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Wonderful mother aspires to whoring.
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The children were always difficult and fractious on Tuesday mornings. Perhaps, Julie wondered, it was just that Tuesday put her in a frame of mind that exacerbated their childish misdemeanours. Either way, her best friend Miranda, who picked them up every Tuesday to take them to school, along with her own three children, was due in ten minutes. The children had not finished breakfast, were arguing about clothes in their bedrooms, could not find things they needed for school and – was it worth it for this one day a week, Julie asked of herself, as she did every Tuesday?

Ten minutes later the doorbell rang. The children ran to the door, not quite dressed, pieces of toast in their hands. None of them were willing to leave the house until they had kissed their mum. One reminded her that it was Dad's birthday today and before he came home tonight they were all to lend a hand in making him a birthday cake.

The door finally closed. A short pause and Miranda's car was heard leaving. Julie sat down, closed her eyes and tried to pull herself together in preparation for Tuesday. There was time for one final cup of coffee.

As Julie's car pulled away from the drive forty minutes later, she observed, always more acutely on Tuesdays, the daily picture of the affluent, city suburb. Young mothers, having spent the morning hurrying to get husbands off to work and children to school, were now walking back home in a more leisurely fashion, with younger children not old enough to go to school and stopping off to chat to other women. Some had arrived home earlier and were already outside hosing their gardens before it became too hot. Cleaning ladies were arriving; gardeners also. Julie waved and smiled frequently in the short journey to the end of the road.

Fifteen minutes later she crossed the bridge over the river and the environment changed. Now there were endless narrow streets with small, shabby shop fronts. As her journey almost ended she came to one of those areas, common to many major cities, that were in transition from long term dereliction to modern renovation: smart, artistically thought out house fronts mingling with empty, boarded up neglect. Outside one of the former she stopped. Parking here was still a risk but there was no alternative.

She rang the doorbell and he answered very quickly. No glances were exchanged but he was expecting her. She walked inside; neither spoke. He led her into the main room and they stood facing each other and exchanged a terse, routine, "Hi."

He asked her, "OK?" Which really meant, 'Are you OK for this today?'

She nodded a couple of times before saying, "Yes, I'm OK."

He took that to mean only a qualified 'OK' but for what reason he would not know and would not ask. She went into her bag and produced an envelope, which she gave to him. Again, another terse nod from him that indicated a formal 'thank you' but no more. She turned around and left the room. He put the envelope on the windowsill and gazed rather absent-mindedly out of the window.

When the door opened another woman entered only it was the same woman who walked out a few minutes earlier. Her make up was too thick, her lips painted a garish red; she was wearing a cheap, semi-transparent blouse buttoned only at the centre of her cleavage and tied in a knot beneath her breasts; no bra. Her skirt was yellow and obscenely short. Even without sitting down her legs were exposed between the tops of her stockings and her skirt. The stockings had a hole on the thigh of her left leg and on the calf of the right. She sat down on one of the few chairs in the room and crossed her legs, her skirt riding up her legs so that it now resembled a pair of pants. She lit a cigarette, took two long drags at it and flicked the redundant ash onto the floor.

He remained at the window but now looking at her, hands in pockets, assuming an attitude of indifference.

"Well, Loverboy," she began acerbically "what you been up to since I last had the pleasure?"

"Nothing much. How about you?"

"Usual stuff, you know."

She lay back in the chair with her legs outstretched on a small table and offered an uninterrupted view of her crotch. She now adopted the tone of a taunting inquisitor.

"How about the lovely Lois then, seen anything of her?"


"Good," she replied, warming to her task, "and how are things going with the lovely Lois then, Loverboy?"


"Fine! That's good!" She removed her legs from the table and leant forward, speaking now more quietly to suggest this was a more serious question.

"So, how many times have you fucked her since last Tuesday?"

He turned away from her and walked to the other side of the room. A huge smile erupted across her face.

"Come on, Loverboy, don't be shy, you must remember."

With exaggerated mock concern she said, "Hey, don't tell me you've only fucked her once!"

He turned to look at her but did not reply. She stood up.

"Oh God, don't tell me not at all!"

They silently stared at each other until he relented.

"A few."

