alyson. "I need to talk to both packs and if you don't mind sort of in private." God he was totally worn out. His body felt like he had run several marathon's.

She nodded and there was a spiritual wave that flowed across the outside dining area. "All yours Dan and let me know when you are done." She walked into the house and left them to deal with the pack issues. Once inside she staggered to the kitchen and started scarfing some food down to help replenish her energy. Several others had come in as well and were devouring food. "Get a huge lunch ready. Hell for all I care huge stacks of bread and a shit load of meat and cheese. We just added about another thirty or so wolves to the mix and all of them are going to be hungry."

Dan lifted his head and gave a light howl which forced his new pack to form up as well as his old pack, in the case of old pack it was totally based on rank and not gender. He looked over the two ranks and smiled at them as they stared at each other. At the moment all the pups were in human form which he was glad for. It would add a bit of shock value. "I need to introduce you both to my old and new pack and then I will explain what has happened. This is my new pack," he named them, "This is my original pack, " he introduced them as well.

He looked down for a moment and then at his original pack. "I don't know what happened while I was running my brains out but..." Dan told them about his waking up and being caged, taking over the pack and most of everything that had happened. "And in the end this is not America, they have never heard of America. We can do things they can't and can't do things they can."

As he was telling his old pack his story at certain times there were more than a few snarls. They were related to the state of the pack when he took over and what he had found. Dan's face was serene as he was talking and lightly pressed on the pack bonds. "Relax. I have started cleaning up the packs that I am in charge of and yes I have four more that report to me. This world is very different than what we came from. It is a good world but different."

"The packs in this world are somewhat different than in our world. There is no central counsel of the packs either. There is so much that is different that I simply can't tell you." He looked down for a moment. "One thing I have to show you is something my old pack won't believe." He called Mari over.

"I will give further introductions once I have some room for us to talk in private but..." Dan looked at Mari and mentally urged her over. "One thing I want the females to know is that in this world females can bear pups. Mari is carrying my son and daughter. She will be whelping them in about three months. I don't know if this will work for you but I can only hope. Her mate is Lord Geoffrey Logan Heir to the Silver Kitsune Clan and you will give him as much respect as you would give me."

That definitely got a reaction from the females and they turned and looked at Mari. Mary couldn't help but move over to her and curl her arms around her and give her a hug. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see your pups Mari. If only they were mine." She snuggled close to her and almost got yipped at by Geoff.

Dan sort of laughed. "What is it with most submissives that they are huggers? Well other than Adrian." Mary this is, was, the pack submissive when I arrived. Mari, short for Marissa, this is Mary the submissive of my original pack." The two women were wildly different. Mary was as blond as you could get and though short was well endowed for her size. A sort of bubbly energy just seemed to exude from her.

Mari snickered and gave the other girl a hug. "I would say it was an oops but can't help but wait to see our cubs." She had to frown at Geoff. "Take a chill pill silly, she is female you know." She elbowed him in the side. "If anyone should be irritated it should be me."

Mary laughed at Mari's comment and glanced at Geoff. "Can I borrow your mate for a bit of cuddling? I promise to return her in good condition." She could hear Dan groan behind her and snickered even more.

Geoff grunted as he moved over and hugged Mari as well. "I can't wait till we have a few kits of our own as well. You are mine and I am yours and that is something I can't wait for." He pressed a kiss to her cheek and they both blushed as Dan's new pack cheered.

Suddenly Dan growled. "Oh god, let the dominance games begin. This is going to really stink." That was a definite growl. "I am not going to have dominance games for the time being. You are going to accept my orders and if anyone disagrees you will face me." He glared at both packs and all of them lowered their heads and submitted.

Ben nodded slightly. "Why do you say that Alpha? You are going to introduce us to this world right?" He had lowered his head but part of his job was to control what Dan ordered and aim it in a way that didn't confront Dan.