She smiled, knowing that she had made him uncomfortable and that was good enough. Before finally relenting she walked closer to him, as close as if she were going to kiss him and whispered, "I bet she's a truly fantastic fuck, bet she can't get enough of it. Better be careful, Loverboy, make sure she gets it good and often, otherwise she'll find someone else to open her legs for."

Again he turned away without speaking.

She smiled, satisfied - for now.

She finished her cigarette and immediately lit another. At the door he stopped and turned round, suddenly asking, "Would you like a coffee?"

She dropped her arms down by her side and gazed open mouthed at him. Incredulity blazed across her face.

"Do I what?" she shouted.

He repeated his question but this time quietly, like a chastened child. This time she shouted at him so loudly he winced.

"Don't you dare start being fucking kind to me, you wanker!"

She walked over to him and thrust her angry face into his so closely he could see the small pockmarks on her cheap make up.

Quietly but menacingly, she repeated, "Don't you dare!"

A threatening pause then she continued.

"Tell me who I am. Tell me my name. Go on, tell me."

He knew the answer but the word did not come easily.

"Slut," he replied.

"That's right. And do you know why I'm called Slut? It's because I am a Slut, aren't I?"

Chastened further, he nodded.

"And there's only one thing Sluts understand, isn't there? Only one thing they're good for and you know what is that don't you?"

He did not move.

"Well, I'll tell you because just now I thought you offered me a cup of coffee and if I'm right then I think maybe you need a small reminder about the only thing Sluts are good for, the only reason why there are Sluts in the world at all. That reason is to fuck them, not to be kind to them, not to offer them cups of coffee but to fuck them, that's all there is to it, Loverboy. And that's all I want from you. And, unless you're a little hazy about what I mean by 'fuck' it has to be hard and quick. None of that 'oh so sensitive stuff – oh darling you're so beautiful, oh darling you're so sexy' crap'. I can get that any night of the week whenever I want it. You just make sure it's real hard and real quick. You don't even have to look at me when you're doing it. Nor make polite talk afterwards."

He listened to this without responding, without expression. After she had finished she continued to stare at him, anger exuding through every pore of her face.

Then something happened; the hardness began to disappear and her rigid body posture softened. She walked, with a slightly weary, slightly resigned manner to the window sill and picked up the envelope she had given him when she first arrived and returned to stand in front of him. Her voice and whole personality was different. She held the envelope in the air with an imploring gesture that said, "what do you think this is for?"

She put her hand into the envelope and produced a thick wad of bank notes. He looked down sorrowfully at it like a child might look at an expensive ornament he had just broken.

"I'm sorry," he finally offered and moved away from her.

There was a long silence.

"It's not working, is it?" She said.

"It's my fault," he replied from the semi-darkness of the other side of the room, "I'm sorry. We can make it work. I can make it work."

"Is the money a problem? Isn't it enough?"

"Christ, yes! It's more than enough."

"Do you know how long it took me to find someone?"

"I can imagine."

Long pause.

"Can we try again?" He asked.

She waited for quite a while before answering, wondering, now, whether anything could be retrieved.

Finally she answered, "OK. I'll need to go out of the room for five minutes – give us both chance to reorientate ourselves."

She left quickly. When she had gone he clasped his hands to his head, closed his eyes tightly and tried to summon up the mental strength to continue. But he had deceived her – it could not work. With someone else, yes. But not with her.

Five minutes later she came back into the room with the erstwhile resentment and animosity back in her face. She took another cigarette from the packet she had left on the table, put it in her mouth and picked up the lighter. Before the flame could reach the tip of the cigarette he walked over to her and seized her wrist aggressively, swiped the cigarette from her and crushed it in an ash tray.

"You ask in future before you light up in my house."

He let go of her wrist but in a fraction of a second raised the same hand and slapped her hard across the face. She yelled loudly, genuinely surprised at the suddenness of it and how much it stung.

He looked at her in disgust and said slowly, "Slut."

She felt better now than at any time since she walked in.

She put on a sad, whimpering voice.

"You hurt me."

"Sluts don't hurt."

"OK, if I'm a Slut, when are you going to fuck me? Eh? When?"

It was in the balance now. She sensed it. Could he go through with this? She glanced at the clock; there was only an hour before Billy, her youngest, finished school.

She took his hand, apprehensive lest he slap her again, and placed it inside her blouse on her right breast. To begin with his hand lay motionless so she manipulated it herself. Slowly she then removed it and allowed him to continue the massage himself. It was easier not to feel anything if she looked away so if there was the faintest hint of excitement on his face she would not see it. His massaging became rougher and he was now squeezing her breast so that it hurt, finally drawing away and tweaking the nipple hard enough for her to call out.

She now began to breathe heavily.

"Fuck me, fuck me now."

She took hold of the buckle of his belt and pulled him towards her. She undid the buckle but fumbled it. Finally releasing it and drawing down the zip she put her inside and found his cock. It was three-quarters hard.

"Not bad, not bad."

Quickly it grew to its full extent in her hand. She lay on the floor and opened her legs.

"Now, now, now! Fuck me, fuck me. Now, you bastard1 Come on! You can do it in seconds!"

He did not move and very slowly his lips parted slightly and he said, "I can't."

She howled in anger and frustration. He rearranged his clothes and walked over to collect the envelope and put it on the floor next to her and said, "I'm sorry."

He disappeared into the kitchen. She lay on her back, her eyes closed, slowly and silently shaking her head. She lay there for ten minutes until realising it was almost time to pick up Billy. Meanwhile he had returned and was standing in the doorway.

"Again," he said, "I'm sorry."

By now she was over it, resigned to the inevitable.

"It's OK, this will never work I know."

"It's just that...well, I like you."

"I know, I can smell it. I could smell it the first time I came here. The smell haunts me."

"I'd like to know what you mean by that."

"Do you really, it's a pretty desperate story, I can assure you?"

"Still, I'd like to know, all the same."

"I have to go."


She checked the time once more, stood up, rearranged her clothes.

"All right. Why do you like me? Do you find me attractive? Think I've got nice brown eyes. Nice figure. Nice smile."

The tone was sarcastic and slightly menacing.

"All those things, yes."

"Yes, that's what they all think."



"Is that such a bad thing?"

"For most women, no. Indeed I know many women who crave it but for me it's death."

The blank expression on his face screamed incomprehension.

"Those things have dogged me all my life. You see, I was a beautiful child. All the adults, family and friends were agreed I was a beautiful child. Then I blossomed in adolescence and all were agreed I was becoming a lovely young woman; all the boys were soon after me and later on their dads as well. Then I met my husband, who still tells every day how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. He is the man most women would give their right arm for because he genuinely does love me – always. When we make love in bed it really is love. And do you know......"

At this point she broke off and stared at him to make sure he really wanted her to finish the sentence ..."I hate it. Hate being loved. Hate all that drooling admiration."

The question 'why' was so obvious he could not ask it.

She was now ready to go but as she would never see him again she finished with the one defining story she had never told anyone.

"On our honeymoon we were on a train somewhere in France. It was evening dusk, we were somewhere on the edge of a city, Paris, I think. The rail line ran close to a street where the whores were easily visible, plying their trade. I sat in the train, in my silk pyjamas, sipping obscenely expensive champagne and I so wanted to be one of them."

She paused briefly in order that he might take in what she was saying.

"So," she concluded, "I pay...." At which point the sentence trailed away.

There was no way he could even begin to approach what this woman was saying so he said nothing but looked at her in fascination, knowing that at any moment she would go and he would never see her again.

She looked once more at the clock and said, "I must go."

"Once again, I'm sorry," was all he could offer.

She smiled.

"Please don't be."

She walked to the door.

"Oh, don't forget you money," he called.

"No, I don't want it, it doesn't mean anything. Goodbye."

Two hours later she was in her kitchen surrounded by three over excited young children putting the finishing touches to the birthday cake. When a car was heard arriving outside squeals of excited laughter rang out around the room. Julie walked to the door to greet her husband.

As he came in he called out, "Hello, darling" and gave her a huge hug and kiss.

"Happy birthday, darling," she said.

At this point the children emerged from the kitchen, with full ceremony, holding the cake, with lighted candles and singing, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...."

As the children excitedly told their father of the fun and mishaps there had been in making his cake, Julie thought of a train riding along side a road in the back streets of Paris and the whores emerging into the night.