Dan growled at him. "Ben you really are not going to believe it but you stand heads and shoulders above all the other wolves I have seen. I am a good hundred and fifty pounds larger than most of the wolves. Hell Mary even as a sub is going to be almost as large as the others." He grinned. "Wait till you meet my new sub and you will die laughing."

Aiden lifted his head and pretended to growl at Dan. "Hey, submissive darn it, I don't do sub stuff since that is bondage crap." Everyone started laughing and he grinned since he got them to laugh. He might be submissive but he had a good sense of humor and was coming to operate on the idea that a pack that laughs is a happy pack.

Angie elbowed him as well and snickered. "That wasn't what you said last night my mate. I definitely remember you saying you liked to be on the bottom..." That got even more laugher till Dan's old pack turned and looked at him and they froze.

"God damn he is huge. Thank god he is a sub or I might just have to give up my job..." Ben wasn't a small man but much like Dan was much smaller than Aiden.

Mary couldn't help but grin and walked over and gave Angie a grin before looking up at the man. It was almost like a cat looking at a lion. "Damn straight we like being on the bottom right? Means everyone else gets to take care of us."

Aiden blushed and then started laughing. "True but I don't just lay there and take it... I think Angie would growl at me and I hate it when that happens. You know being a submissive male with a more dominant mate does have drawbacks..."

Angie really growled and punched him in the side though not hard. "You get the couch for the next two days..." She couldn't help but start laughing. "Mary, no teaching my mate bad ideas okay? I want him to come up with him on his own."

Everyone started at the exchange and started to snicker before Dan intervened. The laughter from both packs were rather forced. Things had changed radically in the span of minutes this morning and now they were going to have to refigure everything. His new pack was worried about having to be taken over by his old pack. They had seen Dan and if his old pack was anything near the size of him they were totally outclassed in wolf form.

His new pack were still trying to wrap their minds around the sudden change from where they had been to where they were now. Before they had been at school, work, or daily routine and suddenly they were standing in the backyard of a mansion that made theirs look sort of pathetic. The house was massive, they had gardens, not far away was the ocean, there were pools and sports courts in view and in the distance houses of some sort. What were they going to do here? Their entire lives had been overturned by a want and desire of their Alpha. Most of them understood that but it didn't mean their lives weren't totally screwed up.

Before Dan could really say something Sheliae walked out and Ben noticed. "I just wanted to let you know that lunch will be served shortly..." Her head turned and looked at Ben and she froze as she scented him.

Ben slowly walked over to her and knelt down. "Woman, I am Ben Johnson of Pack Cascadia. You are beautiful and thought it sounds possessive mine. Can I please ask you to be my mate?" Ben was taller than Dan and almost as wide.

She looked down at the man and almost froze when he took her hands. He had pressed them to his cheek and gave her a soft tentative smile. His scent flowed over her and as much fun as she had with Dan it was nothing to what was calling her. "I...I will have to say yes. So long have I waited for you my mate. I have counseled any number of kits for the clan but always waited for my mate and my own kits." Yes she had one and lost him but she had been waiting a long time for her mate and more kits. She knelt down as well and wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him.

"Well crap, there goes my other Beta." Dan muttered and got a laugh from Maric. The rest of both packs were standing there in shock as they looked at the two. "Crap, there goes most of my other pack." He muttered as well since he had a feeling that most of his first pack was going to be staying here. That was something he was going to need to talk to his old pack and new pack about. Damn it why couldn't he get a calm month or two?

Oh god, Alysson was going to kill him. With Ben to be mated to Sheliae she couldn't really stay here unless Alysson had some good properties nearby he was going to have to either find or take over another property. "God what the hell did I do? Why me?" He fussed and Maric snickered again.

He rubbed his forehead and then stood up. "There are a few other things we need to deal with right now. Ben and Sheliae come over here and watch." He stepped forward and knelt down. "Giani and your mousekateers come here."

They slowly did and he had to smile at them as he held his arms out to them. "You are going to see something you aren't going to believe." He told his first pack. "Okay you stinkers change."