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

All these pretentious comments on a bad story about a cheating whore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Have no empathy for a train ride

This story was an attempt at reaching something deeper than a wife and mother who wanted sex with another man and get paid for it so she could say she was techincally a whore. For her it was all about the train that stopped outside Paris all those years before. There is a voild within her soul and in my humhle opinion fucking a stranger as if she was a whore did not begin to fill the void. Her problems are far deeper and require a lot more work and introspection that comes with the act of an extramarital fuck. The author missed the mark when he didn't make this clear at the end of the story the fact that some part of her was still on the train staring out at people on the platform. I pity her husband and kids, she's in need of a great deal of help.

MilliemoonMilliemoonalmost 17 years ago
Very Good

A good story, newspaper article, TV program, is one that makes you think, makes you dig a little deeper inside yourself. This story does that. The reasons for her behaviour, explained near the end, the 'perfect' lifestyle she begins with and returns to, all make her behaviour more shocking. In this story I feel no sympathy for the woman but instead reserve it for the two men involved.

This is very good.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
Again - condemning a story for its subject

Condemning a story which presents as its subject something objectionable, say- a “sick woman” as you call it; a morally despicable mother and person, (call the character whatever you wish), makes as much sense as condemning a parody for making fun of people or of other genres or condemning a tragedy for making us sad or upset. Different literary works do different things. We choose the kind of read we prefer to engage in according to our mood, or who knows why, but it makes no sense whatsoever to say that just because the author did not choose to put in his/her story a woman who was the moral equivalent to mother Theresa or Eleanor Roosevelt, that author is sick and the story is so bad it deserves zero. Anons critics, had it occurred to you that the author might not fully support and advocate this woman’s character life style and beliefs? Is the only way you can understand a message of a story is when someone comes from behind the stage and says: “This was an example of a fallen woman. It may or may not be fully her fault. The author wishes to convey the thought that it might be in part society’s fault and in part that woman’s fault. The author wishes to give you the opportunity to talk among yourselves about sexism in our society. The author does not condone cheating in marriage.” Would that make the story ok for you? <P>

Now if any of you had one word about THE WAY the author executed his/her goal (what ever you think it might be) than I would have said - OK, even if I disagree with every word you say, at least you ask and talk about something that is relevant to the story.

With no malice and with respect to all.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
Anomie comes to mind

Actually much more came to mind, and in such a short story. I was reminded of Emil Durkheim and of course Camus and the Existentialism, but mostly alienation; that is the common denominator. Did not see it coming from the title…

Many years ago one therapist told me that we see ourselves the way we perceive people seeing us. At the time it sounded vaguely circular, but it was before I learned about the important theory of Melanie Kline regarding the development of the “self” in children, which is indeed an imprint of the way the parents interact with the child. No wonder a child who always gets reinforced for her beauty with no regard to her thoughts emotions etc. could grow resentful at all that “drool” even if it’s “positive” and “adoring”. Part of her could indeed be identifying with the “beautiful” label and at the same time wanting to rebel against it with the wish to be a prostitute who is pretty much a fantasy about abandoning all those that have defined her as beautiful. Sure enough, she will still be beautiful on the outside, but not on the inside (the way one could assume every one took it for granted, or worse - did not think about it at all). Acting out on such a fantasy would come with too much of a price to pay, so the next best thing is the “slut” game. In it she gets to act out all her resentment to the way she is perceived throughout her life with no pretence. The big question - where was she when the feminist revolution at its stages allowed women to shape their own image through their own actions; for example, by creating new opportunities, new environments for themselves? But that is beyond the scope of this story, which is therefore a bit anachronistic in my mind (could have been written about the end of the 19 century with not much changes). Still, it’s a striking portrait of the still sexist society and its destructive effects, not through preaching and outrageous plots, but by an incredible and poignant portrayal of one person. It’s an unusually good story.

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 17 years ago
Well written

'Joe;' A very interesting "take" on something my wife has had to cope with all her life. My wife, beautiful, especially as a child, has had to deal with these same outside influences. My sons, as teenagers, had many occasions for discussions <i>tete-a-tete</i> with friends who just couldn't help telling them how gorgeous their mom was. A beautiful woman isn't accorded the allowances extended to most other women. She can't have a "bad hair" day. She is expected to always be beautiful. Granted your protagonist's actions were a bit over-the-top, but, in my opinion, were credible as to what she thought would be a solution for her distress.

BazzzBazzzabout 17 years ago
Well Done

All of us dream of another life. What would it be like to be another person, or live in a different lifestyle. This is just a very brief look into one woman actually fulfilling that desire. I wonder if her anger is frustration at finding out that the life she had fantasized about was everything she had dreamed of? I am horrible at the reading between the lines stuff but I still love reading these stories. Great job.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Interesting story

The haters and revilers missed the point of the tale since their attention is latched to the act instead of the reason behind it. That's their loss. I appreciated the author's effort to show us why she did what she did, to reveal her disgust at her all-too-perfect life with its dreary, exacting sameness.


I enjoyed the story. Thank you, Longjoe.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Interesting - Puzzling & Puzzling

Forelorningly obtuse and non-filling - so if that's what you intended - you did it.<P>

Then: Nice work but to what end?

northbaybearnorthbaybearabout 17 years ago
Hey, it's fantasy! It's only a story!

It's original! It's deviant, and then some! It's fiction! Sure, if it was real life she'd be endangering herself, and others, but it's not real. It's a story. It's the product of a vivid imagination. It's a right-in-your-face story of a woman who has a strong drive to act out some dark side of herself. But, remember, it's a story!

I think it's a fascinating and new twist on the age-old tale of what does someone do who has this aspect of themselves that is unacceptable in "normal" society. It's explored here, and I like it.

Kudos to the writer for willing to share himself (or, could it be, herself) with us. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Loved it...

Nice to see something with a bit of depth and characterisation. Not sure I liked the main character or even understood her but I had to keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
A very sick mentally ill woman.

She is a lying betraying cheating adulterous wife who is a pure slut acting as a whore, her lifes ambition. She does not love, disrespects and dishonors, and places at medical risk, herself, her husband, and her children. She is on a path that leads to slow entual medical suicide if she doesnt become involved in drugs and die otherwise first. Best thing she could do, is divorce her husband, leave her children whom she hates, and either seek mental help or become a full time whore. Not really a loving wife or mother. She is very dangerous and seriously mentally ill.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
It's all about Hate

I found rage and hate in this story. She hates her husband, her life, her children and everybody that crosses her path. Her vengeance is becoming a whore. Maybe she will get her wish and become what she was meant to be: a hate-filled whore, standing on the corner waiting for Johns. Heaven knows she doesn't deserve her husband or her children. I found quite sick that last scene with the cake, her children, and her hubby singing "happy birthday." I've read sick stories, but this one "takes the cake." No pun intended...

datadyndatadynabout 17 years ago

Was this written by Microsoft's irritating paperclip ?

On second thought no, Clipit can do better

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Sick Mind,Sick Story

Here we have a very sick author who has written a very sick story.I would hope that they would get some mental help if they are not already under the care of a doctor.This story said nothing and went nowhere.

Orion623Orion623about 17 years ago
An Interesting Woman

A woman who defiles her family, her husband, and her wedding vows because she is lovely? A woman who is loved by her husband and told daily by him how beautiful she is wishes to be treated as a slut because she has always been treated as beautiful? The premise is unusual but, just like the man in the story, we are not given an explanation of why it is necessary for her to mar a beautiful life with the ugliness of being a whore.*****This is a very short story which leaves us to wonder about this wife and to hope for additional words to help us understand why she is on her chosen path.*****Very good writing.

thebulletthebulletabout 17 years ago
A bit too artsy

This was more than a little too 'artsy' for the (how do I put this nicely??) average Literotica Loving Wives reader. Probably would have been better received if you had made her into a Tuesday lesbian and posted it to that section.

The author was trying to write a short story with meaning, wistfulnes, unattainable desires.

The wife in this story was a woman made bitter by her own beauty; cynical, distrustful, ungrateful. She longed for what she didn't have, but didn't know what she longed for.

As I see it, she was a slut on Tuesdays just to attempt to find something different, something she saw from a train as it slipped by Paris's redlight district during her honeymoon: prostitutes plying their trade. Perhaps by doing that she could use men the way she felt that men were using her.

Just my opinion. I could be dead wrong. What the hell do I know?

Not a bad effort LongJoe. But allow me this one bit of advice: know your audience.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Didn't understand

I didn't understand this "story", in fact it was in most ways, just a series of words. What was the point, or was there a point to the story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Must be a private joke or something...I just didn't get it...,aybe there was nothing there.

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